The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 3

(Chapter Song ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’ by Tears For Fears, ‘Give Me One Reason' by Tracy Chapman)


I pace the room in front of his desk, my fist balling and opening. My shoulders are heaving.

"Son. Calm down."

My dad was seated at his desk. He ticks his head to shake the medium length black lock out of his blue eyes. He folds his large hands on the top of his desk. His eyes follow me as I walk back and forth, processing what this gigantic asshole just told me.

My loving, devoted father just delivered, yet, another condition I have to pass to get the title that has been promised to me since the day I was born. Most of my friends either have them or are lined up to get theirs. I’m 22 years old. I should have had Alpha by now and I’m fucking pissed about it.

I stop, turn my head to him and take big steps to his desk. I lean on it and slam my fist down. "Calm down?! Christ, dad. This is bullshit and you fucking know it! You were 5 years in before you met mom! Why the fuck do I have to be mated to get my fucking title?!" My eyes shoot fire as I flare them at the man who gave me most of my looks.

He leans back in his chair. Clearly, not threatened by his pup. He rests his laced hands on his chest. "Son. My situation was different. My father died. I had to take the pack. I wasn't ready. I should have had a Luna. You will have to go by the book. Just find your mate and you'll get your title. It's not the end of the world." He sits up and waves me off.

My anger boils at his nonchalant attitude of what he’s asking.

I stand up and grab at my long on top, black hair with my hands then scrub a hand down my face in frustration. "Not the end…? Fuck! Do you realize my mate could be dead? She might not even be fucking born yet, dad? I could be waiting for fucking ever!"

"River, watch your tone." He points to me and gives me a warning look. “I’m Alpha before I’m your father. Remember that.”

I lean on his desk again. "Dad. I'm ready. I'm more than ready. I've studied. I've trained. I joined the damn Security Unit, for fuck sakes.” I throw an arm out to the side in the direction of the Falcon Ridge Security Unit. “What the hell more do you want from me?!"

My dad pushes his office chair back and stands up. "I need you to settle down.” He quickly points to me as he comes around his desk. I follow him with my eyes. “And stop using this office to impress your friends."

I straighten up and growl out a frustrated breath. "Fuck this." I spin on my heels and head for the door, aggressively waving a hand at him.

"River!" My dad calls out.

I don’t look back and slam the door. Yeah, I pissed off the Alpha. I don’t give a fuck. He’s being unreasonable and he knows it. For two years, he’s been stringing me along and I’m sick of it.

I'm heated, angry, fucking pissed right off. My wolf is clawing at my insides. He wants out.

Fuck the Alpha. I don't do married life. It doesn't even matter because chances of me finding my fated is like one in a billion anyway. I'm never getting my title.

I storm down the stairs with a dark scowl on my face.

My mother came into the common room of our White Rock pack house. It’s an impressive house. The largest in the city. We have 50 rooms and have families that live here as staff. My mother worked hard decorating it in a rich, Victorian style.

My mother is a very beautiful, caring woman. A tad smaller than me and very brilliant. I get my attitude from her. She has the face of an angel and the power of an Alpha. She can kick anyone's ass, including my father's and right now, I wish she fucking would.

She crossed the room with her arms out. "River, honey." She gives me her classic ‘I'm sorry' face as she holds my face in her hands when she reaches me.

"Hey, mom." I grumble. I know she knew what my dad was going to do and I’m pretty sure she knew how I would react.

"River. You need to be patient. Your father means well. He doesn't want to see you stumble through like he did." She took my hands and hung them at our sides. "He loves you, River. He's not doing this to keep you from being Alpha."

My face twists into a whine. "But, mom.... you and dad were lucky. Fated mates are so rare these days. Dads got to know this. Mine could be anywhere. She could be on the other side of the planet."

