The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 44

(Chapter song ‘Waiting for Rain' by Adam Hurst)


She’s torturing me now. Flaunting her freedom in my face as she walks through the halls of some sort of mansion.

Dr. Rennet. The son of Draco Torrent this whole time and I gave him full access to my head. He knew what he was doing and I’m starting to think that he set this up from the beginning. He knew who and what I was and he targeted me. I even wouldn’t doubt if he killed my first therapist. I guess I won’t know now. My human self is as good as dead.

She floats through the walkways and glances in mirrors as she passes. She's wearing a strapless, glittery white dress. She's pinned my hair up on top of her head, and she's wearing a silver tiara. She looks gorgeous, and it makes me sick. She smirks at me as she pauses. My eye color is now permanently pink. Whatever is given her this power, changed my eyes. Along with everything else.

She strides up to the mirror with a cocky smile. I lock with her eyes in the pink lights. ‘I can feel you in there. Our connection is strong. This is good. You can feel our strength and what it will mean to your people.’

“Screw you.” I snap.

"Child. You will accept our role as Dragon leader.’ She pats the back of her hair and checks her soft makeup.

"That will never happen." I grit.

I may not know much about the Dragons, but my introduction to them so far is one that leads me to believe their evil, monstrous people.

She chuckles. ‘Once the Alpha marks us, you'll have no choice but to comply. You might as well get used to this life. You're a queen. Your people need you.’

I sit cross-legged on the floor. "I'll kill him before I let him touch me."

The beast arches its brow. ‘That's why you aren't in charge.’ She touches up her lip line. ‘Our plans need a strong Alpha. Once we are marked, our full strength will be realized. You'll feel it as will I. The blue light of the moon will fix what was broken by the creators' captors.’

"What do you mean? What blue light?" I get to my feet and question as I walk to the wall.

‘The blue moon will fix us. We’re broken. Damaged by the ailments of the creator. The light from the moon can fix it all.’

She continues down the hall.

“The moon… It'll make us normal?” I ask.

‘Yes. It will right what’s wrong so we can rule properly. Right now, we’re…unstable.’

“That’s an understatement.” I groan and pace around the floor. “Chase told you all this."

‘Yes. He made me aware of what I am and who I’m supposed to be. He also told me you’d try to stop me. You'd involve the Alpha, and I can’t have that happen.’

“How?” I ask suspiciously.

‘He has skills. The ability to talk through the dream state.’

My eyes slowly widen. “My nightmares. They weren’t nightmares at all.”

‘No. They were pathways to contact me through your mind. To inform me of the plan to set in motion and when.’

“You used me?” I say with shock. “You’re supposed to be part of me!”

‘I am a part of you, but you’re broken. I need to be in control to fix that.’ She stops at the top of a set of stairs. ‘Now, hush. We have to attend a gala with the Alpha. You will comply, or I'll cut you off.’

I stood quiet because I needed to see everything. I need to gather as much information as possible.

She reaches the bottom and is greeted by a very large man with long, white hair. He bows, extends his bent arm, and the beast takes it.

They walk arm in arm across a vast foyer.

"How are you, majesty?" The large man asks.

"Just fine. Is the Alpha at the party?" She asks.

"Yes. He's waiting for you." He guides us down a wide hallway, and I hear loud music coming from large white double doors.

Two other white-haired men open the doors, and the ballroom opens up. It’s well decorated and dark. Gold lines everything, and there’s at least 200 people here, mostly with white hair.


“What?!!” I whip my head to the wall as the entire audience breaks out into cheer, applause, and laughter. She bows her head and enters in like some sort of celebrity. People gawk and praise her as she walks by them.

“All these people are sick!” I scan them all and their witness their groveling to her.

They call her queen, goddess, and empress, and it's all disgusting because I know who she really is.

At the other end of the wide open area, Rennet stands with a smirk on his face and a drink in his hand. His other hand is in the pocket of his tux pants. He looks cocky as hell, and his hair has turned from blonde to black.

I step closer and confirm. He has been in my head. He’s older looking, but that’s the same guy that’s been walking through my dreams. How could I have been so damn blind?!

The beast approaches him, and I suddenly feel warm. Almost turned on.

When she stops, Chase slides his free hand around to the back of her neck. He pulls her to him and presses his lips to hers. They part, and the two share a deep, passionate kiss as the audience breaks out in cheers.

Do they even care that she’s completely insane?!!

Instantly, I'm flooded with her arousal. She responds to his intentions by pressing her body to his. She starts to sway to the classical instrumental music that’s filling the room. Chase takes her hand and starts to lead in a dark dance around the floor.

The audience gossips and awes as our bodies twirl around the floor.

I feel sick. "Stop it!" I smack the wall right on Chase’s maniacal eye.

She ignores me and continues to dance with him. He spins her around and presses her back to his chest. He wraps his arm around her and holds her neck as he nips and sucks it up to her ear.

"You look gorgeous." He drawls in her ear.

"Don't touch me!" I yell fruitlessly.

He spins her out and pulls her back in as the party watches the pair. I catch the prying eyes of the onlookers, and I'm getting sicker by the second with the beast's arousal rising.

I can't believe this is happening. She's stolen my body and is using it for her pleasure. Not only that, she's making me feel everything she's feeling.

"Stop!" I pull at my hair as I back up. Please! Somebody kill me before this gets worse.

