The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 56

(Chapter song ‘Between The Wars' by Allman Brown)


I pace the ground, sick with worry and chewing my nail as I hold myself. I'm supposed to be concentrating on other things, but not seeing Bastian for the last three days, has my stomach twisted in knots.

"Sammy, please. You need to pay attention, alright."

I glance at Wren who's setting up the obstacle course I screwed up…again. She arrived two days ago to see if she can assess my wolf and try and teach us how to work together. Plus, she's a trained Alliance fighter so she's like my personal bodyguard, right now. I’m sure it makes Bastian feel better, but I’m not feeling the same.

"Wren, I can't train. It's been so long. I need to know what's going on." I turn her, flop my hands out and shake my head.

She places a pylon, stands straight and gives me a sympathetic look. She walks over to me and my brows stich up as my chin trembles a bit.

Her big, blue eyes meet mine as she lays her hands on my arms. "I get that you're scared. But, Sam. Bastian wanted you to train. You need to keep calm and keep your emotions in check for this. I understand you feel like crying, but don’t. It won’t do your wolf any favors. You need strength to control the animal inside, right?”

“Yeah.” I hitch a breath.

“Ok. Deep breath. Calm down and focus on training. Let’s go.” She waves me to the grounds and directs me to the simple obstacle course that will train my wolf to shift when I want her to and follow my directions.

"Now, relax." She shakes herself out and I do the same. She puts up a finger to me. "Remember. Call the wind, but don't shift. We're starting at the beginning. Ok? Concentrate."

I close my eyes and call the wind. It blows a little gust around my feet then dies. "I can't do it." I say with defeat.

"Sammy, you can do this. Just try." She encourages and motions to me as she leans on her knees. “Feel it.”

I close my eyes again and call the wind. It starts to blow and twirl around me.

"Good, Sammy. Keep going." Wren stands straight and walks around. “A little more. Stop when you feel the need to shift. Let the wind tell you when.”

I open my eyes and look around at the swirls of my hair. A leaf and bits of grass were picked up and I laugh as I watch them spin around my body from head to toe and back up.

The wind is a little stronger than a breeze and I feel like its cocooning me. I stretch out my arms and watch the wind swirl up and down them. I turn to Wren and give her a toothy grin.

"Ok. Send the wind away." Wren says as she waves her hand off.

I close my eyes and slowly lower my arms to my sides as the wind dies down and disappears.

"Excellent!" Wren smiles and give me a high five. "We’ll make a shifter out of you yet." She bounces as she places her hands on her hips.

“Miss Gale?”

I turn to a soldier standing on the back patio.

"Yes." I cross my arms and walk to the stone platform.

"The Alpha." He hands out a phone.

My eyes widen and I whip my head to Wren.

“Go on.” She chuckles.

I rush the soldier, grab the phone out of his hand and clumsily put it to my ear. "Bastian?" I’m suddenly overcome with so much emotion, I can barely say his name without choking.

‘God, it’s so good to hear your voice, baby doll. I miss you so much. How are you holding up?”

I walk around the grass and glance at Wren who mouths ‘be brave’ to me and I nod. "I miss you, too. Is there lots of fighting?"

‘No. Not yet. Another two days we get in position. Are you training like I told you to?’

"Off and on." I mumble.

‘Samantha.’ He warns.

"What? I'm trying Ok. I'm just... distracted." I scowl and look to Wren who has her arms crossed and a leg kicked out. She arches a brow like she’s saying I told you so. I wave her off as I walk by her and she smiles as she shakes her head.

‘You need to train, young lady. I don't want arguments. Am I clear?’

"Yes, Alpha." I grumble.

‘Ok. Try not to worry. I'll see you soon. I love you.’

"I love you, too."

He hangs up and I hand the phone back to the soldier.

Now, I'm even more miserable. I thought hearing his voice would make me feel better, but I feel worse.

I hold myself as I swallow past the lump in my throat. My eyes heat and I look to the grass. "I don’t want to train anymore. I'm going to my room."

"Ok, sweetie. We'll try again tomorrow."

