The Ember In The Dark

Chapter Ch. 35

Toni and I had spent the rest of our free period attached to one another. We would go between hugging and holding to kissing and licking. We made sure to stay out of view of other students and teachers.

Toni seemed to be the only thing keeping me grounded right now. His gentleness and caring heart were making me fall deeper in love with him. His crooked smile only filled me with more desire and hunger. He is exactly what I need right now. The moon goddess seems to really know what she's doing when she picks mates.

The rest of school was pretty eventless. 8th period came and we had new seating arrangements, which was great and not so great at the same time. I didn't have to sit with Josh, but I lost being able to sit by Toni. I was now sitting with Ash and a girl I had never met before.

She was shy and quiet. Her dark hair fell over her face covering her glasses. She seemed sweet though. Toni was with Rachel and Micheal. My poor mate. Josh ended up with Leti and another male from the football team. Myra was with a friend and a boy from the basketball team. She seemed right at home.

Ash is going to let mom and dad know about detention this week. They'll probably be upset that I won't be home in time for training. My schedule seems to be getting busier and busier. I feel like I'm drowning in it all.

Toni walked me to detention hand in hand. It was held in an old room on the far end of the building. I felt a bit nervous as we got closer.

Dex will be here with me.

"I'll come take you home after detention. It'll end around the same time as football practice. I'll text you." Toni's thumb and forefinger held my chin captive, lifting it to his lips.

We kissed like we hadn't kissed in years. It was long, passionate and hungry. I had to take a deep breath after to keep from drenching my underwear. His kisses did things to my body that had me all hot and bothered. Toni left down the hall and I watched him for a moment. A whistle had me snapping back to reality.

"That was steamy.” Dex smirked. "Can we do that too?" He leaned forward close to my face.

I took a step back, rolling my eyes. I walked into the detention room and signed in. Dex followed closely behind. I took a seat in the front, hoping if I sat near the teacher I'd be safer. Dex took a seat behind me and I realized it might have been better to sit on the last desk in the row.

He poked me with his finger for a minute. When I didn't turn around he started to run his fingers over my back, softly. It made me shiver. I caved and turned in my seat. I leaned back against the bar that welded the chair and desk together. He leaned forward a bit.

"How much do you wanna bet that old Ms. White will fall asleep in the next 10 minutes?" I just shook my head at him. "You're no fun." He pouted, sitting back in his chair.

He was right though. Within the next 10 minutes Ms. White was deeply asleep. Light snores came from her direction. Thanks for keeping a close eye on us Ms. White, really appreciate it. I sighed heavily, as I realized I was at the mercy of Dex.

"Wanna play a game?" He whispered into my ear, his breath tickled, making my ear itchy.

"Not particularly.” I deadpanned. I don't trust his games. I don't trust him at all.

"Oh come on. Please?"

He started poking me with his finger. He was trying to break me by being annoying. When poking my arm didn't work he started, rubbing his fingers on my arm. It kind of tickled, but I didn't relent. When he realized that wouldn't work he snapped my bra strap instead.

"Hey!" I yelled. Ms. White stopped snoring for a second at my yell, but fell back asleep seconds later. Dex only smiled at me.

"Let's play." He insisted.

"You're so annoying. You know that right?" I rolled my eyes.

"Eh, I've been told." He smirked. "So, you gonna play or just keep pretending to ignore me?"

I've been avoiding his eyes, only looking at his lips or the tattoos on his neck. They peaked over his turtle neck just a little. I wonder if it hurt to get that.

"Depends. What are you wanting to play?" I caved.

This is going to be a long week.

"20 questions. You have to answer honestly. I will too.” He poked my arm again and I rolled my eyes pushing further away from him.

"Fine, but you have to stop touching me." He sighed at my request.

"Fine. I'll go first." He smirked again. Something tells me I should have said no. "Why do you seem stronger than you did a couple days ago?”

