The End of Innocence: Book 3 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 53: Marshalling forth

“Rachel,” I hear a voice calling out to me as I descend the staircase into the foyer. My gaze turns to see Viktor standing at the bottom. The lord of House of Titalos began walking towards me the moment I land on the final step.

“I am going to find my daughter, something I should have been apart off from the start, instead hiding myself away in shame,” turning for the impromptu door which had been installed.

Aria did quite a number on it when she blasted the trio of girls out into the driveway. Nothing remained of the nearly century old heavy oaken doors. However I won’t fault her for its destruction.

Doors are easily replaceable. My daughter isn’t.

“I understand that, but if I may have a moment of your time.”

My fists clench tightly, “Don’t attempt to stop me Viktor, I intend to bring her home”

“I only do so that you won’t condemn an innocent woman to death,” he pleads.

I stop and turn to face him, shock and anger fill my eyes, “Innocent? Marron stole my daughter from me. You were there when she did.”

I cannot believe that woman to be anything more than a traitor. She broke a trust held between all, which deserves nothing more than a mother’s wrath and vengeance.

He pulls a slip of paper from under his coat, “Remember this, Rachel?”

I stare at the parchment, noting it to be the same which Marron tossed onto the ground shortly before her and Aria teleported away.

My eyes rose to meet his, “What of it?”

His hand grips the parchment tightly, “I spent the past few days analyzing it, and the magic inscribed upon it is of Dewlouran origin.”

I tilt my head, “You can’t be serious.”

He steps closer to me, “I am quite serious. The magical formulas are of an older type, possibly from the tenth century. Would Marron have access to such knowledge?”

My eyes widen somewhat, shaking my head, “No, nor would her former mistress.”

He stares directly into my eyes, “What her words to you that night?”

I think back to the previous week, “She asked if I knew Aria hated me after she left, but I’ve known that for some time. She relented after a time, and drew herself closer to me. The pair of them were devastated after she moved away. But she finally returned, as per the promise made between them.”

But how did she know that? Aria never told her, and kept those feelings locked away in her diary. But she often forgot she even possessed it, having it simply sitting on her desk.

“I know the pair view each other as sisters, but what is the history between them?” he asked.

I fold my arms across my chest, “Nearly three years ago Aria was…a very different person. As to what I won’t divulge.”

He throws up his hands, “It doesn’t matter to me or to our world what form or person she once was, only that she is now your daughter. But continue.”

I hold my arm, “Marron lived not far from where Aria used to, so I asked her to watch over her, become a companion and friend. The pair grew exceedingly close over the short period of time they spent together, becoming very much like sisters. She was recalled early due a misunderstanding, which left my girl lost for a time. When they reunited, they began praying for the day when Marron would return to Texas and they would start seeing each more often."

A small smile rises on my face, “She was ecstatic beyond words the night she told me of her sister’s return. I even spoke to her shortly before the start of her show, with her telling me the news and plans for Aria to come over from time to time.”

Viktor looks to me, “Then why throw all of that away? If Marron had just come back, and fulfilled the promise between them, why choose the very night a group of teenagers come to claim your girl’s life? There is also the matter of doing it right in front you. Why choose that moment, which would only serve to cause you pain?”

My thoughts dart about. Yes…why chose that moment? Over the past couple of years she’s had multiple opportunities to take her, but why that particular moment?

“What did else she tell you?”

I think for a moment, my mind is clouded be shock in the moment I never fully took heed of every word spoken from her. My eyes then widen more, feeling a gripping pain in my heart, “She said that she had been ‘given’ a chance.”

His face tightens, “Yes…I believe that someone, somehow, got to Marron before any of this started, drawing upon her long buried, if not nearly faded, jealousy. Whoever that person is, must truly despise you and wanted hurt you deeply. So they had her take away your daughter right in front of you for maximum effect. What all of this means is that she is as much a victim in this as Lady Aria.”

I stare at him, mouth hanging open slightly. I have garnered many enemies over the years, many of whom would very much like to see me dead or worse. But…who?

My attention turns back towards the parchment, “You spoke of it being of Dewlouran origin, do you believe it to be from Drakthul or Laevatain?”

