The Enigmatic Return (Nancy’s And Roxanne )

Chapter 1394

Chapter 1394
Chad nodded. “The Bartitsu Guild is now closely monitoring the Cox family and the Gordon family, like a tiger watching its prey.
They might make a significant move at any moment, causing trouble for the Gordon family. It will be difficult for us to escape
then. Neera’s position as district president is too conspicuous, and I’m afraid the guild may not have the patience to wait any
“Personally,” Jean suddenly said in a calm tone, “I think it’s best for the Gordon family to stay put for now.”
Chad looked up, his deep gaze meeting Jean’s. “Why do you say that?”
Jean analyzed, “If the Cox and Gordon families leave together at this time, it will give the Bartitsu Guild the impression that the
two families have long planned to join forces and rebel. This will create unfavorable public opinion towards the Cox and Gordon
families. Additionally, the Bartitsu Guild can openly seize the five districts from Neera’s control.”
Neera was momentarily confused. “Why? Wouldn’t that be inappropriate?”
“It may seem inappropriate, but it depends on the specific situation. If the Gordon family remains with the Bartitsu Guild and
Matthew and his group attempt to take over the five districts, the Gordon family can appeal to the neutral faction for justice and
sanction against the Bartitsu Guild. The guild’s actions are inherently unjust, and with the intervention of the neutral faction, they
wouldn’t dare to do much. However, if the Gordon family and the Cox family leave the Bartitsu Guild together, the guild can turn
the tables and strike first. They can accuse the Gordon family of planning to betray the guild all along and staging this drama with
the help of Lordsworth Estate. The position of district president will then have to be reconsidered. This will tilt the situation in
favor of the Bartitsu Guild, which will be disadvantageous for the Gordon family and the Cox family.”
Chad finally came to his senses upon this reminder.
“Oh, I completely forgot about that. So, you’re suggesting that the Cox family should leave first?”
Jean nodded. “That’s right. Let the Cox family leave first. After all, the Cox family is currently surrounded by enemies. The
Bartitsu Guild has almost openly declared hostility towards the Cox family. As for the Gordon family, although they are implicated,
it’s because of their association with the Cox family, not because they are directly targeted by the Bartitsu Guild. Leaving at this
time would easily give rise to criticism.”
He added, “If the Cox family makes the first move, it will certainly draw the attention of the Bartitsu Guild. They will undoubtedly
be cautious and, in order to counteract, will choose to rally the forces under their command, especially the Gordon family. As it

stands now, the Bartitsu Guild cannot compete with Lordsworth Estate. What the guild needs most is the power of the five
districts in Neera’s hands. So, they will definitely try every means to win you over. However, out of respect for the Cox family, the
Gordon family can choose to decline. When the guild can no longer tolerate it, they will inevitably make a move against the
Gordon family. By that time, If the Gordon family takes action, it will be completely justified. The guild will have no chance of
seizing the power in Neera’s hands.”
Neera had a sudden realization upon listening to that and blinked at him. “You’re always so considerate.”
Upon receiving his wife’s praise, Jean was in high spirits, his eyes and brows reflecting a hint of joy akin to the freshness of
After some consideration, Chad thought it was feasible and nodded in agreement. “All right, let’s do as you suggest. I’ll contact
Avery shortly and have him prepare as soon as possible.”
And so, the matter was settled, and a great weight was lifted from Neera’s heart.
When Neera returned to her room upstairs, she received a video call from the three little ones.
10:31 Wed, 29 Nov DO.
After the call connected, the faces of the three little ones appeared on the screen.
“Mommy! Daddy! We’ve missed you so much!”
Seeing the two of them together, the little ones were very excited.
Neera raised the corners of her lips, her eyes softening. “I miss you too. What have you kids been up to?”
Sammy quickly turned the phone, capturing the three adorable pets frolicking and rolling around in the courtyard.
“Look! Cece, Pixie, and Ace have been brought back home, and we’re having fun with them in the yard!”
Upon hearing their names, the three adorable pets immediately stopped playing. As if they understood, they lifted their heads
toward the camera and barked a few times, wagging their tails.
Neera was pleased, and then she noticed Wrenn’s figure on the screen.

She picked up some snacks and walked over to tease the three dogs.
Those three little greedy pups, upon seeing something tasty, immediately plopped their chubby bodies down and started to roll
around on the ground, acting cute to beg for snacks. They were simply so adorable it was beyond words.
Wrenn, too, was enchanted, her smile ceaseless as she eagerly fed them.
With a slight raise of her eyebrows, Neera asked, “How are you getting along with Grandma and Grandpa? I hope you’re not
causing them any trouble.”
With a twinkle in his large starry eyes, Sammy blinked and said, “Of course not! We’ve been very good, staying here and
keeping Grandma and Grandpa company these past few days.”
Penny came over right then. “By the way, Daddy, Grandpa’s health is improving, so you can rest assured.”
Jean’s eyes sparkled with amusement. He nodded and said, “Okay. I’ll get you kids presents when I get back.”
“Hehe, no need for presents. We just wish you and Mommy could come back soon. We miss you both so much. We even dream
about you...”
After the family of five chatted for a while, Wrenn, who had just finished feeding the snacks in her hand, walked
“Oh, is that Neera?” She only just realized they were on a call. Her face lit up with joy as she took the phone and started talking
to Neera.
“How are things over there? Are you doing okay? Look at your face. Why are you still so thin? You’re not gaining any weight. Are
you not used to the food there?”
Listening to her asking about her well-being, Neera couldn’t help but feel a bit helpless and answered each question one by one.
After understanding the situation, Wrenn provided her with another round of advice, which was simply a repetition of what she
had already said multiple times. Then, she was ready to end the call.
Jean’s eyelids twitched slightly as he grabbed the phone. “Madam, your son is still here. Do you plan to continue ignoring him?”

After ending the call, he handed the phone back to Neera.
“Why do I feel like my mom is getting along with you so well now, as if you were sisters? She’s so affectionate towards you, yet
so indifferent towards me.”
Neera chuckled. “What nonsense are you talking about?”
Jean raised an eyebrow. “Did I say something wrong? From what I can see, she treats you like her own daughter now. I feel like I
barely exist in her eyes...”.

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