The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 44

Having spent the last two days sleeping, Nikki thought she was prepared for what today would bring. She had spent the better part of two hours after a large breakfast preparing herself. She’d dyed her purple streaks darker and straightened her hair into waves. She’d pulled her favourite dress—a full-length sparkling lace wanderlust dress of a purple so dark it was almost dark—from the wardrobe for the first time in months. She’d decorated herself with silver and diamonds, and found a fancy set of stilettos which matched the dress. A final look in the mirror had told her she was ready for the day’s battle.

Oh, how wrong she was.

Things were fine when she’d prepared to enter one of the Palace’s largest marble-covered conference rooms. She’d stood beside Amneris, beside Leo, and in front of Jay, Carmin and Dan. As the Queen’s Second, that was her place.

Entering the room had been easy enough, as had sitting in the correct places: Amneris at the head, Leo and Nikki taking up the spots to her side, Carmin beside Nikki. Jay and Dan stood near the door.

Now, looking at the faces of those who’d showed up to this meeting, all of whom were seated around the large table, Nikki felt her stomach from out of her body.

There were faces she recognised: Zane Wells and his parents (one of the oldest “pure Lyriumian” families), Ray Cross and her superior Alina (representing the Dreama people), Homa (Leader of the Dragonoids), Cascadia and Kai (representatives of the Water-Weavers and Zer respectively), Caden and his wife Diana (representing the United Fae Worlds), and Lvaane (the Old King of Lyriumia sitting beside Leo). The other members at the table she had never seen her before.

This was the largest number of leaders she’d seen in a room for a meeting in a long time. Nerves hit her like a punch to the gut. A part of Nikki’s mind suddenly regretted agreeing to be Amneris’ Second and having to help handle the more political side of things. She wanted to run from the room.

Under the table, Leo nudged her with his foot. Her head shot up. He gave her a reassuring smile before returning to his conversation with Zane. The Lyriumian winked at her. Nikki swore Leo went red. She dismissed it at as a trick of the light.

Clapping called the room to attention. The meeting had begun.

Amneris was first to stand a speak. “My Lords, Ladies, Leaders, Representatives, Ambassadors, etc., etc., etc., I thank you for coming at short notice. You have been called here to come to a decision on what to do about the threat that is Tara, as well as her mission to release Enliatu. Some of you have probably heard by now that she managed to gather all the items needed to—”

“Wasn’t it your job to stop that from happening?” one of the men asked, adjusting the lapels on his dark blue blazer. Nikki had never seen him before, nor did she recongise the black markings covering his pale bald head. His expression seemed to be stuck in a permanent state of what Nikki would call ‘arsehole’.

Amneris sighed. “Yes, Olysseus, it was my job.”

The man grinned openly. “So you failed.” He sat forward. “A young woman of not even three-hundred was able to beat the mighty Anmerankh-Karareia.”

Amneris flinched at the use of her birthname. “‘Defeat’ is a strong word.”

“Should the people of Lyriumia find another Ruler due to your incompetence?”

Nikki slammed her hands on the table, shooting to her feet. “With all due respect, Sir, if you only came to insult my Queen, the door is right there.” She pointed toward it, and toward the two males standing threateningly on either side. “We would happily have our people show you out.”

Olysseus sat back, crossing his arms, daring her to challenge him. “Know your place, woman.” He turned to Amneris. “Keep your Courtier in place.”

“But she hasn’t done anything out of line,” Amneris smirked. “And what sort of Queen would I be to question not only one of my Advisors, by my Second.” She snapped her fingers. Dan and Jay—who had been pretending not to look bored—stood at attention. “Would you two please be so kind as to escort Olysseus, Leader and Representative of the people of the Fae World Tes-Pyroc, and his party from the Palace? They have made it clear they have no wish to help us.”

Dan and Jay each placed a hand on Olysseus’ shoulders. The man shook off the grip, turning toward Lvaane. “Keep your daughter in line.”

Lvaane smiled calmly. “I am no longer King of Lyriumia, thus no longer in power over my daughter. She is in charge. If Her Majesty wishes you to leave, you must leave.”

Olysseus spoke through gritted teeth, “You will regret this.” He stood, sweeping out of the room, cloak bellowing out behind him. “This is not the last you have heard from me.”

Dan and Jay followed the man to make sure he really did leave.

Once gone, Nikki took the opportunity to speak again. “If anyone else came to throw insults at my Queen, you are free to leave. Now.

Three more parties stood and left. Sure no one else was going to do so, Nikki sat, allowing for a long breath to escape her. Amneris sent her a grateful smile and continued.

Strangely, Nikki had stepped outside her role. Everyone in the room knew it. No doubt that was why Olysseus called attention to it. Nikki had expected to be told to sit down and shut up, not encouraged and backed by the very woman who was supposed to order her to do so. As the Photon Queen had approved, no one else called the Second Out.

This was turning out to be one hell of a meeting.

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