The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 2

(Chapter song ‘Ragdoll' by Aerosmith)

LUKE – Present Day

Six months.

It's been six months since I rolled my bike out of Jay's driveway. Six months into my retirement and I'm already sick of this place.

I was sick of the Unit. Sick of the kids. Now, I'm sick of Alpha Sam Jackson. My dad. He's been on my case about being responsible and taking over the pack. I don't want this hell hole.

Fuck. My sister, Lucy, would make a better Alpha. I don't want to be tied down. I don’t want to be responsible for the garbage this town brings in. Let her have it.

I will admit, since the Alliance took our Border Unit, things have gotten a little out of hand which was the reason why I originally came home in the first place.

The Lycans. A biker gang. They rolled in six months ago and has the town on its knees. My dad can't seem to do a damn thing about it and he expects me to clean up his mess? No way.

This is my last night in this place. Come tomorrow, I'm out of this town and this area. I think I'll check out the West Coast. I hear the she wolves are hotter than hot out there.

"Luke, be smarter than this." My sister is sitting on my bed, cross-legged, going through her social media.

I fix the belt on my blue jeans and straighten my white t-shirt. I look in the mirror on my dresser, run a comb through my dark, chocolate brown hair and give myself a wink with a smirk. "Swift. You do it. I don't want this shithole."

"I can't be Alpha, doofus. I'm a chick. Dad can't do it anymore. You can't leave us like this." She drops her phone into her lap and pulls her golden-brown hair into one of those pineapple bun things that girls do. "Come on, Luke. Don't do me like this."

I turn around and grab my black leather jacket. "No." I stuff my thick arms into it and check myself again.

"You're an asshole, you know that? What happened to you?" She scowls at me and folds her arms across her chest.

I shake my head. "Nothing happened to me. I've always been an asshole. It's your problem if you can't accept it." I give a wink and point to her before strutting to the door to get my boots.

She groans. "You know, Luke, there was a time when you actually cared about us and this town then you left us..."

I throw on my boots. "Swift, don't waste your breath, alright. I don't care. Tomorrow, I'm on my bike and I'm outta here. I'm not going to talk about it anymore." I grab my wallet and keys and head out my bedroom door. Lucy is right on my ass.

"Luke! You can't!" She barks as chases me downstairs.

I groan as I get to the front door. "I can and I will." I spin around and face her. "Nothing short of a goddamn miracle will keep me in this dump."

"Red Rock is not a dump, young man."

I put my hands on my hips and look up at the ceiling as I bite my cheek in frustration. I drop my head to my sister, lean in and point to her nose. "I blame you."

I face my father and shoot him a warning look. "Don't start."

I head to the bar on the other side of the common room.

Our pack house is typical. Modern furniture in a ranch style, two floor house. There’s enough room for several families and there will be room for more if I can ever get my ass out of here.

I walk around the bar top, open the bar fridge and pull out a beer. Cracking it open, I glare at my dad. "This town is your problem, not mine." I tip the bottle back and down half of it.

He leans on the bar and I can see the vein throbbing on his forehead.

When my bullshit pisses Samuel off, he looks like me, but with my sister's face. Lucy looks just like him. Hair, eyes, everything.

He's much older than most of the Alpha dads. He had us late. I think it’s the stress of this town that hasn't done him any favors in the aging department, though he loves to blame me for it. The guy’s just strung out.

He runs his thick fingers through his golden-brown hair. "This is your legacy. It's time you accepted that."

I snort. "Not a chance, old man." I down the other half of my beer and slam the bottle on the bar. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “If this is the legacy you’re serving, you can keep it.” I arch a brow then turn for another beer.

He walks around the bar and gets in my space. "I swear, if I was 20 years younger, I'd knock some sense into you."

I look him dead in the face. "If you were 20 years younger, you'd clean up your own shit." I growl at him.

"Luke!!" Lucy yells. "Dad, he doesn't mean it." She rushes the bar and grabs my father's arm.

