The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 16: Volume I - 15: To the Practical Class

Chapter 16: Volume I - Chapter 15: To the Practical Class

He lost his parents seven years ago, and his only living relative is his sister, Clara Tenebra, and he is not on good terms with her either.

His statistics are good enough for me to describe him as 'trash' and the only thing that stands out about him is his intelligence. He also bought cyanide a few days ago and probably tried to commit suicide.

I looked and looked at this profile on the screen in front of me. No matter how much I researched, no matter how much I dug into the past, the only abnormal thing about this boy named 'Aiden' was that since the night he took cyanide, his personality had undergone interesting changes.

This boy, who normally has a perpetual frown on his face, slouches a little bit, and is one of those people you would say 'This is definitely a nerd', after that night he can smile as if there is no problem, and has no problem talking to people?

Did the suicide attempt change him?

No, can people commit suicide and undergo such radical changes that I can instantly finish my research, which took me six months and I could only complete forty percent of it? It must be impossible. I cannot accept such a thing.

I leaned back in my chair and glanced at the boy's profile again, then sighed deeply. There is something not normal about this boy, and I will find out whatever it takes to make it impossible for him to break our contract...

I have to do everything I can to keep him by my side. If he can really deliver what he promises me, then he's worth a lot.


I looked with all my focus at what the professor in front of me was writing on the board.

The lesson was mathematics, notably the most difficult of all the lessons I had ever seen. So I was intently watching the professor's every move, taking notes on everything he wrote.

Not only me, but almost everyone in the class was like that. Math wasn't just a difficult subject for me, it was for everyone.

Except for one person.

I glanced over at Aiden Tenebra and saw him twirling his pencil and sighing. His eyes were on the board and the professor, but he was in another world. He seemed more preoccupied than he had ever been since this morning.

It was as if something was messing with his mind.

"Aiden Tenebra! Since you know the class so well, why don't you explain the Fourier Transform to me?"

The professor asked something I didn't even know what it was, but when Aiden scribbled something on his tablet and projected it on the board, the professor's mouth fell open just like before.

After that, the professor didn't ask him any more questions and continued to teach the class in a cold sweat. I, on the other hand, admiringly continued to watch Aiden, who had his head resting on the table in front of him and slight circles under his eyes.

Lithoa called out to me from my mind at this very moment.

'What do you see in that brat?'

He was spewing hatred at Aiden since what he said about him yesterday. But I didn't really mind.

'Because he's smart and there's a rumor going around that he beat a professor in a duel.'

It was obviously an excuse.

When I entered this academy and was ranked first, I thought I wouldn't find anyone stronger than me here. And that was true, but this guy, Aiden, answered every question that was asked to him correctly, no matter what it was, giving the impression that there was nothing in this world that he didn't know.

I couldn't help feeling like I couldn't reach him, even if I could reach out and grab him anytime I wanted.

It was as if... he wasn't in this world. It was a strange feeling, yet that's what I felt.

In this way, as the class continued, Aiden buried his head in his arms and closed his eyes.


Can I... Can I leave millions of people to die, when I have the chance to save their lives, when I have the possibility to keep their souls here, which will be erased from this world, can I really abandon them?

The ones I love and will love or millions of people?

Last night I couldn't even sleep properly because of these thoughts. So much so that I am now afraid to act rashly.

What if my actions create a butterfly effect and kill people who shouldn't die? I don't know... I don't know what I can do about it, but if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that I definitely don't want Clara to die.

I'm actually a bit too obsessed with her, to the point that even I find it strange. Still, I can't call it irrational.

I, who had spent my whole life alone, suddenly had someone who worried about me and texted me at least three or four times a day, and I inevitably felt a connection with her. So I didn't want to be alone again with the thought that she might leave this world.

When that moment comes when I have to make a decision, what will I do? I have no idea... I know that I can protect Clara to a certain extent with the contract I made with Professor Ulka, but that will only go so far. Because the enemies I can attract with my actions are in a different league, no matter how powerful Professor Ulka is... That's exactly why I'm afraid to act.

"Aiden! Since you know the class so well, why don't you explain the Fourier Transform to me?"

The math professor, whose class we were attending for the first time, must have noticed that I was distracted and asked me something from a subject we hadn't covered yet.

I wrote a formula and an explanation on the tablet in front of me for about a minute, and the professor gave me a knowing look as if he thought I was talking nonsense or something, but the moment I projected what I had drawn on the digital board, his attitude turned one hundred and eighty degrees.

The professor checked what I had written three times in a row, and each time his mouth got wider and wider.

With that, I think I'll be able to sleep through this class too...

"You... You... How did you know that?"

I sighed lightly and then told him a lie about studying math equations for about two years.

After that lie, I put my head in my arms and closed my eyes, just like I thought I would, and there were no problems. I kept thinking, thinking about what I could do in the future.

So I spent half of the class thinking and the other half sleeping because I fell asleep in the middle of thinking.

What woke me from my sleep was a low voice I heard.


I looked up to see who was calling me, and I saw Adrian standing in front of me with silver hair and emerald-like green eyes.

He looked expressionless as usual, probably not showing much emotion because of his past experiences and I don't know what to do about it... Childhood traumas are always the worst.

"Practical classes are starting, how long are you going to sleep?"

Huh? I seem to have slept more than I thought...

"Thanks for waking me up."