I nod and turn for the house. I walk with my hands in my pockets, but I don’t go directly to my room. I ended up in my old room. I slowly cross the floor and look to the bed where I first opened my eyes to him. I turn and peer through the windows of the doors to my little art room.

‘I want this room filled with beautiful paintings.’

I can hear his voice and see his smile as he presented this to me. It was the best gift anyone had ever given me. And to come from Bastian… This was a big step for him, I think. I really think this is where I saw the real him first.

I make my way back to our room, walk in and head to the laundry hamper for dry cleaning. I pull out one of his shirts and put it to my nose as I walk to the door. I’ve never had a scent effect me so much. This must be a wolf thing because I can feel her calm down, too.

I take the shirt and go back to my room. I've never felt my emotions so all over the place like they are now. I feel like yelling, screaming, crying. I feel all of it and it’s not normal feelings. They feel more intense. It’s a fight not to jump out the window right now. I feel like I shouldn’t be this upset, but I can’t stop it.

I stand in front of the dressing mirror in my closet. I pull off my t shirt and pull my arms into the oversized, light blue, pin-striped shirt. I roll up the sleeves to my elbows, do up the buttons, leaving the top three undone, then hold it to my nose in a bunch as I walk to my paint room. I close my eyes and try to keep his face fresh in mind.

I stand at my easel and place a 10x24 canvas horizontally on the support bar. I glance at the sketch I made of him sleeping and smile. I grab my pallet and choose my colors to mix.

I place a paint loaded brush to the gesso covered linen and begin to put my beautiful muse where he belongs. On my canvas and in my heart.

I’m sure after what has been hours past, I find myself staring into his golden hazel eye. I float the tip of my brush over his muscles, adding subtle definitions and shadows. I put my brush down and step back.

I’m nowhere near done, but seeing his textured blonde hair a mess, his strong arm under his pillow and the sheet barely covering his hip, I feel like he’s here with me. I drop the brush in my oil cleaner and walk back to my bed. I curl up in my blankets and bury my nose in his shirt.

My fear is consuming me. My loneliness is embracing me. My emotions climb even higher. I know I'm supposed to be strong and brave, but I can't. Not when Bastian faces an army of thousands with no sight of the outcomes.

I lay in bed and softly cry for my beloved Alpha and pray that he's still safe. I inhale his scent again, let it calm me, then noticed something outside.

I get out of bed and walk to the window. I open it, tilt my head and see the prettiest blue moon I’ve ever seen. I was told about it, but to actually be able to see it now is… amazing.

All the talk I heard growing up does not do it justice at all. What’s more is how I feel. I feel something in the light it’s coating me with. It’s like a power that’s calling to me. It feels like it’s telling me that everything’s ok. Everything is going to work out. It feels like this moon-this special being-is trying to keep me calm in a time of turmoil.

I didn't realize what I was missing. Does this mean that I'm a really shifter now? Did Bastian fulfill his promise to help me find the wolf I’m supposed to be?

I also wonder something else.

As I lean on the open window, I wonder if Bastian is out there somewhere looking up at the moon with me. Can I send my love through you, moon? Can you make him feel me?

Can you send his love to me…




I sit with River, Luke, Jayson, Anton and Nigel. We're just outside the location where the battle for Black Rock will happen according to Comms. They’re headed this way on paws and by the time they reach us, we'll be waiting.

We’re kicked back against trees, rocks and logs as I gaze up at the moon that’s just starting to turn blue. The main event will be soon and I hope to god I get my chance with Sam. There’s always next year, but I’m selfish and I don’t want to wait. I’m making sure these Dragons die quick so I can get back.

As I wonder if Sam can see this, I roll my head to Jayson. "Remember sitting under the moon like this in Bridgeport."

Jay fixes his dog tags and military shirt as I cross my boots and dust off my camp pants. "Yeah, I do.” He rolls his head to me. “After 3 days of blood and death, I didn't think I'd ever recognize the beauty in anything until I was cleaning myself up in a tub of water and saw the moon reflected in it. We get all excited about the blue moon, but we never really take it in, do we?"

I look at the pale blue moon. "I wish Sammy could see it."

