The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 34

(Chapter song ‘Just Business' by Ramin Djawadi)


The room is heavy with concern. There's a feeling of dread, fear and anger in the air.

Alphas, Betas, all the way down to Gamma packed the conference room. I found Zeke and Blade at the back, leaning against the wall.

They both nod. I lean with them, facing the front where higher ups from Falcon Ridge and Caledon stood waiting for everyone.

Once satisfied that everyone was here, they started the briefing.

Alpha Fredericks stood at the podium with Alpha Bastian Cole, Head of the Prison Unit, at his side.

Fredericks read the intelligence report. "At 0900 this morning a group of unknown assailants, armed with silver bullets and explosives, attacked the prison building of the Falcon Ridge security unit. It's unclear at this time how they managed to bypass security measures. During the attack, 10 guards and 15 ranking members were injured. One guard was killed.

The motive for the attack was to release Cole Karver. He is, as of now, the only escapee at large.

We believe this group belonged to the Dragons.

The manhunt for Karver has begun. We will need volunteers with special investigative skills to join this hunt.

We will also require a group to head up the investigation for this massive security breach.

I don't think I have to tell you all, what is announced in this room, is top secret. The council of Alphas has been informed and are understandably concerned. Not just for the security unit, but for the citizens of Falcon Ridge.

We realize the border units are dissolved, but team leaders are being asked to search their files for agents that could assist in this situation.

I'll take some questions, then we have to get to work. The longer we talk, the farther away Karver gets."

One Alpha shot up his hand. Fredericks pointed at him. "This has Torrent written all over it, was he here?"

Fredericks shook his head. "There's no indication Torrent was here."

A female Beta put up her hand. Fredericks nodded. "Do we know where Karver is headed?"

He flipped through his papers. "We don't, but there is a good chance he's still in the area."

Another Alpha spoke up. "Who's heading this operation?"

Fredericks put his hands behind his back. "All units will report to me and my assistants. Teams will be headed by the team leaders. Border is to assist only. Karver’s our property now, therefore, our responsibility. Border will take orders from us."

Grumbles and groans came from some border heads.

He waved them down. "I know it's not what you want to hear, but the council made it clear. Border is no longer in charge of alliance threats. You're a local branch only and answer to us. Karver and Torrent are a threat to all the packs. Cooperation will be expected. No further questions." With that, he gathered his things and left with his consort of Alphas and aides. Leaving us all to wait for further orders.

I watched the higher ups leave. "Anna's not gonna like this." I quietly said to Zeke.

"You gonna bring her in to join the investigation team?" He crossed his arms.

I sighed. "I don't know. Last time, she almost got herself killed and got me shot. She gets tunnel vision when Karver's involved. Her head checks out. She's so obsessed that all rational thought goes out the window. I'm not sure if I want her there again. Especially, since she's not going to be in charge."

He clapped my shoulder. "Good luck buddy."

I shoot him a half smile. "Team leaders are meeting in the dining hall. You coming?"

He pushed off the wall. "Yeah. I'll meet you there. I'm going to hang back for a bit. I’ve got some phone calls to make."

"Ok." I push off and head to the meeting.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm sitting beside Blade.

We all have laptops open and we’re going through our personnel files.

As I go through mine, I stop at Anna's. I'm so conflicted. I know she'll be pissed if I don't bring her in on this, but I'll be just as pissed if she turns it into a suicide mission like last time. Her record is undeniable. She caught him. She has the most experience. The most knowledge of his movements and actions. How can I deny her? Things are different now. If I wasn't seeing her, I'd probably put her as number one pick, but now I'm terrified she'll get hurt.

Blade glances at my screen. "You bringing her in?"

I lean back in my chair. "I don't know, man."

"She'll kill you if you don't." He leans to me.

I scratch my head. "I know. She's just so damn reckless."

He flips through his own files. "Well, do you trust her?"

I scroll through her file. "Of course I do. But I'm just not sure I do around Karver."

He turned his head. "Just talk to her, man. She's been making some good headway here. Maybe she's changed."

