The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 35

(Chapter song ‘Janie's Got A Gun' by Aerosmith)


I finished writing and pushed the list across the table top to the Head Alpha of the prison. I don’t care for this Bastian person, but Luke says I must cooperate if I’m going to gain some semblance of freedom. His attitude is not much to be desired.

As he picks up the list and reads it, I reflect on the thought that these people were my supposed friends and advisors. They lied to me my whole life and did so without care.

As I educated myself on my father’s murders, it sickened me how much of myself I lost on him. In the same breath, it kills me because the life he did give me was beautiful. That’s now tainted with the souls of the innocent people who died for it.

That doesn't mean that the Alliance is innocent in all this. The role they played in creating my father will need to be addressed to its fullest. He may have made the choice to kill, but the Alliance certainly made it an easy one in his mind. The accountability they hold will be dealt with.

As Bastian types on his phone and takes a picture of the list, I turn to Luke, who's leaning in a corner with his arms crossed. He smiles, nods and gives me a thumbs up as approval. I smile back then turn to Bastian.

Luke devastated me. He broke my mind in ways no one could, but he showed me what I needed to see. He told me the truth. I can’t express enough how much I appreciate that, so my future actions will be how I show him.

I will become what he sees in me. Even if I don’t see it in myself for a long time.

"Thank you, Alexi." Bastian drops the list, leans back in his chair and straightens his tie.

He spoke with me before Luke showed today. I knew what he wanted and, as promised, I will fulfill my end.

"You're welcome." I slightly nod my head to him.

He glances at Luke. “You could take lessons from her.” He points to me.

“Yeah. Improving my aim.” Luke narrows his eyes.

He chuckles and turns back to me. "Now. You'll have to wear the collar until you testify." He folds his hands over the paper on the table top.

“Of course.” I respond.


I whip my head as Luke pushes off the wall and walks to the table. "Testify? What do you mean testify?" He leans on the table with his hands and glares at Bastian with his chin out.

"She has to testify when we try the Dragons." He crosses his arms with a smug look.

"We never agreed to that." Luke growls.

“Luke…” I start.

He holds up a hand and I slump back, playing with my fingers on the table. I don’t like being held silent.

"We agreed to conditions of her release. Testifying in court is a condition. Unless you want me to rip the whole thing up and take her back to her cell.” He smirks.

Luke presses his lips together. “I don’t fucking think so. You’re not putting a target on her back. No way!”

“Luke…I already…”

“Baby, Alpha’s are talking!” He holds up a hand again.

I chew my cheek and slightly shake my head.

“She won’t be targeted. We'll keep it quiet.” Bastian motions to me.

“Right. Like I believe that for a second. You must think I’m stupid.” Luke sneers.

“The thought has crossed my mind…” He looks up at Luke and smiles. “Several times.”

“Luke! I already agreed!” I shout at him.

He turns to me and furrows his brows. “Are you crazy? You think this guy can keep a secret! No, Alexi. I won’t allow it.” He points to Bastian.

"You can't tell me what to do, Luke." I squint at him and cross my arms.

“Uh… When it’s suicidal, damn right, I can.” He scowls.

I lean forward. “What do you think I was doing without you? Having a tea party?” I study his eyes as he glares back at me. “I can take care of myself.”

"Listen to the woman, Luke." Bastian advises.

Our eyes lock a little longer then he turns to Bastian as I sit back. "You keep her out of it. No mention of her until the trial. If I hear about it any earlier, I'll bring down a world of hurt on you."

"That cute." Bastian scoffs as he waves Luke off.

"Luke. Enough. Your brutish threats are not needed. I'm well aware of the risk.” I raise a brow to him.

He leans down to me and points to my nose. "Don't give me that fancy language. I'll tear him to pieces if you get hurt."

"Oof... I swear... It's like speaking with a cave wolf." I roll my eyes with a head shake. He stands up and crosses his arms.

I meet his eyes as he chews his lip. "We'll discuss the cave wolf crack when we get home. Right now, I want Bastian to swear on his Lambo, he won't leak you out to the public." He turns his attention to the Alpha.

Bastian nods. "I already said I will guarantee her safety. Alexi believes it. You should, too. In the meantime..." He eyes meet mine from across the table. He raises a finger to me. "If you even think of trying to escape. We'll lock you down so hard, he will never find you." He points to Luke, who looks like he's going to murder him.

"Agreed." I say.

Luke hangs his head and growls. "You're nuts, you know that?"

I lean into him. "And you need a lesson in manners." I tick my head to him and stand.

He takes a breath and grumbles as Bastian snickers from his seat. "Let's go." He shoots daggers at Bastian who gives him a sarcastic, small wave with his fingers.