I smirk at Lucy. "Yes, I do." I push past them both and head for the door. Lucy runs and jumps in my way, spreading her arms out across my exit to freedom.

"Swift, I don't want to put my hands on you, but I will. Fucking move." I warn her.

"No." She says smugly, crossing her arms. "You aren't leaving again. I won't allow it." She stood in front of me like she owns the place.

I scrub a hand down my face and shake my head. I grab her by the arms and shove her out of the way. I open the door and turn around. "Don't wait up." I grin and slam the door behind me.

I jog down the front steps and head to my bike.

"Luke!" I turn at the call of my name from the side of the house.

I cross my arms as I watch my friend jog to me. Bobby Sloan. You might remember his brother, Blade. Bobby's smaller, but has the same type of biker look his brother has. Long, black hair with a dark, menacing complexion. He loves to fight and is just a really cool guy. The Sloans are the Betas of the place. There was another brother, but they never talk about him. I asked why and they tell me to not fucking ask. Fine by me.

If I ever was crazy enough to take over, Bobby would become my Beta. I really don't trust anyone else.

He approaches me in bare feet, no shirt and track pants. "Where were you?" I ask as I look him over.

He threw his thumb over his shoulder. "Out for a run. You going out?" He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I pull out my keys and look through them for my bike key. "Yep. One last bash before I head out west for some California Dreaming." I grin.

He starts to back up to the house. "Well, hold on, I'll come with. I just need to shower."

"Dude. I got to go!" I hold my arms out to the side with an annoyed look on my face.

He points to me. "You aren't leaving without me saying a proper good bye. Nice try."

"Ugh. Fine." I hang my head and walk back to the house. "Hurry up." I throw my hand to him and furrow my brow as I follow him into the house.

Bobby runs to his room just as my other friend, Gavin Peters, walks into the common room from the hallway where his room is.

Gavin's my dad's Gamma. He's also dressed in comfort clothing. "Where ya going?" He adjusts his ball cap over his red orange hair.

This guy is the only shifter I know that has silver laced piercings. Fucking psycho. It doesn't burn, but it's enough to prevent healing in those areas. He says it's to keep him grounded, which I think is a load of shit. I think he just does it for attention. I have much better ways to do that.

"I'm trying to get to the bar before I head out west tomorrow." I groan as I flop down on the couch.

"You're leaving?" He raises his brow with four piercings. I always wonder why he doesn't jingle when he walks.

I silently chuckle at the thought as I pull out my phone.

"Trying to, but you people are so damn clingy." I thump my boots on the coffee table.

Gavin chuckles. "It's because we love you so much."

I roll my head to him. "Bullshit."

Gavin laughs. "Alright. I'm going to hop in the shower and I'll be ready to go."

He was already gone when I started to protest. "What? Awe, come on!"

Just then my phone dings. I swipe it open and see Jayson’s contact in my text messages. He sent me a picture. I haven’t really spoken to him in six months so this must be pretty big.

"New Edition" The title says. I click the link and it's a baby in a pink blanket.

YOU: Oh God. You cloned yourself?

JAY: Shut up, dick. She's beautiful.

YOU: Yeah. I can't believe she came from your ugly ass.

JAY: You're lucky you're not here.

YOU: I'm just messing with ya. How's Sarah?

JAY: Over the moon. Her mother and my mother are going insane. There's so much pink. Can I live with you?

YOU: Sorry, dude. As of tomorrow, I'm partying in Cali. If you weren't a baby daddy, you could come with me.

JAY: Geez, six months must be a record. Everything alright at home?

YOU: Nope, but it's not my problem.

JAY: Luke. It's your pack. It is your problem.

YOU: Sorry, Jay. I can't hear you....

JAY: What?

YOU: I'm... going... into... a... tunnel... Bye!

I toss my phone on the couch. I don’t need to hear him preach about my Alpha son crap. I get that enough from my own family.