"Yeah." I breath.

I glance over at Blades screen as he looks at Michael's record. "You picking him?"

"Thinking about it. He has a good record." He scrolled down.

"Anna and him have a history. As agents that is. As much as I hate it, I have to agree. Both Anna and him are the best border agents we got." I glance between Anna's file and Michael's.

Blade writes Michael's name down. "Good enough for me."

"Yep." I reluctantly write Anna's name down.



I'm parked outside the Falcon Ridge Security unit. The front gates are closed. It's a fair distance from the main building. I can barely see personnel running here and there. There are emergency lights flashing from vehicles scattered throughout the compound.

My blood boils seeing smoke still rising from the early morning fires caused by the explosives.

I rev my engine and spin my bike around. I head to the bar.


An hour later, I'm posted at the Falcon bar top with beer in hand. It's pretty quiet for a Saturday night. My guess is news about the attack has gotten out.

River's been texting me for the last hour, but I'm so pissed, the last thing I want is to listen to his excuses as to why I can't go after Karver myself.

I should have just fucking killed him. I fucking knew these unit assholes would fuck it all up. I fucking knew it.

Now, it'll be up to me to clean up this mess. I'm the only who knows Karver. I've been in his head. I know his moves. Only I can take him down and I'll be damned if I'm going to let the security unit stop me. Since David's death, it's been my life's mission to take this guy out. They aren't taking it away from me. Over my dead body.

I order another beer.

I was half way through my bottle, when I feel a presence slide in beside me. I don't even have to look. I sensed him. Scented him when he came into the bar.

I lift my beer to my lips. "How bad is it?"

River sits and places his arms on the bar. "Several injured. One dead." He waves at the bartender for a beer.

I wince. "When do you we start the hunt?" I say gravely.

He rolled his bottle in between his palms. "Anna. I don't think......"

I whipped my head around. "With or without you, I'm going after Karver.” I warn.

He turns to me. "You almost got yourself killed, Anna. I can't have that."

"That's not your call, River." I swallowed a mouthful of beer. "Karver’s mine. I'll be damned if I let you or anyone else stop me."

He turns in his stool and places his hand on his thigh. "So I don't get any say. I'm not allowed to express my fear that the woman I'm madly in love with, will go off half cocked to get herself fucking killed."

I turned in my stool to face him. "River, this is bigger then us. Don't you get that? Do you want another Timber? Because that's what will happen. If I don't bring Karver in, people will die...."

"And we will, but, please, work with us. Do as your told. I don't know what I'll do if something happens to you. We got lucky last time." His eyes were pleading.

I shake my head. "I'm not letting the security unit fuck this up again. The next time I see Karver, a bullet is going is going in his fucking head." I get up and head for the door. River is right on my heels.

"Anna..." He calls from behind me.

I push through the entrance, down the stairs to the parking lot.

I'm almost at my bike, when he grabs my arm and turns me around. "Baby girl, please..."

I shrug his arm off. "NO, RIVER!" My face is heating up as fear and anger fill my body. "I promised David I would kill Karver and you aren't going to stop me!!"

He stared at me straight in the eye. His faced filled with conviction. "And I promised David I would look after you! How can I fucking do that, when you throw yourself at Karver’s bullets?!"

I rub my brow. The thought that he made a promise to a dead man he doesn't know to look after me, filled my heart with a level of pride I didn't really understand, but the look on his face said he was dead serious. He meant every word. At that moment, I felt like he was sent by David to protect me the way he would have, had he lived. I'd be a jerk if I didn't take his statement seriously. "Look. I get why you're scared. I can do this, River."

He walked over to me placing both hands on my arms. "I know you can, baby. Just...please, do it with me. With the unit. By the book. You can't be in charge on this one, but I'll be right beside you. Please, Anna."

His pleas fell on my ears and went directly to my soul. I know if the tables were turned, I'd be pleading the same way. I know going after Karver on my own is a massive risk. Before River showed up, I was so willing to take that risk, but now, I have to realize it's no longer my life that's affected. Being in love with River means I have to consider him now. I can't just act like I did before I met him. I can longer travel the path of self destruction I once did.

