The Faceoff: An Enemies to Lovers Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 4)

The Faceoff: Chapter 25

Sitting in the stands, I watch in awe as Hayden skates around the ice. He looks like he’s at home, like he found the place where he belongs. The way he works with his team is incredible. Being a figure skater, it’s much more different, coming from a place where it’s just you and the ice. There are so many different variables that come into play in the game of hockey. And watching Hayden is truly an experience.

I’m sitting on the edge of my seat as I watch Hayden and Logan skate toward the player who slashed at their goalie not long ago. There are only a few minutes left in the game and the Wolves are already winning, but it looks like the two of them are definitely up to something… and I’m not sure I like it.

They approach the other player in an aggressive manner, Logan checking him and slamming him into the boards when the puck is nowhere near them. Hayden hangs back a bit, watching the scene unfold as the player gets in Logan’s face. He shoves him backward as they exchange words that no one else can hear.

The two of them are suddenly throwing their gloves onto the ice as they engage in a brawl. Each of them is throwing punches, grabbing at each other’s helmets and jerseys in an attempt to throw the other off the ice. I don’t know how it happens, but both of their helmets end up on the ground and it’s a free-for-all.

Another player from the opposing team gets involved and Hayden is quick to jump in, like this is what he was waiting for. The refs are skating toward the four guys who are openly fist fighting. My heart is in my throat as I watch Hayden try to rip the other guy’s helmet off. He catches a fist to his ribs, but I’m not sure he even feels it with the way he continues to fight.

As quickly as the fight started, it’s broken up, with them all being pulled away from one another. The refs make a call, sending Logan and the first guy into the penalty box. I watch as Hayden skates back toward his bench, a smirk on his face as he glances up at me.

Hockey is a vicious sport and this is one of the things I didn’t miss about it at all. I never had to worry about Chance getting into any fights because he wasn’t the type to engage. Hayden, on the other hand… it’s as if he and Logan went into that fight with a plan. Looking to start some kind of shit.

Both teams have power plays that last for a few minutes and then the game is over, with the Wyncote Wolves coming out on top. I can’t help but feel a sense of pride as I stand up, wearing a jersey with the number 8 on the back of it and Hayden’s last name. It felt weird at first because it’s clear we have a connection, but I don’t care anymore. Let them all think what they want.

Hayden and I know what we actually have.

As I push through the crowd and walk out of the arena, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pause to pull it out and look at it. My gaze drops and at the same time, someone runs directly into my back, throwing me off-balance.

“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry,” the girl says as I turn around to face her. Her bright blonde hair is pulled up in a high ponytail and her brown eyes meet mine.

“No, that was completely my fault,” I tell her, shaking my head. “I shouldn’t have stopped in the middle of the walkway here.”

Her head tilts to the side slightly as her eyes scan me with what looks to be a touch of judgement. The air shifts between us and I can’t quite decipher what is going on. I notice her jersey, with the opposing team’s logo on it. Her gaze meets mine again and she offers me a smile.

“Have a good night,” she offers as she walks past me. I can’t stop my gaze from following after her, and my stomach sinks as I read the lettering along the top of her back. King, in all bold letters.

It has to just be a coincidence. I know he played for this team before, but maybe there’s another player with the same last name. That’s what it has to be. There’s no way another girl would have one of Hayden’s jerseys… especially considering his past with other girls.

“Hey you,” Hayden breathes as he wraps his arms around me. I find him standing by one of the tables in the bar area where he told me to meet him. The entire team is here, but all of their people who came to show their support are here too. It’s practically like an entire party with the amount of people occupying the area.

“Good job tonight.” I smile up at him as we break apart. Hayden reaches out for me, not caring who is even around us as he slides his hand to cup the side of my face.

His smile is in his eyes. “It’s because you were here and you wore this.” He points at my jersey, flashing his bright white teeth at me. “That’s all the luck I needed tonight.”

“Well, it was quite enjoyable to watch,” I tell him, shifting my weight nervously on my feet. “I’m glad you invited me to come.”

Hayden stares at me for a moment. “With the way I played tonight, I might need you to come to every game.”

I swallow hard over the emotion in my throat. “I think I can do that. Although, I’m not sure I like seeing you getting into fights.”

The corners of his lips lift as he releases the side of my face. “It’s all in the game, baby.” He chuckles, wrapping his arm around the tops of my shoulders as he pulls me over to the table. “What do you want to drink? Or eat?”

“I’ll drink whatever that is,” I answer him, pointing to the mixed drink he picks up from the table. “And did everyone order food already?”

Hayden shakes his head. “Just drinks. I’ll go get yours from the bar so you don’t have to wait. If our server comes back, just get me a cheesesteak or something.”

I nod, smiling at Hayden as he disappears through the crowd. Awkwardly, I drop down into the seat next to his and pick up the menu as I wait. As I settle on a salad, the chair across from me is pulled out and I watch Sterling and Asher sit down, a smile on both of their faces.

“It’s nice seeing you out like this again,” Sterling says with a genuine smile and honesty in his voice. “I was wrong about you and Hayden, and I’m sorry for casting my judgement. I apologize for when I saw you at the house and the things I said. Hayden is different with you, and I can tell he’s actually really into you.”

I stare back at him for a moment, completely caught off guard by his apology and admission. “I appreciate it, Sterling,” I reply, offering him a smile. “I’m glad you were able to look at things differently and find it in you to apologize.”

Asher chuckles. “Come on, Finley. You know Sterling. We were all friends before. Nothing any of us do or say is supposed to be malicious. We all just so happen to have a soft spot for you, even if you are a pain in the ass.”

I laugh, shaking my head as his words ring in my head. “Maybe one day, if you guys get your heads out of your asses, we can be friends again.”

“Are you over here hitting on my girl?” Hayden’s voice breaks through our conversation as he hands me my drink and pins his gaze to Asher.

My girl.

“Get over yourself, King.” Asher laughs as he takes a sip of his beer. “She was our girl before you even showed up here.”

Hayden growls as he sits beside me, wrapping his arm around the top of my chair in a possessive nature. My heart is in my throat as emotions swirl through me. Picking up my drink, I take a long sip of it before turning to face Hayden.

“Calm down, not like that.” I shake my head at him, rolling my eyes. “I used to be close to these guys, but to make it clear, I was never any of their girls.”

“Not like you’re my girl,” he murmurs, his eyes searching mine. His lips part as if he’s going to say something else, but our server shows back up to take our order.

We all go around, telling her what we want before she moves on to the next group in our party. Asher and Sterling have fallen into some kind of conversation among themselves, but Hayden hasn’t once taken his eyes from me. The tension hangs heavily in the air, it’s tangible and energetic.

He stares at me like he’s expecting some kind of a response, yet my mind can’t see to form one. I need to collect myself and get my shit together. Here he is, spouting things off, and I don’t know what is true or not. Am I really his girl? In the sense he’s making it seem?

“I have to go to the bathroom quick, but I’ll be right back,” I tell him, feeling the overwhelming anxiety as I rise to my feet. My palms are sweaty and I glance back at him once more.

“Hurry back,” he murmurs, the fire in his eyes burning through mine.

Swallowing hard, I nod before escaping his penetrating gaze. I don’t even need to use the restroom, but I needed some type of a getaway to try and clear my head.

At this point, I might need a cold shower instead.

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