The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 30

(Chapter song ‘Kryptonite' by 3 Doors Down)


I stand on the field looking up at the full moon hanging above the trees. The night air blows my hair and coat. I admire the stars up there shining so brightly. I never get to enjoy them anymore. My heart calls to my father. He won’t answer, but I know he’s watching. He will see me avenge him and he will be at peace.

And so will I.

I look down at the ground and pace back and forth across the field. I pull out my phone. 10:03pm. I roll my eyes to the buildings and scan for movement. Seeing nothing, I continue to pace and build up the strength I need to do what I promised. Take these children’s lives.

I bounce my gun in my hand behind my back as I walk. I shouldn’t wait a minute longer, but I feel a few more minutes won’t exactly hurt. As long as I’m true in the end. They won’t take me seriously if I don't. I turn to the young people tied on the grass. Some are unconscious. Some are trying to move, but can’t now that the wolfsbane has taken hold.

I bring my gun forward and hold it up to my eyes. The whimpers and quiet pleas start and I glare at them. "Oh. Shut up." I grumble.

I hear distant traffic in the dark as I walk and think. My thoughts are eventually interrupted by my name.


I turn, drop my gun to my side and scowl darkly as the thick man approaches. I swiftly raise my weapon and aim it at him.

"No! I told you to leave me be!" I shout at Luke as he jogs onto the field toward me. He should know by now, I’m no longer playing games.

As he runs to me, I briskly walk behind the kids. I grab a girl by the hair and pull her to a sit. I lock eyes with Luke and place the barrel at the back of the girls skull. She’s crying and yelping as I shake her. "I WILL SHOOT HER! DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER STEP!!"

He stops and puts his hands up. "Ok. Alright. Alexi…Just calm down."

The girl continues to cry as I look around the buildings. My eyes flare at Luke. “WHERE'S RIKER?! " I demand.

"She's here. But Alexi…please. You may be a Torrent, but you're not this. Don't do this." He steps close and I jut out my chin. I aim at his feet, fire and the grass in front of him sprays up as the bullet hits.

He flinches back. “OK! OK! Just…let the kids go and we'll talk.” He leans forward with his hands up.

“NO! BRING ME RIKER OR THE GIRLS DIES!” I place the barrel on the girls head and she cowers at my knee.

“Baby…Look…I know what happened. I know…I know what we did to Torrent. It’s horrible, baby. I understand. Please. I can help you. I’m ending it, sweetness. We leave here. I’m destroying the lab. I promise. Just come with me.” His face is just as pained as mine when he mentioned my father’s torture. I need to stay strong, but the horrible actions my father told me about breaks my heart.

There’s only one way to end my pain.

“NO! I will not stop until Anna Riker is dead." I push my barrel into the child's hair.

He steps closer. "Alexi, please. This is killing me to see you like this. Please."

I stare at him. I feel his compassion and I can’t discern if it real. I look away, sniff back my grief and look back. “That’s not my problem.” I say harshly.

He steps even closer. "Don’t you see, baby? You…me…Anna… Baby, we're all victims here. Anna may have killed your father, but she was ordered to by the Alliance."

His words started to hit me and my eyes line with tears. "My father… He suffered for years by those YOU WORK FOR!” I scream as my grief takes hold. “HE DIDN’T DESERVE ANY OF IT! YOU’RE THE MONSTERS! NOT HIM!!”

My vision blurred as the tears flowed. I couldn’t hold back my pain and seeing Luke in front of me, putting himself in danger for Anna, made things that much harder.

I tried to turn my grief into anger when I saw him step even closer. "GET BACK!" I aim the gun at him and yell through broken breath.

He stares me down. "No. Alexi. Not this time." My cheeks are soaked, my mouth hangs open and my eyes are tear filled. I almost see the face my father used to give me when I was hurt.

I felt my heart start to weaken until something catches my eye behind Luke.

My walls slam up. My anger builds and more tears come.

Anna Riker storms out onto the field, yelling as she strides. "Let them go!! It's me you want!"

"Anna stay back!" Luke yells as he throws a hand behind him, but doesn’t take his eyes off me and also holds a hand up to me.

"We end this now, Luke." Anna demands and places herself on Luke’s side.

I aim my gun at Anna’s chest. “This is for my father.” I grit.

My finger starts to pull the trigger when Luke ran in front of me. He invaded my space so much that I was unprepared.

I lock with his hazel eyes as he grabs the barrel of my weapon and jams it in his chest. He leans to me and glares into my eyes. "This ends when you pull this trigger." He growls. His face is serious and daring me to do it.

I start to sob and tilt my head. “Move.” My dream. My vision. Stood there staring into my eyes. Burning their way into my soul and I felt my wall shatter.

