The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 10

(Chapter song ‘It’s Gonna Be Ok' by Banners)


I knew something was up with Anna as she stood in front of me with tears in her eyes. She visibly battled herself as Karver jammed the gun in my temple. Karver said they were here before and that he killed her lover.

I could see her pain. I could feel it in my chest. It hurt so bad to see her wrestle like that. I knew I could survive a shot. It’s what we train to expect. As a soldier, the last thing your told to think about is dying.

Something told me it was going to be ok. When I told Anna I trusted her, I meant it. I knew she’d plant the shot perfectly and braced myself for it.

I suspected she would carry guilt for it and I needed to check it out for myself. I didn’t want her to feel guilty for shooting me. I also wanted to apologize for putting her in that position. I underestimated Karver and got my ass busted before I could take him.

All the wounds Anna had were opened by me and the very least thing I could do was make sure she was ok.

When I showed up at her house, I wasn't expecting to have the conversation we had. I wasn’t expecting to open the wounds even more.

When I let her cry on me, I felt I was meant to do this. I was supposed to be here and comfort her. To try and help close the wounds for good. I got this feeling that she was waiting long time for that moment.

After our emotional exchange on the swing, I felt I was delving into the real Anna. The girl no one ever saw. Underneath all the leather and bad attitude, was a scared little girl with a heartbreak so massive, she'd rather destroy herself than come to terms.

Her anger and disdain comes from her broken heart. I get it now. Is it possible that I can fix it? Would she let me in enough to do that? I feel like I want to find out.

When we went inside for some lunch, she talked about David and their relationship. How he'd bring her flowers when she was sad. How they'd sit in front of the window watching the rain, just holding each other. Stuff you'd only read about in books. The guy loved her. I felt a little jealous.

After, we sat on her couch and just talked.

"I'm sorry I shot you." She apologized again

I held my wine glass in my hands. "I’m sorry I made you have to shoot me.” I glance between her and the glass.

“That was a pretty dumbass thing to do.” She tilts her head to me.

I rub the back of neck. “Yeah. I know. Really, though, it’s fine. I said I trusted you. I meant it.”

She swirled her glass. "I know you did. Doesn't mean I don't feel shitty about it."

I smiled. "It's okay. Like I said, I got a wicked scar now. I'm cool."

Although it’s a badass scar, it still hurt like a bitch. We shifters have a few weaknesses, the biggest one being silver. Silver is a disabler. Cuffs, collars and ropes laced with silver will suppress the wolf inside. Getting cut or shot, hurts severely and burns our flesh. If the bullet stops in you, your healing can’t push it out and you could bleed out if it’s not removed.

Unless a human bullet lands in your grey matter or anywhere in your spinal cord, we can push them out and heal. Those, too, hurt like a bitch. We are not impervious to pain. In fact, our entire existence is based on three main emotions love, pain and anger. The higher the wolf, the more it feels. Alphas being the most emotionally out to lunch.

She sits up, sets her glass down and arches a brow at me. "Can I see it?"

My jaw dropped and my heart raced a bit. "Uh...sure."

I sit up and lift the front my t shirt to show her the small round scar of where her bullet entered my body.

She raises her hand and runs her slender fingers around it. Her eyes fill intrigue. It’s not everyday you see a shifter with a scar so, when one comes along, you have to check it out.

When the pads of her finger tips laid on my skin, I flinched. That electric, warm sensation she has on her skin, ran through my chest. I pressed my lips together and closed my eyes. I soaked it in as it danced around my chest muscle.

"Turn around." She whispers.

I heat as my eyes meet hers. My heart rate speeds up and my guy spins in my ribs. I nod.

I turn around and face my back to her. I reach back and lift, but she placed her hand on the exposed skin of my lower back and ran her hand up my spine to lift my shirt. Again, I flinch.

My back muscles tense at her touch. I closed my eyes again and bit my lower lip as my breath silently sped up. She traced her finger around the exit scar. My heat rose. Her touch was so gentle and caring, I wanted more. A small craving started to build. I wanted to touch her just like she was touching me.

She removed her hand and I lowered my shirt. Turning around, I try to hide my arousal. I put my knee up on her couch and my arm on the back. "See. Pretty cool." I smile as I casually let the breath I was holding go.

