The Fake Mate

: Chapter 27

“so, you’re saying . . . you are not mated?”

Noah and I share a glance, and he nods at me with encouragement.

“No,” I answer, holding the gaze of the elderly board member. “We aren’t.”

Another man pipes up from across the table. “So you lied on the disclosure forms?”

“You didn’t exactly give me a lot of options,” Noah says irritably.

“Now, Dr. Taylor,” a graying woman cuts in. “There was never any talk of any disciplinary measures in regard to your designation, I need to make that clear. This facade was entirely unnecessary. And unethical, I feel.”

“No,” I retaliate angrily. “What’s unethical is the atmosphere of this facility. We all know the unsaid repercussions for someone like Noah. Never mind the fact that he’s the most qualified physician who any of you have ever employed, probably.”

“Now, Dr. Carter, that isn’t—”

“If you’re so tolerant, why ask for one’s designation at all during the hiring process?” I cross my arms. “How does that affect a person’s skill set?”

The first elder board member clicks his tongue. “Now, see here, it’s the responsibility of this board to ensure the safety of our staff, even if that means asking uncomfortable questions.”

“And has Noah ever once given this hospital any indication that he was dangerous in any way? Hasn’t he performed his duties with exemplary expertise?”

A few of the board members share a look. “That’s . . . true,” the older woman says. “Dr. Taylor has never given us any indication that he was in need of supervision.”

“Because he’s a damned good doctor,” I seethe.

“Mackenzie,” Noah warns gently, reaching for my hand.

I glance at him with my chest full of indignance, and he squeezes my hand, offering me a smile before he turns to the board. “The blame for omitting my status when I was hired falls entirely on me. As does the idea of presenting Dr. Carter as my mate to protect my job.”

“Noah, don’t—”

He cuts me another warning glance before continuing. “But nevertheless, I have fulfilled all the requirements of my position ten times over during my time here, and if given the opportunity, I would like to continue.”

“Well,” one man says, “you did already put in your resignation . . .”

“About that,” Noah answers. “I’ve been informed that the person who reported me to the board was a fellow cardiologist, and I’ve since learned that he obtained this information by riffling through my office and violating my HIPAA rights by going through my personal medical records. Since then, Dr. Martin has threatened me, blackmailed me with not only my job, but Dr. Carter’s, and I think both of these instances warrant a lawsuit, should I choose to pursue it.”

“Not to mention the discrimination suit we’re going after if you choose to permanently let Noah go just because of what he is,” I say.

The board members all share a glance, looking nervous. “Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We haven’t officially decided on any punishments here. Maybe we all just take a breather, huh?”

“I don’t think I’ll feel comfortable returning with Dr. Martin so willing to break the law just to take my position,” Noah says. “Had he not interfered, there would never have been any issues to begin with.” Noah looks the head of the board right in the eye. “Besides, since you never officially took a stance against alphas during your hiring procedures, there aren’t officially grounds to let me go over it, are there?”

“But your resignation—”

“I believe I was offered a significant pay increase should I choose to stay,” Noah says cheerfully. “I haven’t given my official answer on that, have I? I’d like to accept the terms.”

All four board members look shocked, their mouths hanging open as they realize we’ve backed them into a corner.

“We’d also like to officially disclose our relationship,” I add.

The woman looks confused. “But you said—”

“Oh, we aren’t mated,” I assure her.

Noah clears his throat. “Not yet.”

My mouth falls open as I look at him, a giddy sensation bubbling in my chest. His eyes are warm, too warm for the situation, and I have to bite back a grin as I return my attention to the board. “And we would also like to officially call for Dr. Martin’s termination. That is, if you want to avoid us taking legal measures for the multiple offenses he’s committed.”

The oldest board member leans into the woman sitting next to him, both of them looking nervous as they whisper rapidly to each other before turning to repeat the same song and dance with the other members seated around the table. As they deliberate quietly, Noah doesn’t let go of my hand, keeping a tight hold on it to remind me that he’s here—that no matter what happens, we’re in this together.

It’s a new feeling for me, but one I find I don’t dislike.

“Dr. Taylor,” the old board member finally calls, sounding weary. “In light of these new findings, I think it’s safe to say that you can resume work starting next week. We would like to officially apologize for making you feel as if you would be unwelcome on our staff because of your designation. It is not in this board’s interest to dally in exclusion of any kind. Especially not with someone as gifted as yourself.”

I feel myself beaming, victory surging through me. “And Dr. Martin?”

“Right,” the older woman says. She gestures for the secretary taking minutes at the end of the table. “Patricia, could you please page Dr. Martin? It seems we have a lot to discuss.”

“We’ll be sure to forward an official transcription of this meeting for both of your records upon completion,” a middle-aged, balding member says. “And again, our deepest apologies.”

“No apologies necessary,” Noah tells them, sounding sincere. He looks down at me. “It ended up being worth it.”