She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Or....She could be right next door. River, you don't know, but don't lose faith. Just focus on what you're doing, alright.” She smiles and taps my chest. Then she turns and throws a finger in my face. “And don't think I didn't hear your tone to your father. I didn't like that one bit." She narrows her eyes.

I blow a breath and nod. "Sorry." I mumble. "I just get so pissed off. I'm trying so hard and every time I feel like I'm done, he throws something else at me. He's never going to give me my title."

"He will in time. You'll see." She placed her hand on my chest, giving it a little pat.

"Okay." I don’t believe it one bit, but the last person I want to upset is my mother.

As I give her a little smile, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I hold a finger up to her and pull it out.

She smiles. "Okay, sweetheart." She goes up on her toes and kisses the side of my head.

I briefly looked up, catching her walking away. "Bye mom. Thanks."

"No problem, sweetie."

I looked at my phone. It was a text from my boy, Zeke.

ZEKE: Hey, man. You up?

YOU Yeah.

ZEKE: We're heading to Falcon for a hunt and pound some back. You in?

YOU: After having a talk with my dad, I could use a dozen or more.

ZEKE: Yuck. How'd that go.

YOU: About as good as you think. I wanted to rip his fucking head off. He says I can't take over until I find my fated.

ZEKE: Uh…Yeah…He's clueless. That could take forever.

YOU: That's what I said. But the bastard doesn't listen.

ZEKE: Okay. Forget the asshole. Let's get you drunk and laid and you'll feel better.

YOU: Sounds like a plan. See you in 20.

ZEKE: Later.

It’s a definite plan. After a blow out with my dad, a nice body and beer always sets me straight.

I head upstairs to my room on the Alpha floor.

Once I’m showered, shaved and dressed, I’m already starting to feel better.

I straighten my hair in the mirror and smile. Damn, I look good.

I leave the top two buttons open on my white button down, put a belt on my black, boot cut acid wash jeans and put on my thick, heavy boots.

Once I'm looking damn sexy, I grab my money clip, check the bills with my thumb and grab my keys.

In the large pack house driveway, I smile as my midnight black Camaro comes into view in the moonlight. Looking sexy, baby. I love…this car. It's my chick magnet. I don't need a stupid mate.

I get in. Rev the engine and peel out, tearing up the black top. Heading to the highway into Falcon Ridge.


I pull into the lot at The Falcon.

The Alliance is the best thing that ever happened to our pack. It’s about the only thing my dad and his friends did right.

Falcon Ridge has the best bars and the hottest girls. Both packs are allowed to cross the border whenever they want as long as they don't cause problems.

I park my car by the front door and get out. I lift my fob and beep the alarm. Taking a look around, I see Blades truck and Zekes Audi. My boys are here.

I walk in and the place is jumping. Sale on alcohol always brings the party. It’s a toss up if this or Thursday ladies night is better.

I throw out charming smiles as I get to the door. Some hot brunettes were behind me in short, tight dresses. I hold the door for them. “Ladies. Looking sweet this evening.” I flash my pearly whites as they giggle.

“Thanks, Alpha.” They say in unison.

I lick my lips, watching their cute asses sway into the bar.

Once inside, I feel the dance music in my chest and scan the sea of heads. I walk up to the bar and wave the bartender down. Shooting up one finger, he nods and slips a beer to me. I grab it and raise it as a thank you.

Scanning the bar some more, I see Zeke, Chris and Blade. All of us are best friends. We all grew up together and are all in the Security Unit. Zeke Jacobs and Chris Fredericks are Alpha boys like me. Blade Sloan is a Beta born. He could be an Alpha. He’s certainly large enough, but he says he’s got enough on his plate. Some just don’t want the title. Besides, he'd have to go up against his Alpha, Alpha Jackson and that wouldn’t be an easy fight. The Jackson’s don’t exactly play fair.

Zeke is dressed to kill in a red button down and jeans. His short blonde hair, light blue eyes and chiseled features make him the lady killer he is.

