The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

I stood in the landing room with Daxx and Crissy. We’d come back right after the children were safely away with Liza and Anthony. Of course, Tim had to negotiate with Daxx to keep her from charging back down to fight. I’m not sure what he used to get her to come back with us, but she finally conceded.

Currently I was standing here trying not to think about the man calling me by my mother’s name. I wasn’t succeeding so far.

Crissy was in a corner bouncing a small ball against the wall and mumbling to herself. Daxx and the three guards didn’t seem bothered by it, so it wasn’t my place to ask if it was normal. I was coming to realize the oddest things, where she was concerned, were perfectly fine.

“I hope they find some useful clues down there.” Daxx said out of the blue, breaking the silence. “We’re out of places to look.” She turned to me. “Have you heard from that Lou guy again?”

I shook my head. “Not yet, but if he’s found out what just happened tonight, he may be otherwise occupied.”

She smirked. “Yeah. Like running around and screaming, ’oh shit we’re gonna….”

Rafael and Leone appeared.

Both were ragged looking. Rafael was holding his side. He looked all three of us over to check our state of health.

“You hurt?” Daxx asked him.

He shrugged, looking annoyed. “I’ll be fine in a few hours. Got caught in the crossfire.”

Leone patted him on the back. “I appreciate your ribs taking that blow for me.”

With a snarl Raf glanced at him. “Don’t mention it, that’s what brothers are for.”

“Where is everyone else?” Daxx looked very anxious.

“Some were checking other tunnels or chambers.” Leone said, stretching his arm and wincing. “Victor, Michael and our kings are going over some papers that were found.”

“Anything useful?” I asked, hoping it to be true.

Rafael shrugged. “Not sure yet.” He bowed his head. “I need some hot water, so I’ll catch you in a bit in the dining room.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Leone nodded and walked out with him.

I turned and looked to Sith. “You can go if you like. I’m back in one piece.”

He shook his head. “Orders are I’m with you, unless one of the royals are.”

I motioned to Daxx. “She’s royal, is she not?”

Daxx looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

He frowned. “Yes.”

Waving her hand, Daxx sighed. “All three of you go grab a shower or whatever… we’ll meet you in the dining room when the boys are back.”

“Works for me.” Tim turned and left.

Bronx looked at Crissy.

“I’ll watch her.” Daxx told him quietly.

He nodded. “Wonder what she’s working out now.” He mused quietly.

Turning, I watched her bouncing the ball and realized it must be how she coped with the visions.

“If it leads us to team bad, I look forward to finding out.” Daxx told him. “Go.” She waved to the door.

I glanced back to Sith, who sighed and then nodded and followed Bronx out.

After he left, Daxx looked at me. “He talks.”

I smiled. “Yes. Scared me half to death the first time he did.”

“No doubt.” With her eyes wide, she pointed a finger at me. “Find out what the green eyes mean. I know red, yellow, purple and even white… but green? No clue.”

I frowned. “White?”

She nodded and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against the wall. “They can get at your emotions from a distance. So if anyone’s eyes go white and you’re around… get gone.”

I blew out a breath. “Good to know.” I frowned. “I feel like there should be a handbook for here.”

Laughing, she threw her hands up. “I know, right. The guys are not helpful at all… telling you bits here and there or saying later…”

Crissy stopped bouncing the ball and turned. “It’s stuck in my head and I don’t have all the pieces…” she frowned, “or I’m missing a piece.” She sighed loudly. “Maybe after sex with Victor I’ll find it…” She smiled. “It helps to clear my head.” Nodding, she looked at me. “You should get gloves.” Tucking the ball into her pocket she looked at the gloves on her hands. “I don’t have to wear them now for that, but I do because I like them.” Her eyes grew wider, “and it helps with the cable so my hands don’t get burned.” She nodded again and looked around at the empty room.

My eyes darted from her to Daxx, then back to Crissy again. If I wasn’t already emotional soup, I would have asked for more information… to understand what she just said.

Troy appeared, startling me.

Daxx went over and tipped up his jaw. His face was bruised, and lip was bleeding. “You blocking with your face?”

He licked over his lip. “We found a guy hiding and he got a lucky swing before I saw him.”

She scowled. “He in the cells now?”

Troy nodded.

“You want me to go kick his ass for you?” She looked serious.

Troy smiled down at her and then hugged her against him.

