The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Thirty

I’m not sure how long I lay back in the large tub. I didn’t even drink the wine, just started at the wall, letting the water relax me. I tried not to, but couldn’t help thinking, just how different my life would have been if my father had found us. If I’d lived my entire life with loving parents… it was overwhelming, the difference I would have experienced. It had almost got to me when I snapped out of it, refusing to dwell on it a moment more. It was not my parents’ fault. It was no one’s fault that the epidemic happened.

After soaking in deep contemplation of the things I’d learned, I got dressed and decided I’d kept the others waiting long enough. I hadn’t even realized it was well into the night realm’s shift. I wasn’t tired at all; my mind wouldn’t allow for sleep anytime soon. The entire day had been a complete haze of events.

Opening the door, I stopped abruptly and looked at Sith standing across the hall. “You are a welcome sight. I have no idea how to get to the dining room.”

He smirked. “I figured as much, but after the events of earlier, I’m not to be more than ten feet from your presence for the rest of my life.”

Closing the door, I sighed. “He took it out on our guards?”

“I think we’re the least frightening ones to deal with.” He motioned down the hall.

I laughed. “Are you saying the giant, alpha men are afraid of us women?”

Sith bobbed his head. “Yes.”

“Well, I don’t know about that, but I will try not to put you in a bad situation again.”

Pointing which way to turn, he shrugged. “I know you will, just please try not to get injured next time.”

“I will do my best.” When we turned the next corner, I recognized the hall and realized we were there. “I’m going to need a map of these halls.” I said as we walked in.

“A map shouldn’t be required if your guard is with you, as he should be.” Chase said from the far end of the room.

A warmth spread through me, and I wasn’t sure if it was from seeing him, or sent by him through the bond. “Am I not secure inside the royal chambers’ halls?” I glanced to the others around the table, “I thought any allied to Mister Hubert had been found.”

Daxx rolled her head to glare at her mate. Troy scowled.

“To our knowledge they have been, sister.” Rafael shrugged, “being cautious isn’t a bad thing.”

I sat down beside Daxx. “So, you gentlemen have guards following you around the halls?” I made an exaggerated move to look around at each corner of the room, as if the guards were hidden well.

“We don’t…” Raf started until Quinton nudged him with his elbow.

Michael leaned forward and looked down the table at me. “We’re less likely to,” he sent Arius a look, “require…”

“You guys should stop while you’re ahead.” Daxx said softly, leaning back in the chair and crossing her arms. “Dig, dig, dig.”

I smirked at her reference and sent Chase an inquiring look. “I am certain you’re not about to tell us you can take care of yourselves but we are weak, feeble women that need watching over.”

Chase tilted his head, giving me a contemplative glare. “I—we,” he motioned to his siblings, “would never be stupid enough to utter those words.” He said slowly.

“As none of us brothers are rarely without the company of another brother, we don’t require guards.” Victor said as he poured more coffee into his cup. “Is this settled for the moment?” He took his time making eye contact with those seated closest to him. “As I have information to share, and Michael and I have raid parties to organize to check other locations.”

“What information?” Troy sat back, casually holding Daxx’s hand in her lap.

Such a small gesture, but it made me realize that was something I’d never had. I unintentionally looked down the table at Chase. His eyes met mine, a soft look in them. A look meant just for me.

Accepting the other matter was put to rest, Victor gave an abrupt nod and set his cup down. “The female guard from the Hinton family has been successfully recruited to their cause.”

“I’m still not sure we should have gone with that plan.” Quinton set his fork down and pushed his plate back. “Not after what we’ve found out about how they treat women.”

I felt a brief flare of anger from him.

“She’s a very well-trained, quite skilled in combat.” Victor assured him.

Michael nodded, “and she has a very useful ability, so I’m confident she will be able to hold her own if needed.”

“Oh?” Arius looked from Victor to Michael. “What sort of skill?”

Michael shrugged. “We didn’t get into specifics, but she tossed a dozen objects at Victor in a matter of a few seconds—without touching any of them.”

