The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 30

(Chapter song ‘No Leaf Clover' by Metallica)


The recruits file onto the field. They stand at attention ready for the day. Except this isn't going to be an ordinary day or week for that matter. Today is when the border agents join the recruitment center.

I stand with Stevens, Blade, and Zeke. Greg, our best recruit leader, is also there. He took on more of a leadership role last week with Hell Week and Stevens felt he should help as we need trainers.

As the busses pull in, I lean to Blade. "Here we go." I whisper.

We're all standing chest out, chin up, hands clasped behind our backs as the agents unload.

All the busses are from all the border units in the alliance packs. We coordinated a bus deploy to gather everyone and make sure everyone got here. At the end of the week, they'll be bussed back and can use their own cars to report for duty call.

I watched the agents file off the busses.

No Michael.

I was almost thinking I was actually in the clear when time almost stopped with the last handful off the busses.

Michael steps off the bus with Rez and Felix walking behind him. Their duffels all slung over their shoulders.

I swallow my jealousy and anger. The fact that I know he's a fucking liar, is making this worse. I almost wish I never figured him out, but then, I'd be clueless to who he really is.

The agents line up. It looks like a biker rally more than duty call. Big guys and tough as nails women. All wearing some form of jeans and leather. All looking like they they're being sent to prison. This will be fun.

Stevens steps up in front. "Good morning!" He starts to pace in front of them. Side eyeing the front line as he walks by. "I know this is the last place you all want to be! Well, I'm here to tell you..." He turned to face them. "Get the fuck over it!"

Snickers and eye rolls wave over the agents. Stevens raised a brow. "For the next three months, you belong to us! You will follow orders, or suffer the consequences! You will address us all as Sir or Alpha! We do not tolerate attitude here!"

He walks toward the formation and stops in front of a guy who’s been snickering this whole time. "What's your name recruit!"

"Bradley." The guy said smugly.

"Bradley, what!" Stevens yelled.

"Just Bradley." He smirked.

Other snickers were heard from the lines.

Stevens grabbed Bradley by the back of the neck and pulled him out of line. "You're a funny guy." He spun him around. "See that track?" Bradley looked at him. Stevens got so close they practically touched noses. "GIVE ME 50 LAPS NOW!!"

"What the F..." Bradley, looking shocked and confused, was pushed forward by Stevens toward the track.

"MOVE RECRUIT!" Stevens yelled and Bradley jogged off in jeans and boots to run fifty laps.

Stevens turned back to the agents who were now a little less talkative. "Now, pay attention! I don't have a sense of humor! I have zero patience! You do not want to make an enemy of me! Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir." The agents are a lot more quiet now

Stevens stood tall. "What was that?"

"Yes, sir." A little louder.

"SAY IT AGAIN!" Stevens yelled.

"YES, SIR!" They all yelled.

"That's better." He clasped his hands behind his back.

"These men behind me are our best trainers and your worst nightmares. They will teach you to fight, work as a team and follow command. Addressing these men will be just the same as addressing me. You will do so with respect and discipline. Do I make myself clear?"


"Good." He turned. "Alpha Blake. Assemble the recruits for barrack assignment."

"Yes, sir." I step up. "Good morning! When I call your pack, you will report to the team leader with your barrack number. You will follow them to your barrack to get set up with the barrack leader!"

I bring out my clip board. "Red Rock! You're with Alpha Sloan!" Blade steps up. He walks over to an area. "Red Rock! File in here! Women on the left. Men on the right."

I continue. "Caledon! You're with Alpha Jacobs!"

Zeke takes an area and directs his recruits the same way.

"Black Lake! You're with Alpha Stevens!"

Stevens organizes his recruits.

"Falcon Ridge! You're with Recruit Thomas!"

Greg waves Falcon ridge over and gets them lined up.

I flip my paper. "White Rock! You're with me!"

I wait for the White Rock agents to line up. Michael made sure he was as close as allowable. Making it known he was there.

I avoid his eyes like the plague. "White Rock follow me." I spin on my heels and march to the barracks where White Rock will be staying.

Once we got to the barrack, I handed off the group to the barrack leader.

I make one last address. "You will find your bunk, change into uniform and assemble on the training field in one hour!"

I nod to the barrack leader who then takes over.

I try to release my tension as I walk away. I just thank God I have my own quarters. I don't think I could stand to be in the same room with the guy.

I head back to the field to address my group who have been waiting this whole time.

I catch Anna's eyes. Trying not to smile at her beautiful face. She gives a quick smile though.

"Good morning!" I start.