Victor and Arius arrived next. Arius simply bowed his head and walked out without a word, although with the amount of blood on him, he probably wanted a shower more than conversation.

Victor looked as he had going over, aside from a little blood, he didn’t even look tired.

Crissy pouted, “Is it bad I’m getting used to seeing you with blood on you?”

He gave her a soft look. “No, heart, it saves me changing three times a day so you don’t see it.”

She bounced over to him and wrapped her arms around him, blood and all.

He kissed the top of her head and then looked around. “Where are your guards? His tone was no longer gentle and caring.

“We sent them to grab a shower.” Daxx informed him. “Rafael and Leone were here.” She nodded.

Chase finally appeared and where the others looked worn out, he looked exhilarated. I looked at all the blood splattered on him. “Any of it yours?” I asked.

He looked down, then gave me an offended look. “No.” Briefly he glanced to his siblings, coddling their mates and then sighed. “I know you want to go see if that was really your father, but I need a shower and we’ll have to separate him from the others before you can.”

“Her father?” Troy asked.

Daxx nodded. “She took him down when he was going to take a swing at me, and then he called her by her mother’s name.”

Victor glanced from Daxx to me. “We can’t just let him go.”

I hugged my arms around my waist. “I realize this. I’m just thankful I was there. If I hadn’t been he would have gravely injured Daxx when she turned. I do understand there is a due process, but after that I would like to see him.”

Victor nodded, his look softening. “We’ll move him after we’ve sorted through the rest.”

I inclined my head. “Thank you.”

Chase huffed out a breath. “Kids get away safely?”

“Yes.” I offered a half smile. “Liza is the only one that knows where they were going, so they’re very safe… even from all of us, for the time being.”

“That may be best, after finding traitors and spies among us.” He said glancing to his twin.

“It was all done in a name no one can trace, so if necessary I can keep them hidden until they’re adults.” I shrugged.

Chase cocked his head and studied me. “I have no doubt you’re very good at it.” He looked me up and down. “And how are you faring?” He frowned. “I caught the move that tumbled the giant.”

I smirked. “It was a bit jarring, but it worked. I’m fine, thank you.”

“That move rocked!” Daxx said waving her hand around. “I would have landed on my face.”

I laughed, “Oh, trust me I did for months while trying to perfect it. My sensei asked if I’d like a helmet at one point.”

Chase shook his head. “I don’t want to know.”

“Did you find out anything useful? A map to their secret lair would be good.” Daxx asked looking hopeful.

“Michael’s going through it, but there was nothing obvious.” Troy nuzzled his face into her hair.

“I’m off for a shower.” Chase announced. He gave me a look of inquiry.

I blew out a breath. “I believe I’m going to see if Mitz has any more of that wine.”

“Cookies.” Crissy blurted out. “I need cookies.”

I was on my second glass of wine by the time the brothers and guards converged in the dining room again. I briefly wondered why there wasn’t a large meeting room or someplace for important gatherings, and then I watched Mitz bring out trays of food and it made sense. They certainly enjoyed their food in this realm.

Between bites there were references to moves and conquests from the battle. I was quite happy I had been busy, and unaware of most of what they spoke about.

Arius grinned and pointed to me. “I caught Crissy doing her Tarzan swing and wondered what she was doing… until kung fu came flying in.” He shook his head. “That must have taken some force to knock him off his feet, Alona.”

I twisted the stem of the glass in my hand, smiling at his description. “It’s all in knowing where to land a kick like that, to knock them off balance.” I shrugged. “The old saying, the bigger they are…”

“The harder they fall.” He finished with a big grin.

Michael came through the doorway. “Forty-two more tonight.”

Quinton snorted. “That explains why my arms are tired.”

“Maybe you’re just getting old, brother.” Rafael gave him a toothy grin.

“I’ll show you old next practice you little brat.” Quinton promised with a stern look.

I couldn’t help smiling along with the others.

Chase appeared from the direction of the kitchen, waving his phone. “I just spoke to Emil. His son was not one of those we rounded up tonight.”

“That’s good news.” Troy nodded. “I’d wondered about that.”

Chase leaned over and looked at what was left on the tray. “It took Emil some time to reach him and make sure.” He shrugged. “He’s not sure where he is, but he heard cattle in the background.”

“That leaves out the city.” Daxx glanced around. “There are no cattle there.”

“It’s a cow!” Crissy jumped to her feet.

Quinton looked around the room. “What’s a cow?”

