The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 11: Volume I - 10: First Class

Chapter 11: Volume I - Chapter 10: First Class

I took an empty seat in the classroom and tried to calm my racing heart. I was excited to be in all these 'characters' in my class, including the main character himself.

I glanced at Adrian out of the corner of my eye, he was still where he was, looking out the window.

As he was, I had no idea where he was heading, but I didn't expect to find out right away. If I really wanted to figure out his personality, then I would have to observe him at every opportunity and analyze his every move. In order to do that, I need to be around him, in short, I need to be his buddy, but I'm not sure how to get close to him.

Because as I said before, I don't have the slightest idea about his personality.

I continued to watch him for a while and slowly all the students of the class arrived. At exactly nine o'clock in the morning, a woman in a white coat with long dark green hair and brown eyes walked in.

Except for the fact that the classroom was shaped like a lecture hall, the current environment was not much different from a high school.

The first year of the academy had been given such a system in order to establish and familiarize the students with the system of practical training, which was extra in the program, and also, as I said before, to examine the students for their careers. Even the lessons were common to the first years, but this changed as soon as they entered the second year.

At the end of the first year, all their achievements and everything they had done in the first year would be analyzed and a list of departments would be given to them and they would choose the department of their choice from that list. After that, it was the same as in universities, except for a few differences.

The woman moved toward the lectern, stopped when she was right in front of the digital board, and looked at the class. Her eyes swept over each student, and when she finally came to me, she paused briefly.

"Your name?"

The woman who asked me my name was the history teacher of the class. Oh, and... Unnecessary information, but if the player chooses to use a spear in the game, she becomes the main character's practicing instructor, but that's not important right now.

Because this professor, as well as being a history professor, is unfortunately the teacher who specifically analyzes our class. I mean, she knows that I didn't come to class yesterday, and of course, she knows my name too. But I think she's trying to show her superiority by aggravating the atmosphere.

"Aiden Tenebra."

I said my name calmly and then the professor looked me in the eyes with a frown.

What? Did you expect me to tremble or something? I may be speaking from the inside, but I've spent my whole school life with teachers and professors like you trying to bully me.

"Why didn't you attend class yesterday?"

She sounded authoritative, but I didn't care too much.

"I had a minor illness and unfortunately I couldn't get out of bed. I'm fine now and I'll make sure to attend the upcoming classes."

I spoke respectfully because I didn't want to get on bad terms with this professor.

The professor looked at me for a while, then sighed a little and decided that it was pointless to bother me any further, so she turned toward the class and began to speak.

"Yes! Yesterday we started with the founding of the kingdom, didn't we?"

The professor clicked on the digital whiteboard to go into his own history, and after looking at the last thing she had drawn in this class, she started teaching from where she had left off.

To be honest, I was really focused on her at the beginning of the lecture, I tried, but it didn't take long for my interest in the lecture to wane.

It's not because I don't like history, on the contrary, I particularly like the history of Lunerra, but the problem is that as a maniac who loves this game, I have already memorized its entire history.

The kingdom I live in now is called the Cevilian Kingdom. It's actually a very developed kingdom, but it doesn't have an extremely old history. It's almost a hundred and fifty years old and the sixth king of the kingdom is currently on the throne.

As to how a hundred-and-fifty-year-old kingdom can be so advanced... Actually, it's because the successive kings have done a really good job of governing.

The wars they fought, the trade relations they established with other kingdoms, and other things like that, I wouldn't be lying if I said that the hundred-and-fifty-year-old kingdom has been living in a golden age for almost a hundred and thirty years.

"As a result-"

I was busy playing with my pencil when the professor suddenly stopped talking, so I absentmindedly kept doing that, but then I looked up, realizing that it was strangely quiet. That's when I met the professor's sharp eyes.

How wonderful...

"Please pay more attention in class."

I received a simple warning and then the professor went on. So I pretended to listen to the lecture and started thinking about more important things.

For example, how should I approach Adrian?

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye again, as I did when I first entered the classroom, and I saw that he was listening to the professor with great concentration.