"Good morning, Sir!" The group yells.

"I'm sure you all know by now; we will soon be joined by new recruits from the border units!"

Snickers and sneers rise up.

"Alright!" I glare. "You will treat them with the respect that is expected from unit personnel! Am I clear?"

"Sir. Yes, sir!"

“The training groups will be a lot bigger going forward! It will be difficult to monitor everyone! So, in the coming days I'll be looking for some recruits to take on more of a leadership role to assist me!"

I walk back and forth.

"I know this will be a challenge for you. It's not ideal, but we must work as a team. We must be patient. Try to help each other as much as we can. Do you understand?"

"Sir. Yes, sir!"

"Good. Warm up laps! Dismissed!"

They all jog off to the track. Bradley is practically being dragged off by Stevens and sent to the barracks. He looks dead. His blue t-shirt drenched in sweat and I'm sure there's a little chaff going on in those jeans.

Zeke and Blade send their recruits running and huddle up with me.

Zeke folds his arms. "Did I see those two douches from the bar?"

"Yep." I say standing rigid.

Blade crosses his arms also. "Oh, this will be good. I can't wait to get that blonde punk in a sparring match."

I chuckle. "Just don't hurt em too bad."

"He'll be able to heal. Then I can fuck him up again." He smirks.

I look toward the barracks and see groups gathering. "Well, let's get to work." I sigh and the three of us shuffle off to gather our new recruits.



I watch out the window as the bus pulls into Falcon Ridge. I feel like I’m going to prison. I know it will be just as torturous. Having to see Anna with that rat bastard.

When I got off the bus, I immediately saw him. My gut felt sick. I wanted to pummel him right there in front of everyone. He stood in his military uniform with a fucking smug look on his face.

I didn't take his threat idly on Saturday. I'm not stupid enough to thoroughly piss off an Alpha, but I won't let him push me around either. If he drives me to destroy what he has, I will. I'll hand the next move to him.

I wasn't really lying when I said I wanted Anna to be happy and right now, that jerk is making her happy. I hate that I may have to destroy her happiness, but she will understand later.

Since seeing him, my wolf has been going nuts. Trying to rip his way out of my chest to tear his throat out. I almost broke when I saw him shove his tongue down Anna's throat on Friday. My boys took it upon themselves to have a little chat with him. Of course, it went nowhere. Alphas don't usually like to start shit unless provoked. Though I'm sure if his boys weren't there, there would have been blood and lots of it.

The Team leaders divide us all into groups and take us to our barrack houses.

I get my bunk and change into my uniform. I cannot believe I have to be here. With him I have to fucking lick the boots of the guy whose sticking it to my girl.

I watch him approach us, all high and mighty. I'm trying to look normal, but I'm throwing daggers with my eyes as he gives his little speech about training.

He tells us all to run laps, so I comply without complaint. Anna's out there. I'll take running with her any day.

I hit the track and scan the groups of runners. I spot Anna just up ahead. The way her body sways when she runs, has my wolf licking his chops. I am too. Time to make my presence known.

I run up beside her. "Hey." I pant.

She glances over. "Michael. Hi!"

"Is it always this fun?" I joke.

She laughs. "Yep. Just a big Ole party here."

"So, River's our trainer?" I ask.

She nods. "Yep."

"He must go easy on you." I wink.

She shakes her head. "Nope."

I started to get winded. My legs were burning. Border doesn't really train, but I keep up to Anna. I want to be near her as much as possible.

I hear a whistle and the group stops so I do too.

We're waved over by the Alphas.

We a file into a formation in the grass. There must be a hundred of us.

The Alphas pull their existing groups out of the pile of recruits and set them up behind them. Anna leaves to join River's group. My heart sinks.

They start at one end, directing us to their groups.

Alpha Sloan heads in my direction. He's a really big dude. I swear he must tear through shirts daily.

He stands in front of Felix, Rez and me. He crosses his arms and glares at us. Felix and Rez swallow hard. They immediately recognize him from the bar.

He steps close. Eyes all three of us up and down. In a low, deep, intimidating voice he says, "You three...." His finger travel through the air across us. "Are mine." He smirks and points to his group.

I internally groan as the three of us jog to his training group. He's smiling smugly the whole way. I'm sure River told him who to pick.

As I wait for what's coming, I glance over to Anna. She catches my eyes and smiles. I could literally get drunk off that smile.

I smile back and then turn to break the eye lock. If I didn't, I'd lose my cool right there on the field.

And I don't want to do that.

Not when I have a plan in the works to get my girl back.

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