The Final Downfall [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: Book 2]

Chapter 14

Before he had time to think about it, Jay shot toward the Fae female. He was acting in instinct alone. He pushed the female out of the way but was unable to move before Festus’ sword went through his stomach.

Jay glared at the Terpolite and, keeping his gaze, pulled the sword from his own body. Jay thrust it at the man, the sword piercing muscle and bone as it went through his shoulder, pinning Festus to the stone wall.

The Terpolite was too shocked to do anything other than watch as Jay grabbed Ema, pulling her toward the group. They were also staring at his violent outburst.

“And suddenly I’m wondering why you and Amneris piss each other off,” Tayla murmured, eyes wide in horrified amazement.

Jay shook his head. “It’s a joke of sorts but that’s a conversation for later.” He gestured toward Festus who was attempting to pull the sword from his shoulder. “We shout get outta here before he actually gets free.”

“And her?”

Jay glanced down at the female. Her head was still bleeding from where she’d been struck. It looked bad, but that could have just as easily been from the water or lack of light.

He gave his girlfriend a pleading look. Kayla rolled her eyes but used her power to stop the bleeding. She put an arm around the Female, helping Jay drag her out of the cave with Tayla and Ethan close behind. The sound of Festus’ cursing followed them out the cave, through the tunnels, and into the open ocean.

As they swam, Jay could feel the eyes of everyone on him, on the unconscious Female between himself and Kayla. In all honesty, he had no idea why he saved Ema. She was an enemy of his people and yet, that one part of his still filled with loyalty to his fellow Fae could not stand to let her die.

No, it was something more than that.

He didn’t know what.

It took longer than expected, but the four managed to get Ema onto land.

While Kayla worked on healing the Fae female, Ethan, Jay, and Tayla found themselves staring at the bx from the cave. Tayla opened the case. There was a small dark velvet-like pouch inside.

Jay snatched it from her, pulling on the strings to open it and look inside. There was nothing but silver dust. At least, that’s what it looked like. He frowned. “What even is this stuff?”

“Looks an awful lot like stardust,” Ethan noted. He shook the pouch slightly, half expecting something more to come from it. Nothing did.

“Is that why that phrase exists?” Jay asked. “How does it go again?”

“From stardust we were born. To stardust we return,” Tayla said.

“That’s the one. Never figured out what it meant.”

“I think it’s a metaphor for how, in the end, despite our differences, we will all one day be stardust,” Tayla murmured thoughtfully, taking the pouch back and placing it into the crystal box.

“What are we gonna do with that?” Jay asked.

The Water-Weaver shrugged.

“You’re so helpful.”

“I know I am.”

A groan from behind made the three spin around. The female was beginning to come around. Her eyes opened slowly. It took her but a moment to figure out who she was with.

Ema shot up only to become pale, falling back down to the ground. “You will not . . . make me talk,” she panted through obvious pain and dizziness.

Jay rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t give me the speech.”

She looked out him weakly, eyes blazing despite her state. He couldn’t tell if it was from the company, the situation, or Festus’ betrayal.

Jay turned his back on her, his three companions watching closely. “Well, if she wants to stay, we might as well leave her here.”

Ethan nodded, catching on. “I hear this world has demons that crawl onto land at night and eat the weak or injured.”

“I once heard sudden storms can appear at any time, making sea levels rise fast enough that there’s no way to outrun them,” Tayla added.

“I hear that–”

“I get it!” Ema exclaimed, cutting off whatever Kayla was about to say. “I will tell you what you want to know. But you have to take me back to Lyriumia with you.”

The four groaned.

“It’s a simple request.”

“She has a point,” Kayla admitted reluctantly and to Jay’s surprise. “It would be easier for me to heal her back home,” she explained. “I wouldn’t have to worry about someone or . . . something coming to kill us while I work.

Jay placed a hand on his girlfriend’s shoulder. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asked.

“Keep her in the Palace,” Tayla said.

Kayla nodded her agreement. “It would be easier to keep an eye on her.”

“I am right here,” the female hissed from where she way lying.

Jay nudged her side with his foot. “Shut up. We’re talking.”

Ema clearly wanted to say something more but wisely kept her mouth shut.

Kayla glanced back to the small island across the sea, the caves hidden far beneath the waves. “Let’s just get back to the Palace before Festus comes after us,” the Zer said, pushing herself to her bare feet.

“Agreed,” Jay said, “He’ll be fucking pissed once he gets free.”

Ethan huffed a laugh as he and Tayla pulled Ema upright. “I’d pay good coin to see the two of you in a one-on-one match.”

“Maybe another time.”

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