The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 13

(Chapter song ‘Riot' by Three Days Grace)


I feel so bad. I don't even know why my wolf would ever want to hurt Jayson.

I don't remember much of the interaction. My wolf shut me out the minute she tore through. The only thing I remember is the tidal wave of anger that hit me just before. I've never in my life been that mad at anything. What's worse is, I've always had control of my wolf in the shifting department, but yesterday I was useless against her. She wanted out and was going to tear me apart to get out.

Jayson was surprisingly nonchalant about the whole thing.

He never spoke of it and when I tried to bring it up, he'd distract me or change the subject.

I just wish I could know what she wanted.

I've been trying to keep my mind off it by sparring with Deacon this week.

I rush at him with the offensive moves we've been learning at a more advanced level.

He swings at me and I juke right. I grab his wrist and twist it around then land a kick on his ass, sending him flying to the ground.

He groans, rolling onto his back. "Ugh, you need to stop getting in shit. The extra practice is making you too good now."

I laugh while I help him up. "Blame Jayson. He's the ones that dishes them out."

He brushes himself off. "Ok. Do the same move, but I want you to go faster this time."

"Ok." I crouch into position and run at Deacon again.

This time he tries to prepare for the right, but I spin left and kick his ass again.

He lands on the ground with a thud. "Stop kicking my ass!" He yells, chuckling.

"Never!" I grin evilly.

I run at him again. This time we collide in a wrestling hold. I try to trip him up and when that doesn’t work, I swing a left hook, which he blocks, but I answer with an uppercut.

He lands on his back. "Holy hell." He sits up, rubbing his jaw.

Jayson saunters over, laughing. "You Ok, Dea?"

"Yeah. She's got a mean punch, man." He rubs his jaw as he smirks.

"Atta girl." Jayson smiles while giving my arm a quick tap. "Take a break, Dea."

"Thanks, I need one." He walks away still rubbing his face.

I beam at the thought of giving the Alphas a run for their money. "You're next, huh?" I smirk.

"Yep." He crouches. "Defense."

"Ok." I crouch waiting.

Jayson runs at me, swinging. I duck under his arm and land a punch on his cheek and then I elbow him in the diaphragm.

He staggers back, coughing. "That was good."

"That was better than good." I stand with my hands on my hips.

Jayson tilts his head. "Don't get too cocky."

"Bring it." I narrow my eyes and give a little growl. He bites his lip and runs at me.

I decide to show him something Georgia's been working with me on. I spin around him, grab his shoulders, plant my feet in his back and pull. He flies over my head and lands with a thud on his stomach.

Luke was a couple of groups away. "Holy fuck!" I look his way with a big toothy grin and push my hair out of my face.

He starts laughing. “Hey, Jay! Is Super Blonde too much for you?!”

Jayson is coughs into the dirt then scowls at Luke as he cackles with a couple other recruits.

"Ok." He groans as he picks himself up. "I deserved that." He dusts himself off and straightens his back. "But I'm not done."

He runs at me again and I run toward him. I slideon my back like I’m sliding into home plate and punch the side of his knee as I go by.

His knee gives and he growls in pain. I jump up, put a foot on his ass and kick. He goes sprawling forward to the ground.

As he tries to get up, Kale comes over and squats by his head. "Should we talk about how you're getting your ass kicked by an 18-year-old girl." He smirks as Jayson shoots him a death glare.

Jayson gets up, cracking his knuckles. "No more kid gloves."

He rushes me and starts throwing punches, forcing me to back up and dodge his blows.

We've drawn a crowd of both recruits and Alphas.

Jayson tries spin kicks, but I'm dodging and blocking him. When the opportunity presents itself, I punch back. He's off his game which allows me to land a couple solid hits to his jaw. I elbow his stomach and step on his foot. He yelps and his face twists in anger.

He gets his arms around me and holds my head in a headlock. My one hand blocks his thick arm from my neck. His other hand on the back of my head. “Face it, little girl. You aren’t strong enough for an Alpha.” He grits.

“Oh, yeah?” I clench. I fight a bit more then butt kick my foot right in between his legs.

He instantly falls to the ground, holding himself. All the guy's cringe and groan while the ladies high five each other and cheer.

Jayson looks like he's going to be sick. He blows out breaths as tears threaten his eyes.

"Done, now?" I stand with my hands on my hips.

Jayson's hand shakes as he taps the ground. He rolls onto his stomach in agony.

I walk over to him and squat beside him. "From the way my wolf is reacting right now, you probably deserved that one, too.” I tap his back and go get some water while people shake me and clap my back.

Luke and Cass talk with him as he stands with his hands on his knees. His face is still red as Luke leans down to his head and slaps his back.

I smirk before I tip my water bottle back and turn away from him. After a minute, he cautiously slides in beside me. "I really hope that's all of it."

"Maybe." I turn and lean on the water table. "I'm sorry." I giggle.

"You think it's funny?" He leans on the table.

I hold my finger and thumb up. "Just a little."

He nods, sarcastically. "Wait. Just wait. I'll get you back."

