The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 12

(Chapter song ‘Jekyll And Hyde’ by Five Finger Death Punch)


After thinking about it for days, I figure the only way for me to catch her, is for her to catch me.

This is the only weakness of a tracker. We function on sight, tracks and scents. If your target never leaves a city, they aren’t making tracks. Her scent? Yeah, it's strong to me, but other than the barn and the alley, I haven’t come across it, which means she’s probably driving. I could sniff around the entire city to find her, but I think it’s just easier to let her come to me. I’m pretty irresistible bait.

I'll let her play hunter. Let her think she has the upper hand than hit her with my skillful charm. I’ll have her begging for mercy when I’m done.

Ok. Focus Luke.

The first step is to look enticing. She needs to feel like she has a chance. So, I aimlessly walk the streets. I keep my nose out just in case, but I’m mostly just advertising myself to her.

Trying not to make my intentions obvious, I glance down the alleys and dark corners. I pause at a few and work my sniffer. All I smell is garbage and beer. I gotta sober up.

As I dangle myself in front of her, and every other dirt bag in this town, I casually look to the rooftops. She could be up there. Well, if she wants my sexy ass, she’s going to have to come down.

The day starts to turn to evening and I hope to catch her soon. I'm kind of running out of ways to not look suspicious here. There's only so much window shopping and menu reading a guy can do before people realize he's full of shit.

After a few more blocks, I decide that I should just hang out.

I stop at an alley that's next to a taxi stand. This way it looks like I'm waiting for a cab.

I pull out my ear buds and open my playlist app.

I hit play on a song I've been playing a lot this last six months. 'Jekyll and Hyde' by Five Finger Death Punch.

I put my foot on the wall as I lean my back on it. I stuff my hands in my jacket pockets and close my eyes, taking in the lyrics.

This song has resonated with me so much. My anger issues are pretty much that. I try to be like everyone else, but I have this animal inside that has to be let out every once in a while. Usually on some poor schmuck that pushed the wrong button. The Unit quelled some of it, but that’s only because I could punch heads without being arrested for it.

A lot of it is this town. I don’t know why I come back here. All it does is feed the animal and piss me off.

The rest is my wolf. He’s always been hard to control. He’s so goddamn sensitive. I think that’s probably why I drink so much. He seems more passive when I’m drunk. When he’s passive all he wants is to find a she wolf and climb up inside her. I’d rather do that than spill blood.

Lately though, I’ve felt different. I’ve felt a little less angry and a little bit more…what’s the word…responsible? I don’t know. This girl is doing something. I’m sure of it. I’m less about picking fights and more about wanting to help. Aside from Jayson, I’ve never wanted to help someone so bad before. If you asked me six months ago to try and help a Dragon, I’d tell you to shove your dirty mouth up your ass, but now…

But, I digress. Back to the hunt.

My foot taps against the wall as the music pounds in my head. The music changes and I continue to get lost in song when I feel it...

Cold steel rests on my Adam's apple. My nostril twitches and the smell of cherry blossoms fill my nose.


With my hand on my phone in my pocket, I slowly hit pause. I carefully open my eyes, not moving a muscle.

When I look up, stare into the dark cavern of a black hood. Inside the dark two glowing, green eyes.

Her mouth is cinched and her eyes scream for payback.

I press my lips together. "I said I was sorry." I shrug with a little smile.

Her jaw clenches and she grabs my shirt, pulling me off the wall and leading me at knifepoint further down the alley. Apparently, away from witnesses.

She pushes me against the back wall and throws off her hood.

I take in her beauty as I raise my hands to chest level. I’m not fighting back. I need her to think she’s in control. She looks me over and I can’t help but smile at her.

She scowls at me and in a split second, she has her gun drawn and cocked. She aims it at my chest and I lose my smile quick.

I throw my hands in front of me to stop her. "Ok. OK. Look. I'm sorry I escaped."

I pause and go over how weird that sounded in my head. I shake it off then continue trying to save my ass from a bullet. "I lied to you. I know. I shouldn't have lied. But, I kind of have this fear of dying thing. I just want to talk."