Chase grinned. “Really? That would have been amusing to see.”

Victor gave him a blank look. “At the very least, she will be able to deter anyone if she chooses.”

Michael paused before taking a drink. “We have a few plans set up as well, so she can communicate with us when she’s able.”

“What is fire without flames?” Crissy said quietly.

Everyone stopped and looked at her, I’m sure it was to see if she was asking or just blurting things out as she seemed to do that a lot.

“I don’t understand the question, heart.” Victor gave her his undivided attention.

Crissy blew out a breath. “I keep seeing fire, but it’s not fire—,” she waved a hand around, “there’s no flames.” Nodding, she looked at Chase. “How can it be fire without flames?” Turning in the chair, she picked up her backpack and started to dig in it. “And the daisy, I don’t know what the connection between flameless fire and daisies are.” Pulling out her notebook, she set it on the table and the continued to dig in the bag.

Victor, without looking away from her, reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pencil and held it out to her.

“Oh.” Smiling, she stood on her chair to kiss him. “You always know what I need.” Nodding she squatted on her chair and opened the notebook.

“Can you describe this flameless fire?” Chase leaned on the table, watching her. “Is it sparks?”

I frowned, wishing I could understand better how her mind worked. “Could it be a flash of sorts? Bright enough to look like fire, without flames.”

Crissy stopped and looked at me. I could feel the swirling emotions pouring off her. “That might be it.” She stood on the chair, picking up her bag and clutching her notebook. “I need to go to my tower.”

Victor stood and held out his hand to help her step down off the chair. “I’ll call you before I head out.”

She nodded, obviously distracted.

Everyone watched her walk out, Bronx right behind her.

Victor sat down. “She’s exhausted.” He picked up his cup. “She only sleeps for a few moments at a time, the visions won’t pause long enough for her to rest.” He rubbed his hand over his forehead.

“She’s been worse, Victor.” Daxx offered. “At least now with the bond between you, she’s not completely absorbed in it.” She snorted. “There were times she’d babble so much, not one word was coherent.”

Rafael nodded. “That’s a fact.”

Crissy’s mind and feelings were chaotic, in my opinion, if this wasn’t bad, I don’t think I’d survive it worse.

“I do all I can to help her, when she allows it.” Victor said with a note of displeasure in his voice.

“She’ll figure it out, brother.” Chase nodded. “She always does.”

“I don’t know how she does it.” Leone said sounding exhausted. “I have a voice in my head, no pictures, just a voice, and I can’t focus on a damn thing.”

“It’s no better?” I asked.

He shook his head, “The mages and witches have tried several things.” He shrugged. “No luck yet.” Rubbing his hand over his short-spiky hair. “I’m about done with people messing in my head though. I’ve been thinking about what elder Faran said though, maybe a few days of fresh air and quiet might help.”

“You’re going away?” Rafael looked from one king brother to another. “Alone?”

Leone shook his head. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” He glanced at Chase and then Troy. “I was just going to go for a ride tomorrow—during daylight and see if it helps.” He motioned around the room. “I’ve been stuck inside for days now and the walls are starting to close in on me.”

I noticed the brief look between the twin kings. Chase nodded slowly. “As long as you’re not going outside the kingdom border boundaries, I don’t see a problem.” He turned to Michael. “Those are still patrolled regularly?”

Michael nodded. “We’ve increased frequency until this maniacal uprising is resolved.”

Chase shrugged and gave Leone a look. I could feel the concern through our connection and wished I knew how to send the warm encouragement to him that he sent to me often. He glanced to me for a second and I had to wonder if I’d managed it without more than thinking. “Just take your phone and a device, in case something comes up.”

“I agree.” Troy said in that tone of authority.

“Yeah. Okay.” Leone blew out a long breath. “Figure it can’t hurt, right?”

“I’m sure it will help.” I offered him a small smile.

“Could be worse,” Daxx said under her breath, “you could be under house arrest and not allowed to go anywhere.” She glared at Troy.

