The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 38

Without a second thought, Colt aimed his hoverbike directly toward Kek. He could hear Leo behind, yelling something over the wind about how if he did what he was thinking of doing, it would end badly. Colt didn’t care. Yes, the safety of the items was a priority, but he finally had the opportunity to confront the man who was not only responsible for his own death, but that of his wife.

Colt revved his bike, increasing the speed. The noise caught Kek’s attention. The Terpolite man grinned and, with a flash of dark blue light, destroyed the bike. Colt jumped clear a second before the explosion, the shockwave knocking him off would have been a more-or-less perfect landing.

Leo pulled his surviving bike to rest beside him and, with a frown, pulled Colt to his feet. “You and Amneris are very alike when you get pissed. And by that I mean reckless.”

“I am not mad,” Colt snapped.

“Sure you’re not.” Leo surveyed the area. “Where did Kek go?”

Colt pointed ahead. “There!”

Kek was making a run for one of the buildings. Colt took off after him. Leo groaned, yelling something in Latin before giving chase. Whatever he’d said, Colt doubted it was very nice. The General whacked the back of his partner’s head as he passed. That answered the question. Colt growled, pushing himself to move faster in his new body.

Kek had breached the building’s security when they caught up. The bodies of fallen warriors dressed in the Lyriumian hallways. Colt ran past them without a second glance, his focus on Kek. Leo, however, did stop. Colt thought little of it. He’d found Kek, the sound of fighting up ahead.

The room he entered, Colt realised, was the room Leo placed the items. How Kek had known exactly where to go, he did not know but wanted to find out. If they had a spy among them, that would be a bigger problem than the threat of the Dark King’s return. Not to mention blame would likely be placed on him. Or perhaps the newcomer, Ema, would take the fall.

Leo appeared at his side, panting slightly.

Kek noticed the men and laughed. “The Prince and the General. I am honoured.” He sketched a mocking bow. “But neither of you can stop me. You don’t have the power.”

“Perhaps not,” a female voice said, “but I do.”

Amneris stood in the doorway with a dark smile. She sashayed forward. “Long time no see.”

“Agreed,” Kek said. “For a moment, I thought we would miss our usual dance.” His face morphed into mock-sweetness. “I know what toll attacking a city on your world takes on your mind and form.”

Amneris raised an eyebrow. “You underestimate the abilities of my Healers. They are quite talented.”

Kek only shook his head. “Good thing I have a plan to take you down. Remember, I know all your weaknesses, baby girl. I can stop you like that.” He snapped his fingers.

Amneris snorted. “I’d like to see you try.”

To the surprise of everyone, it was Leo who burst into action at her words.

Colt watched in awe, the movements of both Leo and Kek so fast his eyes, now untrained, struggled to make sense of the blurred motions. He focused his mind on the battle before him, time seeming to slow down as the blurred motions became clear.

It was obvious Leo could hold his own in battle. However, it was also obvious Kek had the advantage of age and experience, having had an extra thousand years of training on top of that of the General.

Before Colt could even consider stepping in to help, Leo was knocked to the side harshly by one of Kek’s punches. He sagged to the floor.

Amneris raised her hand to her head. “Idiot.”

Because of course that would be her reaction, Colt thought.

Amneris unsheathed her dagger from her thigh, holding it on a slight angle. Colt summed the khopesh she’d lent him what felt like ages ago.

Kek raised an eyebrow at the pair before tipping his head back and laughing. “Do you really think threatening me will work?”

“No,” Amneris said.

She flicked her free hand toward him. Cyan light shot from her fingertips, rushing toward Kek. Where the light met skin, it turned into glowing cyan rope made of energy. It wrapped tightly around the man’s arms and legs causing him to fall to the floor.

Amneris sniggered as he struggled. “Can’t beat magic bindings that way,” she sang.

Kek slipped a knife into his hand from his sleeve, bending to cut the rope from his feet. He stood, making to cut the rope pinning his arms. Amneris clenched her fist. The ropes tightened. Kek dropped the knife. Colt held a hand toward it, the blade shooting into his hand. He tossed it away.

Kek growled. “Well, this is no fun.”

A flick of the wrist had a silver whip appearing in his hand. Amneris’ eyes went straight toward it. Her body froze, panic flickering across her eyes. Now distracted, Kek was able to break free from his bindings.

Colt swore a Kemetic curse. This was going to be an issue.

Kek looked between him and Amneris. “Two down, one to go.”

He lashed out with the whip. Colt expected the attack to be fore him, but it was headed toward Amneris! She was frozen in place. Colt tackled her out of the way, the whip’s crack making his ears ring.

He rolled over Amneris and to his feet. He took up the defensive stance he’d been taught so long ago, khopesh held before him and weight placed on his front leg. Kek took up a similar stance. This would not work. Both were on the defensive like this. One of them had to attack.

Colt took his chances.

He dashed forward. Kek rolled over his back, laughed, and whacked him from behind with the whip’s handle. Colt’s head spun but he was able to shake it off. He spun around, slashing with the blade as Kek came back into range, landing one hit across the chest.

Kek jumped back in surprise. He glanced between his bleeding cut and Colt. “Lucky shot.”

“Hardly,” Colt countered.

Kek dropped the whip. For a moment, Colt froze. Why would he get rid of his only weapon? The answer came moments later.

Kek surged forward, grasping the khopesh and ripping it from the surprised Colt’s grip. Kek twisted the blade so it faced Colt and plunged in into his stomach. Before it could be removed, a blast of cyan energy slammed into Kek, ripping him from his feet and sending him straight into the wall on the far side of the room.

Colt, grasping his wound, turned to find Amneris, her eyes glowing white with power, her fingertips smoking.

“Got him,” she said with a shaking smile.

“Good shot.” Colt coughed, falling to the ground.

Amneris rushed to his side. She hissed at the blade still inside him. “It won’t heal unless I take it out.”

Colt grimaced. “Just get it over with.”

“On three. Ready?” He nodded. “One.”

Amneris ripped the blade from Colt. He cried out in pain, curling up on himself.

“You said ‘three’,” he managed after a moment.

“I lied,” Amneris shrugged.

A whipcrack made her jump back, eyes flaring white and her body glowing. She growled at Kek, stalking around him on all fours, keeping herself between the two men despite her obvious fear.

Kek cocked his head to one side. “That was disappointing.” He brushed the ash remains of his shirt to the ground. “Was expecting more from you.”

He strolled casually to the centre of the room. Amneris leapt forward to attack. Kek merely turned and cracked the whip, the metal end slashing her across the face. She rolled to the floor. Colt, in his current state, could do nothing but watch as she came to a stop.

Kek pressed a section of floor with his foot. A platform rose from the ground, holding the items the Court had recovered mere days ago. He snatched them up.

“I’d love to stay and chat,” Kek said, “but I have a King to free.”

The wall behind him exploded. Amneris, Leo, and Colt were thrown back as Kek made his escape into the setting sun with the final six items.

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