So he's a studious student... And even though his face is still expressionless, he seems to be interested in history, so I can start a conversation by talking to him about it.

"Aiden Tenebra."

I sighed as the voice echoed through the classroom.

I had only looked at Adrian for five seconds, if you had waited two more seconds I would have turned back to you, you know?

"You look bored, how likely is it that you already know what I'm talking about?"

You hit the nail on the head, professor. I don't know if you will like my answer, but there is a good chance that I know more about your major, history, than you do...

"I love history, professor, so I know the first ninety years of the kingdom by heart."

It would be an exaggeration to say that I knew the entire history of the kingdom, so I lowered the upper limit to ninety years, which shouldn't be too strange considering that old Aiden was already a smart guy.

"Who ascended the throne in the eighty-sixth year of the kingdom?"

So you're testing me... No problem, I'm good with that.

"Phloria Estelle Cevilian was the first woman to rule the kingdom in its entirety, surpassing all other princes of her time in every way. She ruled the kingdom for about twenty-six years, during which time she avoided wars and pursued a policy centered on trade."

"How many children did she have and which son died at what age as a result of a fight for the throne?"

"She had a daughter and two sons. Of the two sons who began to fight for the throne on his sickbed, Prince Henry died at the age of fifteen, poisoned at a dinner party by his younger brother."

The professor frowned, not expecting me to know this.

"If you know my next question, I'll let you do whatever you want in my classes."

Oh, that's a very good offer.

"What is the real cause of the explosion on the east coast twenty years ago?"

So it's a trick question...

"Although at first it was seen as the crown prince who was branded guilty of treason, he later admitted that it was the kingdom we were at war with at the time that forced him to do it."

A smile appeared on the professor's face. She was about to say something, but I didn't let her speak and continued.

"Of course, this is information that everyone has learned the wrong way. Because the truth is that the other pretender to the throne, jealous of the crown prince, bound him to a contract and made it look like treason."

After what I said, the professor's mouth dropped open. Because I had told her that I knew the first ninety years by heart, but I had answered a question from the one hundred and thirtieth year correctly. Of course, this was not the main reason for her astonishment.

The real reason she was surprised was that unless this was really investigated, there was a ninety percent chance that I had gotten it wrong the way I first said it.

And how did I know that? Well, I wasn't lying when I said I knew 'everything' in the game by heart. The future aside, the past is also among the things I know quite well.

After my answer, the professor was silent for a while. The students in my class understood from the awkward silence that I had done something unexpected and I was now clearly the center of attention.

I actually feel strangely satisfied... I didn't realize it until now, but I might be a bit egotistical.

When the professor looked into my eyes and realized that I was calm, she wobbled a little at first, but then she quickly recovered and kept her word, telling me that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't interrupt the class. I, of course, gladly accepted this.

As the professor's voice continued to echo through the classroom, I put my head down on the desk and tried to put things in order, but unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to think for a long time. Because only three minutes after the Q&A with the professor, the class was over and we were on break.

Still, it wasn't the break that really interrupted me.

"Excuse me."

I paused at the sound of his voice, and my heart started to race.

I was excited because I knew that voice well.

I looked up at the person who had called out, only to find a pair of emerald-like green eyes staring directly at me.

His silver hair fluttered in the breeze blowing through the open window, giving him a more noble air than usual.

The person in front of me was Adrian Caleo, the main character I controlled in the Lands of Lunerra.

He was someone I connected with more than people in real life, perhaps.

No... he was. contemporary romance

He was who I wanted to be, who I pretended to be in the game, who I projected the 'me' I couldn't be in real life, and who I was with in everything I experienced in the Land of Lunerra.

Whether it was a lie or not, whether he knew it or not... I had spent the last three years completely adventuring with him.

Adrian Caleo was the one person in my life that I really envied. That's why seeing him in the flesh like this left me at a loss for words.

*(A/N: For the next three days, I will post two chapters every day. Then only one chapter every day until the first volume is finished. I'm not sure about the hours, I'll think about it.)*

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