Troy sighed. “No one said you weren’t allowed to go anywhere, just nowhere without first letting us know.”

She sat forward. “So we can go to Alona’s and research?”

Troy looked to Chase, who turned to give me a thoughtful glance.

“I want to send Clairee and Romulus over to check her apartment before anyone goes back.” Chase held my look for a moment. “Do you agree, brother king?”

Troy took a moment, indecision on his face. “If they can clear it and find no evidence that someone is watching, I’d agree to that.” He gave Daxx a hard look. “Research only, not going to rescue anyone.”

“I’ll take Romulus and Clairee over.” Arius offered as he stood up. “If that’s all, I’d like to get back to the cells and see if our new guests are ready to share yet.”

I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten about the men that had been holding those women. “Have you found out anything? Perhaps whether there are more in that situation?”

Arius shook his head, Daxx answered before he could speak. “They’ve given us diddly so far.”

I took that to mean nothing helpful. “Has anyone checked on the women?”

Quinton stood up. “I met Anthony with a personal guard a few hours ago. She’s going to send us regular reports.” He walked to the end of the table. “Your friend Liza told Anthony she had a house in mind, and once she got the go ahead from you she’d begin the process.”

“I’ll have to check my email.” I looked to Michael. “Is the I.P. secure here?”

He nodded. “Yes, no one can trace it.”

“Good. I’ll make sure those women and any others found have a safe place.” I looked to Victor. “Aside from guards, I’d like a security system installed.”

Victor’s eyebrows went up. “We are more prone to use magic barriers.”

I nodded. “That’s fine too, but an honest to goodness alarms-sounding-lights-flashing system will be installed.”

“As you wish.” He gave Chase a brief look and then stood up. “Keep me informed. I’m going to vet a few more of our female guards that have passed training to reside at the house.”

I smiled. “I will. Thank you.” I shrugged, “For using female guards. I have no idea what these women have been through, but I’m sure a male-free environment will be reassuring.”

Daxx snorted but said nothing.

Victor gave me an abrupt nod and then turned on his heel and left through the kitchen.

I went back to my large temporary room. Everyone had other places to be, I had nothing to do. My mind was restless, processing so many things I knew sleep was going to elude me through what remained of the night. To pass the time, I browsed through the endless closet. Daxx had explained why there were so many clothes of every size, but I was still amazed by the variety. Having been told to help myself, I tried on anything that caught my eye. At the rate I was going, I would need another closet to put it all in.

I looked in the mirror and turned. With my hair up, this top would look soft and feminine. After the years of fashion trends I had lived through, I liked this era the most, almost anything was acceptable. Except bell bottoms, thankfully. There had been a few tense years when flare bottoms were in style, that I feared those floppy-out-of-control bells would make a comeback.

My mind was bouncing around like one of Crissy’s little rubber balls. Levi—my father, what he’d said and just the mere fact that he was alive, and I’d met him kept me spinning. Chase was also on my mind more than I was comfortable with.

I paused on a simple short black skirt and stared at it. Was that him pushing somehow through the bond, making me think of him so much? Holding the skirt to my waist I decided I’d try it with this top. Of course, I was only half trying to put the blame on Chase. I knew it had nothing to do with the bond, and was my own weakness causing him to be at the forefront of my thoughts.

Securing the zipper, I smoothed it over my thighs. It was quite short, but not obscenely so. Turning, I looked in the mirror trying to decide what type of boot would go with it. A knock on the door had me looking out of the closet. I knew who was on the other side without opening it. I couldn’t feign I wasn’t here either with all the lights on. “Come in.” I called out, deciding I was going to stay right here in the closet doorway.

Chase walked in and closed the door behind him. He paused and looked around for a moment.

I had clothes strewn all over the room. “It may look out of sorts, but it’s a system.”

Smirking, he walked over. “A system to what, is the question?”

I pointed to the bed. “Those I’m keeping. The sofa is undecided, and the two chairs are down further on the list unless I find something that goes with them.”

