The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 39

(Chapter song ‘Evolution’ by Korn)


My throat is hoarse from screaming to the beast. My hands are throbbing from banging on the door that refuses to budge. I don’t know how to feel. My fear is there, but she’s trying to make me feel like her and it hurts. It’s hurts so bad, that I cried for hours. What does she want?!

It feels like she’s been running for days. I gave up at some point and crawled to the darkest corner of the void. I curled up into a ball and sobbed for Bastian. I cried for my family. I cried because of the pain she gave me and is still given me. Her hatred and anger is so overwhelming, I feels like my body is being crushed by it.

She has a power now, that I never felt before. Like she could actually kill me inside her. If I don’t find a way out, this void – this prison – could really become my grave. The question remains, what will become of her? What happens to my body if she kills me? Will she become me?

I sat in the dark with my arms around my knees and my head buried in them. I sniff my tears as I wait for whatever my fate will be. I can’t fight her. She’s keeping me weak.

As I sobbed, a growling voice rose all around me. I raise my head and stare at the dark.

‘Don't cry, little one.’

I get up and wipe my cheeks. I walk across the black under my feet toward the door. Once I get close, I lay my ear and cheek on it. I place my hand on the door at the height of my face.

‘Please stop.’ I whisper and slowly scratch at the wood.

‘It's your destiny. The prophecy will be fulfilled. You will choose greatness. Your kingdom restored.’

The voice sounded female, but had an animalistic undertone. It didn’t sound like it was coming from the door. It sounded like it was floating down from above. I push off the door in frustration and walk to what I perceive is the middle of the black.

‘I don't want this!’ I yell as I look up, spin in a circle, then stop my eyes on the door. My lips shrink and my brow furrows as I wait for the damn thing to open.

‘You'll see. We are a Goddess no man will contend with. Our kingdom will rise and the world will perish at our feet.’

‘No! Let me go!!’ I scream as I ball my fists and stamp my foot. Pathetic, I know, but what else I can I do? She may kill me, but she’ll never get my acceptance of what she’s doing.

‘Child. You were created for greatness. The Prince is waiting.’

"Prince? What Prince?! The psycho from my dream?! Screw that! Let me go!!’ I rush the door, pull on the handle, beat it with my hand and kick it until my foot hurt.

I scream a growl in frustration and walk away from it.

‘He’s calls to you. He waits for you to bear his mark.’

I look around the dark and flop my hands to the side. ‘What the hell does that mean?!’

‘You'll find out soon enough.’

I run my fingers through my hair and hold myself as I try to come up with some sort of plan.


I lay on the floor on my stomach, watching my fingertips slowly scratch at the floor. I gave up thinking of a plan because nothings happening until I can get that door open. I just don’t know how to do it.

I concentrated on the Prince she mentioned. I questioned, why me? Who is he? Is he actually real? What could he possibly want me for? If the beast is taking me to him, he could kill us both. It’s not like she’s stable. Can he control her? If this guy is the guy in my dream, why is he in my head? Has he been talking to her, too? I feel like a third wheel in my own damn head. I have no idea what’s going on.

My thoughts are interrupted when the dark fills with watery pink prism lights. I raise my head and off to the left of the door a sort of pink glowing window appeared.

I slowly stand and turn to it. In the haze of flowing color, I see outside images. I see trees, a road and grass. I tilt my head as I walk to the wall and study the images being projected.

‘Do you remember, child?’

The area looks familiar, but different. I search my mind like I should know this. I watch the scenery on the wall slowly shift. It moves forward and stops. The picture lowers tk the grass then rises up again. It stares down one end of the road and looks back the other way.

I step closer as I come to realization that these images are her eyes. She’s showing me the outside world. They can do that?

She allows me to use her sight as her head turns to a road sign.

'Welcome to Silver Lake’

My jaw falls slack, my lips shrink and I back away as the horrific memories flood my head. ‘Why are we here? What makes you think I want to see this?’ I clench.

‘This is where you were born. It was there that the creator left his mark.’

She sounded proud that the monster made my life a living hell.

I shake my head. ‘This is the last thing I needed to see.’

‘You must in order to truly understand what you are.’

‘I know what I am. I don’t need your help.’ I grit.

She looks are the area a little longer then walks on.

Then the wall changes. The bithc projected all the memories of that day in front of me. The blood. The screams. My parents pleading for their lives. I watched Draco tear them apart again.

I watched him come after me as tear stream down my face. My 5 year old self screams bloody murder and I crumple to the floor in terror and pain.

‘STOP IT!!’ I cry out as she bombards me with every detail of my nightmare.

‘Do not be upset. This is where your greatness was made child. This is where your power and strength came from. Embrace it.’

I stumble to my feet. My face twist to anger. ‘EMBRACE IT?!! YOU'RE SICK!! LET ME GO!!’

I rush the wall and slam my fists on it.