He holds up the parchment, shaking his head, “No. The inscriptions do not match those of Laevatain. Drakthul focuses primarily on combative magic, with little pertaining to barrier construction.”

His eyes glare upon it keenly, “Nor is it of Shyair. Their members held back many secrets, but I know for certain the spell I witnessed wasn’t of their making. The ability utterly to reject a wolf, when it’s bonded is being taken away, is unheard of. That leaves only one possible answer,” looking to me.


How could it be possible? Were there survivors of Nethune, who somehow had managed remained hidden for all this time? I then feel a pang in the back of my mind, a memory of the final mission I undertook from the Court, the mission in which Reg…

My heart thrums rapidly in my chest. He let slip something pertaining to Nethune the first night we arrived in Greece. He spoke of discovering the location of a lost tomb of some kind, but soon retracted the statement.

I unfold my arms, “That bastard.”

Viktor nods, “Now…are you still wishing to condemn an innocent woman to death over a misdirected rage?”

I look to him, “No…but for now…I must find my daughter,” bearing a thin smile, “thank you, Viktor.”

He bows his head, “Of course, anything for Her Highness. Now…go find her.”

I bowed mine, “I shall.”

“Your Ladyship.” I turn to see Abigale shambling towards me.

The kikimora appears pale, and still in great pain. I run towards her, catching the maid as she stumbles over her feet. “You shouldn’t be walking about the manor, your wounds might reopen.”

She stares up into my eyes, “I don’t care. I heard from Marie that you were finally on the move so I had to see you off.”

I hold the maid close, she still hadn’t fully recovered from the injuries sustained from the battle, and in fact very few had.

“Please,” she begs as tears form in her eyes, “please bring the Young Miss home. The Manor is incomplete without her.”

I smile, “I promise. I promise to restore her to us. You have my word.”

She smiles, burying her face into my chest, “Thank you, my Lady.”

I stroke the back of her disheveled hair, watching as Lyra kneels down beside her, gently wresting her from me. “There are others here to see you, my Lady,” smiles the valkyrie, nodding over her shoulder.

I peer over to see two small, furred children standing towards the back. Their faces held long with worry and sadness. I open my arms to them, smiling as they instantly dash into them, both crying bitterly. I hold the pair close to me, gently stroking their heads.

“Are…are you going to bring Big Sister home?” sobs Micha.

I place a kiss onto the top of his hair, “I shall…bring your Big Sister home to us, back to where she belongs,” looking to his sister, whose dark eyes flutter with more worry.

Aria had rescued her the night she went off to fight. Her father had often spoken of how she felt guilty in some way as she thought the whole reason for her fighting was because of her.

I smile to her, “Dry your tears, little one, and shed that which you have carried for so long. No one blames you for what happened.”

Her ears perk up slightly, “Please…we want Big Sister back.”

I plant a kiss onto her head as well, given the both of them a tight squeeze, “I will bring her back to all of us.”

I finally let go and watch as their father steps over and hoists both of his children into his arms, “We shall pray for you, my Lady, with all the hope we can muster.”

I rose to meet his gaze, “Thank you, Master Warwick.” We each bow to the other, and then turn for the door.

Kerrigan stands against the door frame, eyes filled worry and hope. I smile to her. “There are not enough words that I can express for all of your help. What I can say is thank you for being here.”

She looks to me, “I only wish I could’ve gotten here sooner. If I did…maybe I might’ve been able to do something with those idiots. I’m worried for Aria, so terribly worried that my heart cries out to her.”

I gaze into her eyes, seeing a glint of something that in all honesty shouldn’t be there. I smile, “Thank you Kerrigan, but she is still too young for you.”

She chuckles, “Her aunt told me the exact same thing when I spoke to Aria last week. Perhaps in time, but I won’t let go of my feelings for her.”

I lean into her, “I will leave that decision to my daughter.”

She grins, “I await that day.”

I smile and head out the door, much as Aria did on her way to battle.

Standing in the middle of what remained of the driveway stood her knights, both fully clad in armor and prepared for war. I descend the stairs and walk towards them. The air is thick with heat, something Aria complained of from time to time.

They each drop to their knees, heads held low.