Tucking his hands in his pockets, he nodded slowly. “And here I thought you’d be asleep, but instead you’ve gone on a shopping spree.”

I had to smile to that. “A free shopping spree.”

“Ah, yes that would do it.”

As he spoke his eyes were appraising every inch of my body. “I think you should keep that skirt.”

“You’re just saying that because it shows a great deal of leg.”

“Indeed it does.” He motioned for me to turn around.

I did until I was facing him again. I could feel his desire even though it wasn’t showing on his face.

“It’s missing something,” he mused quietly.

“I was thinking boots.” I looked into the mirror again.

“Boots.” He came up behind me to study my reflection over my shoulder. “Heeled?”

I stared at my legs in the mirror. “Low heel I think.”

“Mmm, what style of boot?”

“I suppose that would depend on if I was going for flirty with an ankle boot or something higher and more daring.” This was one conversation I would never have anticipated having with the large, very masculine king standing behind me.

He moved close enough I could feel the heat from his body. “You could definitely get away with more daring…in a tasteful way.”

I glanced to his eyes in the mirror, his met mine immediately. “You don’t think a tall boot would be too fetishist?”

Crossing his arms, he looked as if he was seriously contemplating it. “I’d have to see it to decide.”

“I didn’t bring anything like that. They’re at the apartment.”

He stepped back. “Apartment…your sexy legs distracted me from the reason I’m here. Your apartment has been cleared. No trace of anything that shouldn’t be there.”

I took a moment to consider how I felt about that. It was good, yet I didn’t feel comfortable being there just yet. Turning, I looked up at him. “Is it all right if I stay here longer? Just—” I glanced down at my hands clasped in front of me. “Knowing they had a camera and were watching—it’s unnerving.” I returned my eyes to his.

Chase gave me a soft look. “You can stay as long as you want.” He motioned in the closet, “after all you still have half the closet to try on.”

I laughed.

“Not to mention a rather large mess to tidy up.”

I grimaced as I took stock of the clothes scattered about. “Yes, I do.”

Clearing his throat, his expression went serious again. “I stopped to tell you about your apartment—and you should feed again. I feel like reminding you that you can feed whenever you want is necessary, after past incidents.” He reached out and ran his fingertips lightly over my arm where the cut had been. “Feeding a few times after an injury will help it heal, on the inside too.”

I glanced at the red mark on my arm. “I don’t have the fast healing you men do.”

“It’s reasonable to assume a properly fed body functions better…”

Turning my head, I gave him a disbelieving look. “You just want me to bite you.”

He grinned. “I won’t deny that, ever, but I am concerned for you as well.”

My mind, without permission, immediately went back to the earlier feeding—the intimacy of it, the heat… Did I want to chance that again? I wanted to continue to think I was resisting the pull between us. That I was resisting him, but I knew inside I was only lying to myself. Each time we had been close, there had been some sort of dire situation pending, or an interruption.

“I think you’re running more from yourself than from me.” He said softly, standing close enough I could feel his breath against my hair.

“I can feel them you know.” I said out loud and then realized I had. Turning on the spot, I faced him.

“Them?” He tilted his head in that patient way he had, not pushing for immediate response.

I felt what I could only describe as butterflies in my stomach, knowing I was about to admit things I had been trying to hide. “The invisible threads, weaving us together.”


That was all he said, no denial, no arrogant satisfaction. “I’m not…” I stopped, trying to decide what I wanted to convey. “I’m not sure I’m willing…”

He smirked to that. “I know you’re not a liar, Alona, don’t tell me what I’ve felt isn’t there.”

Clasping my hands, I glanced down to them while I gathered my thoughts. “I won’t deny there is chemistry between us.”

He raised one eyebrow. “You’re going to make this scientific?”

Frowning, I shook my head. “That is not what I meant at all, I don’t know the first thing about science.” I shrugged. “What I was trying to say was I don’t want to give you the wrong idea. I wasn’t trying to deny there is an attraction between us.”

