The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 19: Sara

All the brothers watched over Sara since she came back to the club. They noticed that she kept mainly to herself. She didn't talk to any of them. We all knew when she first came she was interested in Dragon but now she didn't even show him any attention.

"She is due to have the baby in a week. We all knew she was giving the baby to Jim's VP and his woman."t"I heard from Tommy's woman that she doesn't think she is good enough for any man now. That is not true. Any one of us would love to date her."

"She is not herself anymore."

"Sara is too quiet now I heard that Cindy is going to train her once she has the baby."

She has talked about revenge against that bastard and his sister."

"Her for lying to her brother if she had not lied he would never have taken Sara."

"He thought Sara was Dragon's girlfriend."

I noticed that Jim, his VP, and his woman arrived two hours ago. They are staying until Sara has the baby and then They are taking it back to their clubhouse with them."

"I have noticed she doesn't have a sparkle in her eye anymore."

"I know she still likes Dragon but she won't show him she likes him." I also noticed that she doesn't get too close to any man and if they get close she will step back from them."

"It is as if she fears all men she doesn't know."

"I watched as she walked towards the woods. She spends a lot of time there. She shouldn't do that without a weapon. There are wolves in the woods. And they could be dangerous."

"I looked over at Dragon as he called my name."

"what are you watching he asked me?"

"Sara she goes into the woods a lot and she shouldn't do that with wolves being in there."

"I walked to the creek I found and sat down near the water. I loved the sound of running across the rocks. And soon I dosed off to sleep. I must have slept for an hour when I opened my eyes I saw a wolf laying under a bush watching me."

"I sat there watching it. And soon it crept out and walked over to me. I didn't move just watched it. Soon it stretched out next to me sniffing my belly."

"I prayed it didn't bite me."

"Soon it lay down next to me. I reached out my hand and pet it. You are not an evil Wolf are you I said petting it."

"I have to leave soon. Will you come back and visit me I asked it?"

"I come here a lot. The water soothes me. And I feel safe here in the woods. Away from all those men."

"I stood up and grabbed my belly as pain shot through me. I must be in labor. I started walking back to the club sweat pouring from my face from the pain. I noticed the wolf walked with me and stopped at the edge of the woods."

"I was doubled over from the pain when one of the brothers ran over to me."

"Sara are you hurt?"

"I am in labor and he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the clubhouse. As he stepped into the room he yelled Sara is in Labor."

"I carried her to the doctors room and lay her on the bed. The doctor told me to get out."

"I have been in pain before but nothing like this. I tried not to scream. But then after five hours I screamed out in pain. Then the doctor told me to push."

"I can't I said. I am to tired. I heard Dragon tell me I can do this. I grabbed his hand and squeezed. I didn't have time to wonder why he was there. After three pushes the baby was born. You have a son, Sara."

"No I don't, Mark and Mindy have a son give him to them."

I watched as the doctor carried him from the room." I walked over to Mindy and placed the baby in her arms. You have a son."

"He is beautiful doctor tell Sara, I can never thank her enough he is the most precious gift she gave Mark and me."

"Everyone looked at the baby and said he looked like Sara."

"We will name him Chris."

"He will be well taken care of we can assure you of that."

"I leaned my head back against the pillow and Dragon wiped my face with a cool rag."

"You have given them a special gift Sara. Don't feel bad for not keeping him."

"I understand why you didn't. We all do. It would be hard to keep a baby forced on you from someone you didn't love."

"I don't hate the child I hate his father."

"I just couldn't bear to keep him and remember how he was conceived."

"Mindy and Mark said they would tell them he was a gift from a wonderful woman. She just couldn't keep him."

"And she wanted him to have a good home with two parents."

"I thanked Mindy for her kind words."

"I am glad he is being adopted by you and Mark. You both deserve to be parents."

"And you don't have to thank me."

"I am happy that you were able to adopt him."

"I at least know he will have a good home and not be abused."

"No, he will not be abused. He will be well taken care of Sara."

"I know you and Mark are good people."

"We decided to name him Chris."

"Are you sure you don't want to hold him before we leave?"

"No, I don't want to hold him. I know he is not to blame for how he was conceived but I can't hold him or I might change my mind. I don't want to do that to you and Mark."

"Drive home safe."

"We will. Thank you again, Sara."

"Goodbye, Mindy. I wish you the best."

"I watched her leave the room and remembered that Dragon was still sitting in the chair next to my bed."

"You don't have to stay with me, Dragon. I am going to sleep. I am very tired."

"I didn't listen to her. I sat in the chair watching her. I wish I could hold her so she knows she is not alone."

"As the days went by Sara went to the woods more and more and one night she carried a blanket and pillow with her. What the hell is she doing I wondered."

"I followed her one night and saw her sleeping next to the creek and a huge wolf was laying next to her."

I didn't get to close as I didn't want the wolf to attack Sara or me."

"I walked over and made a small fire and then walked back to the clubhouse."

"I told Tommy Psych, and Vengence about the wolf."

"They wanted to be sure it was not going to hurt Sara so they walked to the creek to see for them self. They saw the wolf lift its head and growl at them so they backed away leaving Sara to sleep."

"Some how she made a friend of the wolf and he seemed to be protecting her. No one will get near her in the night no animal or human."

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