The Emerging Part I: Dream


Vaiqon walks to Hawk’s bed. He gazes at Hawk. Pride fills his heart.

The Rniti fill the Gallery. The statue of Uxxok, hidden by a veil, sculpted by Rhino himself, sits in its home, waiting to be showed to the Rniti.

Voices are quiet, moods are somber. The Daijoks stand before the congregation, their heads bowed as if in prayer. The Pentad stands just before the Daijoks, their eyes filled with sadness.

Santhemum carries Firose’s golden inlaid blade in her hands. Desert holds Oukton’s breast plate, covered in okit symbols. Pork holds Jtoon’s helmet, still warm from the late Rniti’s blood.

The Daijoks finally turn to face the congregation.

“Rniti!” Vaiqon shouts, silencing the already quiet conversations. “We have lost a valuable member of our brotherhood. Though many of you may not have known Uxxok, all of you have heard tell of his accomplishments.”

“Uxxok defeated countless enemies,” Vulcan begins, “often under the Daijoks’ direct orders. He was a dear friend.”

“Uxxok liberated a city from an oppressed rule before many of you were even born,” Rhino says. “That city stands as a monument to his bravery. Wuhuq will be renamed in his honor. The city of Uxxok.”

“Uxxok was a valiant warrior. His skills made him nearly invincible. He even passed on his skills to many a Rniti before his ultimate sacrifice,” Shark says.

All four Daijoks then grab a rope connected to the veil over Uxxok’s statue. They pull and the veil moves as if in slow motion, revealing first Uxxok’s feet, then his legs, his torso, his incredible sword, painstakingly sculpted to show the ability of being able to split into two swords, an finally, Uxxok’s head is revealed.

The Pentad gasp as they see Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon’s names are inscribed in the stone as well as Uxxok’s at the base of his feet. The Daijoks notice the Pentad’s astonishment and nod to them.

The Pentad approaches the Daijoks. They turn to face the congregation.

“Now, Uxxok was not the only one to have perished from this endeavor of forever stopping a brutal slave trade. Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon also fell at the hands of a vicious opponent,” Vaiqon says.

“The Pentad have salvaged what they feel was most dear to the three young Rniti,” Vulcan continues.

“Santhemum holds Firose’s blade,” Rhino begins. “I would like to see Firose’s blade honored in the only was I see fit, to allow Santhemum to keep the blade and use it to destroy our enemies and maintain the peace.”

Santhemum blinks at Rhino. She looks to the congregation to see many heads nodding. She grabs her blade on her left hip with her right hand. She draws it out, metal gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the windows high above them. She exchanges swords in her hands. She stares at the golden inlaid sword of Firose’s own creation. She sheathes Firose’s sword into her own sheathe. She hands then places her hands to her sides, her sword still in her left hand.

“Desert has retrieved Oukton’s breast plate and Fox has recovered Jtoon’s helmet,” Shark says. “I leave the choice to the two young Rniti, hold on to the larger pieces of armor so you may forever keep the memory of Oukton and Jtoon with you, to use their armor when you are bigger.

“Or, place the pieces of armor at the base of Uxxok’s statue so that Rhino may forever embody the legacy of Oukton and Jtoon’s spirit for all Rniti to see.”

Desert makes his decision without consulting Fox. He turns on his heels. He walks towards Uxxok’s massive statue. He places Oukton’s breast plate at Uxxok’s feet, nestled in between the statue’s ankles.

Fox joins Desert and places Jtoon’s helmet atop the breast plate. The helmet balances easily atop the wide girth of the breast plate and appears as if Oukton or Jtoon will spring forth from the armor at any second.

Suddenly, arms of earth from the statue’s base reach up to hold tightly onto the armor. Desert and Pork turn around to see Rhino with his arm out, controlling the earthen arms, lashing down the pieces of armor for all eternity.

The Pentad walks back to their original spots before the congregation and turns back towards the Daijoks. The Daijoks bow their heads once more towards Uxxok’s statue.

The Daijoks raise their heads and turn back towards the Rniti.

They say in unison, “Enyo u Rniti, uqfucj u Rniti.”

The congregation, including the Pentad, repeat, “Enyou u Rniti, uqfucj u Rniti,” the gallery humming with the sound of a hundred voices.

The congregation slowly filters out of the Gallery. The Pentad remains after even the Daijoks have left. They glance at one another, sadness in each of their expressions.

Hawk walks up to the base of Uxxok’s statue. “We did not even know Uxxok, yet I saw him battle, he was incredible. He should have been able to defeat that woman.”

“You cannot change what has already happened,” Desert says. “If Uxxok should have been able to defeat that woman, he himself would be standing here.”

Hawk looks down, “I suppose you are right.”

Desert blinks at Hawk, “You agree with me?”

“For once, yes,” Hawk says, amazed with even himself.

Santhemum walks up to Hawk and places a hand on his arm. He looks to her and feels an utter calm washing over him. ‘Thank you,’ he mouths to her. Santhemum nods, then pulls Hawk’s hand out to her. She places her sword in the palm of Hawk’s hand.

Hawk stares at the sword in his hand. He sees Santhemum has placed golden strips around the metal, most likely after having visited Makayla. He glances at Santhemum. She smiles widely, gesturing for him to sheathe the blade. Hawk smiles. He moves to draw the blade from his right hip, but then places his blade back in the sheathe.

He then moves to strap the blade to his back. His right hand holds the blade while his left quickly makes an air sheathe around the blade. He smiles to Santhemum, “For when I am dire need of it. I shall have to obtain a back sheathe shortly.”

Santhemum smiles widely again, filling Hawk’s heart with warmth. Santhemum leans in to kiss Hawk on the cheek and then pulls away. Santhemum walks out of the Gallery, leaving Hawk to wear a baffled expression, warmth rising in his cheeks.

Fox throws an arm around Hawk’s shoulders, “What a gentleman!” he says with humor. Fox leads Hawk out of the Gallery, forcing him to move his feet.

When Hawk and Fox exit through the door, Desert places a hand on Pork’s shoulder. Pork glances at Desert with rage filling his eyes. He calms once Desert shakes his head.

“One day,” Desert says.

“One day,” Pork repeats.

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