Chris is jacked. His black, messy looking hair and rugged looks give him that bad boy look. It also helps that he's covered in tribal ink and wearing a black tank. He puts off a bad attitude vibe, but that’s mostly because his brothers are assholes.

Blade is scary, but the ladies fucking love him. His hazel eyes, dark tanned skin with ink all over, has the ladies swarming. His long, black hair gives him the hard metal look that make the girls wet and he knows it too. He's also bigger than all of us, which is good if we ever get in 'heated discussions'.

I strut over to the table with my best smile. " Sup, boys." I pull a chair over and sit.

Zeke clapped my shoulder. "You made it. Feeling better?"

I swig my beer. "I am now. My dad can shove it." I slam my beer in the table and point at Zeke. “He thinks he can push his power trip on me, fuck him.”

Blade leans on the table. "What happened now?"

"Oh, my bastard father. He says I can't get my title until I find my fated." I pick at my beer bottle.

Blade smirks and snorts. "Fuck. Does he even know how long that could take?"

I shoot forward, raising a hand to Blade. "That's what I said! I swear. I’m starting to think that just because he’s a damn council Alpha, he can do whatever he wants. He’s just making shit up now." I chug my bottle back.

Chris lifts his beer. "Fuck ‘em. Better to just get drunk and hunt ass. That’s what I told my dad."

Blade chugged his beer. "Speaking of drunk.... what's in season tonight?"

It's become tradition for us to call which hotties would be easier to hunt based on the scene at the bars we go to. Basically, depending on the amount of blondes, red heads and brunettes there are in the bar, dictates which one we’ll land in our beds tonight.

I know it's disrespectful or whatever, but fuck it. It's fun and the girls know what we want. None of us lead them on. They try to make it more, but we tell them straight off. Thanks, but no thanks.

Zeke sat up, perused the dance floor and lifted his brow. “I call blonde." He smirks.

Chris lifted his beer to his lips. "Nope. It’s the red heads tonight. I've seen quite a few already laying them back like water."

I shake my head. "Nope. Brunettes all the way. You can always count on a brunette getting loose when the sales come out."

Blade sat back and tipped up the last of his bottle and set the empty down. "I declare all three. There no limit on my hunting card." He smiles. “Fuck. Give all three.” He laughs.

I almost spit my beer and offer him a hand up. He slaps it in a hi five.

‘Give Me One Reason’ by Tracy Chapman cones through the speakers and I’m having a great time.

I'm making eyes at girls who smile my way. Pounding back the beer, when I get this weird feeling. Like a tingle in the back of my neck.

My eyes scan the bar past the dancefloor. It took a minute before I realized something peaked my interest. It peaked my wolf’s too.

She’s seated with a bunch of guys. Her legs are crossed, her arm is slung over the back of the chair and she’s dressed head to toe in black, fucking leather.

The dance floor is crowded. People are in my view, but I still see her. Her long brown and blonde hair sways across her back as she talks. Her skin is tanned like caramel. I can't make out her eyes because she's turned to much. She looks sexy as fuck, but she also looks like she could kick my ass if I looked at her sideways. So, of course, I'm staring her down hard. So hard she turns and looks around the bar. I quickly lower my head, until I catch her turning back around.

I want to approach her. I feel my mouth water. I'm wondering if she's as hot in bed as her outfit makes her out to be.

I had worked out what I was going to say to her and was about to get up when I see her stand with one of the dudes she's was sitting with. She left with him hand in hand.

Shit. I think as I twist my lips.

I was going to move on because maybe that’s her boyfriend or something, but she turned her head toward my direction.

Ho…ly…Shit!! She was fucking stunning. Absolutely flawless with amazing bright amber eyes. They looked like gold. In the quick glance she gave me, I studied every inch of her face. Full, pink lips. High cheekbones. A neck I want to lick so bad. My dick twitched and I could feel the semi in my jeans start to grow.

My heart stopped. I had to see her. Up close.

