The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 33

(Chapter song ‘Narcissistic Cannibal’ by Korn)


I would love to celebrate saving my pack from the Lab, but I have to wallow in the self righteousness of an Alpha who needs more than a punch out.

I swear. If this guy could mate himself, he would. I’m not exaggerating. Until I met Bastian Cole, I didn’t think it was possible for someone to be in love with themselves so much, he had extra mirrors placed on the walls of his pack house just to see himself.

If anyone needs his knees taken out, it’s this guy. I’d pay to see that. I really would.

I’d do it myself, but I need him and it makes my stomach turn.

I hang my head and prepare myself before walking to the conference room to meet the narcissistic asshole. I know he’s going to have a field day with this.

Gavin told me Bastian was already here. Of course, he’s early. I’m sure he’s just loving the fact that I need his help after decking him. As I stand at the conference room door, I can feel his ego already.

I reluctantly open the door and close it behind me.

"Sorry." I grunt as I walk to the table and pull out a chair.

There he is. His head fills the room. I’m trying not show my loathing, but I’m sure he can feel it. His smart-ass look as he leans his elbow on the table and his fingers on his temple prove that.

If I have to be honest, he is a good looking guy, but that’s where it stops. This guy is allergic to a good personality. His textured dirty, blonde hair, hazel eyes and tanned skin are about the only thing that’s good looking.

He looks like a surfer with shoulder length hair that’s always pulled back in a man bun. He's always wearing silk shirts and designer pants, too. What’s worse is, his clothes always seem to be deliberately too small to show off his muscle. Yes, he’s jacked. The largest Alpha in the Alliance, but his cynical superiority makes me question what the fuck we were thinking.

"Luke Jackson.” He says in a conceited tone that my wolf doesn’t appreciate.

He drops his arm on the table and pompously dusts the top of it. He rubs his fingers together like it’s dirty. I watch him adjust himself in his seat like he’s sitting with a peasant.

“I was surprised to hear from you considering our last meeting." He flashes that stupid smile he has that says I’m better than you.

I lean back and cross my arms. “I was drunk and you deserved it.”

"Right." He smirks. "Alcoholic addictions aside, what can I help you with?"

I suck in a breath and take the plunge. “A girl.”

He arches a brow and chuckles. “A girl. For you? I’m not a dating service. Please tell me you didn’t waste my precious, valuable time for that.”

This guy…

"She's a prisoner, asshole." I lean on the table, cinch my brow and jut out my chin.

He looks me over and grins. "Like 'em rough, do you?” He laughs and shakes his head. “I knew you had low standards.” He meets my eyes. “Just petty criminals or do you like the ones with a little more…crazy?”

I hate the fact that he made me think about that for a minute. Even still…

"Do you want me knock you out again because I will." I scowl and lean forward a little more with a glare.

He sits back and crosses his arms as looks around my room. “Calm down, Luke.” He looks back at me. “What prisoner?”

"Alexi Torrent." I blurt.

He looks at me with pure disbelief. A smile grows on his lips. “Excuse me?”

I furrow my brows. “You heard me.”

“No. I know. I heard you. I'm just confused as to why you would even think I would entertain that idea.” He chuckles.

“I’m serious, Bastian. I want her out.” I say stoically.

“Why do you want her out?” He smirks.

God, if I didn’t need this…

“I just do.” I grumble and glance down. I really don’t want to get into details.

He shakes his head. “No. You’re going to have to do better than that.”

“I just do, Bastian. That’s all you need to know.” I chew my cheek and flare my eyes.

“Luke.” He crosses his arms. “The fact that you’re here in front of me…groveling, I might add…” The corner of his lip ticks up. “Tells me there’s something you’re not telling me. Spill it.”

“No. Just sign the release.” I demand.

He laughs. “Right. Let’s forget the fact that her capture is the high point of my entire career and turning her loose would be political suicide. I will also point out that giving you anything live would be a disaster in itself, let alone one who’s criminally insane.”

“She’s not insane.” I growl darkly as I feel my wolf spin behind my ribs.

“She’s a Torrent. That’s as Insane as it gets.” He replies as he tilts his head.

I take a deep cleansing breath and talk myself out of murder. “Please, let her out.” I clench.

He crosses his arms. “Sorry. No.”

"Fine. Do it because I’m a friend and it would be a huge favor to me." I think I just puked a little.

"You're not that good of friend, Luke." He snorts as leans back, propping his feet on my table like he fucking owns it.

"Bastian…" I stare him down.

