The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 40

(Chapter song ‘Lost in Love' by Air Supply)


“Ugh…5 more minutes…”

I groan and throw the blanket over my head to block out the light that hit my eyes. What a wild night, but it felt so damn good.

It was so good, I don’t want to get up. I just want to lay in bed with my baby and make her scream my name all day.

Yes, I’m feeling that fan-fucking-tastic.

I slept like a rock after satisfying every inch of Alexi. It was the best sleep I had in years.

Speaking of my sexy red head.

I reach my arm out and the bed is cold. I raise my head and look to where Alexi is supposed to be. She's not there. I look around the room and call out to the bathroom. "Alexi?"

No answer. I sit up quickly. My brows raise and my lips shrink. She wouldn't.

I pull the sheets off in a panic, get out of bed and throw my jeans on. I barely have them pulled up as I rush out of my room and practically run downstairs. As I try not to fall, I fumble with my zipper, catch myself in the teeth, curse a blue streak and get it done up.

I jump the bottom landing and hit the floor running to the common room. Gavin is casually sipping coffee on the couch while watching the news. I slam into the arm of it and he whips his head to me then he starts to chuckle.

I scowl. “What?”

“You definitely look like you had a rough night.” He points to my hair and I look up.

“Ugh!” I run my fingers through it with irritation. "Have you seen Alexi?"

Still chucking, he thumbs over his shoulder. "Yeah. She’s out back.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Thanks."

He smiles. “I hope every morning isn’t going to begin with you in cardiac arrest.”

I sit in the seat beside him and roll my head his way. “You have know idea how sneaky she can be. It doesn’t help that she knows how to knock me out.”

“In more ways than one.” He ticks his head to me.

I point to his nose. “Watch it.”

He laughs more and I get up.

I walk to the hall leading to the back of the house. I pass the game room and the training room before turning left and stopping at a set of white french doors. One’s open and a smile grows when I see what’s on the other side of it.

I can smell her scent on the gentle breeze that's blowing into the house and I casually cross my arms. I lean on the door frame and just enjoy the sight in silence. I feel myself relax more as her scent dances around my nose. I could totally get drunk off it.

In the warmth of the sun, she's sitting in the grass. Her blue, light flowing skirt is spread out around her legs. The wind lifts the edges of it. She’s wearing a white, off the shoulder crop top sweater. The tanned skin of her midsection has me licking my lips.

The sun’s rays are dancing on her flawless face. Her hair is pulled up with little curls hanging around her forehead. She looks so beautiful, it hurts to look at her. It’s weird. Torrent was no king or whatever, but seeing how Alexi sits in the grass really makes me see what kind of princess she was raised to be. I've never seen a girl hold herself so regally. It's unreal.

Apparently, a situation happened. Joshua is sitting beside her, holding his knee up. I can tell he’s hurt. The scrape on his knee is pretty ugly. I've had plenty of those.

I watch with interest as Alexi cleans him up. She wipes the blood off as he sniffs back big tears. Poor kid.

He can't shift yet, but he still has a weak form of healing powers. It only means that little shifter kids will heal faster than normal human kids, but slower than the rest of us full grown shifters.

I feel a sense of pride grow as I watch her mother him. She's so gentle and soft. It makes me think of what the future could be like. She’s actually a natural. I love it.

"You know. When I was your age, we had a garden just like this one, except in the center was a large apple tree. The largest apple tree ever." She slowly put her arms up making a big circle with them.

“I was never allowed to pick the apples from that tree, but everyone knows the best apples are at the top. So…even though I wasn't allowed, I climbed up the tree to find the best apple I could find. When I got as high as I could, I reached for an apple, lost my grip and I fell. I fell so hard, I snapped my arm!" She held her arm and cringed. She's so animated it makes me chuckle behind my lips.

"You did?” Joshua's brows go up. “Did it hurt?”

Damn right it hurts. I've broken several bones.

Alexi nods and leans to him. "Oh, yes. It hurt a lot, but I tried very hard not to cry. My father didn't like crying. But with a broken arm, you really can't help it." She ticks her head.

"Yeah, that's a bummer." Joshua says sadly.

She wipes his knee, then carefully inspects his wound. “I couldn’t hide it at all. My father heard me and came to my aide. But I thought he was going to be so cross with me, I got a stiff upper lip and hid my broken arm behind my back like this." She sat up real straight and tall and shoved her arm behind her back.

Joshua’s eye widen. “Ow!’

"Darn right, Ow.” She leans and nods to him then leans back. “The moment I did it, I screamed so loud the birds flew away. I instantly started to cry." She smirks.

Joshua actually looked scared for her. "What happened? Did he wolf out?”

Alexi giggled and I tried to hold back my laughter. "No. Quite the opposite actually. He crouched down to me and said....’My princess. Don't ever be ashamed to hide your true feelings. You must always tell the truth no matter how awful it may seem. If something truly hurts, do not be afraid to show it. To me or anyone’…” She deepened her voice to sound like her father and I didn’t know how to feel about that.