Noah Taylor? Being cheesy? Next thing I know, the sky will start falling.

He pulls me out of the boardroom after we say our good-byes, neither of us saying anything further until we’re down the hall and far out of earshot. I squeal when he suddenly turns and lifts me from the ground, pulling me up and against his body before covering my mouth with his for a searing kiss. He holds me there for far longer than is appropriate, given where we are, but I can’t find it in me to care, just enjoying the warmth of his arms and his kiss and everything else.

I fall back down to the floor slowly, my body sliding against his until my toes touch the linoleum before my feet fall flat. He’s beaming at me like I’m some sort of present, and I find it infectious, my mouth mirroring the motion.

“I can’t believe we pulled that off,” I laugh.

Noah shrugs. “You mention lawsuits to these people, and they’ll just about piss their pants.”

“Probably should have been our first course of action,” I say with faux irritation.

Noah chuckles. “Turns out I’m not as smart as I thought.”

“That’s okay,” I deadpan. “I’ll be sure to teach you a thing or two.”

“Perfect,” he says with a grin.

We don’t hear the footsteps over our own chatter, so it’s a mild surprise when we hear his grating voice.

“Well, if it isn’t the lovebirds,” Dennis calls. “Funny seeing you here. You decided that your job wasn’t worth it, after all?”

I feel Noah tense beside me, but I press a hand to his chest, smiling at Dennis sweetly. “Actually, we just had a long talk with the board about something a lot worse than lying on a relationship disclosure form. Didn’t we, Noah?”

“That’s right.” Noah nods stiffly. “Turns out, they’re much more interested in things like extortion and HIPAA violations.” He clicks his tongue. “Doesn’t look too good for the hospital when one of their staff is messing around with things like that.”

The color draining from Dennis’s face is beyond satisfying, and it’s clear by his expression that he hadn’t considered this possibility in the slightest. He really thought he’d won, that he’d pulled a fast one on us, and that in itself makes me want to kick him between the legs. I decide the complete ruining of his career will be much better.

“Have fun in there,” I coo.

“You fucking bitch,” Dennis growls as he takes a step toward me.

He doesn’t even make it a foot before Noah has him pinned against the wall with his forearm pressed to Dennis’s chest, Noah looking murderous as he speaks slowly and carefully.

“Dr. Martin,” Noah says, a simmering rage in his tone. “If you ever touch her, I will show you exactly what that famous alpha temper looks like and rip both of your arms off to ensure it never happens again. Do you understand?”

I notice Dennis swallow thickly, his face white as a sheet. He looks older like this, frailer. Still, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him. He is a complete fuckhead, after all.

“I’m going to set you down now,” Noah tells him. “And you’re going to walk away. And you aren’t even going to look at Mackenzie.”

Dennis says nothing, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

“I said,” Noah repeats darkly, “do you understand?”

Dennis’s lips roll together. “Yes,” he says quietly. “I understand.”

“Good.” Noah smiles cheerfully, his entire demeanor changing in the blink of an eye. “You have a good meeting.”

Dennis turns on his heel quickly, like he’s afraid that Noah might come after him, and I can’t pretend it isn’t incredibly hot, seeing Noah turn on the alpha switch like that. I’m all for feminism . . . but hot damn.

“That was . . . intensely satisfying,” Noah says after a second, turning back to me.

“Mm.” I press my hands to his shoulders. “It would have been better if you’d hit him.”

Noah shakes his head, laughing under his breath. “I think the board is going to hurt him more than I ever could.”

“God, I wish we could be in there to see it. Do you think he’ll cry?”

“I am choosing to imagine that’s how it goes down, yes.”

I grin. “Still okay with giving up the Albuquerque job? It’s a good opportunity, you know.”

“Mackenzie . . .” He pulls me against him, his hand pressing against my spine. “You’re the best opportunity I could choose.”

I feel warmth flushing my cheeks down into my chest. “Wow, you’re getting downright sappy, aren’t you? What’s next, a sonnet? You know, you could—”

Noah’s mouth really is a very effective method of shutting me up.

I wind my arms around his neck as I sink deeper into his kiss, not caring in the slightest that we’re in a very public hallway of a very public hospital, which anyone could come strolling down. We are officially official now—nothing fake about it. They can just keep walking. I feel his hands curve around my waist to squeeze, and my head starts to dizzy with the potency of his scent, already thinking about how I might persuade him to get out of here with me and take me back home so we can resume his “groveling.”

Noah pulls away with a blissful look on his face, happier and lighter than I’ve ever seen him. And it’s for me. It makes my heart pound and my head spin, and all those notions about fate and destiny are still foreign to me, still a little outside of my wheelhouse—but looking at him now . . . it makes me feel things I never thought were possible.