Crissy shook her head. “I saw one,” she frowned, “I don’t know what kind it was,” she looked to Bronx. “I need a book about cows.” He gave her a slight nod.

“What does that mean Crissy?” Daxx asked watching her closely.

Crissy turned to her. “The book? So I can learn about cows.”

Daxx shook her head. “No. The cow that you saw.”

“Oh. I don’t know, but it was bad.” Crissy told her with her eyes-wide.

“You saw a bad cow?” Chase asked with a smirk on his face.

Crissy looked at him. “I don’t know if the cow was bad or good,” she looked to her mate. “How would I know that?”

Victor gave her a gentle smile. “I believe what my brother was asking is how was the beast you saw, signifying something bad?”

“Oh.” Crissy frowned at Chase. “Why didn’t you just ask that?”

Chase laughed, “I thought I did.”

“I don’t know how I know, I just do.” She told him while nodding.

“If you tell us we have to rescue cattle next, little sister, I’m going to expect a steak or two out of it.” Rafael told her as he leaned back in his chair.

“Maybe a few burgers too.” Quinton added and then ate a quarter of a sandwich in one bite.

“Just let us know if you figure it out, Crissy.” Troy suggested.

She nodded. “It’s still very confusing right now.”

I glanced at Leone to see that he had a scowl on his face, as he stared at the glass in front of him. I may not have followed everything that went on with these brothers, but I recognized someone distracted by their own head. I looked to Chase until our eyes connected and then slowly to his brother before meeting his hazel eyes again.

Chase turned to study his young sibling for a moment. “Maybe we could have farm talk later.” He said quietly as he crossed his arms and turned to his twin. “Think you could take a look in Leone’s thick head and figure out why he thinks he’s hearing things lately?”

Troy sat forward in the chair and looked at Leone. “Is that why you’re staring off into space all the time?”

Leone sighed and looked around at the others. “I don’t know what it is, but if you can tell me how to fix it, I’ll take that.”

Troy nodded abruptly and got up. Going around the table, he pulled out the chair beside Leone and sat down.

Leone blew out a breath and turned in his chair, so he was facing the king.

Troy leaned closer.

I looked around and all movement in the room had ceased. Turning back, I watched Troy place a hand on Leone’s shoulder, his red eyes giving him an intense look.

Troy made a noise of annoyance and leaned back. “I can’t get in.”

“What?” Chase shook his head. “Since when?”

Lifting his hands, Troy shrugged, “Since now I suppose.”

Arius got up. “Leone’s mind is one of the easiest to penetrate,” he offered him a sympathetic look, “sorry, brother, but it’s true.”

“I know.” Leone’s tone was quiet. “What does it mean?”

Troy stood up. “Arius, you try.”

Arius gave him a determined look and came around to sit in the chair he had been in.

“Don’t embarrass me.” Leone said glaring at Arius.

“I’m just seeing if I can, relax.” Arius touched his shoulder and sat that way for a moment before placing his other hand on Leone’s shoulder, he leaned closer.

Huffing out a breath, he dropped both hands and sat back. “I can’t either.”

Leone’s worry was plain to see now. “What…” He shook his head. “What does that mean?”

“Have you pissed off a witch recently?” Rafael asked him. “They can…” He cleared his throat. “They don’t handle some things well.”

Chase gave Rafael a blank look. “I’m sure Leone wasn’t sleeping with half the witches in the temple.” He waved his hand and turned his eyes back to Leone. “Go see Romulus and Clairee, see if they have any insight.” He turned to Troy. “And I don’t want you crossing to the other side until we know what’s going on… just to be on the safe side.”

Victor nodded. “I agree. We know they are looking for leverage. You, distracted, hands them a perfect opportunity.”

Leone rubbed both hands over his face and then dropped them onto the table. “Yeah, okay.” He stood up.

Rafael did as well. “I’ll go with you, just so you don’t snap Romulus’ neck or anything.”

Leone snorted. “If he can help, I’ll have to like him. And I will not be thrilled by that.”

The room was quiet as they left.

“I’m off to see if the new inmates have been sorted.” Arius said as he got up and walked in my direction. He paused and looked down at me. “I’ll let you know when we’ve found the man you think is your father.”

I hadn’t realized they all knew, but shouldn’t have been surprised. Part of their dynamic was in their all communicating everything. “Thank you.” I finally said back, unsure if that was the correct thing to say.

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