"No. You will die." She charges me with her gun arm stretched out. The barrel almost touches my chest.

"Ten minutes then you can kill me." I nod.

"No." She growls.

"Ok." I tick my head, smack her gun arm, snatch the gun from her, spin her around and pin her between the wall and my chest. I twist her arm behind her back.

I take her gun and stuff it in the back of my jeans then wrap my other arm around her chest. I lean my lips close to her soft earlobe.

Her scent fills my nose and it almost makes me loopy.

"I just want to talk." I whisper as my lips brush the soft hairs on her flawless skin. Her curls surround my head as I hear her heart beat speed up. I feel her breath quicken as I catch her eye.

I run the tip of nose up and down her cheek. "What's your name?" My voice is deep and almost sensual. I’m trying not to get turned on by this, but this woman makes that damn near impossible.

I squeeze her arm twisted behind her back and continue to tickle her skin with my lips and breath. "Tell me." I press my chest a little harder on her back and my wolf lets out a quiet growl.

"Alexi." She whimpers.

That's right, Baby. The Alpha has you now.

"Alexi." I say testing how her name sounds on my lips. I’ve never had a name feel so good to say in my life. "Alexi…If I let you go, do you promise not to run away?" I was dripping in Alpha and I know she felt it because her eyelids dropped.

My lips still play with her ear and skin as I wait for her answer. The amount of control I feel right now is so satisfying considering the number of times she’s beat my ass. Torturing her is actually fun.

"Yes." She complies.

“I’m trusting you right now.” I carefully let her go and allow her to turn around. She places her hands on the wall while I cage her with my hands on either side of her head.

I tilt my head to her and look her over. The urge to kiss those lips is growing fast. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as she looks up at me.

"Thank you." She says quietly.

I give her a genuine smile. "You're very welcome."

She stares into my eyes. "I'm sorry, too."

I scrunch my brow and tilt my head. "What?"

She grabs my arms and knees me hard right in the junk.

I let out a loud groan and fall like a sack of potatoes to the pavement. My mind explodes in the most intense pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I want to puke and scream at the same damn time as I roll to my hands and knees, huffing out the pain. I feel the back of my jacket go up and she takes her gun back.

I slowly raise my head, with complete agony on my face. I watch her sexy ass leave the alley way and turn the corner.

I rest my forehead on the pavement and wrap my arms around my head as my dick continues to throb.

"Ok...I deserved that." I groan to the alley.

When I can breathe, I push off the asphalt with a gritted growl and break into a run down the alley. I turn the corner she did and pick up her scent. As I follow it, I lose it. Shit.

I turn back and pick it up again, but there’s nothing. It just stops.

I look up to see a bus stop. I whip my head down the street and see a bus turn right a few blocks up.

I break into a run and chase the bus. Shoving people out the way, I get to the corner and see the bus turn down another street. Fuck!

I run down the street and I’m hit with her scent again. I stop and look around. On a pole is another stop. She got off. I find her trail and follow it up the sidewalk. I get about a half a block and lose it again.

I double back and sniff around. Again, it just stops.

Confused, I place my hands on my hips and step into the street. I look up and down it. Not smelling or seeing anything, I turn. My boot crunches something on the road. I lift it then squat down. I pick up the clear pebbles and analyze them.

I hang my head and shake it.

Glass. She stole a car.

“Damn it!” I throw the glass and stand back up. I look up the street and chew my lip.

Score 1, Alexi. My turn.


I'll be the first to admit, Alexi may be a tiny bit toxic. Let’s face it. Every encounter we've had so far, has resulted in us kicking each others asses.

Ok, my ass, but let's not nit pick, alright?

Anyway, now that I know her name, it's time to find out who she is. Internet, don't fail me now.

After losing her scent, I booked it home as fast as I could.

I bust through the front door, rip off my jacket, lock off my boots and stride to the stairs. The guys are on the couch, hanging out.

