The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 48

At Amneris’ request, Dan walked through the Palace Underground, where they kept prisoners until transferal. It was mostly unused, only a few people there. Some were prisoners. Some were guards.

In all honesty, Dan hated coming to the dungeon. Reminded him too much of home. Having been locked up for most of his life before death, it took away the feeling those who never experience it. The, as Jay would say, “coolness” of prisons.

Knowing his luck, Amneris had sent Dan here to check up on the newest prisoner exactly because of his hatred for dungeons. She could be cruel like that. Or because Dan was the one most likely to notice something was up. Maybe because the others were all busy.

His mind wandered as he moved to the deepest part. Rarely was someone put down here. Only one cell was occupied. Kek had been held for the last few days after a rather reluctant Amneris allowed him to be healed. She’d made sure six of her best guards watched over him.

As he arrived at the cell, Dan gave the men and women a nod of the head in greeting. He asked for the cell to be opened. Dan stepped inside and froze.

Kek was gone.

Dan backtracked, calling for the guards and gestured to the empty cell. “Where is he?”

All the guards were puzzled. “Sir?”

“Kek,” Dan insisted. “Where’s Kek?”

One of the guards pointed at the empty bed. “Right in front of you, sleeping.”

Well shit.

Dan looked over the guards. Something about them certainly looked off. Now he was paying attention, he could see it in their eyes, but magic wasn’t his area. He sent one of the Guards to get Amneris.

The Queen frowned at the cell. “Y’know, I really hate it when he escapes.” She turned back to the guards. “And you say he’s just sitting there, right?”

“Yes,” the guards answered.

The frown deepened. “You’re all feeling okay?” she asked. “No one’s eaten or drunk anything that didn’t agree with them? Anyone on drugs?” Muffled laugher, but all answered in the negative.

Amneris glanced at Dan, silently asking for his take on the situation.

“It looks like a bewitching, though I have no idea how.”

“He’s annoyingly smart,” Amneris muttered. “His powers are a mystery, only lets others see what he wants. I only know ’cause he bragged once a while back about being able to do more than anyone though. Probably what he used.”

She walked to one of the guards, taking their face in her hands, looking deep into their eyes. A sigh. “Dan, could you get Kayla and Hathy, please? Tell them to prepare six cups of Cregon brew—Carmin has some so you should probably get her as well.”

“What are you going to do?” Dan asked.

“Stay here. Keep an eye on these guys.” She shook her head. “Once we figure this out, we’ll decide what to do about Kek.”

“They are bewitched then?”

Amneris crooked her finger, signalling him to come closer. “See his eyes? The slight red tint around the iris?”

Dan looked closely into the guard’s eyes. It was barely visible, but he could make out a reddish hue mixed with the brown colour. “Oh, yes I see.” He stepped back. “Why Cregon?”

She shrugged. “Good for breaking spells.”

And that was the best answer he was getting.

Dan made his way back up to the ground floor and out the main doors. He spread his wings and took to the skies with a jump. As he flew, he thought back to what Amneris had said, that Kek had mysterious powers even she didn’t know about. It was troublesome.

The forest was a sea of green below. Dan dove into the trees, landing on the grass before the balcony. Carmin was waiting for him and waved him over.

“Trouble?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Amns says we need Cregon leaves. Enough for six cups of brew.”

Carmin squeezed his hand and lead him inside. Together, they pulled orange leaves from Carmin’s Cregon plant, its vines twisting up a wooden beam on their room’s balcony. They took the leaves to Kayla and Hathor who made the brew so fast Dan was in awe. With Carmin’s help, he took the cups back to the Palace. Amneris was waiting for them in the Palace hospital wing, the six guards resting on beds. The cups were passed out.

One came around faster than the others. Realisation crossed his features. He ran a hand down his face and swore under his breath. Amneris sat in the chair beside his bed. “What happened?”

Dan listened in on the conversation from where he stood beside Carmin. The guard told of how Kek tried to escape, but the six were able to stop and return him to the cell. That was what he remembered happening. Once the other five awoke, they said the same thing.

With their minds clear, the spell Kek placed on them was broken. They’d been watching over an illusion since he escaped. All six were in varying stages of upset and anger, and disappointment with themselves. Amneris assured them they wouldn’t lose their jobs. So long as they agreed to rest for a few days in case there were any nasty side effects from Kek’s spells that hadn’t showed yet.

Amneris lead Carmin and Dan to the hallway, asking the a Healer they passed to keep a close eye on the six.

In the hallway, Amneris stopped, let out a breath, and held a had out to Carmin. She glanced at Dan, worried, but took it. She ripped her hand away a moment later, grasping onto Dan. He wrapped an arm around his wife.

“Bad?” Amneris asked.

Carmin nodded. “Don’t do what you’re thinking of doing. Promise me you won’t do that.”

Amneris smiled gently. “I can’t do that.”

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