I got up and stretched, realizing that all my muscles were numb, and then I looked at Adrian, who was still standing in front of me. He was still standing where he was, as if he had something to say.

"Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious, but... are the rumors true?"

I let out a sigh and then smiled slightly.

So that's why he approached me...

"They exaggerate, all I did was see an opening and headbutt the professor."

It's best to be modest, if I want to be friends with him I shouldn't alienate him.

"So it's true that you were able to counterattack... If you were able to counterattack, then the rumor that you dodged his attacks must also be true."

Adrian pretended to think for a moment, then held out his hand to me and spoke again, expressionlessly.

"My name is Adrian and I'm actually kind of a peasant... So I don't know city life very well and I don't have any friends who can help me in this regard. Could you please show me the academy?"

When you say that in an expressionless way, it looks a bit... funny, to be honest. Still, I'm not going to pass up this opportunity, on the contrary, I'm going to take it gladly.

"Sure, I'll help you. I'm bored anyway... how about we meet after practice class?"

When Adrian nodded his head in agreement, I couldn't help feeling cheated.

Wow, I really didn't expect it to be that easy.

I raised my arm and tapped twice on my watch, then a hologram appeared on it and I turned to Adrian, who was still standing in front of me.

Adrian looked at me with a blank expression.

"Your number?"

Adrian's expression suddenly changed.


Then I finally got his number, added it to my contacts, and smiled.

Just like the professor had said we could do, I transferred all the data from my phone to my watch last night and it was much more comfortable to use than that old phone.

"I'll text you when the practical training is over and we'll meet when we have some free time."

"Thanks, really."

"No problem, we still have some time. Why don't we go along until we leave?"

Adrian accepted my offer, and so we left the classroom and started walking together to the training buildings.

Along the way, Adrian looked like he wanted to ask me something but I didn't push him. If he was afraid to ask, it was better to leave it to him.

"Well, this is going to sound weird, but... where did you learn all this stuff?"

I couldn't help but smile, because the question sounded childish.

"My parents died seven years ago and I've lived with my sister until now, so I've worked hard to have a good future and now, here I am."

It was the easiest lie for me to make up.

"So you're saying you've put in the effort."

"Yes, but unfortunately my stats are at the bottom of the pile."

After that, there was no further dialog between us. Because we had finally entered the training building and as soon as that happened, a few eyes immediately locked on us.

It was normal, to be honest. The first and second to last in the ranking enter the training building side by side as if they were friends... It must have been a really strange sight from the outside.

And that's how I got to the point where I parted ways with Adrian.

"Good luck. Our history professor... she's a bit of a challenge."

Adrian looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"How do you know I chose her as my instructor?"

"Because you're first in the ranking, our history professor is a very good spear instructor and I'm pretty sure she has you in her sights."

His eyebrows rose even higher this time, but he must have thought what I said made sense because he didn't say anything.

"You're really smart..."

Adrian looked at his watch, realized he was late, and looked at me briefly before leaving.

"Thank you again." contemporary romance

Then, without waiting for me to reply, he went to meet his instructor.

I just stared after him as he slowly walked away.

He looked like a warrior with his spear on his back, definitely living up to his main character stamp. Although it looks like I'm going to have to fix his personality a bit...

Sighing slightly as Adrian disappeared down a corridor, I opened my watch and looked at the last text message Professor Calvin had sent me. Just like in the game, he had asked me to meet him in one of the training halls.

I left the main building and walked toward the building where the training halls were located, and when I arrived in front of the huge building without incident, I calmly walked inside.

It was crawling with students with weapons. Axes, spears, bows, and swords were everywhere, but that was not the main thing.

Because first of all, I have an event to start here.

I quickly looked to the front right and then I saw a middle-aged man with orange hair sitting in the seats of the lobby. So a smile appeared on my face.

I'm sorry professor... I have a little business, I think I'm going to be a little late.

I walked over to the man and without saying anything to him, I took the seat opposite him. The man didn't even look at me, he must have thought I was just a random person sitting here.

"The seasons go by, don't they?"

The man looked at me with a frown, but I ignored him and continued talking.

"Especially fall, but strangely the leaves haven't fallen."

"What do you think is the reason?"

Good, he understood my point.

"The calm before the storm."

"The calm before what?"

"Of global changes."

The man smiled, then pulled something like a coin out of his jacket and handed it to me.

"Three days from now, at noon. It's rude, but may I ask which part you are from?"

After taking the coin, I got up from the couch and straightened my collar and looked at him coldly.

"Sorry, you don't need to know."

So I turned and walked away without looking at him again.

The man stared after me but I didn't pay him much attention, after all we were both at our work and I wouldn't have to see him again.

After putting the coin in my pocket, I approached the reception desk, then smiled at the woman who was staring at me and asked.

"Where was room zero twelve?"

The woman looked at the screen after what I said, typing something on the holographic computer in front of her, and then turned back to me.

"Aiden Tenebra, right?"


I pointed to my name badge and showed it to the woman so she was sure of my identity.

"Go down one floor, then go straight ahead and turn right down the second corridor and you'll find it."

"Thank you."

After receiving my answer, I proceeded as instructed, past the intimidating students armed with weapons and after a while I was indeed in front of room zero twelve.

Just ten seconds after I knocked, the door swung wide open and Professor Calvin stepped aside to let me in.

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