The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 55

“Why did you bring me here?” Ema hissed for what must’ve been the thousandth time that evening.

Amneris merely sighed. “Because I needed someone who knows their way around the Castle. Now shut up.”

Ema glared at the Queen. She hadn’t wanted to come to Crita. She’d wanted to spend the evening wrapped in blankets with a good book and a cup of spearmint tea, not break into a bloody castle. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been given any choice in the matter. The Queen had grabbed her hand and zapped them to Terpola.

Ema couldn’t deny she was impressed at being able to zap directly into the Castle. She knew teleportation was possible between the two worlds, but the Castle was supposedly warded against such a thing. That was concerning to say the least.

A hand grabbed her own. She was pulled to a stop. “What are—”

Amneris slapped a hand over her mouth, dragging her backward into a darkened corner. Two guards marched by. Once they passed, Ema bit the woman’s hand. She growled but released her.

“Thanks,” Ema muttered. “Next time just tell me to watch out.”

The Queen rolled her eyes. “What’s the most secure part of the Castle?”

The Fae thought. “The central chamber. Two levels down. The room below the Throne Room.” A half-hearted laugh. “No one would dare try to get through the roof.”

“Nearest way down?”

“Staircase at the end of the corridor.”

Amneris peaked her head out of the corner they were in. She nodded. The area was clear.

The two women ran to the end of the corridor, dashing down the stairs. They reached the bottom of the second flight with ease, guards no where to be found. It was strange, Ema thought, that the Castle was so empty. Normally guards and servants were everywhere. At this rate, they would be able to enter the central chamber with ease.

Things were going disturbingly well.

“What is your plan anyway?”

The Queen glared at Ema as they walked.

She flinched. “Or you could not tell me. That works too.”

“Just show me to the central chamber before I try finding it myself.”

That tone, it was terrifying. Cold. Void. Probably as dead as she was.

Ema did as she was told, fearing the woman she was leading more than the man threatening to destroy them all.

The polished wooden door was wide open—what the fuck? They could see inside.

Noise from inside. Ema pushed Amneris around the nearest corner, both watching as a servant woman walked out, closing the doors behind her.

A hand appeared on Ema’s shoulder. She spun, aiming for the kill—

“Gods!” she cried, lowering her hand which was less than an inch away from Jay’s throat. “Don’t sneak like that!”

Jay made a wounded noise. “Do excuse us coming to save you.”

“What were you thinking.”

Ema and Jay turned to Amneris and Colt, the latter’s words laced with a growl as he spoke. Colt was not happy, and that was putting it nicely. Their conversation—argument—switched to a strange sounding language.

Ema gave Jay a questioning look. He only shrugged.

“If you two are done having your lovers spat,” Jay said, “can we please get a move on?”

Ema peaked around the corner. “The bath is clear, you guys, so if we’re going to do with, we need to do it now.”

The Queen slapped away Colt’s hand and stormed down the hallway alone. Ema watched in amazement as the woman, without any sort of hesitation, walked right into the central chamber. There was a loud BANG! followed by a flash of light.

Amneris bolted from the chamber.

Jay called to her, “What did you do?”

“No time! Gotta run!”

With a roll of his eyes, Jay took Ema’s hand, Colt close behind as they ran.

* * * * * * * *

The four dashed through the corridor, up two flights of stairs. There were no guards. No one tried to stop them. It was too easy. Way too easy. Ema had a very bad feeling. She felt as though they were running straight for a trap.

Jay ran straight into Amneris’ back, dragging Ema with him.

She stood in the middle of the corridor, her staff in her hands.

Ema risked looking over the Queen’s shoulder. She regretted the decision immediately at the sight before her. Enliatu himself blocked their path.

And in that moment, Ema froze. This was true fear. It was different from when she thought she would die in that underwater cave. Entirely different. There was no doubt the man before her, the one wreathed with power, made her feel this way.

There was something in the Queen’s eyes as she prepared for a fight. She didn’t care if the three of them were taken down, so long as the Dark King went with them.

Say something, her mind urged. Anything. Stop her. Stop her before you all die.

Colt grasped the Queen’s hand, slowly pulling the staff from her grip.

Amneris growled but didn’t stop him. She turned to Enliatu. “Next time.”

She took Ema’s hand. Jay took her other. The four zapped from the Castle.

They landed with a thud on the hard stone outside the Palace.

Jay hauled Ema to her feet. She couldn’t stop herself from keeping hold of his hand as they watched the Queen push open the doors to the Palace, ignoring the questions of the guards stationed outside.

“Do I want to know?” Ema asked.

Jay glanced at her, a smile forced on his features. “Oh, you know Queenie. She’s off to plot revenge.”

Ema squeezed his hand. She didn’t know why. It just felt right.

He didn’t let go.

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