‘I have so much more to show you. You need to learn so you’re prepared for him.’

The lights dim and I'm left in darkness again. I fall to my knees and cover my eyes as I cry. The fresh reminder of my parents murder sat behind my eyes. Everything that I was trying to fix was undone in that moment.

I’m weaker. I’m stuck.

This fucking animal is bent on torturing the fuck out of me until I die.

I’m in hell.



"Damn it!”

“Again?” I watch Luke shift then walk around an area In the woods by a small creek. “What's going on, Luke?”

He shakes his head with his hands on his hips. “I don’t get it. One minute, her scent is clear as day, and the next, it’s all over the place. Like it's spread out.” He turns. “I can’t track it when it won’t remain stable. I think she’s throwing her scent trying to confuse anyone who might be following.”

“Shifters cant do that.” I say low.

He raises a brow. “This wolf scent isn’t normal. I told you that.”

“So, you it’s the chemical part?” I question.

He crosses his arms. “Yeah. She’s spinning us in circles.”

I run my fingers through my hair. “Well, We have to keep going."

“Bastian…” Luke starts.


He walks up to me and locks with my eyes. “I’m not saying that! This is the same thing Jayson went through. And I’ll tell you what I told him. Tracking isn’t magic. There’s all kinds of shit that can make it difficult. Your girlfriend has something in her that is making it extremely difficult. We're spinning in circles and I can’t track her. She’s too fast. I need more information.”

I pace in front of him, rubbing my forehead. My wolf is going nuts and want me to ignore him and continue looking.

Anton stops me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Bastian. She's gone. We can't run forever. Luke's right. We need a different plan."

I hang my head. "I can't leave her."

Luke steps to our circle. "Look. I'll call for help. Maybe ask Lex. She would know more about this than I would. We can get some serious Intel going. And don’t worry, if the wolf is what you say it is, she'll be ok. It won't hurt her. It needs her, alright. Let's get back and try to figure this out."

I scrub a hand down my face and lower my eyes to the forest floor. “Yeah, ok.” I try not scream, cry and freak the fuck out, but I won’t hold this fight for long.

"Retreat." I say reluctantly.

The others shift and I roll my eyes to the trees.

‘Sammy?’ I use my link and scan the trunks in the hopes that she's close enough to hear it. ‘Sam… Answer me."

My eyes float from tree to tree as the birds sing in the distance. The silence in my head makes my chest tight.

‘Answer me…please.’


I should of slept when I got home, but I couldn’t. Instead, I went to my office and poured over various maps of the Alliance, looking for anything that might indicate where she ran to or where she might be hiding.

Sammy's wolf may not hurt her, but if it loses control in the acres of forest, Sammy could die anyway with no way out and no control of the wolf. Then there’s hunters, the Alliance. The wolf doesn’t have to hurt her. Everything else could.

I’m worried sick and in new territory here. These feelings I have, they’re so strong. I've spent years worried about myself, now I’d die if it meant Sam would live. Even if she was the one who killed me. It’s crazy.

As I try to navigate my new mental state, my office door opens. I raise my head to Luke and Alexi as they walk in. I stand up further when Jayson and Sarah walk in behind them. My heart slams into my throat when I see who else is with them.

My brows cinch and I rush Luke. “What the fuck?!” I throw a hand to River, Anna, Wes and Grey. “They can't be here!" I flare my eyes at River.

Luke plants a hand on my chest. "They have the equipment and the muscle we need, Bastian. They can help."

"They're fucking Alliance, Luke. They can't be here." I flash my angered eyes between him and River.

Anna steps forward. "Bastian, you can trust us, Ok. We know. Luke filled us in."

"You fucking told them!" My eyes flash gold as I grab his shirt collar in both fists. “You want me to kill you?!”

“If you don’t let go in 2 seconds, somebody's dying and it isn’t gonna be me.” He snarls.

I pull him closer as he raises on his toes. “I should snap you like a twig.” My wolf rises and he jaw drops.

“Please, don’t.” He ticks his head and glances at River.

River steps behind Luke as he stares me down. "We're not going to say a word, Bastian. You can trust us.”

"How the fuck do I know that?!" I push Luke away and shoot daggers at the council Alpha. “For all I know, you’ve already told dear old dad. Or maybe they did!” I motion to the twins.

“We didn’t say shit, but we will of you keep being a dick!” Grey growls.

Dylan faces the group of Alliance Alphas with threatening look as his wolf rises, too. "If my sister ends up as an Alliance lab rat, everyone one of you will be torn to pieces."

Wes crosses his arms. "That's cute, little man."

Dylan gets up in his face. "Wanna test me, punk?"

River steps in between them and puts his arms up to their chests. “Alright, stand down, both of you!” He gives them both a stern look. “No one is wolfing out here. We’re not a threat so put the damn wolves away.” He glances at me.