"Where have you been?" Bobby asks as I start up the stairs.

"Can't talk!" I yell, taking the stairs two at a time.

I throw open my bedroom door , slam it shut and click the lock. I mess with the papers on my desk and pull out my laptop.

I jump on my bed, sit crossed legged and plant my computer in the crook of my legs. I open the laptop and boot up the internet.

When it comes on, I find myself staring at the cursor. Obviously typing 'Alexi' won't get me anywhere.

I rest my elbow on my knee and my chin in my fingers as I think over the right keywords to use. I put my fingers to keys and type. 'Alexi, Dragon Pendent'

I scroll the results. Not really seeing anything I click the search bar and the cursor blinks at me.

I reluctantly type 'Alexi, Dragon Pendent, Torrent' I hit enter. I was hoping I’d come up empty, but as luck would have it, I struck gold.

As I scroll down, I pick up the laptop, rest it on my forearm and pace around my room. I have to swallow hard as I read.

The links float past my eyes and I see pictures, documents, even a fucking wiki. Torrent was fucking everywhere in here.

I click a link and pull up a picture of Draco Torrent. I get lost in his evil red eyes. Ones that I’ve seen as he killed my people on the battlefield. Never saw her though.

In the picture, he's holding a tiny, curly haired little girl. She can’t be no more than three.

I glance back at Torrent. He's not really the smiling dad. More like a proud father. His power exuding, but subdued by the baby in his arms. A hint of love behind the murderer. I don’t think I’d ever believe it if I didn’t see it for myself. Torrent had a human streak. Who knew?

I flip through more pictures and stop at one with Torrent standing in a crowd dressed in black. Everyone else is also dressed in black. At his legs us the same curly haired young girl. She's also dressed in black. She has to be about five or so.

I zoom into the little girl. I see Alexi in her. She looks sad. I zoom out and click the link and read the article attached.

‘Last Monday, Luna Cecille Torrent was reported to have been killed in battle. The Torrent estate reported that the Luna was brought home last Tuesday. They have not stated how she died.

Luna Torrent is survived by her fated mate, Alpha Draco Torrent and only daughter, Alexi. The Luna was buried today in a private funeral. The family request privacy during this difficult time.'

I close the article and zoom into the picture. I run my finger down the cheek of the little girl crying for her mother. Seeing her face breaks my heart. I want to hug her and tell her that everything is ok.

I hate seeing kids sad.

I go back to the results and see a picture of the Alexi I know. She’s leaving a building and again her eyes are filled with pain. This woman is never happy.

I click the article link under the picture.

‘With the death of Alpha Draco Torrent, the Falcon Ridge Security Unit has sent out a press release stating that the Dragon Pack has been dispersed and are no longer on the active watch list.

Authorities have some members in custody for the murder of more than 800 people and the attempted terrorist attack of the Caledon Security Unit.

Authorities are asking for anyone who has any information on missing Dragon members. They ask that you do not attempt to apprehend them yourself, but call the Falcon Ridge hotline.

One person of interest is still at large.

Alexi Torrent. No charges have been filed at this time, but the Security Unit has told us they have some questions that need answering. If you see Alexi Torrent, please call Falcon Ridge hotline.

Alexi Torrent has red hair, green eyes, 5'4" and may have a Dragon Tattoo on her right forearm. Her last known location is unknown...’

I stare at her picture and touch her cheek.

"Alexi." I whisper. The feelings I'm feeling are so conflicted. What am I supposed to do with this? I finally find someone who may pique my interest and she's fucking Draco Torrent's daughter.

I slam my laptop closed as my brows shoot up. "The pendent."

In a panic, I throw my laptop down and rush out of my room.

I have to get it back and shut Terry down before he finds out. There will be no holding back if he discovers who Alexi is.

I slow my steps and make myself look cool as I enter the common room. Terry is sitting with Gavin on a couch.

“Don't you guys have work to do?” I say with my Alpha tone which sounds fake as fuck.

They look my way and arch their brows.

"You, ok?" Gavin asks. "You look a little stressed."