I pick up my phone and look at the little baby. The corner of my lip threatens to lift before I toss it again. Pfft, Babies. God, who'd want one of those. All dirty and smelly all the time. I certainly wouldn't.

"Hey, Luke."

I lift my head to the front door as it opens.

Evan Dane. He’s the youngest of my friends. Great kid. He wants to be my Beta, but he's too young for that. He tries though. At 18, he certainly has a lot of gumption.

He's carrying shopping bags as he walks behind the couch I’m sitting on and walks to the bar. He sets the bags on the counter and starts to unpack them.

"Just stocking up" He says, thumbing at the wall of booze behind him. "Where you going?"

"You don't have to shower do you?" I squint my eyes at him.

He looks down at himself and then back to me. "No."

"Good. I'm going out and getting shit faced drunk before I head to Cali tomorrow." I smile.

He walks over and sits on the couch. "You're leaving? You just got here."

"Sorry, kid. I got places to be and women to bone. You know how it is." I wave him off and pick at my nails.

He sits back. "What about the town? Your dad?" He's starting to sound like Lucy.

"Not my problem." I tap his chest. “Tell you what. You become Alpha and fix it yourself." I get up and walk to the bags on the bar.

Rummaging through the bags, I find the beer. I pull out a bottle, crack it open and pound it back. "Ugh. Warm." I choke, but then shrug and drink it anyway.

I walk back to Evan and sink into the couch. I point to him with my beer hand. "Kid, if I were you, I'd pack my shit and leave too. This place has gone to the dogs and if you wait for my father to fix it...Well, you'll be waiting a long fucking time."

I downed the beer I had and went back to the bar to crack another one.

I just finished downing the half of that one when my eyes catch my mother stepping down the stairs.

I take another swig and prepare myself.

Luna Krystal Jackson. Fuck, here we go. My mother’s a taller woman. She's where I get my hair and hazel eyes from. She's also where I got most of my attitude. I love my mother, but rich bitch doesn't even begin to describe her.

"God. You're drinking again. Is there one day where you're sober?" She rolls her eyes in disgust.

I down the rest of my beer and burp loud. "Nope." I drop the bottle on the bar.

She shakes her head. "I know I've raised you better than that." She folds her arms.

I walk over and kiss her cheek. "Mom, you never raised me. The nanny did." I tap her shoulder and sit back down.

She groans. "Luke, this attitude of yours is really crude. When are you going to grow up?" She sits on the couch.

I snort. "I'll grow up when you do." I say under my breath, sinking into the couch.

"What was that?" She asks as her brows cinch together.

"Nothing." I force a smile, pick up my phone and start surfing.

Evan gets up and goes back to emptying the bags. "He's leaving tomorrow so, he's a little on edge, Luna."

"Where are you going now?" My mother scowls.

I lean my head back on the couch and turn it to Evan. "Thanks so fucking much." I grind and go back to my phone.

"Luke, answer me." My mother demands.

I drop my phone. "Out west, I have to get out of this place. It bugs me."

She stands over me at my knee. "So, you're leaving us with murderous bikers. Again."

I point to her. "Hey, you guys wanted me to join the Unit to fix my 'Anger Issues'. Me leaving was your fault."

"A lot of good that did." She scowls. "It looks like you came out even more of a jackass than you did going in."

"Love you, too, Mom." I make an air kiss to her.

She waves me off and stomps away.

Evan sits back down. "You should be nice to her. She really loves you, you know."

"Kid. The only thing that woman loves is my father's money and herself. Trust me, she doesn't really care about me." I look at the time, lift my chin to the ceiling and yell to the room. "LET'S GO!!!"

Evan gets his coat. "Dude, you really have no clue."

Finally, after fucking forever, Gavin and Bobby show up.

I give them both a once over. "Are you princesses ready?"

Bobby shoves my leg. "Let's go, asshole." Gavin chuckles as he walks to the door.

They all climb into Gavin’s RAM and I jump on my Harley bike.

I'm headed for a night of drinking booze and riding women.

The perfect send off.

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