The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 23

(Chapter song ‘Back In Black’ by AC/DC)


An hour later, I'm standing in front of my dad's SUV with the headlights on in the middle of the dark, deserted highway. My leg is kicked out to the side with my hands in my pockets waiting.

Two black Harleys and an Explorer drive toward me. I raise my hand to block the head lights aimed at me to see who gets out.

Two guys get off the bikes on either side of the SUV. They open the doors and my family is dragged out. Ian and three other men get out, too.

He struts into the distance he placed between us. Chuckling, he raises his hands to his sides. "Luke! I didn't think you show." He turns to my family. "He must really love you guys." He says in a mocking tone. He turns back to me. "The pack."

"My family first." I motion to them.

Ian looks to one of his guys and nods. The guy walks over to my family and cut the ropes tied to their hands. Lucy grabs my dad with my mother on the other side. My dad looks hurt and he's barely able to walk.

Lucy's crying as they try to run to me. I meet them halfway and smother them all in my arms.

"Luke..." Lucy chokes.

My dad takes another step and falls, my mother falls with him. “Sam?!” She cries as she looks him over.

“I’m alright, Krystal... I’m… OK…” He waves her off as he tries to stand.

“No… You’re not, Sam.” She weeps.

“Dad, let me help.” I lift my father to his feet and claps my cheek. “Thanks.” I pass him to my mother and frantically look over Lucy and her. "You, ok? Mom... Lucy, you alright...."

Lucy’s frown deepens. "Dad's not healing."

I take his cheeks in my hands. "Stop fussin'.” He growls.

“Let me look.” I scowl.

He has a deep gash to his head. The blood is dried, but it's not healing at all. His face is stark white and his breathing is labored. "Dad?... Dad talk to me."

"I'm… good…" He struggles to breath. "Just…kill the son of a bitch..." His eyes start to close and his knees give out.

“Dad!” I catch him and try to hold him up in my arms.

"Enough!!" Ian yells.

I turn my head to him with fury and tears in my eyes. Without breaking my glare, I point to the truck. "Mom. Get Dad in the truck and stay there. Swift. Stay with me."

I hand my dad off to my mother and make sure they can manage to the truck. I never take my eyes off Ian who’s standing with his arms crossed looking completely smug. I slowly walk into the gap between the opposing vehicles.

"Give me the pack!!" He bellows.

I walk up to him cautiously. "Tell me about Alexi Torrent."

He laughs. "I'm not telling you shit." He lifts his gun and points it at my face. I push Lucy behind me as he cocks it. "The pack!"

I stare at the gun barrel in my face. My eyes train on Ian's and I smirk. "You know, Ian. There's a little lesson to be learned here."

His lip ticks up as he aims his weapon. "Yeah? What's that?"

I step back and snarl as I tilt my head. "Never bring a gun to a wolf fight."

His eyes go wide as I shred my clothes.

My brown wolfs head emerges as I shift. He growls fiercely as his massive jaws severs Ian's arm. His hand with his gun still in it, hits the pavement. Lucy shifts and her wolf jumps on one of Ian's men, tearing his throat out. Ian shifts into his tan wolf and tries to fight me off, but it's a bit hard to fight with three paws.

Ian's men shift and move in on us, but are quickly occupied with River, Jayson, Anna and Deacon, who were hiding in the woods.

The six of us slam into Ian's men. Anna tears the throat of one. I'm ripping Ian's shoulder off. Jayson is fighting a guy on his hind legs. Their muzzles are smashing together at lightning speed. The highway is full of blood, fur and growls in seconds.

Deacon lifts one wolf up and slams him into the road cracking it. The guy shifts back, unconscious. Deacon wolf stops and mind links me. "Luke. This one's a Dragon."

I link back. "Keep him alive."

I find new found strength as I fight Ian. He buries his teeth into my neck and my wolf growls and whines. I step on his severed leg making Ian's wolf howls in agony, letting me go in the process.

River tears into another one of Ian's men. "Luke, End it!" He links.

With a snarl of my wolfs lips and an Alpha growl resonating from my chest, my wolf’s jaws wrap around Ian's head. I twist until I hear the sickening crack of his neck. I plant my front paws on his chest and pull, tearing Ian's head from his body.

Lucy finishes off her attacker and Jayson spits the throat of his on the ground. I look around and the two Lycans left alive, disappear into the night. We all shift back and survey the carnage.

We walk around to the back of my dad's SUV. I take out the bag which held all our clothes. Anna pulls out clothes she brought for Lucy.

"Ok. Lucy..." I start as I pull on my t-shirt. "Take mom and dad and head for the pack house. You'll be safe there.”

She shakes her head. she swallows. "No. Luke, we need to get dad to a hospital.

I scrub a hand down my face. "Ok. Take the truck and head to Falcon Ridge. I'll meet you there."

"Where are you going?" She watches me walk over to Ian's body. I fish his pockets for keys, pull them out and palm them.

I walk over to the Dragon just starting to come to. I grab him by the hair and drag his ass to Ian's truck as he weakly kicks and fights. "To get answers.” I grumble. “Anna. Go with Lucy, please. You guys are with me."

I tie the Dragon up in the trunk. River, Jay, Deacon and I get in.

I start the engine and watch my family turn around and drive off down the dark road. I do the same, but the opposite way.

"I'll take you guys back to the pack house." I mutter as watch the road intently. "Um... thanks." flick my eyes to the mirror and connect with River in the back seat.

River leans forward. "This isn't over. You still need help."

I shake my head. "I've got it from here. You guys just stay safe, ok. If she shows up, call me."

Jayson glances at me. "What are you going to do?"

"Wring as much information as I can out of this guy and find Alexi." I stare out to the night. "Alexi will come to me. I feel it."

"You really feel something for her, don't you?" Jayson said.

I shake my head. "I don't know man. If it was anyone else, she's be dead by now. Whatever this is becoming, I can't turn off. I tried. She's in my head."

"Humph." Jayson smiles and looks out the window.

I look concerned at him. "What?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing. Just had a feeling of DeJa'Vu all of a sudden."

"I just hope I'm not too late." I turn onto the highway to White Rock.

"You won't be. I'm getting the feeling that this will play out like you want." He shoots me another smile.

I arch a brow. "What are you saying?"

He shakes his head again. "Nothing. I just know you'll get to her in time. That's all."

I heave a heavy breath. "I fucking hope so."

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