The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 32

(Chapter song “King Of The Ring' by Adrenaline Mob )


I should start by saying, I'm wasn't impressed by Rivers so called training performance on Monday. I knew exactly why he did it.

Michael is bothering him big time. As much as I tell him we're just friends, I can't make him trust Michael. Which led me to our little hookup Monday night.

I knew his wolf needed to be satisfied and he needed to be shown that I was still with him. I hope I proved that.

It seems like it, since there have been no further awkward exchanges between the boys for the last two days.

I've kept River fed, if you will, with secret meetings during the day and night.

Things between River and I have never been closer.

I walk into the showers and pick a head. Fiona is already showering with Laura and a border recruit named Cassidy.

"Hey." I greet them as I travel under the stream of hot water.

Fiona smiles. "Hey, girl. How's it going?"

I glance to her. "It's going. What about you guys."

Laura squeaks. "Good. Thanks for all the training."

"No problem, sweetie." I soap up my hair.

Cassidy speaks up. "So, Anna. How you liking the unit. It's so different from border."

I tilt my head. "It's actually pretty good once you get used to how things are run here. I thought I'd hate it, but turns out, it's just what I need."

Cassidy snorts. "I'm sure the sexy Alphas have nothing to do with it."

I smirk. "No. I truly like the unit."

Cassidy starts washing herself. "I tell you. I wouldn't mind that Alpha Blake warming my bunk."

My jaw goes slack. I stare at the wall. Not saying a word.

"All those ripped Alpha muscles...." She continues. "Fuck. I thought I was going to pass out when he took his shirt off the other day. Breathtaking. Phew...." She laughs, waving her hand fanning herself.

Fiona and Laura laugh. I'm internally fuming.

"I wonder if he gives private training sessions." She shoots me a wink.

I aggressively turn my water off. "Not a good idea. He's an Alpha."

Fiona saw my face and slightly shook her head no.

Cassidy laughs. "Oh, I'm sure what the higher ups don't know won't hurt them. A little hook up here and there wouldn't hurt." She turns back to her shower.

My fist balls and my knuckles turn white. My wolf is going crazy. Clawing at my rib cage. Thank fuck for Fiona.

She turns her shower off and rushes to me. Breaking my line of sight to Cassidy, who's oblivious to my anger. "Uh...come on Anna. We're going to be late." She turns me around, throws a towel at me and ushers me out of the shower to the locker room.

I blow out my anger. "Thanks." I grumble.

She places her hand on her hip. "You need to calm down. Girls are gonna talk. Get used to it. The Alphas into you. He doesn't care about these other girls."

I run a brush through my wet hair. "Yeah I know. It just pissed me off. Made me..."

"Jealous?" She raised a brow.

I sigh. "Yes. I give him shit for it all the time and I can barely contain my own."

She leans her but on the sink. "Hey, it's expected. You're both walking on eggshells right now. Especially, since you can't advertise anything."

I toss my brush into my bag. "I gotta reign this in."

Fiona nods. "Yep. But I'll be watching your back, don't worry."

I smile as she wraps an arm around me and we head to our lockers to change.


The morning session was standard, but the afternoon session was something new.

A King of the Ring game.

Sparring contest. River, Blade, Zeke and Greg stood in the middle of the circle where we were all gathered around.

He walks around, head held high, hands behind his back.

He walks to the center. "Welcome back!" He shouts.

"You're probably wondering why we're here. Well, I'll tell you. This line you're all standing at..." He runs around the white tape of the giant circle just at our feet. "That's...The Cage." He walks back to the center. Murmurs cross the crowd.

Blade and Zeke smirk while Greg wrings his hands in enjoyment.

"This is a cage match! King of the Ring! Winner take all. You will spar each other in this ring. First to tap out or be thrown out of the ring, loses his or her standing. The winner of each match stays until he or she is dethroned. The last fighter standing will not only have Supreme bragging rights, but also...the next two Fridays off!"

Yeah’s exploded from the groups.

River waved them down. "Rules! This is sparring only. No serious moves. We don't need anyone in the hospital. No wolves. That means you, Davis." Davis shrinks. He recently got busted for using wolf power during sparring practice. "This is still training, so be focused. Good luck!"

He stepped back to the other Alphas. Blade stepped forward. "Alright! Who's our first pair?" Hands shoot up. He walks around. "Mica. Fergus. Get in here." He waves them in and the boys run to the center.

The boys square off and attack. It's a wrestling match for a while until Fergus lands a punch to Mica's jaw and he stumbles back. Then Mica lands a massive uppercut to Fergus as he runs at him. Fergus falls to his back. He tries to get up, but falls back to the ground. He taps out. Mica walks around with his fist in the air while Fergus stumbles out of the ring to sit off to the side. Nursing his wounds and his pride.

"Next challenger!" Blade booms.

Another recruit runs into the ring and doesn't give Mica a chance to prepare. He pummels Mica to the ground, trying to set him up for a pin, but Mica gives him an elbow to the face. This allows him to get to his feet. The two then exchange blows. Mica grabs the recruit from behind, but the recruit managed to hook Mica's foot, tripping him to the ground. Mica lands with a thud. The recruit puts his knee on Mica's neck until he taps out. The recruit gets off and helps Mica up. Mica leaves the ring grumbling and swearing the whole way to where the losers stand.

