The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 11

(Chapter song ‘Hot ‘N Cold' by Katy Perry)


“Look. I don’t care if Karver wants to go on a hunger strike. It’s bullshit.” I turn off Black Rock's main road as I hold my phone to my ear. “He could stand to lose a few pounds, anyway.” I chuckle as I check out the neighboring houses on my street. I like to make sure no one’s doing anything funky that might affect my property value. My blue Lambo speeds down the street and I hit the forest. “Let him starve himself…No…He'll do it for a day, then cry for food. Trust me. It’s attention…Yeah…I'll be there later…”

I hit the button for my gate before I get to the driveway. My tires almost squeal as I turn in and what I see almost has me crash my damn car.

I slam the brakes and lurch forward when I do. The guard on the other end is still talking to me. “Yeah. Yeah. I'll call you back.”

I shove my phone in my pocket as I lift the door. My jaw falls and I slam the door shut.

Sitting in front of my multi-million dollar mansion is a rusted out, leaking, blue pick up truck.

I blow an angered breath out of my nostrils as I stomp to the giant eyesore. The tailgate is down, there’s cardboard boxes in the back and I look into the side window to see who the fuck I need to kill. I can't see anything so I decide I need to knock some heads inside to get this trash out of my sight.

I was about to walk in when I stop in my tracks. Sammy walks out wearing a small, pink skirt and a nice white short-sleeved button down. I can't help but notice the buttons straining a little against the pull of her nice sized chest. Her hair is pinned up nicely, too.

The kiss ran through my mind, but I quickly push it out of my mind. I shake my head as I remember that I'm pissed.

She gets halfway across the walk from the front door and I stride to her pointing behind me. "Hey! Is that piece of shit yours?" I yell as I approach her.

"Excuse me?" She gets a little crinkle between her brows as she falters to a stop.

I point to the truck again. "That. That junk truck. Is it yours?" I glare at her.

"Yes, it is." She admits. Her face fills with offense.

I lean down to her nose and curl my lip. "Get it the fuck out on my driveway. Now."

"I was just unloading supplies for the ballroom. This door is closer." She scowls as she folds her arms.

"I don't fucking care! I have a staff entrance for a fucking reason." I point to her chest. "You use it."

She ticks her jaw. "Fine." She pushes past me to the truck.

I follow her as she strides around me. "You know, a successful decorator really should be able to afford a decent car." I smirk.

She stops and turns around. "This truck means something to me. I'm sure someone like you wouldn't know what that means."

She spins around again and her chocolate brown hair flares out. She gets in the truck, it chugs to a start and she drives around to the back of the house.

I shake my head with a groan and walk into my house.

"Nigel!!" I yell as I take off my jacket.

Nigel comes out of the common room. "You're home early."

"Pain pills, now." I bark. I head to the common room.

I sink into a couch while I rub my temples. I don't normally get headaches, but my blood pressure’s through the roof and my wolf hasn't laid off me for the last two days. I think I'll have to run him later.

As I wait for my pain killers, I hear a voice I really don't want to hear right now.

"You know, you can stop yelling at any time."

I roll my head to the entrance. “What do you want, Caroline."

I pretty much know what Caroline Wiles wants, but I ask anyway.

She sits beside me. “You look stressed, Bastian. I think you need a vacation.” She picks something off my shirt and I shake my head.

“No. You need a vacation. You just want me to pay for it.” I lean my head back and close my eyes.

“Bastian. You don’t have to be rude. A break would be good for you. Look at yourself.” She leans on the back of the couch and twirls her hair as her loose blouse falls to expose the side of her breast to me. It’s amazing how a woman can dress nice, yet still look trashy.

“What I need is you idiotic people to leave me alone. God. Quit hounding me for shit.” I scowl and stand up. I walk past her and walk to the dining hall. I grab a bottle of water and come back.

She’s still there.

“You owe me, Bastian.” She says low.

“I don’t owe you dick.” I say as I sit back down.

She leans to me. “I’m here as your eye candy and to take your shit. If you think that doesn’t come with a price, think again. I’m booking two first class tickets to Baha and paying for it out of your account. Be ready to leave in a week.” She taps my leg and leaves.

I shake my head. I should just kick her out, but she’s right. When shit happens and I need a woman on my arm, it's good to have a gorgeous one hanging around. Appearances being what they are.

“Your pain pills and paperwork that needs your signature.” Nigel drops the pills in my open hand and I pop them in my mouth. I take a swig of water and put the bottle on the coffee table.

I take the file. “What’s this?”

“Vetting applications. They passed. They just need to be signed.” He shrugs. "Bad day?"

"You have no idea." I shake my head. "By the way. Don't allow the staff to park in front." I point to him as I read.

He puts his hands up. "Hey, I just didn't want her to hurt herself. She had a lot of boxes."

"Whatever. I don't want junk cars in front of the house. It looks bad." I pull a pen out of my pocket and sign the first one.

"Ok. But your stress really can't be a junk truck. What's going on?" He leans on the back of the couch.

