The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 41

Carmin, Dan and Nikki had spent the last three days tracking Kek. There were a few times where they’d come close to grabbing him but every time at the last second, he would always escape or find a way to throw them off the trail.

Most of the time they’d spent relying on Nikki’s animal forms. Unfortunately, Kek had figured out this plan. There were a few times where Carmin and Dan chased after Nikki in her sabre-tooth tiger form, only to find her devouring an oddly large piece of meat which “mysteriously” appeared out of nowhere.

The three were getting more and more frustrated at their continued failure every day. More than once, Carmin questioned if this mission was a good idea or if they should’ve just stayed home. Oh, how she longed for a bath. Especially after that last close call. The three had found Kek and fought. Of course, it turned out they were fighting a double—figures, Carmin had sighed afterward—who threw her into the mud. It was dried in her hair, on her skin and wings. She felt beyond dirty, not to mention her legs and wings ached like crazy. Carmin could only hope there would be no reason to fly any time soon . . .

Nikki groaned, collapsing onto a rock, her unbound hair falling over her face. “I’m exhausted!”

Carmin sat beside her. “Me too.”

Dan stood over them, arms crossed. “You can’t be that tired.”

“It’s been three days!” Nikki whined. “I want something proper to eat and my makeup is totally ruined. Do you know how long it took to apply this shit?”

“And I want a shower!” Carmin moaned.

“Do you two ever stop complaining?” Dan shook his head. “Look, the sooner we track down Kek, the sooner we can go home. That means you can fix your makeup, you can have a shower, and we can all have something to eat.”

“But it’s pointless!” Nikki flopped back until she was half-laying on Carmin. “We’ve been tracking him for three days and every time we get close, he vanishes or tricks us. Unless you’ve got another plan, Strategist, I’m riding the next portal out of here.”

“I second that motion!” Carmin said.

“Since when do you give up?” Dan tiled his head back with a groan. “You are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever known. Niks is a close second. Are you really going to give up?”

“Yes!” the two women cried.

Dan made to reply, then looked into the distance with a frown. His fist clenched. “What would you say if I told you Kek was watching us and doing that maniacal laugh thing supervillains do?”

Nikki snorted. “Easy. I’d say you’re full of—”

“I mean it.” The Dragonoid male pointed behind them. “He’s right there.”

The two women jump upright and spun around. Kek stood atop a tall boulder, hands on his hips, head tossed back and laughing at the sky.

“What a walking cliché,” Nikki muttered.

Kek jumped from the boulder, landing in front of the three. “I can’t believe it took you this long to find me.” His smirk grew. “How has my dear old friend been doing since I last killed her?”

“Does it matter?” Nikki growled.

She shifted into her sabre-tooth tiger form, rushing toward Kek. The Shifter roared as she attacked, lashing out with her claws. Kek jumped back but Nikki was on top of him in a second. She pinned the Terpolite to the ground with her paws and roared in his face. For a moment, it looked like Kek was genuinely fearing for his life. He struggled beneath Nikki’s form. She made no move to let him go.

Kek freed an arm and flicked his wrist. A blade appeared from his sleeve, slipping into his hand. He plunged it into Nikki’s thigh. She roared in pain but continued to hold the man down. Carmin and Dan watched from behind, ready to step in should it be necessary. Nikki sent them a green-eyed glare. They stood down.

Carmin found herself amazed at the Shifter’s determination. Despite her injury, Nikki clawed at Kek. He stabbed her again. She tore the blade from his hand with one bite, somehow keeping his hand intact. The blade was tossed away. Nikki opened her jaws—

Carmin surged forward, placing a hand on her friend’s neck. “That’s enough. We need him alive.” Nikki growled but understood. Carmin rubbed the tiger’s neck and scratched under her chin. Nikki purred. “Good girl. I’ll be sure to get you a nice big steak when we get home.”

Carmin could practically hear Dan roll his eyes. “She’s not your pet, babe,” he said.

“Yeah, she is.” Nikki nuzzled Carmin’s cheek in agreement. “See?”

Dan threw his hands in the air, muttering as he walked away. Carmin watched as he picked up a stone, tossing it between his hands as he came back. He knelt beside Kek, the Terpolite still trapped under Nikki. Dan raised his arm, stone in hand, and punched Kek square in the face. He slumped, unconscious. Nikki let go, returning to her regular Fae form.

Carmin leaned down to check Kek’s pulse. It was still there. Thankfully. She sent her husband a withering glare. He ignored it, tossing Kek over a shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

Carmin sighed, standing and bracing her hands on her hips. “You could’ve just punched him. We need him alive.”

Dan shrugged. “Had to be sure.”

“If you say so.”

Nikki threw her arms around the pair with a toothy grin. “Alrighty, kids, we’ve finished our mission. Let’s go home.” She pulled at Carmin’s braid. “You need a shower.” She sniffed the air, then Dan, and grimaced. “So do you.”

Carmin laughed at his frown. “Maybe a bath with some scented oils would be better?”

This time, Dan was the one to tug her braid.

“Okay! Okay! I’m joking!” She pulled her braid free from his grip. “Mostly joking.”

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