Noah looks down the hall. “Should we get out of here? If we keep this up, I’m going to drag you into another clos—”

“I think I love you,” I blurt out, blandly, like I’m announcing the weather.

Noah looks at me like I’ve just told him the sky is made of cheese, blinking down at me dazedly as he processes what I’ve said. “You think you love me?”

I nod, feeling the words rising out of my throat before I can stop them. “I’m not totally sure, because I’ve never loved anybody before. Well, except for my grandparents. And Parker, obviously, but that’s just as a friend. I know it’s probably silly, because it hasn’t been that long, but someone said something to me not long ago, and it got me thinking, and I think there’s a good chance that I—”

He shuts me up with another kiss—he really is getting so good at that—and all the nerves that I’d just been experiencing melt away, my pulse thumping in my ears and under every inch of my skin as actual joy pumps through my blood. I relax with the pressure of his mouth, and he lets his lips linger for several seconds, as if he’s savoring this moment.

And when he breaks away, he’s actually beaming. “I love you,” he tells me. “I don’t care how long it’s been. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted, and you’re the only one I ever will want. I don’t care if it’s silly or crazy or whatever else—I love you, Mackenzie.”

“Oh, okay,” I answer airily, still processing everything myself. “Is it okay that I’m still only kind of sure that I love you? Because I don’t want to—”

“I will take”—he presses another heavy kiss to my lips—“whatever you have to give. I just want you. However I can have you.”

“I mean,” I say quietly. “I am pretty sure.”

He grins, lowering to let his lips brush against my cheek. “Pretty sure is good enough for me.”

The happiness I’m feeling is scary, but there is also a sweetness to it, a sense of satisfaction, almost like fitting the last piece of a puzzle to see the picture as a whole. I can’t say if it’s fate that I’m feeling, I don’t know if I’ll ever believe in that—but it’s something incredibly close.

We break apart when we hear more footsteps, Noah clearing his throat as a petite brunette clacks down the hallway, looking preoccupied. She stops short when she sees us, her eyes widening and her mouth parting in surprise. “Dr Taylor? Dr. Carter?”

I cock an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“Sorry,” she offers. She points to herself. “I’m Jessica. From Radiology. It’s just, like, so awesome to see you together. You’re the talk of the hospital!”

My eyes widen, realization hitting me.

This is fucking Jessica.

“Yeah, well . . .” I shuffle awkwardly, looping my arm through Noah’s. “It’s been . . . a whirlwind.”

“Wow,” Jessica laughs. “This is just great. I’ve totally been rooting for you guys.”

“Thanks,” I tell her, willing this conversation to end. “Anyway . . .”

“You’ll have to excuse us,” Noah says, saving me. “We’ve got somewhere to be.”

“Oh, right, of course.” Jessica waves us off. “You two go on.” She looks positively ecstatic. “See you around!”

She waves good-bye before continuing on her way, and Noah waits until she’s out of earshot before leaning down toward me. “Why does she look so familiar?”

“Trust me,” I sigh. “You don’t want to know.” I let my hand slide down his arm to grasp his hand as I give it a tug, but he’s still got this scrunched look on his face.

“Jessica,” he mutters.

I arch a brow. “Know her?”

“She congratulated me on our mating the other day.”

“Apparently, we have our very own fan club.”

He narrows his eyes. “Is her mother’s name Regina?”

“I’m . . . not sure? Why?”

Noah mumbles something under his breath, shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter.” He slips his hand into mine. “How do you feel about meeting my mother?”

“Wow, one ‘I love you’ and you’re dying for me to meet the folks.”

“No,” he scoffs. “This is self-preservation. My mother sniffs out gossip like a bloodhound on a trail. If she finds out from the rumor mill before I can tell her . . .”

“How romantic,” I coo. “ ‘Meet my mother, Mack, so she doesn’t murder me.’ ”

He rolls his eyes. “Might as well get it over with, since you’re going to be around for a very long time.”

“Oh?” My heart squeezes. “A long time, huh?”

“Forever, if I have anything to do with it,” he murmurs, leaning to brush his lips against my temple, and I have to fight not to become a puddle.

Fuck “pretty sure.” I love this guy.

My face splits into a wide grin. I’ll tell him later.

“Come on,” I urge, tugging at his hand. “If we wait outside the entrance, maybe we’ll get to see them escorting Dennis off the premises.”

Noah chuffs out a laugh, shaking his head. “You’re sort of terrifying, do you know that?”

“Maybe,” I answer as I pull him along. I look back to give him a wink. “I guess I’m braver with my alpha around.”

The look on his face says that I will most definitely be feeling the repercussions of that phrase later, in either his bed or mine, but that’s hardly bad news. I smile as Noah follows after me, unable to stop as the gravity of all that’s happened washes over me, marveling at how much of my life has changed in such a short time.

Because Noah Taylor might not be my fake mate, not anymore—but he is mine.

And that’s absolutely enough.

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