"She can't see it?" River asks.

I roll my head to him on a tree on my other side. "I don’t know about now, but she’s never seen it before. Side effect of being a turned human maybe."

"Do you think she could feel it?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't know."

I roll my head back to the moon. "Do you think it's possible to love someone as much as a fated?"

Jay rolls his head to me. "Maybe. I loved Wren for a year. I was dead sure, but when I stood in the moonlight with Sarah, it was a million times stronger."

"Really?" I look at him.

"Oh, yeah. Like I couldn't love her more if I tried." He smiles. He looks back up to the moon and points to it. "It does something. Amplifies everything in you. The entire world just vanishes and it's you and her. That's it."

I look around my circle. "All of you felt that?"

Luke kicks out his combat boots, crosses them and leans back on his hands. "Damn right. Then there's this pull. Like someone is dragging your ass around on a leash or something. It pulls at yoir chest and then snaps like a rubber band. It’s the weirdest feeling in existence, but makes aex ao much better."

“God!” River backhand his chance as he cackles and flinches. They both laugh and River meets my eyes.

"You feel like you're suffocating." He raises his eyes to the moon. "You feel like you're drowning, but you can still breathe, then everything goes electric. Like there's sparks in the air and everything tingles. Then you see her and you think, damn, this is all mine. It’s the best."

"I know I can't live without Sam. I hope she feels the same at the end of all this." I toss a little rock.

Anton is leaning on his bent leg. "I think you'll be surprised. That girl has a lot of love in her heart. Mostly for you. I've seen the changes she’s made in you. She's good for you, B. You'll see."

"Honestly," Nigel starts, "She'd make an impressive Luna. You can tell she cares for the pack. She cares for you, too."

"When's the moon again?" I ask River. With everything that's been going I completely pushed the blue moon ball to the back of my mind.

"In 2 days." River supplies.

"Wonderful. So, Chase wages war on the most special night of the year." I look back up at the moon.

"I guess he's trying to look special or something." Jay says.

River gets comfortable. "Well, we should all try to sleep. We have to set up and go over the plan at dawn."

Everyone settles in except for me. I'm caught by the pale moon's glow.

I wonder if Sam is looking at it right now. I wish she could see how pretty it is. I wish I could kiss her right now.

"Goodnight, baby doll." I whisper and lay down.

I stared at the moon, letting its blue light flow over me until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. Surprisingly, it was a calming sleep. I felt warm and even though it wasn’t true, I felt like Sam was laying with me in this damn forest.

I felt her body in my arms and her soft touch. It completely took away my fear that in two days, I may never see my artist again.


The next day, we all trudge forward. Carrying the supplies needed to fight nine thousand blood thirsty wolves through the dense forests of the Midwest. Supply trucks took back roads days ago to get in to where we needed to be, but moving 5, 000 soldiers had to be done on foot. It’s taken us four days to cross the terrain in the most direct route to the cut off point. We're heading them off at the pass just like we did Caledon.

Once we entered the giant clearing in the forest, we stopped. The trucks were at the nearest back roads and soldiers with ATVs and trailers funneled supply boxes to the camp.

As the boxes arrived, we unloaded double time, set up tents and moved the weapons and medical supplies to where they needed to be.

We don't know how long this battle will take, but we will fight it until none are left standing. At least, that’s the plan.

I wipe my brow with my t-shirt and stuff it back in my back pocket as I stack the hundreds of military boxes on top of each other outside the supply tents.

As I drop a box, Jay taps my arm with a bottle of water. "Thanks." I pop the cap and chug half of it.

He leans on a stack and smirks. "You know, the Bastian Cole I know, wouldn't be here. The Bastian Cole I know would have his army here, yes, but not Cole himself."

"I'm fighting for my pack." I shrug and cap the bottle.

"It's good to see man. I hated that other guy." He smiles.

"Yeah. He was kind of a dick, wasn't he?" I smirk as I move a couple of boxes.

Jay grabs a box and stacks it. "You know. I think Sam is doing something to you. For the better. From my experience, any girl who can change a man for the better, is the one and only. Moon or no moon." He puts his hands on his hips.