In the hallway, he smiles big, throws an arm around my neck and leads me to processing. "Ok, let's get your stuff and blow this joint.”

The situation may be risky, but if I'm to make amends to the people I hurt, I must do it.

At least, I have my freedom. I’m glad for that. The only problem was, I really wasn’t prepared for what I was about to face for this freedom.


"I see the repairs are complete.”

Luke opens my door and helps me out. I look up at the Red Rock pack house. It looks better than before. I’m glad that Ian’s attack didn’t stop Luke from becoming the Alpha he should be. I still harbor the guilt of associating myself with Ian, but clearly Luke has forgiven me for it.

He walks me to the house and waves me in. "Yeah. They just finished a few days ago. There’s a few small things here and there that still need fixing, but everyone's moved back in. Come on."

My heart races a little bit because I have no idea what I’m walking into. I try to keep behind Luke until I know it’s going to be ok.

Luke shrugs off his jacket and kicks off his boots. He helps me with my coat and looks about the house.

"Swift? You home?" He calls out.

"Swift?” I lean to him and whisper.

He smiles. "My sister, Lucy. You'll love her...Swift!" He leads me into a large room with several couches and chairs. A common room. It’s not as grand as mine, but it’s very lovely and well decorated.

As I inspect the room, I hear foot steps in the stairs. I turn to see a lovely girl around 16 or 17 come down them. I see in her face, she’s the little girl in Luke's photo. She may have golden brown hair and brown eyes, but the Jackson in her is very prominent.

"Luke.” She smiles when she sees him as she descends down the last steps. “I'm glad your home." Her steps slow and stop when she lays her eyes on me.

Her face turns angry and rushes her brother, throwing a finger at me. "Oh, hell no! Luke!!"

Luke quickly puts himself between me and Lucy and points to her. I can’t help but hide behind him. I knew this would happen.

"Swift! Calm down!!" He returns her anger.

"Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me?!” She yells and glances at me. “You bring a fucking Torrent into our home and you want me to calm down!!”

“Eh?!!” He yells in her face. “Watch it! It’s not what you think!”

Lucy gets her back up and fills with defiant attitude. She crosses her arms and kicks out a leg. "No, Luke. You can't let her stay here." She pushes out her chin and stands firm.

Luke closes the gap between them and glares into her eyes. "If you've forgotten, Lucy. I’m the Alpha here, not you. If I want Alexi to stay, you have no damn say.” He challenges.

I start to heat with embarrassment and guilt. The last thing I want is to be the thing between family. “Luke…” I say quietly.

“Hang on, babe.” He remains just as rigid as Lucy. The two Jackson’s square off and I’m not sure if I should stay or leave.

Lucy points in his face. “You’re insane. She’s dangerous! She tried to kill you!!”

“A misunderstanding!” He shouts back.

"Um... Maybe I should wait outside." I try to interject.

"No, Alexi. Lucy's going to apologize, right now. Aren't you?" Luke glares at his sister.

“Like hell I will.” She spits. “I refuse to apologize for thinking about my family's safety while the Alpha thinks with his pants.”

I press my lips together and look to the floor.

Luke sucks in his top lip. “You’re skirting a very fine line, Swift. If I have to pull Alpha on you, I will.”

“Try it. Command me. Use your Alpha tone to make me go to my room. But you can never command me to like or accept her.” She growls.

"What the hell? I can hear you guys all the way down in my office." I raise my eyes to a hall that’s next to a bar on a far wall. A rather handsome man with long black hair comes out.

"Bobby, talk some sense into my brother. He’s lost his damn mind!” She motions to Luke as Bobby approaches.

He flips his eyes between Luke and Lucy then his eyes meet mine. I see him stop walking and almost looking like he wants to back up. I see a touch of fear enter his eyes.

I try to make myself as humble and non-threatening as possible.

“Luke? What's going on?" His eyes flick to Luke as he motions he’s head to me.

Luke puts his hands in his back pockets and turns to Bobby. "I made a deal with the Alliance. We keep Alexi and she testifies against the Dragons they catch." He glances at me then takes my hand in effort to calm me.

"You know this a bad idea, right?" He joins the growing circle.

“Damn right, it’s a bad idea! So, not only do we have a psychopath under our roof, we become targets for all the other psychos.” Lucy barks.

“She has a point.” Bobby gives me a questioning look.

Luke shakes his head. “Bastian promised to keep it all hushed. They won’t know she’s here.”

“And you believe him?!” Lucy scowls. “Has your judgment gone right out the window?”

“Luce…” Bobby holds a hand up to her.

“No, Bobby…” She motions a hand to us as she glares at him.

“Eh!” He stops her. “Let me handle this. Alright?”

