The Faceoff: An Enemies to Lovers Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 4)

The Faceoff: Chapter 10

“Oh my god, Hayden,” Eden’s voice is barely audible as she violently shakes me awake. “You need to wake the hell up.”

Confusion washes over me and I slowly peel my eyelids open. The light shining through the window is harsh and I blink rapidly in an attempt to try and adjust. I’m still half asleep and Eden is practically shoving me out of her bed.

“What the fuck?”

Rolling over to face Eden, I take in her appearance. At some point, she slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her head and she looks frustrated as hell. Her eyes are wide, her face flushed as she slices her gaze to mine.

“You need to go,” she orders, shoving my shoulder again. “You’re not supposed to be here. You weren’t supposed to sleep here last night. Goddammit, Hayden. This isn’t what was supposed to happen.”

Narrowing my eyes, I raise an eyebrow at her. “So what? We fucked a few times and I fell asleep here. It’s not a big deal.” I pause for a moment, still confused by her urgency. “It’s not like I asked you for forever. Shit, it was just one night.”

“Yeah,” she snorts, rolling her eyes as she points at the door. “One night, not a sleepover. Time to go.”

“If I remember correctly, you’re the one who told me to stay.”

Eden doesn’t like being called out and I watch the color drain from her face as the memory from last night hits her. I never once said anything about spending the night. She’s the one who wanted me to stay, who insisted I get in her bed with her. She didn’t protest when I fucked her into oblivion two more times after doing so in the kitchen. And when I finally fell asleep, she didn’t wake me up.

“I never told you to spend the night with me.” She glares at me, her frigid guard back up.

We’re caught in an intense stare-down, her sitting on the bed and me still lying on my side with no intention of moving. It’s clearly pissing her off and I have nothing better to do today.

“You never told me to leave either.”

Her nostrils flare as she inhales deeply, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself. When she opens them, none of the anger has dissipated. Instead, she abruptly grabs the blankets and tears them from my body, leaving me fully exposed on her bed.

I can’t stop the laughter as it falls from my lips. She’s so pissed off right now and I can’t help but find it amusing. And kind of cute.

“Shut up before Winter hears you,” Eden orders, her voice low and cold as she grabs the pillow and pulls it out from under my head. Rolling onto my back, my chest vibrates as I continue to laugh, hearing the sounds of footsteps coming down the hall.

There’s a soft knock on Eden’s bedroom door and her eyes widen as she glances at me. “Eden,” Winter’s voice sounds through the door. “Are you alive in there?”

“Too late.” I smirk.

Eden rises to her feet, her gaze trained on the door as she slowly walks over to it. Winter knocks again, saying Eden’s name with more panic in her voice. Slowly, I sit up on Eden’s bed, grabbing the blanket from the floor as I cover the bottom half of my body with it. All of my clothes are still in the damn kitchen.

As Eden is about to reach the door, the knob turns and Winter pushes it open. Eden freezes a few feet away, her body rigid as she stares back at Winter. Winter tilts her head to the side, a mischievous look in her eyes as she glances back and forth between the two of us.

“Oh shit…” Her voice trails off for a moment. “I didn’t realize you had someone in here.”

Eden whips her head around, her eyes sending icicles through me. “He was just leaving.”

Winter chuckles softly. “Well, he might need his clothes that he left in the kitchen.” She glances at me over Eden’s shoulder and winks. “I left them out there for you.”

Fuck. As if this morning wasn’t already off to a bad start, now I have to practically do the walk of shame through their apartment to get my damn clothes.

Fuck it.

Eden has already seen every inch of me, completely naked for her. She wants me to go, then I’ll make sure that I make a grand exit. Rising to my feet, I let the sheet fall away, dropping to the floor. I watch the horror on Eden’s face as her cheeks turn pale and her eyes widen. Winter’s eyes drop to my cock, nodding in approval.

“I’ll show myself out,” I tell the two of them, not bothering to cover myself up as I nod. My eyes find Eden’s and if looks could kill, I’d be on the floor dead. “Call me next time you decide you want to make a bad decision again.”

“I’m good. I think I got it all out of my system,” she clips, her voice as frigid as her eyes as I stride past her. A grin tugs on the corner of my lips as Winter steps out of my way. I can feel both of their eyes on my back as I slip into the kitchen and grab my clothes. They’re right on the floor where we left them last night.

I leave Eden’s there as I pull on my boxers and pants. The sounds of their hushed voices float from her bedroom, but I can’t make out a single word either of them is saying. Winter looked surprised at first, but then it was almost as if she was more amused than anything. I wonder what Eden has told her about me.

Grabbing my t-shirt and sweatshirt, I slip both of them over my head. Reaching into the front pocket of my pants, I find my phone that I left in there last night and my keys. As I walk to the door, I can still hear Eden and Winter. As much as I want to eavesdrop, I let myself out of the apartment instead and leave the two of them in Eden’s room.

The ride down the elevator feels like it takes forever and it makes it feel less like the walk of shame. Pulling out my phone, I check my messages and see a few from some of the guys. They were checking in, in our group chat to see where I was last night. I type a quick message, letting them know I’m on my way home, and don’t give them any more details.

The less they know, the better. I don’t want to hear the shit from any of them about me fucking around with Eden. They’re afraid I’m going to hurt her and put her through hell after what she went through with her last relationship.

Little do they know, it won’t be me who does the damage.

It will be Eden.

She might hate me, and that’s okay, but that doesn’t erase the fact that there’s something inside her that melts when I’m around her. I’m not stupid or blind. I just don’t know what to do with it except ignore it. Neither of us want a relationship, and I’m fine with that. We can stay enemies for as long as she wants.

As long as she keeps letting me fall into her bed.

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