He sits up and leans on the table, shoving his smug smirk in my face.

"Come on, Luke. You Jacksons don't do anything without reason. Tell me?" He leans forward more as he paints my ass into a corner.

I press my lips together and lace my fingers on the table. I look down as I prep my mental state for the bomb I have no choice to release. It’s not that I’m ashamed, it’s just that I know this guy too well.

“Tell me.” He practically sings. He knows his dangling Alexi's release like a carrot to get me to talk.

“OK.” I raise my head. “She’s my…girlfriend.” I say quietly.

He turns an ear to me. “What was that?”

"She's my girlfriend, alright." I scowl and slump back.

He connects with my eyes, takes a second then burst into hysterics. Like full on laughing with tears. I sit in my chair, shoulders steaming.

“You’re dating Torrent?!” He leans back and wipes his eyes. “I shouldn’t be surprised considering the criminal lifestyle your LITTLE pack produces here. Birds of a feather, eh Luke? No wonder your property values are so low.” He snorts.

Fuck, I hate this guy.

Hold it together, Luke… Just keep holding it together. Get past him and it’s smooth sailing.

I calm myself and face the music. "We're not officially dating, but I… Look, are you gonna help me or what?" I tilt my head and shake it. My last ditch effort.

"She's a Dragon. Of course, I'm not letting her go." He looks at me like I’m crazy.

I shoot forward. "Ok. I take full responsibility. She stays with me here. House arrest. In turn, she gives up all the Dragons she knows. Full immunity." I offer.

He laces his fingers on the table and lowers his head. I can tell he's considering my offer. More Dragons are better than one. Especially, if you’re looking to further your career. Alexi is the golden egg for him.

He lifts his eyes to me. "What makes you so sure she'll give them up?”

I stare at him intently. “All I need is time with her. I know she will.”

He rubs his chin in thought then points to me. "She’ll be your responsibility, 100 percent. If she does anything or even thinks of escape, I drag your ass to prison along with hers." He states hard.

I wave my hands over the table in agreement. Excitement starts to build as I begin to realize I won him over. "Totally. No questions. I'll go to lockup. If she tries to escape or anything." I agree.

"Get me the names and I'll release her to you. I'll call the prison today to grant you access." He stands, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Thanks." I stick out my hand. "Look. I know I'm new to this whole Alpha gig, but I hope we can put things aside and work on some sort of relationship here."

He scoffs as he looks at my hand and back up at me. "Not to be rude, Luke. But things being as they are, I doubt we'd ever be friends.”

He grabs his suit jacket, throws it over his shoulder then turns, checking his reflection in a turned off, black monitor on the wall. He fixes his hair and smiles. His reflection’s eyes connect with mine. “But I'll call you if I ever need anyone's knee caps broken."

He glances at me, smirks then laughs as he leaves the conference room.

I sit and chew my cheek with my arms crossed.

Fuck, I hate that guy.


I stand at the prison entrance to Falcon Ridge's Prison Unit, waiting in quiet anticipation. It's been over 2 weeks since I’ve seen Alexi, and I can't wait to see her beautiful eyes. She also better be in good condition or I’m tearing this place apart.

The guards open the doors and I’m immediately met with the barking call outs of prisoners from the various cell blocks. Guards bark orders back and metal is clanged somewhere.

I'm led to a security desk and signed in then walked through a hall with prisoner tough guys staring at me as they lean on the glass walls of their cells. I put on my best prison face and glare back.

As I get closer to Alexi, I can almost smell her. Her sweet flower scent is finding me. Directing me to her. I close my eyes as my tracker nose gets its fill. My heart starts to pump harder as I run through how I’m going to break this to her. I just know she’ll fight me on this. I have to break through the conditioning her father dosed her in. The mental barrier is thick and I just hope I have what it takes to tear it down. I saw the cracks form when I stopped her.

We walk through another set of gate doors and I know she’s just up ahead. A smile grows as her scent coats me. My wolf howls in my mind. He knows.

The guard stops and directs me to the only cell of four with a light on. He leaves me and I slowly walk to her cell. I cross the division between her cell and the cell next door. Stepping into full view of her glass wall, I see her and my heart pains.

Inside the harsh white cell, I find her sitting on the floor in a corner across from her cot. I shake my head because it’s just not fair.

Her legs are pulled up and I can't see her face because it's buried in her arms wrapped around her knees. Her curls are pooled around her legs. She looks so tiny in there. I just want to smash this fucking glass out.

I stop in the center of her cell wall. "Alexi." I say softly.

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