I close my eyes and lock my guy up.

Jayson pushes Wes back. "Bastian, I know we've all had our problems, but Luke's right. If this wolf is as powerful as you say, you'll need all of us to contain it. I swear. We won't hurt her."

"You better not. Not one hair. You all swear on your lives that she will not fall to the Alliance." I growl at all of them.

"We swear, Bastian." Anna places a hand on his chest and the rest nod in agreement.

I suck in my top lip and nod, praying that I haven't just ruined my beautiful artist’s life. Of something happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself. I run a hand up my face into my hair as I turn around and walk to my conference table. I lean on it with my hands and think about Sammy.

Grey steps up behind me. "Bastian. All things aside, we want to help. Now, tell us about this girl."

I turn around and lean on the table. “Ok. I tell you, but I don’t understand it myself. I mean. Most of it makes sense, but there’s elements that don’t.”

I took a deep breathe and told them everything from the first encounter with her wolf, to the story she told me, that she was human, the possibility that Draco was a Turner, and finally, my ability to subdue her with a single touch that wasn’t working now.

"Fuck, Bastian. I'm your beta. Why wouldn't you tell me?" Nigel throws a hand at me with aggravation.

"Because it was supposed to be a fucking secret. She's terrified the Alliance is going to cut her to shreds because of what she is. I'm fucking scared too. With her out there, it won't be long before she does something and the Alliance gets wind. We have to find her first." I cross my arms and scowl.

"Ok." River pulls out his laptop from his pack and puts it on the table. He opens it and begins to type. "Her last known location was here. Now, we can run what 40 miles in a day?"

"About that." Luke leans on the table next to him. "If her stride and power is double, that gives us a 100-mile radius. Right here." He draws a red circle on the screen.

"Wait." I pull the laptop to me. "There."

"Silver Lake?" Dylan cocks a brow.

I look at him. "If she's not headed home, she's headed somewhere else. I have a feeling the place where her parents were killed is a place to start."

Luke turns to the group. "Wes, Grey, you're with me. I'll see if I can pick up her scent." He kisses Alexi. "I won't be long." He points to me as he leaves with the twins. "Call me if you think of anything else. I'll let you know what I find."

“Call my cell!” I yell back.

“Got it!”

I turn my attention to Alexi. "Is there any reason you can think of that Sam would just up and leave like this. Reasons that might relate to your family."

Alexi folds her arms. "I'm sorry, Bastian. I have no clue. But it does seem she has a mission. She's going somewhere, I just don't know where."

I chew my cheek and raise a brow. "Ok. Answer me this. Why is her wolf so weird? Why is it triple the size of any she wolf. It also had a purple hue to it and pink eyes. How's that possible?"

She thinks for a moment then her face lightens as something comes to her. "The lab." She looks to River.

My head turns between the two. “Lab. The experiments? Is that possible?”

River sighs and sits in a chair. “From what I’ve studied of the Torrent papers, it is. I can pretty much conclude that his venom had these chemicals in it.”

“Which is the reason her scent has a chemical mask to it. Fuck me.” I flop down in a seat, lean on the table and rub my forehead.

River nods. "Her scent? If that’s the case, it’s probably in her genes. I’d love to get a blood sample.”

I flop my arm on the table and flash my wolf. “Fuck off, River.” I warn

He holds up a hand. “Ok. I’m just saying… Just relax. I don’t need to be punched by you, too.”

Alexi stands. “I think I have something that could help.” She turns to Anna. "Anna. Would you be so kind as to drive me to Deruse."

"Why?" Anna cinches her brow.

"I just remembered something and I need something from my home. It's just a hunch, I hope I'm wrong." Alexi picks up her pack.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Something I've read. Anna we must go now." Alexi grabs her jacket and heads for the door. "Bastian, I won't be long." I nod.

Anna joins her. "Let's go."

Anton leans back in his chair. "What do you want us to do?"

I give a half smile. "Stop me from going insane." I lean on the table, rubbing my face in my hands.

River leans on the table. "You really care for this girl, don't you?"

"God, you don't know how much. It's like I was made just for her. Like we have this connection. Before this, I could put the animal away with just my hand." I hold my hand up. "But it's stronger now. Like someone got to it and juiced it up..." I sit back. "Wait...did she have a session with Rennet before this?" I turn to Nigel.

Nigel sits up. "Yeah, she did."

Dylan leaned on the table. "What? Do you think her counseling did something?"

"I bet that fucking quack pushed the wrong button in her head and activated her somehow. I just know that guy’s a fucking fake." I look around the room.

River folded his arms. "What were the sessions?"

"Hypnotherapy. For nightmares." I supply.

"If he didn’t know what he was dealing with, he could have tapped into her wolf through her. In theory." River says.

I turn to Nigel and Anton. "Find Rennet. Bring his ass to me so I can rip it off." I snarl.

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