The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 2

“Would someone please tell me who in their right mind would use that to stop someone from finding some clue to the items?” Carmin exclaimed as Lvaane healed the cut on her hairline.

“Whoever said she was in her right mind?” Leo murmured. What were you thinking, baby sis?

The wind-speed had picked up immensely from the cyclone headed towards the city – Amneris’ doing no less – as fire rained down onto the buildings and into the ocean. The shields were keeping most of it out, but they were weakening. Every now and then, small flares would slip through newly formed hole. It was enchanted fire, Leo realised. No wonder Carmin was so worried. Her own fire power would be completely useless. He had a feeling that the fire was coming from Tara or one of her lackeys but there was no time to find out. There were other matters at hand.

Leo jumped as a hand appeared on his shoulder. Nikki was standing beside him, lime eyes wide at the view before them. The rest of the Court was close behind. All were watching the city.

“So,” Jay started, “what are we gonna do about that?”

No jokes? That was strange, especially for Jay.

“We make sure the shields hold.” Leo pointed to where the shields flickered, holes forming within them and slowly becoming larger. They were close to vanishing. He could feel it. “We should also evacuate the city, just in case.” He turned to Lvaane. “Do you still have that kind of power?”

A sigh.

That was a no. “None of us have that power,” Leo muttered more to himself, “not even Hathy.” He looked around. “Where is Hathy, for that matter?”

Zoe answered. “She zapped out when Dan came for us. Something about getting help.”


Nikki spoke next. “Since he has a plan, I say we should put Leo in charge of this one. All in favour?”

Everyone raised a hand.

“Take it away, General,” Nikki said with a smile.

Leo glanced towards the storm. He rubbed his hands together has he formed the plan Nikki though he had. “Okay!” He said. “Zoe, you and Lvaane work on the shields. If you need help, get the Senior spellcasters from the Academy. They should still be there.”

The two nodded and zapped away.

“Kay, Jay.”

The two looked up at their names.

“You’re med team. I have a feeling we’ll need one for this. It screams hell and some may already be hurt. Kayla, bring your healers. All of them.”

When they zapped, that left himself, Carmin, Dan, and Nikki.

“We evacuate the city. Everyone needs to get to the Palace.”

Carmin and Dan, with a mighty flap of their wings, took to the sky.

Nikki was about to join them when Leo grabbed her arm. “Before you do, send messages to Ariuma and Iraliya. If things go to shit and the storm passes Lapide, they need to know what happens.”

“Makes sense.” She kissed his cheek. “See you later.”

The fire rain had stopped after it broke through the shields. That had been fifteen minutes ago. Since then rain had been pelting. The good news was that it put out many of the fires which broke out. The bad news was it wasn’t helping the shield repair at all.

A glance toward the horizon told Leo it was only going to get worse. The storm had not only built up in power but sucked the beaches dry. Tsunami. Of course, we now have to deal with that. Leo swore under his breath and added it to the list of problems.

Nikki’s voice chirped through his mind. “No time to focus on that,” she said. “We have a job to do. Oh! And Hathy is back.” Strangely, there was humour in her voice as she said, “She definitely brought back up.”

As if on cue, a man and a woman appeared in front of him.

The woman had azure shoulder-blade length curled hair and piecing jade eyes. Her violet tinged fair skin had few markings on it: a sparkling silver snowflake on each temple and a wave pattern twisting down her right arm. It was made up of shades of blue and white. The symbol for Lyriumia was on her left hand while the symbol of Aylesbury covered the right. A Water-Weaver.

The man had messy shoulder-length blonde hair and tanned skin – typical for a Light-Bender. His bright golden eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the storm. Like the woman, he had the Lyriumian symbol on his left hand. However, the symbol of Erstonia was on his right. A gold lightning-like pattern covered his right eye.

Their names were Tayla Fox and Ethan Young; two original members of Amneris’ Court. It was more commonly known as the Old Court.

The pair vanished as fast as they arrived. The pace of the evacuation quickened.

For a moment, things seemed to be going the right way. Even more so when the shields reappeared. Leo felt relief was over him. Maybe they could get away with little damage!

That moment vanished when she shields did.

Leo swore. The fire must have done too much damage.

Zoe only confirmed his fears. “It’s totally busted,” she said into his mind. “No chance at fixing them. We’d need a hell of a lot more time.”

“Which we don’t have,” Leo replied.

“Hey, if you’ve got any suggestions, I’m open.”

He had none. “Come back here,” he said. “We can get everyone out of the city and to the Palace, even if the city itself can’t be saved.”

He risked another look at the storm, cringing at the wave formed on the horizon. It was only getting bigger. They had to move faster.

The last people were evacuated moments before Tayla, Ethan, and Leo met each other in the city centre, having done one final check to make sure no one was left behind. No one had. They were the only people remaining in Lapide. The three were drenched. Leo could feel cold seeping into his bones from his drenched clothing.

“It’s too late now,” Tayla yelled over the ever-increasing storm. She pointed a shaking finger – Gods, how cold they must be compared to him! – at the closed wave. It was about to hit the city. “I can’t zap anymore. Neither can Ethan. Most of our power is trying to stop that wave,” she continued, “and it’s not working!”

Not good. Very not good. Leo tested his own small supply of power, finding it depleted. He gave them a grim look. “I’m all out, too.”

He glanced between the wave and the Palace towering over the far end of the city. The rest of the Court was there by now and were waiting out the storm with the rest of the city’s inhabitants. Their power would be just as emptied.

Leo faced the Light-Bender and Water-Weaver. “I guess all we can do is run for it.”

Ethan threw his hands up. “Dude, that is crazy! Tay and I are mortal. We have mortal stamina and are supposed to be in retirement.” That last part was directed at Tayla.

“I don’t see another way,” she countered, turning to her partner. “I can’t fly and we both know you can’t, so unless you have any bright ideas?”

He groaned.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

Argument over.

It was quite a sight. Three tiny figures weaving their way through the city and onto the main road as they attempted to outrun a wave larger than the Palace. And that was saying something. The Palace was one of Lyriumia’s largest buildings and had been built to withstand storms stronger than this. It was large enough to fit everyone living in the city inside and still have room to spare. Almost nothing could tower over the stone cliff it was carved into.

The only good thing about the situation the three were in was that the wind was behind them. It pushed them forward. Leo used the tiny amount of power he had left to give Tayla and Ethan a boost, allowing them to move faster.

He looked back, seeing the first wave begin to cover the sky above them.

The city would be lucky if it survived at all.

Faster, Leo told his power. We have to go faster.

The three shrieked as they were swept from their feet by a sudden gust of wind. It pushed them to the Palace but was still to slow. They weren’t going to make it!

Faster, Leo urged his power. Faster faster faster.

The first wave took out the coastline and beach-side houses in a matter of seconds. They were no match. It was like they weren’t even there! It moved threw the city at a steady pace. All that was in its path – houses, shops, theatres – were covered. Most likely destroyed. It wasn’t going to stop for anything. Especially not the three fleeing figures.

Tayla turned toward the wave. With a roar, heather exploded from her body. The remainder of the Water-Weaver’s power pushed the wave back. Barely – a metre at most.

But it was enough.

The three crashed onto a balcony. Ethan and Leo picked up the unconscious Tayla, half-dragging her into the safety of the Palace seconds before the first wave of many struck the ancient stone.

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