"Then what happened?" Joshua breathes.

"Well." She pulled his leg closer to her, and tends to his injury. Her eyes casually met his. "My father called the physician and he set my arm back in place. My father gave me a huge hug and kiss, sat with me through the whole painful process, and when it was done…” She leans real close to his eyes. “I was sent to bed without tea and biscuits for climbing the apple tree." She giggles and so does Joshua.

I had to put my fist to my lips the hide my own laughter.

"The point is, my dear Joshua." She ran her hand softly down the back of his head. "You may think you're the big, bad wolf..." She tickles him and he giggles as he pushes her hand away. "But never be afraid to cry if you're truly hurt. Just because you're a boy, doesn't mean you don't have feelings, too."

She lifts the cloth off his knee, and I can see its already starting to look better. "There. No more blood. You're all stitched up.” She drops the cloth and puts her hands in her lap. Run along and be careful, yeah?'

"Yeah. Thanks, Alexi." He gives her a hug.

"You're welcome." She smiles a toothy grin and he takes off.

“HEY, GUYS!...”

I lean and look through the door to watch him join up with some neighborhood kids hanging out by the side of the house. They all disappear around the corner and the air fills with kids laughing.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and decide it’s safe to interrupt. "Good morning."

She turns and was about to get up until I put my hand up to stop her.

"Don't get up." I smile as I step across the porch, down the stairs and into the grass. When I’m next her, I drop down, stretch out and lay on my side. I prop my head up and face her just past her knee.

"Good morning." She smiles and moves a curl off her eye.

I take a second to appreciate her. I glance down, pick at the grass then back up. "You freaked me out a little. When you weren’t in bed, I kinda thought…”

She nods and fixes her skirt. “I'm sorry. You were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you. But you don’t need to fear that I’m gone. I won’t run from you.” She leans a hand on the grass at my chest. I reach out and run my fingertips up and down her forearm.

“I know. I just…It's stupid.” I grin, sit up and kiss her lips. “So…that story…with Josh… That really happened?”

She smiles. “You were eavesdropping.”

“A little.” I shrug.

She reaches out and fixes my hair. “Yes. It’s a true story.” She puts her hands in her lap again.

“Josh really likes you.” I thumb over my shoulder.

“He's a sweet boy. Like you.” She grins.

I chuckle. “Yeah, he’s a great kid.” I sit up, pull a knee up and lean an arm on it. “Your dad… He really said that to you?” My brows slightly furrow.

She nods. “Yes, he did. He was very caring despite his reputation.”

I narrow my eyes with a smirk. "And you actually tried to hide a smashed arm?" I shake my head in disbelief.

She glances down then back up. "Yes. Growing up, I had seen my father with some of his men. He wasn't one for weakness or vulnerability. He made it quite known his displeasure in it. I didn't want to displease him." She plays with her fingers as the breeze blows her curls.

I lean to her. "Sounds like you couldn't make him angry if you tried." I speak softly as I run the backs of my fingers across her shoulder and down her arm. I just love the electric sensation I get from her. I don’t know what it is. I just love what it does inside me.

She moves her hair our of her face and the sun makes her eyes sparkle like the emeralds they are. "Oh. We had our quarrels, for sure. But he was never so cross with me that he wouldn't give me a hug or a kiss goodnight." She gives me a half smile.

"You really loved him." I sigh and drop my hand.

"I did." She admits and lowers her head.

"What about now?" I ask quietly.

She sighs, slumps her shoulders and looks to the clouds. "I don't know. I want to. But a part of me wishes I wasn't his daughter.” She turns back to my eyes. “I think that's the part that you hold now."

I scoot over and close the gap between us. "Alexi. Your father was an evil son of bitch. I won't ever deny that. But these memories. These that you told Josh.” I point to her chest. “You hold on to those and hold onto them tight. They make you who you are. I hate that those words came from him, but it's where your heart was created. It's where your love comes from. Don't ever lose that." I give her an honest, compassionate look.

I see her get lost in my eyes and smile. She leans forward and presses her lips to mine. I hold the back of her head and return the kiss with as much passion as I can give.

I mean it. Torrent created Alexi. The woman I’m falling for. I can accept that. I also accept that he is responsible for the way she is with me. It’s bittersweet, but dissecting it isn’t going to matter. I’m willing to take the bad and the good. That’s all that matters.

After reluctantly breaking the kiss and adjusting myself in my jeans, I stand and hold a hand out. "Alright, princess. We have to get some grub because we have training."

"Training?" She says as I pull her up and she brushes off her skirt.

"Yep. Just because your wolf is suppressed, doesn't mean your training stops. Gotta keep you fresh." I wrap my arm around her neck and lead her into the house.

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