He nodded slowly, considering what I’d said. “Attraction might be a slight understatement.” Stepping closer, so there was barely an inch between us, he tucked his hands in his pockets and looked down at me. “And what wrong idea are you afraid to give me?”

My heart was skipping inside me. I picked up no emotion, just that carefully guarded void of nothingness he seemed all too capable of achieving. “If we,” I paused to choose the right word, “sleep together, I don’t want you to misconstrue that to mean I’d agreed to…”

“Be marked as mine for whole realms to see?” He finished quietly, with no infliction of emotion at all.

Nodding, I took a quick breath. I hadn’t thought about this conversation prior to now, or if I had, I was in denial. Now that I’d just laid it out on the table, there was no going back and every nerve in my body tensed waiting for the conclusion.

“I know you feel what I do, the only difference is I am not denying it is there.” His eyes searched mine. “We have been the embodiment of taking it slow, despite what our bodies, instincts are saying.” Pausing once more, he just watched me. “Why would you think I would take one thing to mean the other?”

His breath on my face was very distracting and I was having trouble focusing on his words.

The expression in his eyes become softer. “I know your fears. I may not be able to read minds as my twin can, but I have felt the gauntlet of emotion you have felt in a multitude of situations, or felt the spike of them during conversations. I would never take advantage of you, beloved Alona.”

As he spoke my whole being was filled with—I wasn’t exactly sure, love, adoration? I felt like I’d been wrapped in a cocoon of emotions I’d never personally felt in my long life. My heart began to change rhythm again when he touched the side of my face with a feathery touch.

“I will not mark you until you ask me to, of that you have my word.” With a gentle pressure, he tilted my face up to his. “If you never feel assured enough for that step, I will learn to accept that.” Kissing my mouth briefly, he looked back to my eyes. “I know you’ve been feeling different sensations since the bond, as well as sending out your own—that is only the start of what we could have, there’s so much more.”

Focusing on what I wanted to say was becoming more difficult. “I don’t want to hand over my entire life to someone, to allow them to decide what I can and cannot do…”

“If you’re referring to my brothers ruling over their mates, I can assure you what we see is a fraction of what the situation actually is.” He smirked. “I have a connection with them, and feel what they do if I focus. They are not getting off scot-free in the telling their mates what they cannot do.” His face became serious again. “There is much bending and giving on both sides there, duchess. We are not rulers to our mates,” he grimaced, “Mitz alone would stab each of us if we tried that, never mind what our mates, or intended mates, would do.”

His thumb’s steady caress of my jaw was mesmerizing, ensuring I was solely fixated on him.

“I’ve taken a lot of missteps in my life, rushed in without thought of consequence,” his eyes were swirling between one color and the other, “but in this, with you, I am—have been taking it one step at a time, and will continue to do so until told otherwise.”

The fact that he was taking the time to reassure me and put my doubts to rest, all while keeping the emotions that went with his words at bay, meant a lot to me. I could see his emotional state as he was fighting his eyes from changing color. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly. “What,” I licked dry lips, “what are the steps?” I was having my own struggle, trying to keep my fangs from protruding while this close to him.

He stepped closer, so our bodies were barely touching. “Right now, I’m just talking about you feeding—what comes after that is entirely up to you.”

My fangs filled my mouth. “Is it?” I bit my bottom lip between my teeth. “I don’t feel like anything is up to me anymore.”

His hand moved gently up to cup the back of my head. “It’s all up to you.” Tipping his head to the side, he offered his neck to me.

I knew he stood there waiting, wanting my mouth on him as much as I did at this moment, but he was showing restraint as well as showing me that the next move was mine. His fingers moved in my hair, but he made no move to push my face closer to his bared flesh. His eyes were almost yellow now as they held mine. The tension of the moment was almost as stimulating as our earlier moments in my kitchen. I didn’t know why I was hesitating as long as I was, I wanted nothing more at this very moment than to sink my fangs into him. Chase’s nostrils flared as he looked down at me, his jaw was clenched now as he waited out our silent battle of wills. I leaned closer and inhaled the scent of his essence into my body and a buzz went through me. Reaching up slowly, I buried my hand in his hair and then closed my fist around it as I bit into him.