"Uh. Yeah. I'm still feeling the effects of the whole almost dying thing, but I’m alright. Can I get a minute?" I motion to the dining hall with a smile.

He looks between me and Gavin. "Sure. "

I lead him into the dining hall and look around to see if anyone's in earshot. Satisfied, I grab him by the shoulder and pull him to stand in front of me. "I need the pendent." My tone is low, but may have sounded more urgent than I wanted


"The pendent. I need it back." I insist.

"I don't have it." He shrugs.

"What? What do mean? Where is it?" I study his eyes wildly.

"I was getting nowhere so, I gave it to Madison to see what she could come up with." He crosses his arms then motions a hand to me.

I grab his biceps and try to not sound crazy. "I told you to keep it between us. What the fuck?" I grit.

"After I found out who made it, I needed heavier tech to find out who your attacker is. I can't do what you want without Madison. She’s the head of security. You can trust her." His brows stitch and he gives me a once over.

"Ugh, thanks." I groan and turn to leave.

"Dude. What's wrong with you?" He stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Nothing. Just my life imploding before my eyes. I got to go." I pull his hand off and leave him there.

I rush down the office hallways and stop in front of Madison’s office. This is a nightmare. If anyone could find out who Alexi is, she could. Madison was one of things my dad got right. As an investigator, the woman’s a shark.

This is going to take some real sweet talk. I huff out a breath and fix my hair. Putting on a charming smile, I open the door. "Hey, Madison."

"Don't you knock?" She arches a brow.

"Sorry. Just have a bit of an urgent matter." I chuckle as I walk in with my sexy guy stride.

She smirks. "It wouldn't involve this would it?" She holds up the pendent.

"Actually, it does.” I point to it and sit down. “I gave it to Terry, but I would like it back now." I reach for it and she snatches it back.

"Aren't you the least bit curious as to what I found?" She arches a brow.

"Oh...You found something?" I slide to the front of my chair, lean on her desk and try to look nonchalant.

"Yes, I did." She sets the pendent down. "This was the property of none other than Alexi Torrent. Whoever attacked you was very brave. It was given to her by her mother. She had it made from her Luna crown. Draco had it inscribed the day of Cecille Torrent's death. If they stole this pendent from her, I'm sure they're on her hit list."

I swallow as I realize that I’m the idiot on that hit list.

I scratch my head. "Torrent made it for his kid? Sounds like he loved her a lot."

Madison sat back. "Obsessed is the proper term. He was obsessed over her. No one could touch her. Alexi was the crown jewel of the family. She was next in line for Alpha.”

I furrow my brow. "A female Alpha?"

She nods. "Yes. The first I've ever heard of." She picks up the pendent, twirling it around by its chain.

The dragon flashes in my eyes as I stare at it.

Her voice seems distance the more lost I get. "Imagine it. Losing your mother at four, then losing a devoted father. Your pack destroyed due to his teachings. Now, having to live a life on the run as Public Enemy number 1. That's got to set some deep, emotional damage. I don't care who you are."

My eyes move from the pendent to hers.

When you look at it that way, it explains why Alexi is so angry. After being prized by Torrent, she’s angry at the world for taking him away from her.

She has to know how sick he was. She can’t not know. If she is blind to the monster her father was, she's working with the lycans for what? What’s her end game? Is she wanting to pick up where her father left off? Is she wanting to be the Alpha he promised? If so, why the lycans? Why not build an army of Dragons. None of this makes any sense.

I feel like there’s something missing here. I feel like I have to fix this. How can I fix it?

I know, as Alpha, I have a duty to turn her in or end her, but my gut is screaming no. I’m being held back and the more I delve into this, the more I refuse to act on it other than finding her and talking to her.

I really feel like I can’t give up on this.

“If you need anything else, you know where to find me.” Madison hands the pendent over.

I hold the circle dragon in my palm. “Thanks.”

I leave the room and head down the hall, my eyes glued to the dragon. I wish it could speak.

If it could, I can only imagine what it would tell me.

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