“I…uh…I have to hit the head. I’ll be back.” I didn’t even wait for responses. I got up and made a beeline for the path they took through the crowded floor. I see them head out the front door. I don’t know what I’m going to do about the guy that’s with her, but I don’t fucking care. My wolf is urging me to have words with her and I think I agree.

Once outside, I looked around. I don’t see her in the parking lot. Did they leave? That's when I scented something in the air. I casually sniff for a direction.

The intoxicating scent was coming from behind the bar? What?

I walk down the steps and around the corner. Confusion set in as I question why she would be back there and then I hear it. Grunts, moans and muffled screams. I stop and my mouth goes small. I haven’t seen them, but I can scent her arousal from here. The dude is fucking her back there.

"Shit." I mumble to myself. I turn around make my way back to the front porch.

I leaned on the bar wall, thinking about this. Rolling it over in my head. Clearly, she has someone else. Why am I so interested? Why am I even out here? What the hell am I doing?

"Catch Ya later, tiger."

My thoughts are broken and my heart skips a beat. Her sexy voice hits my ears and I start to sweat.

My head turns to the corner of the building and she walks out into my line of sight.

She looks a supermodel with an S&M fetish. Like she'd beat your ass if you said the wrong thing, but then fuck the shit out of you to make it right. It's driving me fucking crazy and I haven't even said anything to her yet.

I stand on the porch, pretending I'm just out for air. I glance her way as she steps into the light of the bar. She hops on her motorcycle and revs the engine. Just when she's about to leave, she glances at me and our eyes lock.

I'm all kinds of nervous. I try to play it cool. Straight face as I watch her. She revs the engine once more as the corner of her mouth raises to a cocky smile.

I do the same as she peels out of the lot and into the night.

Watching her disappear out of my life, I’m left scratching the back of my head. Trying to sort out what the fuck was going on.

The only thing that’s clear to me is I have to find her.

I head back in. I’m still confused and glance at the table she was sitting at. The other guys there give me the stink eye and I shoot it right back. I take my seat and grab a fresh beer.

Blade juts his head at me. "Where'd you go?"

"To the washroom." I shrug and drink my beer.

He shook his head. "You weren't in there when I went. Where'd you go?"

I set my bottle down. "Just stepped out for air."

"You got some, didn't you." Zeke poked with a menacing smile.

I tip my beer back. "I wish, but no."

Zeke smirks. "The nights still young."

I rose my bottle to him and he tapped his bottle to mine. "Amen, bro."

An hour later, I’ve got a great buzz and the girl on my lips is sufficiently drunk too. My leather clad mystery girl is slipped to the back of my mind.

I hit the door to my room, kissing the shit out of a knock out brunette I picked up. A nice cap off to the evening considering my dick didn’t go back down for the rest of the night. I need to get this taken care of.

A few minutes later, I have her clothes spread across my bedroom floor and she's on my cock, riding it hard.

I grab her breasts and pinch her nipples while her ass bounces off my hips. Her hot body on full display.

I try to stay in the moment, but my mind wanders to my little biker chick and I can't get her smile out of my head.

I try focus on the job at hand.

I grab her hips, my balls pull up and my orgasm crashes through. I grind my release into her sweet pussy.

The one good thing about the fated mate bond, is that we can only get out fated mates pregnant. It’s a nice tell if it happens before the Blue Moon. If not, have at her boys. As far as STDs are concerned, that’s a human problem. We are not human.

I push her off and thank her for a good time. I grab a t shirt from my laundry basket and clean myself up.

After slipping on my boxers, I lead her to the door.

“I had a great time tonight.” She drawls. She slips me her number.

“So did I, baby.” I smile and say bye.

I look at the slip of paper with the digits and I do what all us assholes do; I throw it in the trash.

I climb into bed, not thinking about the good sex I just had, but about the killer girl in black.

I will find her if it's the last thing I do.

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