He gasped out a breath and then growled and pulled our bodies tight together.

The slight rush I’d feel from feeding was amplified when it was from Chase. He added to it through the bond, taking advantage of my empathic ability. Releasing his neck, I licked across my marks and pulled his head down to mine.

Our mouths clashed with the same need. I wasn’t sure if either of us were controlling the direction of the kiss. When the intensity of the combined sensations hit me, I pulled my head back. “Do you need to feed?” I was quite breathless.

His lips traveled along my throat. “Feeding is not what I need right now.” He grasped my hips, grinding his into me so I couldn’t help but feel his arousal.

My knees were already shaking from the desire, I was afraid they’d give out completely as his mouth trailed along my skin causing me to quiver with need.

Lifting his head, he crushed my mouth with his. I found myself being lifted, then my back was against the wall. He lifted me further, bracing me with his leg. Wrapping my legs around him, I was rewarded with a deep groan. His tongue invaded my mouth, brushing against my fangs—that I hadn’t realized were still out.

Chase’s hand found their way to my bare skin under the hem of my top. Just his skin touching mine increased the heat inside me. I needed to feel more of our bodies touching. Reaching between us, I pulled his shirt open. The sound of the buttons popping off added fuel to the fire inside both of us.

Shoving the shirt over his shoulders, I ran my hands along the toned muscle of his chest and shoulders. A feeling of reckless abandonment came over me, for the first time in my life I wanted to bite someone, not for feeding. I pulled my mouth from his and leaned down. Without warning, I sunk my fangs into the flesh of his shoulder.

“Fuck,” he hissed, grasping my hair, he pulled my head back up.

Our breathing was ragged.

“Stop now or not at all,” he whispered, his yellow, lust-filled eyes locked on my own.

I knew he was keeping his word and letting me choose how far this went. Inside me was a blazing fire—just for him. I’d never felt close to this powerful desire before, and I feared if we stopped I may never again. “Don’t stop.” I said against his lips.

His eyes grew heavier, then the full force of his lust swamped me. Leaning closer, almost in slow motion, he kissed me in a very passionate, yet controlled way. I felt consumed by the depth of it.

Grasping my hands, he pinned them against the wall above my head. My whole body quivered. My hands… I pulled them out of his and leaned my head back against the wall to break the kiss. “I need my gloves.”

He closed his eyes for a second, I could feel him reining in his desire, before he lowered me to the floor.

I walked as quickly as I could on unsteady legs, to the dresser and opened the box on top of it. Pulling out the long black satin gloves. I fumbled to get them on.

As I pulled the second one up my arm, I turned to see Chase stood just where I’d left him. He looked at the gloves and then his eyes moved down my body.

In a few long strides, he was in front of me, grasping my waist. “Hang on. We’re going to get those boots.” His mouth covered mine, flooding passion into me at the same moment.

When he lifted his head a few moments later, I panted to catch my breath. We were in my apartment. Chase pulled his shirt off and dropped it to the floor.

My stomach felt giddy, but there was no nausea. I’d been so distracted when he transported us, my body didn’t rebel.

He continued to look at me. “Boots.”

Blinking, I tried to get my brain to function again. Turning, I went to the closet and pulled the long boots out of the case Arius had persuaded me to leave behind.

Chase came up and pulled them from my hand. When I turned to ask why, he dropped to his knees in front of me and held one of them out so I could put my foot in.

It took a moment to coordinate my shaking leg so he could pull it up past my knee. Either he was moving in slow motion or I was in a daze.

When the other boot was on, he stood slowly, his eyes devouring each inch of my body. Grasping my hips, he boosted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist again. “The gloves and boots stay on.” He growled and started walking down the hall.

As he crossed the threshold to my room, I couldn’t stand not having his mouth on me a moment more. I pulled his head down, tugged the tie binding his hair, and with a handful of his silky mane guided his mouth to mine. The kiss reeked of desperation, but I didn’t care. I needed the man, like I’d never needed any other.