"You think so?" I arch a brow.

"Yeah, I do.” He looks me over then narrows his eyes with a grin. “I think this moon is going to surprise you."

"If I survive this." I pick up another box and start a new stack.

"We will. Things look dark now, but I know a thing or two about being the little guy in a fight. You'd be surprised at how strong we actually are.” He taps my arm with the back of his hand before picking up a box.

I was about to answer when a voice screamed across the camp.


We stand straight and look to the voice. A bunch of soldiers are running toward the camp and pointing behind them. The sounds of panic and orders start to rise as my eyes float to the trees.

Jay stands with me as we stand at the top of a hill on the other side of the clearing. I scan the tree line, then I feel it. I grab Jay’s arm. I look down at the slight rumbling in my boot then roll my eyes to the forest across the clearing.

“Oh my God.” He gasps as the treetops start to boil and shake.

“We're not ready.” I feel my heart start to panic. “We're not goddamn ready!” I push off him and run to the Comms tent. “RIVER!!”

I run across the compound and hit the pole for the Comms tent. I search then find him. "Riv?"

He turns to me and all color leaves his face. "They're here."

Just as he finishes, the forest on the other side explodes with growling wolves breaching the tree line.

"SHIFT! SHIFT! SHIFT!" I scream as I run across the camp. Bodies run into the clearing, jump into to the air and shred their clothes.

I jump and tear through my clothes, shifting into my tri color wolf. I meet up with Luke and Anton. Nigel, Jay and River are on our heels. We tear down the hill to meet the bloodbath that’s already started.

Please God. Let me get back to my Sammy.

‘UNIT 4 TO THE EAST! UNIT 5 AND 6 GET TO POSITION!’ River yells through the link.

We had five thousand to their nine. The rest of our units were still a day out.

Units 2 and 3 clash in the center of the clearing as I rush into the fight. My wolf rips and tears. I'm dropping Dragons like flies. Everyone I kill, I mark it for Sam.

There's so many.

I'm tackled by four, buried and fighting off the snapping jaws. I'm getting bit everywhere.

Anton and Nigel clear them off me. ‘You, ok?’ Nigel links.

‘Yeah. Let's go.' I confirm and lead them back into the ocean of Dragons.

The white wolves are still pouring out of the forest.

‘Anyone see Chase?’ I shout through the link. ‘Black wolf with a white cross! Who's got eyes?’

I get negatives from all over the field.

‘If you see him, he's mine. I get to be the one to kill him’ I demand.

I'm met with affirmatives and continue to rip throats out.

‘Bastian. Behind you!’ River yells.

I turn and I’m tackled down to the ground. I wrestle the wolf down to get him under me and I rip his throat out.

I stand and look over the field. ‘Luke! UNIT 7!’

‘Thought you'd never ask.’ He responds. ‘Alright, boys! Light ‘em up!’ He orders.

Unit 7 is a human form artillery unit. The gunfire starts as the Unit of a hundred soldiers enter the field. Silver bullets fly through the air as the unit mows down the Dragons. They're more vulnerable in human form, but the weapons give the advantage of distance.

‘Fuck! They're everywhere!’ Luke shouts. ‘We need ammo! Where’s the damn clips?!’

‘Shoot to kill! Shoot to kill!’ I bark.

I look around as our side fights with everything they have. Wolves are falling. It's like time slows down. I watch Luke firing his guns. Jay's shifted and is punching his way out of a deadly group. Anton and Nigel are being overcome. River can't keep up.

We're losing. Losing bad.

My thoughts are broken and time returns to normal as someone shouts ‘THEY’RE RETREATING!’

I look out to the field and sure enough. They're running back into the trees.

Luke slides to a stop beside me. "What's going on?" The others join our huddle as we watch the last of the Dragons enter the forest.

I glance at them all and back to the trees. "I don't know. A break maybe?"

'We better get ready." River taps my arm and we all turn back to the camp to get cleaned and patched up.

This is only round one and I feel like we were the losers here. Round two better yield better results or I’m going to be pissed.

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