"No. You want to kill Anna? Baby, you got to kill me first." He pulled the barrel and pressed it to his chest.

Tears stream down my cheeks and I knew. I shake my head as my heart aches. "I can't" I whisper.

He nods, slowly takes the gun from my shaking hand and throws it behind him.

I hang my head and cry as he holds my hand. “I know you can’t, baby. I know.” I feel myself being pulled through the children and led away.

The Alphas release the children and call for help.

I cover my eyes and sob hard as Luke pulls me into his chest. The moment his arms wrapped around me, I grab his shirt in my fist and cry harder than I ever have.

He weakened me so much, my knees gave out and he caught me. "Ok. Baby, it’s ok. I got you. I got you..." He scoops me up into his arms and I curl myself into him.

“I failed…” I cry as I hide myself in his chest and he carries me away to the parking lot.

“No, baby. You won. You won big.” He places his lips on my forehead and mumbles.

When we get to his truck, he sets me down on the tailgate. He holds my cheeks and finds my face in my hair. I can't look at him in my weakened state.

"Alexi. I'll fix this." He grabs my head and kisses my forehead.

I slowly shake my head. "It's over. I've failed him..."

He grabs my face and looks into my eyes. "No, baby. You can’t think that. You can’t live your life being controlled by a ghost. You’re stronger than that.”

His eyes were so truthful, but my mind was broken. I couldn't process what was happening. I've failed. Failed to kill the one person who plagued me, but I couldn't kill Luke to complete my mission. My heart wouldn't allow it. Why?!

He wraps his arms around me and I feel his warmth. It was too much. I don’t deserve this. I don’t.

The moment Luke was trying to make was interrupted by flashing lights and sirens as headlights flooded us and patrol cars skidded to a stop. Doors flew open and Caledon Security Units poured out.

Guns were cocked and aimed at us. My brows shoot up and I start to panic. I know my fate. Oh God!

“NO!” I tried to run, but Luke grabbed me and threw me back into the truck. “NO, PLEASE! LET ME GO!!” I wail as I push him away.

“ALEXI!! STOP!!” He yells as he fights me.

He shoves me back and turns to the men. Shielding me from them.

They stalk toward the truck, crowding us in a circle.


I see the Alliance Alphas on the other side of the circle. I see Luke sweat as he eyes the soldiers. He’s going to get himself killed. I can’t allow that. “LUKE! LET ME GO!” I try to shove him out of the way, but I’m too drained and weak to make a difference.

“NO! ALEXI!” He growls at me and shoves me back.




Luke takes a couple steps forward. "Guys, calm it down. Everything's fine."

“Luke!” I cry as I reach for him. He puts a hand up to me.

"Out of the way, Alpha." One of the soldiers orders.

"No! The Unit isn't taking her!" Luke barks.

"Yes, we are, sir. We have orders for her arrest." The soldier responds.

"No. You're not! You'll have to shoot me." Luke growls as his gaze moves from soldier to soldier.

“STOP! WE GOT THIS!” One of the Alphas yell.

The soldiers don’t budge.

Luke glares at them all. "No one is getting arrested today."

His voice was calm and collected. "Lower your weapons and I will deal with this myself."

"I'm sorry, sir." The soldier says then fires his weapon. The bullet strikes Luke in the chest just beside his shoulder. He hits the tailgate then falls to the ground.

“LUKE!” I throw myself on the tailgate and reach for him.

He holds his shoulder. “I’m alright…Fuck!” I rolls in agony.

“Alexi Torrent…You’re under arrest by the Falcon Ridge Security Unit.”

My eyes widen as the soldiers advance in me. I scream and scramble deeper into the trunk space. It was a fruitless move. They grab my arms and pull me out. I kick, flail and scream as I fight them every inch. Thoughts of my execution fill me and I’m flooded with terror.

"No! NO! LET ME GO!! LUKE!!!! NO!!" I yell as they drag me away to an awaiting vehicle. The other soldiers start their investigation of the incident.

They cuff my hands in front and throw me in the back. I land on my side and they shut the door. I sit up and try to open it in a panic. I look out the window and see Luke on the ground.

“LUKE!!’ I pound on the glass frantically.

"ALEXI!!" He screams as he rises to his feet.

I bang on the glass faster as the car starts. "LUKE!! HELP ME!!" I cry.

He runs across the lot as we start to pull away. Our eyes connect and I hit the glass a little softer. He gets smaller in my vision and I lay my forehead on the glass.

“Help…” I squeak as I close my eyes and tremble with fear.

I'm now in the hands of the Alliance not as a girl, but as a Dragon.

There’s only one solution for my kind in the eyes of Falcon Ridge.


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