“Forgive us, my Lady,” spoke Orga, “we failed in our duty to prevent Her Highness from being taken. Never can there be a greater shame than as such. We humbly ask to accompany you so we might atone for such is our sin.”

Tears drip to the stones below, as Kateryna’s hands quivered in her armor. She stayed in the parlor watching over the children while Aria went to retrieve her jacket. She felt responsible for allowing Luna to slip out of her watch, which preempted the events of the evening.

“If…if only I had been more watchful of the little one. None of this would have happened.”

I smile to them, “Please, rise.” The knights slowly rise to their feet, faces still full of shame and worry.

“I blame neither of you," smiling softly to them, "nor bear any ill will for the events of that night. What happened…was beyond any measure of control.” Looking to them both, a hand clenched tightly, “I assume you’ve been informed of recent discoveries.” They each bow their heads.

I nod, “Good,” then turn to see the rest of the staff stand on the front stoop.

I shift my body and bow to them, “Please forgive your mistress for foolishly choosing to remain locked away in her despair. I should have been there with all of you during the search for my girl.”

A claw pokes my cheek, peering up to see Sil’vari standing beside me, “We’re all just happy to see that you’re alive, Rachel.”

I smile to her, “Thank you. I’m assuming you are coming with?”

She snorts puffs of flame from her nostrils, “Try and stop me. Even if I to tear through a legion of enemies, I will bring home my baby sister.”

My smile widens, ever grateful for her. “Thank you, Sil’vari.”

She slams her armored fist into her palm, “For her…always.”

I feel a hand resting upon my shoulder, peering up to see Arcturus standing beside me. I turn and fall into his arms. Who then wraps them tightly around my thin frame.

He holds me close, stroking my arms, “It’s good to see that you have finally broken free of your despair, Rachel. We’ve been sorely in need of your aid…and I of you.”

I smile, clinging tightly to him, “Thank you for being near me.”

He cups my chin, lifting it until our eyes met. Slowly, he leans forward, pressing his lips into mine. The kiss felt warm and soft, passionate yet restrained. I close my eyes, returning the same, fingers digging deeply into his skin.

He pulls back, smiling softly, “You are welcome, Rachel. I also shall join you. I wish to see your daughter again and fully restored to you.”

I grin, stroking his face, “Thank you, Arcturus.”

He bows his head, “Now…how are you going to find her? We’ve used every method know to locate her and failed.”

I smile to him, “Well…now I am here.”

He smirks, “Well…it appears your confidence has finally returned.”

I chuckle, “Of course.” I pat his cheek and slip from his fingers.

I walk a few paces from him and stood in the middle of the driveway. I hold out my hand and summon my staff.

Fenris stood beside me, tails swishing softly against the rubble, “How shall you find her, Rachel?”

I look to him, stroking the wolf behind his ears, “Prayer and some luck.”

The wolf sniffs, “Prayer and luck…much shall be required.” I sigh, knowing his words to be true.

I peer over to see Velhemina standing that the edge of the driveway. The alraune had just arrived mere hours ago, she too felt shocked and dismayed by the news.

My daughter’s aunt tosses several vials towards me. I catch them and look at them. A smile rose on my lips. Each contain a concoction of herbs and juices meant to restore one’s body. Aria would often refer to them as health potions. I smirk, storing the vials under my cape.

“Find her!!!” shouts her aunt, “bring home my Little Blossom.”

I bow to her, I shall…with all that I am…I shall bring her home.

I hold the staff out in front of me, and slowly closed my eyes. Magic and mana swirl and coalesce around my feet. Many have been scouring the world for her. From the bottom of the ocean, the tops of mountains, along the rivers and forests, some even venture into the depths of the earth itself, all in the attempt to find her.

Now it is my turn to find her. I search as far as my magic will allow me. A small tingle rings past my ears, realizing that Xiphos has granted me a small boost in power. Thank you old friend. With his aid, I press on, desperately seeking my daughter.

Aria…Aria…where are you, my most precious girl? Your mother is looking for you. I am searching for you. Where are you?

