The End of Innocence: Book 3 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 38: Battle’s end

A bright light appears in front of me, giving off a slight pinkish hue as it swirls, forming into a portal. Four figures slowly begin to emerge, their forms casting dark shadows against the light.

My heart shudders as the light vanishes, revealing Viktor, Arcturus, Silvi and Rachel. Hot tears stream down my face as joy swells within me.

“Rachel!!!” I call out to her.

My mother turns and dashes over, dropping to her knees, with her staff landing beside her and hugs me, “Oh thank God I was able to make it in time.”

I bury my face into her chest, “I happy you’re back too, it’s been hell around here. But I need help saving Miss Abigale, I’m losing her.”

She looks down at the dying maid and places her hands over mine. They begin to glow an intense green, brighter than my own. I watch in awe as the kikimora’s blood slowly starts to recede back into her body. Her hand felt warmth flowing through it once more. She arches her back, drawing a deep breath.

“Welcome back, my faithful friend,” Rachel smiles gently.

The maid pans over to her, “Forgive me, my Lady, for not standing to greet you properly.”

My mother chuckles, with tears flowing down her face, “Think nothing of it, Abigale.” The maid smiles, closing her eyes and passes out.

A loud thud sounds behind us as Xiphos appears, “Welcome home, my Lady. Might I take her in? I can continue her treatment.”

My mother wipes away her tears, “I thank you, Professor.”

The sphinx bows his head and gently levitated the maid off of the ground, “Your daughter has performed admirably this night, my Lady.”

She grins looking to me, “I couldn’t be more proud of her.” I chuckle, tears still streaming down my face. He smiles and turns, leaping inside the Manor.

Arcturus and Viktor dash over to me, “I’m glad to see you alive, young lady,” greets the former.

I giggle, “Thanks, but I don’t think this is over with just yet.”

He nods, “I agree,” staring out onto the battlefield, “then why not let us put an end this?” He summons a sword of his own, looks to Rachel, and leaps into the fray.

“It brings me such joy to see you once more, Lady Aria,” greets Viktor.

I bob my head, “Same here, Master Titalos. Although…I wish it were under better circumstances. It seems like we have a bunch of invited guests.”

He grins, “Well…it shall be my pleasure to show them the door as you might say.”

I giggle softly, “That would be great.” The man steps back and bows to me before joining Arcturus.

A red glow lights up the driveway as Silvi blasts several of the invaders with dragon flame, while carrying a couple in her arms. I smile, watching her drop them onto the ground. She was pissed, dashing and weaving through the crowds, head-butting a few and tossing several into the pillars.

The battle took another turn, this time they were being beaten back. With the addition of four adults, the teenagers begin to falter, some even trying to flee. Once they saw my mother, a few appeared to piss themselves in fear.

“Sweetheart, why not finish this fight shall we?”

I grinned up at her, “Let’s. I have a book to read.”

She chuckles in disbelief, “You silly girl.” I giggle, as we both leap back in.

I soon was ambushed by a group of teens, somehow having managed the slip past Silvi and the others. I growl, flaring what was left of my magic and fires a barrage of kitsune-bi at them, only to see the needle pierce them. I glance over to Marron who again bats away yet another would-be attack, stabbing them with a needle.

I wrap my tails around their necks and pull them to the ground. A couple thought it was a great idea to rush my mother, who dodges and kicks them, instantly knocking them out. She flares with rage, levitating several into the air with her staff and slams them back into the ground, tossing them between pillars and into each other.

A few more foolishly launch a barrage of spells at her, ranging from simple magic bolts to fireballs. With a wave of her staff, Rachel cancels out their attacks and even redirects many of them back towards their source.

Two more stand to challenge her, leaping in with swords and knives. She sighs, sidestepping them and brings the top of her staff down behind the pair, slamming them into the ground with a telekinetic spell.

I smile softly as their bodies bounce off of the stones. No one messes with my mom.


I look over to Marron, “Now!!!” I pan up to see that the web is now complete.

I dash for a pillar and run up it until I leap into the air. I reach out and grab hold of the center. I summon a small platform of ice and kick off of it, dragging the collection of threads with me.

I land onto ground, sliding backwards until I reach Marron. Still crouching low, I send what little magic I have left into my blade and swipe it across the gathered bundle.

A surge of energy races along the strands causing those the needle had pierced to explode. The would-be assassins all fall to the ground, covered in scorch marks, but alive.

It was finally over.

I give a hard swing of my sword. Blood flings onto the ground before sheathing it. I pant heavily, extremely weakened from the battle. I look around the driveway.

Lyra held Bianca in her arms. The glacie had been further injured after the blizzard attack, with more blood dripping from her arms. Orga and Kateryna oversee the capture of the few remaining teenagers from the battle, with the living armor tying them up. Marie hops down from her last hiding spot, having stowed away her sniper rifle.

Sebastian stood over the pack of lycans, who comically had their tails between their legs. Fenris drags the unconscious forms of Lana and Mistral each wrapped between his tails, over to Rachel. Anger swells within her as she crouches down and yells at them.

I stagger to my feet and look back at Marron, “Thanks for coming, you really saved me back there.”

She smiles, “Your welcome sweetie. Anything for my baby sister.” I smile turning back to the driveway.

Something then stabs into my neck. I teeter for a moment, growing more and more tired. My knees soon give way as my eyes close.

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