The Epic Blind Date with My Boss

Chapter 755

Chapter 755 Josie Might Be Dead

Hearing Josie's promise to be there for him in the future made all of Arnold's doubts disappear. He pursed his lips together.

The next day, as the guards and maids changed shifts, Ruth took Josie through the small opening in the fence behind the villa. The young girl was delighted to be outside and started to jump excitedly, looking more like she was on her way to a vacation than making an escape.

Josie scanned their surroundings, afraid that Wayne would see them.

"Josie, don't worry," Ruth assured. "This is my little secret. No one else knows about this place."

Josie held Ruth's hands tightly. "What if your dad suspects you when I leave?"

"I'm only five this year. How could I possibly help you escape?" she answered innocently.

Josie suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine. It completely rocked her sense of normalcy that a child so young could have such devious thoughts.

Moses was already waiting by the door when she arrived. Josie walked through the tall bushes, and before she left, she reminded Ruth. "Make sure to stay safe on your way back!"

Out of the blue, Ruth said to her. "I like you. Will you be coming back? I'm sure you can't, right?"

Josie froze. She wanted to respond but couldn't give her the reply Ruth wanted, so she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Ruth, I'll always remember you."

As soon as she said that, she ran towards Moses. The staff members couldn't contain their delight and overwhelming relief at the sight of her. "Mrs. Russell!"

Josie caught her breath before turning around and noticing that Ruth had already left.

"Let's go!"

Josie struggled to wrap her head around the idea that she had finally escaped. She finally sighed in relief when she leaned back into the car seat as the car sped away from the villa.

"Jo, Mr. Russell still doesn't know that you've escaped. Should I let him know?" Moses asked as he awaited. her instructions.

Closing her eyes, Josie had a pinched expression as she recalled everything that had happened; she wasn't sure how to face Dexter. What should she say to him?

"You can inform him when I'm back at Wavery. There's no need to bother him when he's busy."

Moses tried to continue the conversation, but he had no choice but to stop prying as Josie had already drifted off to sleep in the back seat, exhausted from the events before. Their journey to the airport was smooth. No one tried to stop them, so they were moving efficiently. Wayne's men must not be aware of what had happened yet. The plane pierced through the thick, dark clouds.





It was the eighth document that Dexter had pushed away. "Do it again," he demanded without any hint of

emotion in his voice.

The people around him stared at each other with a knowing yet fearful gaze. They were too scared to go. up against him. Eventually, their eyes all turned to Heather.

When everyone left, Heather poured a cup of coffee for Dexter, whose knuckles were white from clenching his fists. "It's not yet summer. Why are you so easily angered?"

Dexter had a look of disdain

masking his face. The news that

Josie might be dead had sent him into a tailspin. He had been feeling anxious and uneasy since he couldn't reach her.

He wanted to leave for Rividia right away. He was already at the airport when he was stopped by the people at the Russell Mansion. "Mr. Russell! You can't leave now. Old Mr. Russell suddenly fainted and is at the hospital."

Dexter felt conflicted by the situation. His fist clenched tightly around the boarding pass, but he turned and headed towards the hospital. Grandpa was in a critical state, and this could be his last

chance to see him. He couldn't leave the man who had raised him.

Heather had arrived at the hospital that day as well.

"Didn't the doctor say that Grandpa's condition would improve in no time? Don't worry," she said, trying to comfort his anxieties.

Dexter remained silent. He looked at his phone several times, but there were no updates.

Heather reached out to stop him from checking his phone. "If you're worried, we can go see Grandpa now. He might have regained his consciousness by now."

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