Next is a female. Very tall and muscular. She rushes the guy and lands solid punches to his face. She’s damn quick.

She spins around him, avoiding his holds, and grabs his shirt. She plants her foot on his back and flips him backwards. He goes skidding outside the line.

"Next!" Blade yells.

The female recruit lasted for a strong while until she was bested by Mark.

Now, I take my chance. I rush Mark who seemed ready for me until I block his punches and spin and land two back to back punches to his face. I also land a high kick.

I try for another one, but he grabs my foot and flips me.

I launch myself back up backwards and run at him. I jump at him, planting both feet on his chest and shoving him back. I'm not giving him an inch. He stumbles back and I enter his zone with left and right hooks. Then I grab his arm and throw him forwards. He lands on his back. He groans and writhes on the ground. I kick him over and bend his arm backwards. He screams and taps out. I let go. I offer a hand, but he refuses, scowling. I hurt his pride.

I last for five fights before Franco puts me on my ass and I have to tap out.

The fights last until the last fighter goes down.

We all head back to the circle. Blade stands with a recruit named Adam who's grinning from ear to ear.

River stands in front. "The King of the Ring!!" He yells. "Enjoy your long weekends recruit."

"Thank you, sir."

River nods. "Ok. Hit the showers!"

I head off the field and I see River walking toward me, but then Michael skids up beside me. "Nice moves!" He claps me on my back.

I glance at River who has now changed trajectory with a scowl on his face. "Thanks." I smile.

"I thought you'd win the ring for sure. It wouldn't surprise me. You're an amazing fighter." He grins.

"I still got my ass handed to me." I laugh.

He rubs his neck. "Yeah, but some of these guys are pretty big. You did good. The unit has definitely improved your skills."

We walk together a little longer when Michael perks up. "Hey, a few of the guys are playing a friendly game of poker tonight. Wanna join?"

I shake my head. "No. I'm tired. I'm just gonna get some food and hit the sack."

"Oh. Ok. Well, let's gets some grub then." He puts his hands in his pockets.

I smile. "Sounds good."


Sitting at the table, everyone is talking about the cage match.

I glance up to see River talking to his friends. He's so close, but so far away. I wish he would just walk over and kiss me hard like he did on the dance floor that night.

His eyes catch mine, but I'm so lost in my fantasy, I don't notice.

He mind links

‘What you thinking about, gorgeous?’

His interruption breaks my thoughts.


‘Oh, what about me?’

‘How I want you to just drop everything right now and kiss me.’

‘Hmmm...Want to meet up for dessert?’

A sly smile crosses my face.

‘I like that idea.’

After, River told me where, I get up and put my tray in the kitchen.

I turn to leave and see Cassidy, standing at Rivers table talking to him.

I can't hear what she's saying, but she's clearly flirting. My insides boil as I watch River smile and even laugh as he talks with her.

It's only made worse when she laughs and puts her hand on his shoulder.

I can't take it anymore and I storm past the two. I can feel River eyes following me.

He wanted to meet in the laundry room so I go in and wait. I have no intention on having dessert as I'm thoroughly pissed off.

He comes in, sees me and locks the door.

He saunters up to where I'm sitting on one of the washers.

"Mm...I missed you." He nuzzles into my neck.

I just give the silent treatment.

He pulls back and then notices the angry look on my face. I'm sure he feels my wolf surge too.

His jaw goes slack. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Are you sure you don't want Cassidy for dessert?"

He smiled and tucked some hair behind my ear. "Baby, we were just talking. Nothing to be worried about."

"Except, I can't talk to like that. I can't laugh with you or flirt with you, but she can?" I on the verge of tears.

"Baby girl, it wasn't like that. She was just asking a training question. It's my job."

I looked past him. Blinking away tears.

He searched for my face. "Look, it's gonna happen, ok? Recruits are gonna come to me for advice and questions. You don't need to be jealous."

I huff. "I'm not jealous of her."

He moves my chin with his finger so our eyes can meet. He smiles. "Yes, you are and, although it's completely adorable, you can get like this. It'll draw attention. Just like I have to try and not be jealous of Michael."

"That's different." I cross my arms. "You know Michael's my friend. Cassidy wants you. She told me."

He backs off a tiny bit. "I know Michael still wants you, so there's no difference."

I jump down off the washer and scoff. "He does not. He's happy we're together. You just refuse to trust him."

"Of course I don't, Anna." He watches me walk passed him. Putting myself between him and the door. "Can't you see how much he's hanging off you? Always right there. Right at your side. Always hanging around you. He hasn't left you alone for a second since he got here." He was getting irritated.

"Now, who's the jealous one?" I say with attitude.

He puts his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "Look. I know Michael's lying through his teeth, ok. I can feel it in my gut. I'm not jealous, I'm scared, Anna. I'm scared he's going to take you away from me."

"He won't. Why won't you believe me? How many times do I have to tell you? Michael isn't a threat to us." She flopped her arms to the side.

"He is, Anna. Just...stay away from him, ok." He sighed.

I furrowed my brow. "He's my friend, River. I'm not going to ignore him."

"So, what? He's more important then us?"

I huff and shake my head. "You're ridiculous." I turn and head for the door.

"Where are you going?" He called after me.

I look over my shoulder. "I'm not in the mood for dessert." I storm out of the laundry leaving him there.

‘Anna, please...’ He linked. I block it and head to my barrack.

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