I push off the table and stand close to him, staring into his eyes. "Honestly. I don't think your manhood could take it." I dart my eyes to his shorts and back up to his eyes. I bounce my brow with a smile as he bites his cheek. “See ya later, Alpha.” I give him a little tap on the chest and rejoin the practice.

I look back, casually, to see him cross his arms, hang his head and shake it.

My guess is, my wolf wanted some payback and she got it. I didn't think I could fight like that, but my wolf seemed to give me a power I didn’t know I had. It almost felt like Jayson brought it out in her… and me.

It's good that he's being such a good sport about it, though. I really do hope my wolf has got it out of her system because, although I enjoy poking the bear, I'm really starting to like him. I think he gets me on some level and I'm starting to get him. I never realized how much alike we really are even though we seem like total opposites.

I know he has control over his impulses, but I'm really wondering how much control he really has. The good side of me wants to respect that, but the bad side of me wonders how far I can push him until he breaks.


Speaking of impulses.

After our little spat on the field, I've been thinking about it nonstop for days. It's making sleep very difficult.

It’s more than just the fighting, I am really liking Jayson manhandling me. Is that something I should be concerned about? My dreams were flooded with hot, steamy actions after the fight. Like he'd grab me in his huge arms and kiss the life out of me. Rip my clothes off, have his way with me right on the field. Those kinds of dreams.

I woke up hot and bothered for the third night in a row. I have to get this out.

I could go for a run, but I have better idea.

Quietly, I slip out of bed, trying hard not to wake Ash. I grab some clothes, change and slip out of the room.

Once outside, I run across the field with my high ponytail swinging behind me.

After picking the lock to the complex, I walk into the gym and flick the lights on. It looks like a typical high-school gym with wood flooring, bleachers and basketball nets. Just what I needed.

I grab a basketball from the sports locker and run around the court. The sound of the ball bouncing beside me echoes through the gym. As I play imaginary players, I dodge and shoot.

“Yeah! Nothing but net! The crowd goes wild!” I talk to myself as run around with my hands in the air. I grab the ball and set up another play.

My phone blasts ‘Headstrong’ by Trapt as I make shot after shot.

I'll just play a little ball, get Jayson out of mind and head back to bed. No one will be the wiser.



I wake with a snort to my phone going nuts, vibrating across my nightstand. I groan, pick it up and look at the time.


Groggily, I put it to me ear, barely opening my eyes. "This better be fucking good, Cass."

"Sorry, man. The silent alarm was triggered at the arena."

My eyes cringe and my head starts to pound as I sigh a heavy breath. You have got to be kidding me.

"Jay? You there?"

I sit up and scrub my bed head. "Yeah. I'll check it out. I'm sure I know who it is."

I hang up, feel the irritation brewing and throw my phone on the bed. "I'm going to fucking kill her." I growl as I throw my blankets off and put on some track pants.

Few minutes later, I enter the gym. I'm completely aggravated that since taking this job, I haven’t had a moments fucking peace.

I tick my head and a small snarl curls my lip as ‘Riot’ by Three Days Grace hits my ears while Sarah bounces a basketball and throws lay ups.

I walk over to her phone and press pause, still half asleep.

She spins around and looks at me like there’s nothing wrong here.

I point to the phone as I slowly walk her way. "Fitting song.” I point to her. “We have locks on doors for a reason." I clench, fighting to keep my eyes open.

She holds the ball between her arm and her hip. "Hey. What are you doing up?"

She talks like she didn't just break into a complex building to play basketball in the middle of the night. This damn girl, I swear…

As I walk toward her, I circle my index fingers in the air. "Silent alarms." I point to my chest. "Boss of this place. Woken from a dead sleep because I have to check it out. That's why I'm awake." I flare my eyes and jut my chin out at her.

She bounces the ball. "Well, since your up. Wanna play?"

Is she really not registering that she’s in trouble here? I flop my arms on my side, tilt my head and shake it with a whine on my face. "Why are you playing basketball at 3:30 in the morning?"

She look me dead in the face. "Seems as good a time as any."

I close my eyes, blow out a breath in frustration and raise my finger to her. "You're crazy, you know that? I'm serious. You are certifiable. " I close the gap and her scent surrounds me as she develops a smirk on her lips.

"Maybe. But I bet you don't want to play because you can't." She bounces the ball to me and I catch it.

"I can play basketball." I arch a brow and snort.

She walks up to me and snatches the ball. "Prove it, Alpha." She challenges.

"Sarah. No. I'm not…" I start to whine more because I'm fucking tired, but she cuts me off.

She turns and walks away, bouncing the ball then turns back. She saunters back up to me with a mischievous grin on her face. "Simple one on one. You get three balls past me and I'll wash your car for a month." She throws the ball back at me and I catch it.

Damn. My Achilles heel. Friendly wagers gets my wolf going every time.

"And if I lose?" I arch my brow.

"You do double of whatever punishment you were going to give me for breaking in here." She kicks out a leg and crosses her arms.

I point to her. "But you still get punished."

She ticks her head. "We'll see."

I roll the ball in my palms and bite my upper lip in consideration as I walk in a circle around her. I look her over in her tiny shorts and tight t-shirt. "Two weeks of punishment?"