I sigh. "Okay. I'll do it your way."

A wave of relief washed over his face. "Thank you."

I point my finger at him. "But you unit guys better not fuck this up."

He smirks. "I know, I know. Or you'll have my career."

I chuckle as he references our first meeting in Drake's office. "Yeah, that and you'll be sleeping on the couch for the next month."

His jaw goes slack. "Come on. That's not fair."

I smile. "Then don't fuck it up." I playfully warn.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder laughing. "Come on. Let's get another drink."

And we head back into the bar.


Sunday morning was a quiet one. I had a fitful sleep last night. David and Karver plagued my dreams. River with a gun to his head woke me more times then I could count.

I got out of bed. The sun was barely making its presence known.

River was still asleep, tangled in the sheets. I smiled as my eyes traveled down his strong back. The small bullet scar marring his perfect skin, stops my gaze and my smile fades. As I go over that night in my mind, I'm not so sure I could do it again this time if Karver’s take down went down the same way.

Could I pull the trigger again? He was lucky he lived. We may not be this time.

I shake away my thoughts and went downstairs to get some much needed coffee.

I went out to the back with my cup and curled up on my swing. It was cool, but nothing my blanket couldn't take care of.

I sat softly talking to the breeze. I feel like this breeze is now David's response to my questions. I asked him if he trusted River. The breeze blew. It was nice and calming. I asked him if joining the security unit was the right play here. Again, calm, soft wind tickled my cheeks. I asked him if he sent River to care for and protect me. This time the breeze was not only soft and calm, but warmer than the cool air around me.

I know it's all coincidence and in my head. I'm reading too much into the breeze, but if I was to get any answers for my own sanity, this was as good as I was going to get.

I don't know how long I was out there swinging and talking to my lost love, but it must have been a couple of hours as the sun had filled the sky with bright light.

The back door opened and River stepped out with a cup. He’s looking adorable in track pants and tank top. He was definitely a sight for sore eyes after the night I had.

My mouth ticked into a half smile. "Good morning." I say quietly.

He sits down, lifts the blanket and cuddles in beside me. "Good morning to you." He drops a kiss to the side of my temple.

He sips his coffee. "How long have you been up?"

"A couple of hours." I rest my head on his chest. "Just talking with David." I look up at his eyes. "He likes you, you know."

River smiles. "He told you that?"

I take a sip of my coffee. "Not in words, just a feeling. I think you and him would've gotten along. You're both alike in a lot if ways."

"Oh? How's that?" He played with my hair.

"You're both strong, brave. Independent and caring. You both have this obsession to keep me hidden from danger." I giggle.

"Well, we love you so damn much. Is it surprising?" He kisses my hair.

"No, but it's frustrating sometimes." I tilt my head up and plant a kiss on his lips.

"Anna, I know it's frustrating. I can't help it. As Alpha, I have this inherent need to protect what's mine and you are mine, baby girl. I never want to lose you." He lifts my chin and kisses me so softly. My lips part and my body floods with electric passion. My mind explodes and my wolf whines in appreciation like she knows something I don't.

We separate. He gazes into my eyes. "Anna, there's a reason I feel so strongly about us. It seems unlikely, but I have to tell you."

"What's that?" I wonder.

"Anna...I believe you're my mate." His eyes never leave mine.

My brows come together. "That's impossible, River."

"I don't think so. You may have lost David, but I haven't had a mate. It may be possible that fate has given you to me. Is it so hard to believe?" He cupped my cheek.

"No." I smile. "I guess it could happen. The blue moon will tell us."

He puts his forehead to mine. "That's what I'm hoping for, but Anna, I also want you to know that, if you'll have me, I'll choose you. Mark you. Make you mine forever. I don't care if my mate shows up later. I want you. All of you."

My heart swoons. The idea that he would give up something so special for me, was so heart warming, but I'm not sure if the time came, he would do it. "I love you so much. I don't want to lose you."

He kisses me again as a warm breeze blows and swirls around us.

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