The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 28

(Chapter song ’18 and Life’ by Skid Row)


The moon hangs high over the camp, but I have very little time to prepare for my revenge. It’s almost 9 and I need to set up my ultimatum.

Without any sort of cover, I storm across the training field to the first dormitory I see. Inside is the choice the Alphas will have to make for Anna.

I pick the locks of the doors and turn down the hall on the first floor. I stop at the first door that holds the innocent inside. I pick the lock to the door, ready my darts and step in.

In the dark of the room, I face the two twin beds. I fire one dart into one body and it sleepily groans. I load another into the gun and fire on the second body. It groans, too, and I drop my bag on the floor. A few minutes later, I get to work tying up the young recruits, carrying them to the field and dropping them on the grass. They look up at me with pain and fear. Crying behind their gags.

“You call yourselves soldiers.” I spit. “Pathetic.”

They cry at me and out for help as I turn and walk back into the dorm.

As my time passes, I drop student after student on the field in a line. They all whimper and struggle against the silver laced bonds.

I pull out my gun and run my fingers along the barrel. They cry out more when they see the weapon. I eye them all as a general would. I step slowly past the 20 heads on the ground.

When I walk back, I stop at the center and squat down. I hold my gun pointed to the blanket of stars. My head floats up and down the tear stained, terrified faces. Paralyzed to make any kind of real escape.

“Now…” I meet all their eyes. “We wait.” I lower my weapon to them. “If the Alphas fail you, your sacrifice will be on their hands.”

I slowly stand as their cries of terror rise into the night air. I place my hands behind my back, turn to the Alphas buildings and wait for a response to message.



My tires screech to a stop so loud, I’m sure the entire town is awake. I storm out of my truck just fucking raging. The whole trip to White Rock, I stewed on this. I can’t let this slide at all. Council Alpha or not. I don’t fucking care.

River’s going to make this make sense or I’m dropping him on his fucking driveway.

I stop in the middle of the driveway and look at the cars parked off to the side. Both River and Jayson are here. Perfect. I'm sure Jayson will just love to hear what his friend’s been up to.

I take big steps to the bottom step of the stone porch and glare at the door. My lip snarls. My fists ball and my head throbs with anger. I’m so fucking heated, I'd make Satan jealous.

"RIVER!!! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT HERE!!!" I yell at the house. I feel my shoulders and chest swell as my fury builds.

The thought of anyone torturing my people for the fucking Unit has me seeing red. It's even worse when it's done by someone who's supposed to be a good ally. River better fucking pray it’s fake.

The front door opens and River comes out of the house with Jay and Anna behind him.

He sees me, cocks his head and runs down the steps. "Luke what hap..."

Before he can finish his sentence, I jump in the air and land a punch on his head with the loudest Alpha growl I’ve ever made in my entire life.



He goes down and hits his head on the asphalt. I grab his hair and land another solid punch to his cheek.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” He's on all fours with his arms wrapped around his head in an effort to stop the pain.

“Shut the fuck up, you dirty puck ass bitch!” I start to feel myself check out when I grab his jacket by the back of his neck, lift him to his feet and slam another fist in his face.

He stumbles back and falls on his ass. He holds his head and whines out his pain as blood pours from behind his fingers.

He rolls to all fours and tries to stand, but he’s basically just crawling which makes me smirk just a little.

“Luke…What the fuck?” He chokes to the ground.

I ignore his question and rush him. With a hop, I pull back a leg and deliver my boot to his fucking face. He cries out as he rolls across the driveway.

I've completely lost it now.

“EXPERIMENT ON MY FUCKING PEOPLE?!!!” I close the gap, grab his shirt and land blows to his face. His blood flies from my fist as I pull back.


Anna’s cries do little to calm me down. I can barely see Jayson holding her back which is good, because I really don’t want to get into it with her.

“TORTURE THEM?!!” I roar. “KIDNAP THEM?! MY FUCKING PACK?!!!” Every sentence was followed with a round of punches to his face. He was barely with me when Jayson had enough.


Jayson grabs my jacket, pulls me off and throws me down the driveway with a growl that almost rivaled mine.

I roll to a stop and groan at the pain of hitting all my joints on the ground, but it was short lived. I look to River and Jayson is inspecting River’s condition.

“Time to pay, mother fucker.” I roll to my knees, hop to my feet and straighten my back.

River sees me coming first, then Jayson. He scrambles to his feet and storms my way with his hand out. “STAND DOWN!!” He tries to order.

My wolf rises and I’ve never hated my friend so much as I do right now. I slap his arm away. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!”

I’m breathing like a pissed off bull. I flex my fingers and my knuckles all crack. My veins are pumping big time now.

Jayson glares at me and throws a hand behind him. “NO!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!


I side eye Anna rush down the steps of the house and run to River, who's rolling in agony in the ground behind Jay.

“I’m OK…I'm…alright…”

I watch him try to stand, but fall back down on his ass. My lip curls as my eyes meet Jayson's. It becomes a stare down and if he doesn’t move, I’m going to make him wish he did.

Anna gets him to his feet and I see fucking red. I shove myself past Jayson, growling like a rabid dog.

Jayson grabs my waist and tries to pull me back. "LUKE! THAT'S ENOUGH!!!"

I fight him as my eyes glow and my wolf hones in on River’s head. "FUCK OFF! LET ME GO, JAY!!” I struggle to push his arms off as my legs kick off the road.