Chase's hands are all over her. He holds her close as he squeezes her ass. He bites her lower lip before devouring her mouth again. I can feel his manhood harden.

I feel disgusted and ashamed. I try desperately to cut myself from the thoughts and feelings of the beast, but she's throwing everything over me like waves from a stormy ocean. They crash on me and I feel violated.

I hide myself in the darkest corner and curl up in a ball. I shut my eyes and cover my ears as I pray for this to end.

When the song is over, Rennet leads the beast to a large set of stairs where a table sits on a stage. He sits the monster down and takes a seat himself. The party resumes and people either sit at tables themselves or continue to fill the dance floor.

‘You are amazing, my Goddess.’ Chase purrs before lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles.

‘Of course, I am.’ She says smugly. ‘Is this party for me?’ She looks over the crowded room.

‘It's your coronation and introduction as my Luna. Do you like it?’ He grins as he fixes her hair.

Her eyes flash. ‘Yes, I do.’

I snarl at the wall as I watch the whole exchange.

He kisses her lips. ‘I'm so glad. Tonight, we celebrate your ascension to the throne and the rebirth of the Dragons.’ Chase beams. He pours the wolf some wine then himself.

He raises his glass. ‘To us.’ She raises her glass and they clink together.

‘To us.’ She says slyly before drinking.



I pace back and forth in the common room of my pack house. We called the others, but it was going to take some time to get the back up we need, so now I pace here… waiting.

I’m trying to argue to screw waiting and go now. Anyone coming up behind can meet us there, but the rest aren’t having it. Cowards.

“Bastian, we need more manpower. We can’t go in there without help.” Nigel sits in an arm chair and Luke, River, Jayson, Wes and Grey sit on the couches.

Jayson's ex-girlfriend, Wren, showed up to offer her skills in pup control and she’s a damn good fighter. She’s definitely an Alpha female even though she doesn’t have a pack to call her own and was raised by the Security Unit from the age of 17. I don’t know why she just didn’t join Falcon Ridge as a pack member, but she seems to be interacting enough to wave off Rogue Sickness, so I won’t question it. I’m just glad she’s here.

Wren sits forward. “Bastian. Just call the Unit. We can storm the place and…”

I stop and shake my head. “I can’t. It’s too risky. The Alliance will tear her to shreds. Especially, if that thing fights back. I need this to be an extraction mission. If we can get to her, I can touch her and fix it.”

Jayson leans on his knees. “Alright. Here's the plan. We set up two teams. One from the north and one from the east. We keep mind links open at all times. We’ll send in the flyers first to get intel and form a plan once we know what we're up against. Scouts can escort them. We’ll have two trackers per team. Luke. You and Wren will be team one. I’ll call Shane and Hayden. They’ll track for team 2.”

River sits up. “I’ll set up satellite imagery. We'll track all the movements and report to you in five minute intervals. Anna can take Alexi and be the first wave in. They’re both light on their feet and fast. They can knock out resistance if we come to it.”

Jayson nods. “Sarah will head the flyers. I can set up three of them.”

I look at my friends. It’s hard to believe a few months ago I hated their guts. Now, I’m relying on them to save my artist from destroying herself.

I sit in an armchair. “Ok. We’ll need a lot of strength. Jayson. I’ll need about six of your strongest fighters. Three on each team. It should be enough to get us in and out. We have only one shot at this. If we can’t get her out, we have pretty much tipped off the Dragons and declared war.”

Jayson stands up. “Ok. I’ll make the calls and we’ll be ready in 2 days.” He pulls out his phone and walks away.

River stands. “I’ll set up the systems in the conference room. Send your communications people to me in about half an hour.”

“I will.” I nod.

“Alexi already knows the plan.” Luke leans back. “Just tell me what to punch and I’ll punch it.” He smirks.

Wren sits on the coffee table in front of me. “Bastian, I know we’ve hardly seen eye to eye, but I want you to know, you’re not alone in this. We’re going to get her back and I’ll do what I can to help her integrate with her wolf. I won’t let the Alliance touch her. I promise. I know what it’s like to suffer alone and be considered a freak. If what you say is true, I think I can really reach her.” She reaches out and places her hand on mine.

I give a half smile. “Thanks, Wren. I appreciate it.” I lean my elbow on the arm of the chair and rub my forehead.

Luke leans forward on his thighs. “When’s the last time you slept?”

“I don’t know. I can’t sleep. I keep seeing her face all twisted. The anger she had when she shifted, but I still felt her. The real her. Inside. I know she’s in there, Luke. I know I can help her.” I scrub a hand down my face and roll my head to him. I know I’m exhausted, but my drive to get her back won’t allow my mind to shut off.

Luke taps his fingertips together. “There’s really not much anyone can do right now. Why don’t you try to sleep? We’ll call you if something happens.”

I nod as I suck in my top lip. “Yeah. If I could just see her to see if she’s OK. I need to see her.” I run my fingers through my hair as I stood.

“She’ll be ok. I’m sure of it.” Luke waves me off. “I feel real good about this.”

“I hope so.” I turn and walk slowly to the stairs up to my room. I think to myself that I wish she had a strong enough mind link to reach me, then I could at least hear her voice and she could tell me what I need to know to rescue her. I’ve tried countless times, now I know why. She’s too far away.

I close the door to my room and don’t even bother undressing. I flop on my stomach on top of the blankets, bury my head in a pillow and close my eyes.

My eyes go dark and soon sleep found me, but it wasn’t quiet.


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