I lean back. "The ball. The Head Alpha position. The shrink crawling around my prison trying to find Dragons to release. The decorator driving me insane. My wolf going nuts..."

He looks at me with confusion and smiles. "How can Sam drive you nuts she's only been here for couple of weeks?"

"Yeah, and in that time, she's turned my house into a strip club try out and a junk yard. Plus, she yelled at me. It made me mad." I go back to reading.

Nigel snorts. "Are you sure you're mad and it's not something else?"

'What do you mean?" I arch a brow.

"You sure you don't want her?" He smiles.

"What? No. She's so far from my type.” I snort.

I mean, yeah, she's hot. But she has no style. No class. Look at her truck. God, no. I wouldn't be caught dead with a chick like that.

“There’s something, Bastian. I’ve never seen you this worked up by a girl before. Certainly, one you haven’t even been with. Are you sure?” He raises a brow.

“Yes, Nigel. I’m not interested in a low class decorator.” I clench and I go back to signing.

“We need to talk.”

“Oh…um…Hi, Sammy.” Nigel turns to Sammy standing at the end of the couch with her arms crossed. I glance up at her and her jaw ticks.

“Hi, Nigel. Can I steal the Alpha for a minute?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ve got lots to do anyway. Nice seeing you again.” He stands and I roll my eyes.

She walks to me and sits on the coffee table across from me. She crosses her legs and her arms.

I drop my paperwork and sigh. “What do you want to talk about, Sam?”

She tilts her head. “Let’s see, Bastian. Maybe about how you kissed me yesterday, yet screamed at me about my truck today? Let’s talk about that.” She looks adorable as her lips turn to an angered frown.

“What’s there to talk about?” I get a snarky, uncaring look on my face. “You think a kiss from me grants you special privilege or something? Baby doll. I kiss 5 women a day, at least. It meant nothing.”

She narrows her eyes. “I’m so not your baby doll.”

Her denial’s even cuter.

I lean forward. “Trust me. If I wanted to make you my baby doll, I will. I always get what I want.” I smirk.

She leans to me. “That will never happen.”

Even her little protests are sweet. I like this.

I tilt my head and look into her eyes. “One thing you have to learn about me, Sam. I love a challenge, and I…always win.” I smile smugly and lean back.

She crosses her wrists on her knee. “You really think that, don’t you? You honestly believe that kissing me will automatically make me forget the fact that you’re nothing but a giant horse’s ass.” She huffs a chuckle.

“A horse’s ass that signs your paycheck.” I raise a brow and wiggle my pen in my fingers.

She stares at me for a second, then shakes her head. “I don’t need this.”

She stands and I watch her leave. “Sam!”

She throws up her hands and walks out toward the ballroom.

I sit and look at the spot she was sitting in. I twist my lips and realize…my headaches gone and it wasn’t the pain pills. “Sam, wait!”

I get up and jog to the ballroom. I slow down at the door and find her packing her stuff up. She grabs a box and walks toward me.

“Sammy.” I say to her as she pushes past me.

“No, Bastian. I quit. I don’t need your money this badly.” She says without looking back.

“Fine. I’ll just take back the advances I gave you.” I challenge.

“Call Eric. He’ll cut you a check!” She shoves the service door open and strides across the parking lot to her truck.

“Sam, come on!” I say to her back as she drops the tailgate and puts the box in the back. I grab the box and pull it out.

“Bastian!” She glares at me.

“You can’t go.” I say raise my chin to her.

“I can, too. Give me my stuff back.” She demands.

“No. It’s too late to find a replacement. I refuse to release you out of your contract.” I drop the box on the pavement beside me and stand with my arms crossed.

“You can’t do that.” She snarls.

“I can.” I don’t actually think I can, but I’ll find a way.

She places her hands on her hips and looks to the ground. She looks up at me. “Fine.” She steps up to me and points in my face. “If you continue to yell at me like you did today, sue my ass. I don’t care. My work environment is harassment free. All this attitude you have towards me stops right now.”

I smile. “But you like the kisses.”

She sighs and shakes her head. “I really don’t, Bastian. Leave me alone.” She snatches the box and walks back into the house.

I close the tailgate for her and pull out a handkerchief to wipe my hands as I look at the door.

Why did I fold and not treat her like Caroline? First. My money. She looked at it like it was nothing. I know she needs this job to keep her head above water and she was willing to throw it away for her principles instead of bending to me like all the other girls do.

Second. My wolf. That whole exchange, he was quiet. He didn’t even whine. He sat behind my ribs and listened. I don’t know what he was listening for, but it’s the most relief I had from him in days.

This is why I didn’t just let her walk out. I need to find out why. What does this all mean? I’ve been with countless women. They’re all the same in every fashion, except Sammy. For the first time in my life, I feel like someone else is calling the shots. I’m certainly uncomfortable about it, but instead of walking away, I’m drawn to it. Like a new addiction or something.

Am I going to flip the switch on my personality? No. I’m still Bastian Cole, hot millionaire playboy. It’s just this playboy isn’t going to let this one get away.

Nope. It’s just another challenge, think as I walk into the house.

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