She nods.

"If I lose." I confirm as I continue to walk around her.

"Yep." She smiles.

I stop in front her. "Ok and I also get whatever you used to break in with, right now." I hold out my hand.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine." She reaches into her pocket and slaps it in my hand.

Confusion fills my face as my eyes float between what’s in my hand and her eyes. "You have a fucking lock picking kit?"

She ticks the corners of her lips down quick as she shrugs. "Got it off the internet for ten bucks."

I sigh, put the kit in my pocket and proceed to bounce the basketball. "You're on." I smirk.

She grins. "Alphas first."

She squares up in front of me, waiting for me to make a move as I bounce the ball back and forth between my hands.

I move in and she crowds me, trying to get the ball as I pivot and spin. Our sneakers squeak on the floor as we fight for ball control.

She knocks the ball from me, grabs it and completes a perfect jump shot.

"That's one, Alpha." She bounces the ball.

"I'm still asleep. That's the only one you get." I watch her as she runs around the court. She dribbles the ball and comes in from the side. She fakes left, turns right, ducking under my arms and sinks a layup.

"That's two." She holds up two fingers as she giggles. “You better wake up quick.”

I shoot her a snarky look and motion for her to bring it.

She comes at me again and she tries to spin around me, but I knock the ball from her hand. It rolls and I catch up to it. Before she can get to me, I shoot and make a net shot.

"Woo! I'm coming back." I say with a devilish grin.

She shakes her head and throws the ball to me. I catch it, bounce it between my hands and watch her. I rush her, bounce it between her legs and make a jump shot hanging from the net.

“Yeah! 2-2, baby. Eat that." I laugh as I strut with a little dance in my step around her. She watches me gloat and I can see the fear in her eyes. She knows she’s gonna lose.

"Still anybody's game, Alpha." She smirks.

"Oh, it's my game, little girl. I like three coats of wax, by the way." I wiggle my brow as I bounce the ball.

I run toward the net and she knocks the ball out of my hand.

She grabs it and goes for a jump shot. I jump to block the ball, but I accidently hit her a little too hard and we fall. We land on the floor and I let out an oof as she lands right on top of me.

The gym fills with Sarah's absolutely beautiful, full belly laugh and I burst into laughter right with her. As we catch our breath, my eyes find hers and they lock. Our laughter fades as we get lost.

I reach up and move a tiny lock of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. Suddenly, she’s the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Brushing my fingers across the soft skin of her cheek, I feel that heat again rise around us. It’s electric, heavy and addicting, but it's thicker this time. My heart pounds and my breath stutters as I feel her amazing body on my chest. The faint scent of her arousal starts to waft around my nose.

She moves her head closer to mine, but then stops like she's unsure if she should. My eyes flick between her soft, pouty lips and her big, blue eyes. She’s looking like she's wanting to do something, but doesn't know what.

I raise my head little closer. I can feel the control I had slipping away. The line I drew is at my feet and in that moment, I step over it.

I grab the back of her head and bruise her lips. I ask for entrance and her lips part. Like the big bang is in my head, my mind explodes. I'm flooded with sparks and light as I taste her amazing mouth. I deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around her. I grab the base of her ponytail and her delicate fingers thread into my hair, gripping it as her other hand presses my chest.

She moans into my mouth as I nip and suck her full bottom lip.

My hand slides down her back to her perfect ass and I squeeze it. I can feel my dick hardening by the second. I was sure I'd be tearing her clothes off in another second, but the moment is broken when I hear my name called from the arena foyer.

"Jay?!" I hear shoes squeak as they run down the outside hall.

We break the kiss and turn our heads to the door, still stuck in our compromising position.

I see a body fly by then it doubles back, banging into the door frame. "Jay?"

Luke stands in the doorway with a bat at his side and a tired, panicked look on his face. His bedhead is sticking up all over as his face fills with confusion. "What?"

I hold my hand out to him. "Why do you have a bat?" I chuckle. He’s a freaking shifter.

He scrubs his face, clearly exhausted and scratches his messed hair. "I thought you needed back up when you didn't check in. Why do you have a blonde?" His throws a hand out at me and whines.

Sarah and I both look at each other then turn back to Luke.

He shakes his head. "Whatever. Clearly, you got it handled. I'm going back to bed." He waves us off. Before he goes, he throws a finger at Sarah "You. Stop breaking into shit!” He growls as he furrows his brow.

"Ok. I won't. I'm sorry." Sarah grins

She turns her beautiful eyes back to me and I smile. "I don't believe that for a second." I grab her head again and go in for another deep kiss.

Luke grumbles loud as he walks away. "Wake me up! Fucking making out...Bullshit!!"

Both of us start giggling and finish the kiss.

I separate us and stand us up. After composing myself, I point to her nose. "Back to bed. We'll talk about this in my office in the morning.”

She walks backwards toward the door, grabbing her phone on the way by. "See you later, Alpha." She smiles.

"Night." I bite my lip thinking of that fucking amazing kiss.

This amazing girl is pulling the rope she's tied around me and now, I don’t think I have the strength to fight back, but I'll try.

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