Chase turned and pushed me against the wall again, our bodies so close, there was no air between. He rocked his hips into me and I broke the kiss, gasping. Reaching, I pulled my top over my head and tossed it aside. He made quick work of ridding me of my bra. I was struggling to get the strap off my arm when his mouth closed over my nipple.

Shaking the bra off, I clutched his head and held him there. “Chase,” I gasped, “it’s too much—the bond—the intensity…”

Lifting his head, he turned and carried me toward the bed. “I want you to burn for me, beloved.” He nipped at the side of my breast with his teeth.

I gripped his hair. “I am.”

Grinning, he turned and sat on the bed, holding my legs so I was straddling him. Cupping both breasts, he licked over one nipple, then the other.

I was done waiting. Shoving his shoulder, he lay back. I got up, undoing his pants quickly. He lifted his hips so I could pull them off. When I got stuck at his boots, he sat up and helped to remove them, and the blades strapped to each ankle.

He lay back again, I could only look at him. My eyes took their time moving over him. I’d never seen a man that looked as good as he did before. His body was toned and in perfect balance, from the top to the bottom.

He sat up and grasped my hips, pulled me to the edge of the bed. Without a word, his hand moved under my skirt until he felt the scant material of my underwear. With a quick jerk he tore the fabric and pulled it from my body.

Pure unadulterated lust filled me, burning from the inside out. I didn’t know where his ended and mine began, but if he didn’t touch me soon, I was going to scream out my frustration.

“You’re in control for as long as I can stand it.” He whispered roughly.

Laying back, he pulled my hand so I’d follow. Straddling him, I leaned down and kissed his chest, pausing to lick across his nipple.

“Now, woman.” He growled.

Looking up into his heavy eyes, they blazed with a warning, I realized my time in control was going to run out soon. I lowered my hips slowly until he was inside me. Both of us moaned.

“We’ll just grab the lists and get back before anyone notices we’re gone.”

Both of us froze as Daxx’s voice traveled down the hall.

“Okay. Victor won’t be happy if he finds out. He took my device, so I couldn’t go anywhere.”

Crissy was here too.

Daxx’s laugh echoed through the silence. “Good thing I don’t need a device.”

Chase swore softly, then pulled me down to him. “Hang on.” His mouth crushed mine.

I knew he’d transported us somewhere else, I didn’t care where. I was flipped onto my back with him still inside me and then my whole existence began to blaze and swirl out of control.

There were no words between us, no awkward moves, the two of us were in complete unison, our minds, emotions and bodies joined as one.

When I thought I might go crazy from the need, I heard myself cry out, followed by a deep animalistic moan from Chase.

I had no idea how much time had passed. It didn’t matter. We gasped, trying to catch our breath. Sweat dripped from his body onto my own damp one. Even my feet were soaked.

“Boots,” I panted, “too hot.”

He turned his head, his hot breath brushing against my shoulder. “Give me a minute, I’ll take them off.” He kissed me softly. “You were so fucking sexy in those. I thought I might explode just looking at you.”

Opening my eyes, I looked at him in the dim light. “I don’t think I was in a much better state.”

Lifting up on his elbows, he looked down at me. “Later—when I can feel all my extremities again… we’re going to look at your boot collection.”

I laughed. “There are a lot.”

“I will buy you more. Every color, style and fabric you want.”

I looked around. “Where are we?”

“My room.” He smirked. “Was the only thing I could focus on in that moment.”

“It’s very dark in here.”

“I’ll turn on a light when I can move.” He kissed my mouth, lingering for a moment. “That was…”

“Yeah, it was. Is that from the bond or because we both absorb emotion?”

He squinted for a moment. “I don’t know, but I don’t want it to change.”

I tried to sort through how intense it had been and gave up. “I can’t think right now. I need a nap.”

He lowered his mouth to my throat.

“After the boots are off,” I reminded him.

“Right.” He kissed me again.

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