She tucks her hair behind her ear, and looks at me with those beautiful, gold amber eyes. "Yeah. It is. Not many shifters have one of those."

I lean into her. I was probably closer to her than I intended. I felt my heat rise a bit more. "I'm just glad you're a good shot." I chuckle.

She stares at me like she was thinking about doing something. I saw her eyes flick to my lips and back up to my eyes.

“I just want to say again. If you need to talk, yell, scream or…cry…You can come to me. I’ll always listen.” I look deep into her eyes to show her that’s a promise I will always keep.

She bites her bottom lip, her eyes soften and then she does something I wasn’t expecting. She closed the gap.

My heart exploded as her full, soft lips met mine. I asked for entrance and her lips parted. I slide my tongue past her lips and when we met, stars exploded behind my eyes. My mind swirled and my wolf howled in my head.

I threaded my fingers into her hair. I kissed her with passion and the heat that was building inside me. Her lips were so responsive and she melted into me. A tiny whine escaped her and then a little moan followed.

My lips danced and my tongue explored her mouth. She tasted better than I imagined. I felt the pressure in my jeans increase as this kiss went on. I was quickly wanting more.

But not today.

Our kiss was broken by a knock at the door. Anna looked at the door and turned back to me.

I clear my throat and straighten myself out. Trying to calm myself down.

Another knock.

I wipe my mouth and run my fingers through my hair. “I…um…I should get going.” I stand with a smile.

She checks herself too. “Yes…Ok, sure. Um…thanks…for stopping by.” She shies away as I look her over. My lips tingle as they crave more.

I nod. “I just wanted to make sure you were OK.”

She chuckles. “I think I am.”

I huff a laugh. “Yeah.”

She walked me to the door and cleared her throat. She's back in friend mode. "See you at the station?"

I shrug. “I’m sure a mission is coming in soon. I’ll probably be called for deployment.”

"Oh. Ok.” She almost sounded disappointed.

I step close to her. "But I’m off on the weekends if I’m not out in the field. We could go for a beer or something.”

She looks up at me. “I think I’d like that.”

I lean in, hesitate, then give her a quick kiss on her lips. I smile. “Have a good night.” I say low.

She smiles as her cheeks turn pink. “You too.”

She opens the door and there’s a man standing behind the screen door.

I grab the outside door and step out. He’s just as built and big as me. Almost looks like me even, but with brown hair and brown eyes. Eyes that really didn't look happy to see me. It felt like he was staring me down.

"Michael, what are you doing here?" Anna crossed her arms.

He quickly glanced at her then straight back to me. "I came to check up on you. I heard you took some time off. Who's your friend?"

"This is River Blake. One of the security unit shadows that helped us bring down Karver." She offered. "River. This is Michael Dorian."

I smile. "Hey, Mike. I was just leaving." His stare was getting uncomfortable. I turned to Anna. "I'll call you." I gave Michael a final once over and trotted down the stairs to my Camaro. I got in the driver’s side and Michael was still staring me down. His arms crossed and a scowl started to appear.

I couldn’t help but thump my chest a bit. I rev my engine with a smirk, back up and hit the gas down the road. My car growling off into the distance.

Yeah, I was showing off, but I’m flying high off that kiss and I don’t care who I piss off right now.

She has unbelievable lips and until I get a chance to kiss them again, I’ll bask in the tingles she gave me. I’ll hold onto her taste until I can taste her again and I will. You can count on that.

I got my in. Now, all I need to do is figure out how to keep her near me at all times.

I need a decision from my dad. He’s the only one who can influence Andrews to transfer Anna to the unit and be with me.

The Unit would be a perfect outlet for her. When we aren’t fighting pack wars, we’re training constantly. Constantly working. We don’t have time to sit around and drink beer waiting for something to happen. We have to be combat ready at all times. I think it’s enough to redirect her pain and put it to good use.

I’m sure if she’s mad at me for it, it wouldn’t be for long. I can tell Anna’s a soldier. Border is a hideout. A place to hide from herself and everyone else.

If my mission is to help her, I need to pull her out of there before she ruins herself to a point no one would recognize her. This is a massive downward spiral she’s in and she’s going to get herself killed if no one helps her.

Me. I will help her. I have to help her.

I need to help her.

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