“You know.” She crosses her arms. “I’m getting really sick of being pushed around.”

“Just…settle down and let Luke talk.” He talks to her in a calm tone that seems to quiet her a little bit.

"Listen.” Luke starts. “I know there’s some big talks that need to be had. I get that. But if we're going to clean up this town, we need her and I need to keep her safe. Now, I hate to pull this, but if you guys and anyone else continue to take issue with Alexi, I’m going to take it as a direct attack on me and you can hit the bricks.” He points to the door as he floats his eyes around the room.

Lucy flares her eyes and points to me then her chest. “You’re choosing her over me?”

“I don’t want to, Swift, but you’re giving me no choice.” He warns.

"Luke, I really think this discussion deserves some privacy.” I lean to his ear.

He glances at me and senses my discomfort. “Yeah. I’ll take you to your room.” He grabs my hand and turns to his sister. “This discussion is over.”

"Oh, it's far from over, brother." She growls as she shoots daggers my way and I try to avoid her eyes as Luke pulls me past her.

We climb the stairs and I feel the eyes on me all the way up. I look all over the halls. It looks different in the light. Instantly, the thought of that first night with him enters my mind. It brings a little smile to my lips.

He stops at a second door from the stairs and opens it. He turns and walks in backward as he presents it to me. "So, this is your room. I'm sure you remember where mine is." He smirks.

“I do.” I chuckle as I follow him in.

It’s a very prestigious room. There’s a large poster bed with a dark red blanket. The walls and curtains are also red. There’s a fair sized dresser and two other doors which I assume are the bathroom and closet. It’s a lot like Luke’s room. Just not lived in.

Luke drapes my coat over a chair and I straighten my long sleeved shirt as I spin around to face him.

"Everything OK?" Luke says leaning in the door frame. “With the room. I mean.”

"Yes. It's perfect. Thank you." I turn around. I adjust the collar on my neck as I look around some more.

He pushes off the frame and slowly walks to me. "That's not too uncomfortable, is it?" He points to his neck referring to the collar.

I adjust it again. "A little, but it is a requirement." I walk to my bed, sit and proceed to take off my boots.

"I'll have some clothes brought up tomorrow. How's that?" He smiles.

“I can’t repay you.” I say quietly.

He sinks onto the bed beside me. “I didn’t say you had to.”

He leans on his knees and I mirror his position. "I’m sorry for down there. My sister doesn't know you like I do. She's not normally like that. Not really."

I look to the floor. "It's just a shock. My father’s reputation proceeds him and it reflects on the name I carry. I understand. Birthrights being what they are, it will be hard for people to accept that I deny mine. I just hope you can live with the same sort of behavior.”

He reaches over and places his finger on my chin to turn my head to his. "If I can get past it, everyone else will."

I sheepishly smile as his hand floats over my cheek and his fingers thread into my hair. He pulls me close and I whimper when his lips touch mine. It’s been so long and I didn’t think I’d ever feel his lips again.

My lips part and he kisses me gently. I had forgotten how strong yet so gentle his kisses are. His lips move with so much passion behind them. He lays a hand on my cheek as he pulls back, sucking on my bottom lip.

“God, I love kissing you." He whispers as he places his forehead on mine.

“I love it too." I gaze into his eyes as his thumb rubs my cheek and lips.

"You should get some sleep." He leans back and stands. "I'll wake you up when dinner's ready, Ok?"

"Thank you. For everything." I smile.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. "I'd do it all over again just to see your gorgeous smile.”

I chuckle. "You surprise me."


"You're so rough and have ghastly manners, yet you're so soft and passionate. It's...nice." I feel my cheeks heat as I say that.

He smiles, biting his cheek. "Stick around and see how many more surprises I have." He bounces his brow, and hook his thumbs into his pockets causing me to laugh and shake my head.

"Your laugh is beautiful. I like it. Get some sleep." He gives me a another quick kiss and heads for the door. He stops and gives me one last look then shuts the door behind him.

As I lay my head down, I think about all this. Hostilities aside, Luke makes me feel safer than I ever have. I’d say I’m lucky. It’s clear my father was never given the choice I was. I wonder if my father had an opportunity to find someone like Luke, would things have gone different for him? If my mother survived. Would she have been the one to save him from himself?

I question why I was afforded salvation. Why am I so special that the universe sent me an angel to save my life? What do I have that my father didn’t?

I roll to my back and look at the ceiling with my fingers laced on my chest. Whatever the question, I’ll never have an answer. I just have to accept that maybe I’m the one that will change the bloodline. Change the Torrent name for the future. I will be the one to attone for our sins and make amends.

As an Alpha Daughter, it’s uncomfortable, but for Luke, I’m more than willing to sit in that discomfort.

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