"I unlocked the rest of my magic with my dragon.” I don't see the harm in telling him that. It might even intimidate him a little.

"So you have both a wolf and a dragon?"

"I believe it's my turn to ask a question.” I raised my eyebrow at him. Although I'm not really sure what to ask.

"My fault.” He raised his hands up a bit in surrender.

"Does this pearl help at all at keeping you from manipulating my mind?" I grabbed the pearl on the necklace that Eryn gave me. Dex took it in his hand and inspected it closely, bringing his face a bit too close to mine again. He smelled strongly of the ocean breeze, kind of salty.

"It makes it harder, but not impossible.” He gave me that mischievous smile of his. "Where'd you get ik

"One of my dad's gave it to me."

"One of your dad's?" He arched an eyebrow surprised.

"Yeah my mom has 3 mates." I shrugged. "Guess it's my turn again.”

He went to protest, but I held my finger up.

"You just asked me two questions. So it's my turn now. What's your deal with me?" This question has been bothering me. Why does he keep trying to get with me when he knows I have a mate?

He thought for a while, just staring at me. Knowing he would have a harder time manipulating me with the necklace, I decided to look him in the eye. He had a slight sadness about them. I'm not sure why.

"You're extremely powerful and strong. It would be to my benefit to have you at my side. It's a bonus that you're so beautiful.” He winked at me.

"Why not go after someone else that's powerful and isn't mated?" I am sure I'm not the only powerful person here.

"Because it bothers Toni so much. It kind of irks me how he hates sirens even though he is one. You can't deny yourself like that.” He shook his head, leaning back in his chair. I was kind of surprised by his answer.

It was quiet for a moment. He seemed a bit upset and I wasn't sure why. What was he thinking about? I find Dex very curious. The more I get to know him the more I realize he isn't evil, just doesn't give a fuck about anyone else. He does whatever he wants when he wants. I'm not saying he's a good guy, but he's not evil.

"What's the mate bond like? For you anyway." He leaned forward, resting his head on his hands. His question took me by surprise.

"It's hard to explain exactly. It's intoxicating really. Anytime he's around, he's all I can think about. His scent, his touch, his presence consumes every part of me. His touch brings my body to life. His kiss sends fireworks bursting through me, a spark I've never felt before. It's hard to pull away from him. All I want to do is be with him all the time. He's like this missing part of myself. I know it'll only get worse once he claims me. It'll magnify these feelings.” I didn't look at him as I spoke.

I stared at the white ceiling, picturing Toni's face. I wasn't sure I was ready to be all consumed by him. I know he's going to become my everything soon, but I'm too worried about Ash right now. I can't be consumed by Toni right now. I sighed, putting my head between my knees.

"You don't seem happy about that." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm just not sure I'm ready for that. I have a lot going on right now to be consumed by him. I know all I'l want to do is jump him anytime he's around once he's claimed me. I need to have my senses about me right now." I sighed again.

I want Toni, I do. He's perfect and kind and mine. I just can't have him right now. I told him he could claim me after the summit but now I don't know. Ash needs me. I need him to be okay.

"You're the first wolf I've met who has fought their mate bond like this." He commented, seeming impressed. It's not something I am proud of though. Poor Toni is stuck with me as a mate.

"That's not a good thing." I rolled my eyes at him, sitting back up again.

"I beg to differ. It proves your more than just your mate bond. You have a sense of self stronger than that of a god given bond." He nodded.

I didn't argue, not because I thought he was right but because I didn't want to deal with him anymore. We finished our game and I learned that Dex lived alone. He had an abusive father and when he was able to, he left home and came here.

Apparently Toni's Mom had told him to come here. She was hoping Dex would teach Toni to embrace his siren side. When Dex got here Toni pushed him away and treated him badly. I couldn't picture Toni being so rude off the bat. I guess maybe because Dex was sent by his mom, Toni didn't trust him. I could understand that, but I also felt kind of bad for Dex for a moment. I can't forget who I'm dealing with though.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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