I continue to repeat the chant, hoping, praying that somehow she will hear my thoughts. My hands gripped around my staff tighter, feeling my gloved hands rasping. Each passing second felt like an eternity, slowly inching forth. I have to find her, pull her back into my arms, and love on her like never before.

Worry and fear slowly crept into my chanting, worry that I might never see her again, and fear of some tragic fate which might befall her. She is my child, though not born me, she is still mine regardless. I will have her back.

I cry desperately into the aether. Her bonded stands beside me, howling loudly into the night. He too calls out to her. The bond between them spans time and distance until the pair finally became forever bound to the other. He misses her, wanting to see her, to gently pull his girl into his side as he curled around her.

Aria…I miss you. Please…please call out to me. You are my girl, my heart…You are my daughter. Forevermore, you and I are one. One heart, one soul. I want to be where you are.

Nothing, just…nothing. Something is obscuring her from me. I wanted her home, I wanted her safe…I want my daughter!!!

The sound of a window shattering echoes against the stone walls surrounding the driveway. I feel the gentle warmth of a something. A soft glow of purples and blues hovers just beyond my closed eyes. I slowly open them to see the source of the light. They widen, now seeing the bottom half of the Kinstone, floating mere inches from my face.

I hold up my hand to it, feeling it pulse against me. It never once has done anything like this in the past, but now…it is. I slowly grasp the stone, my half, feeling more energy flowing into me. Sweetheart…I’m here.

A moment passes.


I gasp for air, feeling a surge of pain shoot through my heart, feeling tears stream down my face. I heard her…I heard my little girl crying out to me. Her voice echoes and reverberates in my heart. My knees nearly buckle from her cries.

She had finally called me what I am to her. But more importantly…I know where she is.

I turn to those wishing to come with. “I found her.” Their eyes light up, as smiles adorn their faces. I turn to the gathered crowd, “I FOUND HER!” Cheers and sighs of relief exude from them.

The stone glows and burns in my hand, watching as a whirling mass of magic swirls around me like a tornado. It slowly begins to pull on me, pulling towards her. It was summoning me to its other half…my other half.

I glare down at Fenris, “She’s calling out to us.” The wolf bobs his head and hops to my left, wrapping his tails around me.

The swirling magic now forms into the maelstrom, slowly lifting us off of the ground. I turned once more to those around me, “Follow us. I don’t know what is waiting on the other side, so be ready.”

The group nods, summoning forth weapons, prepared for whatever might come. Her knights summoned forth vehicles appearing similar to long angular motorcycles, only without wheels, accompanied with small wings and a canopy.

Aria refers to them as “wave-riders” a curious description, only for her to giggle as she made a reference to how the design reminded her of one of her various models which could assume a similar form.

Her sister snorts flames, slamming her fist into her palm, “Go to her.”

I returned my attention the stone in my hand, pressing it tightly to my heart, “Take me to her.” The swirling magic enveloped both Fenris and I, teleporting us away.

The vortex of magic soon dissipates. I clench my staff, slamming it into the ground, making a statement to those who might dare cause my girl harm. I am here for my child.

I see Regulus standing there, looking on in shock and surprise as to how and why I am here. This man…this man will pay for all that he has done.


My eyes widen, hearing her calling out to me. Mom…Mom.

Her voice…my beautiful daughter’s voice rang out in my ears. My heart shudders as I hear her cry out to me. It was soft and young, a voice of a young child, the voice of one in pain, crying, and scared.

She repeats her cries to me, each filled with fear and longing, desperate for me. I turn and see my girl dangling from a tree, arms pinned to the trunk by a staple. I reach up and pull it out, tossing her binding away, erecting a barrier around the three of us.

The sobbing child collapses into my arms, to where I gently bring us to the ground. Tears flow down her already raw cheeks. I press my forehead into her, holding her crumbling frame.

Blood trickles down her lips, her face bruised and swollen. Someone has severely beaten her. Her breath sounds haggard, raspy, possibly meaning some of her ribs have been broken. Her shirt soaked red with more blood, apparently caused from her previous battle.

She clings desperately to me, crying more and more. “I’m here, my precious girl,” feeling myself choke up. Words cannot begin to form as to how happy I am to see her, “I’m here, my girl. My precious Aria…Mother’s here.”

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