Anna is losing her mind as she stands in front of River to protect him. "LUKE! STOP IT!! PLEASE!!!"

She has massive balls stepping into the middle of an Alpha fight. Though it’s not looking like much of one.

River finally stands. "I don't know what you're talking about?" He chokes then spits blood as he staggers on his feet. Anna turns and supports him as she checks his head asking him if he's OK.

I slam myself against Jayson again.


“LUKE!” Jayson grabs my back and chest. He lifts me off my feet and slams my back on the ground. I cough the air I lost then flare my eyes up at him.

I roll to get up and Jay leans down to my face, connects with my eyes and points at me. "Stay the fuck down!" His eyes flash blue and I sneer.

He turns his attention to River. "Are you ok?"

Anna side eyes Jayson as she pushes River’s blood soaked hair out of his face. “He'll be fine.” She turns away and cares for her mate.

I get to my feet, still fuming. Jay glares at me then crosses his arms. He stares at me and tilts his head. "What the fuck are you talking about?”

I swallow, wipe the sweat from my face and shoot daggers at River. My eyes are on fire. I glare at Jayson and point to River. "This fucker's been running a secret lab out of my fucking town!” I thump my finger into my chest. “He's been kidnapping my people and torturing my pack for Weapons experiments!!"

“HOLD ON! WHAT?!” River faces me.


“River?” Jayson turns with concern and confusion.

Anna's jaw drops. "Is this true?"

He glances around at all of us and looks just as surprised as we are. But I know it’s bullshit. We all know he’s a good fucking liar. "No, it's not true." He says in a snappy tone then flares his eyes at me.

My jaw ticks. I nod my head as I bite my lip and tick my head real quick. "OK."

I reach behind my jacket, pull out my gun, cock it and rush him, aiming it at his head.

“WHOA!” River backs up with his hands in surrender.

"LUKE!" Jay yells as he tries to grab for my gun, but I shove his ass away from me and aim harder at River’s brain.

"Luke, No!" Anna jumps in front of River, holding out her arms. She stares me down, but I don’t lower. Like I said, balls of steel.

“TELL THE TRUTH!!" I demand with a growl.

"Ok. Ok.” He walks past Anna with his hands still up.

His face is bleeding horribly and he looks like he just did 20 rounds in the meat grinder. The fact that he still has the strength to face me is surprising.

“I heard of something. I just got a bunch of papers from my dad today. I remember reading something. I didn't know it was that kind of lab. Luke, I swear. I didn't know." He lowers his hands slowly, but I don’t lower mine.

“You didn’t tell me.” I say low. My emotions are running high when I think of all the pain my people went through for Alexi’s bullets.

“I wanted to check it out first before I came to you. I don’t know if it’s real, Luke. All I have is what’s on paper. I swear. I had full intention of coming to you with it once it was confirmed.” He talks softly through his swollen jaw and lip.

I search his face for lies. I don’t know what to think. Alexi’s anger comes from somewhere. This lab has to be real.

Anna steps into my vision as my mind races. "Luke, put the gun down. You don't want to do this." She tries to step to me, but I point the gun her way.

"Yeah, I do." My lip curls and my eyes flick between hers and River’s.

Jayson steps in front of Anna and holds up a finger. “Put it down.” He warns.

"No.” I shake my head as I get even more heated. My eyes sting as my emotions rise to uncontrollable levels. “Get the fuck out of the way, Jay. This is between me and him."

"Luke. You're hurting. We get it. Put the gun down." Jayson says calmly as he tries to talk me down.

My hand adjusts on the gun handle. "NO! YOU DON'T GET IT! NO ONE GETS IT!" My chin quivers at the thought of the lab, my dad, the crime, Alexi, my entire fucking life…All of it…All of it is happening because I’m such a goddamn failure!

They make a wall between me and River. Their faces beg me to drop the gun.

"FUCKING MOVE!!" I squeeze my eyes shut as I yell.

My rage is controlling me. I can't breathe. My fingers adjust their grip again. I can’t think. I’ve lost all control. I don’t know what to do. My forehead is covered in sweat as I stare down the barrel at my friends.

"Luke. Put it down." Jayson steps closer with his hand reaching for the gun.

I just don’t know what to fucking think anymore. My eyes line with tears. I stare at them with confusion. I'm crashing hard. My heads spinning.

As my mind spirals, a soft coo catches my attention. My jaw falls as my head slowly turns towards it.

While still holding the gun in my slightly shaking hand, I see Sarah standing on the porch holding Chloe in her arms. She looks scared of me as she bounces her newborn in her arms.

I look to the ground, then to the gun in my hand. I turn back to Sarah.

"Jayson, what's going on?" Her eyes move from one face to another. I can see her trying to understand the standoff in the driveway.

I look back to my friends, then defeat fills me.

It’s at that moment, Jayson takes the chance. He reaches out, grabs my arm, takes my gun and tosses it out of reach.

Seeing Sarah with her baby had me feeling like I lost all control. This wasn't me. I don't do this to my friends.

I hang my head, cover my eyes and my knees give out. I drop like a sack and Jayson falls with me. "Ok. ok. It's ok."

He holds my head to his shoulder as I break. Everything came out. He grips at my back as I grab at his arms. He holds me and lets me have this. Otherwise, I’m killing people.

"Ok, Buddy. It's ok.” He rests his head on mine as my entire soul just rips apart.

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