The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 51

Having decided he needed a day out, Colt walked the afternoon streets of Lapide. Too long he’d spent locked up in either the Palace or Forest House, waiting for something, anything, to happen. He was going crazy.

So far, he’d browsed stores within Crystal Square, not buying anything until his eyes caught a certain pendant which made him stop mid-step. It looked a lot like the one Amneris always complained about missing when it was on sale . . .


Looking through the window, Colt found the store empty aside from a young girl working the counter. There was no price tag near the pendant, so he went in to ask, the price leaving him gaping. Then he remembered he could afford it. The amount Amneris paid her Courtiers and those who worked in the Palace was beyond generous. It was no wonder she complained whenever the household’s bank check appeared on her desk. Surely one large spend wouldn’t hurt . . .

Naturally, he found himself regretting those words upon reaching Starlight Plaza. The blow to his budget was bigger than expected. Colt sighed, wondering how he was supposed to explain this to Amneris when the woman in question came into his line of sight.

She walked toward one of the cafes, stopping when she saw him and waving him over.

Colt kissed her cheek, his way of saying hello. “Fancy meeting you here,” he teased. “Are you not supposed to be in a meeting?”

“Nope! And please top the now contractions thing,” she sighed. “It makes you sound weird and old fashioned.”

He took her hand, entwining their fingers as they walked together. “What’s wrong with old fashioned?”

“You’re five thousand years in the future from where you were,” she said, looking over the café’s menu with a thoughtful frown. “The times have changed. Now, come on. I’m starving!”

Amneris dragged him into the building.

They sat at one of the outside tables after ordering. Colt had tried to pay but she insisted on doing it herself. Now he found himself watching, just watching the sunlight wash over her dark skin, turning her red-gold hair to fire.

Amneris kicked his shin under the table. “I can smell you from here. Stop it.” He stuck his tongue out. “So mature.”

She sat upright as their meal was brought over, thanking the waiter before using her fork to steal a piece of fruit from Colt’s plate. He made a wounded sound she pointedly ignored, turning back to her own meal: a large slice of warmed vanilla chocolate-chipped cake covered in chocolate icing. He swiped a mouthful from her plate. She feigned shock.

“I thought this city was destroyed by a tsunami,” he said around his mouthful.

Amneris nodded. “It was.”

At his questioning look, she continued. “The buildings close to the beach were obliterated. Nothing left but small ruins. The damage is less the further south you go toward the Palace; tsunami lost its power.” She pointed with her fork to the top of a neighbouring building, specifically at a line showing how high the waves went. “Damage is pretty obvious but those who lost their buildings are taking it as an opportunity.”


The wind picked up, a thumping sound from above. A dark shadow crossed the sun. Colt looked up, gaping at what he saw. A giant winged creature carrying stone and wood toward the coast. “Is that a dragon?”

“Yep,” Amneris answered, taking a sip from her hot chocolate. “Called in reinforcements from around the world. Voliabyi was kind enough to send in help with the heavy lifting.” She sighed happily and placed the cup down. “Amazing how fast so many recovered, but we’ve still got a way to go until all repairs are complete.”

And wasn’t that the truth. So many shops had boarded up windows, some houses being in a state of repair. Scorch marks could be seen on the streets and buildings from where the fire rain had hit. Signs of flooding were everywhere.

It was sad, Colt thought, but also incredible how well the people were handling things. Then again, they had an amazing woman leading them who was always happy to help her people.

As the dragon finally passed, he noticed something interesting. “You’re glowing.”

Amneris held up a hand. “Yes, I know.”

He swiped another bite from her plate. “Why?”

“I think it has something to do with the fact Tara released Enliatu a little over an hour ago and how he sent out a wave of negative energy which is reacting with my positive energy, but I can’t be sure.”

Colt choaked on the cake.

“Remember to breathe, dear.”

“Tara released Enliatu and you’re just sitting here eating cake and drinking chocolate?!”

Amneris raised the mug in mock-salute. “Can you really blame me?”

He sighed. There was no arguing with her. Instead, Colt changed the topic, reaching into his pocket. “I saw that jewellery shop you like was open.”

She burst into laughter. “Are you kidding? If the planet blew up they’d still somehow find a way to open shop and sell those annoyingly beautiful, sparkly, ridiculously overpriced rare gemstones they always have on sale whenever I’m not—Oh, that’s pretty!”

Colt was holding up the pendant he bought earlier. Amneris’ eyes followed the swinging pendant – the Lyriumian symbol of Naiu made of gemstones such a pale blue they were almost clear.

“Yes,” he agreed, “It’s very pretty.”

Colt stood, moving to put the necklace around her neck/ She lifted her hair so he could do the clip. She smiled, fingering the pendant.

Amneris tilted her head back to look at him. “Thank you.”

He leaned down and kissed her.

Wolf whistles sounded from the side. Colt opened one eye, seeing a group of kids out the corner. They looked around Hathor’s age. Amneris held a hand out and flipped them off, not bothering to take her lips form his. The group laughed as they ran from the pair.

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