The Ember In The Dark

Chapter Ch. 23

My alarm sounded and I wanted to beat myself up for not going to bed sooner. Toni dropped me off at my room around 10, giving me a kiss goodnight. Ash and I had stayed up talking till around 1 in the morning talking about the date. He and I were both dragging our feet this morning.

I haven't seen Charles or Eryn since yesterday evening before the date. I'm not sure what Charles is doing, probably avoiding me. He's the worst at apologies.

I know I have training with Eryn after school today so he'll probably try to make it up to me in some way. Eryn always went out of his way when he wanted to make someone feel better. He's a good guy, just being king has put too much pressure on him. He's too stressed all the time and it's taking its toll on him. I can see it in the way he's changed.

I got dressed and ready quickly, having hit snooze too many times. I bunched my hair in a messy bun and ran out with Ash. His hair was standing in many different ways and yet he still looked so handsome. He's lucky like that.

"I blame you." I told Ash as we ran towards the school.

"Me?" He asked baffled. "How is this my fault?"

"You wouldn't stop asking questions last night.”

"I can't help my curious nature.” He raised his eyebrows at me. "It's not like you were holding out on the information. You talked just as much as I did.”

I pursed my lips at him as I opened the door to the school. My eyes immediately landed on Toni, who stood dead center looking pissed. Micheal was opposite him with a smug look. I'm not sure what's happening. It honestly looks like Micheal is about to get himself killed.

"I heard she slept around with a lot of boys at her old school. Is that why you're always around her Toni? Trying to get some ass?" Micheal laughed stupidly. What's he talking about? “I mean look, she was literally in Dex's arms this weekend. She probably slept with him that night.”

He flashed his phone at Toni who took it furiously. He looked at it for a moment and the fire in his eyes only grew. What's going on?

"I wonder if she'd give me a go, if I asked.” Micheal was surrounded by a group of football players who all stared at Toni with stupid smirks.

I didn't like this feeling I was getting. It feels too familiar. Ash felt it too as he tensed up beside me. They were starting rumors about me.

Toni was seething and he punched Micheal straight in the jaw. His head spun as he hit the floor. The guys around them just watched in shock.

"Don't talk about shit you don't know. She was with me that day. Dex tried something stupid with her and I punched him just like I punched you. You try anything with my girlfriend and I'll beat you to a pulp. This is your warning, Micheal.” He crouched down as he spewed his threat. Micheal's eyes widened. "If I hear you continue to spread these rumors about her, you'll be sorry. I know your secrets Micheal and I'll spill them all.”

"What the fuck is your problem?" Micheal shouted as he got up. "You're gonna pick her over your friends. She may be fine, but no ass is worth this shit.” Micheal rubbed his jaw.

"She's more than worth losing fake friends over.” Toni deadpanned. Micheal narrowed his eyes at him realizing Toni was never really his friend.

"Let's go.” He ordered his crew behind him. They all turned and saw Ash and I at that moment. Micheal froze for just a second before he continued to walk.

I walked towards Toni, who smiled widely at me as he saw me. His smile always sent my heart a flutter.

"Are you okay?" I was concerned about him losing all his friends because of me.

"Not really, can I hug you for a moment? I need your help calming down." He held his arms out at me.

His muscles were still tense and his hands were having a hard time not balling into fists. I nodded my head at him and he grabbed me quickly. His arms wrapped around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He pulled me tightly against his chest and inhaled my scent at my neck. His nose tickled me as he breathed me in, sending goosebumps down my back. He held me for a couple minutes. I could feel everyone watching us, but I kept the blush away from my face. I don't want them to think I'm embarrassed to be with Toni.

Ash had stayed near us, just a little ways away. He watched Micheal closely from down the hall. I know he was in protective mode right now. He was developing a plan of sorts to get at Micheal. Ash can be very intelligent when it comes to revenge.

"I'm okay now." Toni whispered into my ear, and I let him go. "Thanks."

"Anytime." I had that stupid grin on my face again. The one I can never seem to wipe away when I'm with him

"What exactly did Micheal tell you? And what did he show you?" Ash asked him as soon as Toni and I separated all the way.

"Someone sent him a picture of Dex holding Rain in that glassroom of 220. It was when he had her in his spell for a moment. I had punched him after breaking the siren pull. Someone just took a picture at the wrong time. He's heard that Ember has slept around in her last school. Which I know is a lie. I also know that Micheal didn't start this. Someone else is starting these rumors, but I'm not sure who. That picture was sent to him." Toni shook his head in disbelief.

"I'll figure it out.” Ash promised us all, including himself.

The bell rang and we all headed to class. Toni walked me to my class and told me he would be walking me to all my classes now that I'm his girlfriend.

"Don't worry about my tardies. The teachers love me.” He winked at me as he left me by Mrs. Williams’ door and sprinted toward his class.

1st period flew by today. Nothing new was learned for me, so I just looked out the window. There was someone outside, coming in late. Pretty late actually. I recognized his motorcycle almost immediately... Dex.

The bell rang and I went to my 2nd period. Rachel was absent which I thought was odd. I hated being alone with the other girls. We ran laps inside with the boys so that helped make me feel less alone. Ash and Toni ran with me as we kept pace with one another.

Myra tried to run with Ash, but she couldn't keep up. Thankfully Ash wasn't interested in slowing down for her. He may be kind but he's not stupid. Myra was not happy.

Eventually the coaches had us go and change before the bell rang. I headed down to the locker room, feeling a little alone. I wish Rachel was here.

"I heard you and Toni are dating now. Is it true?" Myra's inquisitive eyes found mine

"Yes." I told her plainly.

"You better be careful, he's not what he seems.” She walked off after that.

What the heck kind of cryptic message is that? He's not what he seems? I pushed her words aside as I finished getting dressed. When I left the locker room Toni was waiting for me with Ash. I reached them, just as the bell rang.

"Ready for science?" Toni held out his hand, waiting for me to take it. Ash gave me a teasing smile while he wiggled his eyebrows.

“Quit it' I scolded him.

I nodded my head at Toni taking his hand. The familiar fireworks erupted in me as our skin touched I looked down at our interlocked fingers, a small smirk spreading across my face. He gently rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb as we walked.

"Has anyone given you any problems today?" He asked, probably thinking about the rumor this morning. I shook my head.

"No. I mean Myra annoyed me earlier, but I wouldn't say she caused me any problems.” I don't understand why I even let her words cloud my judgment for a second. Toni is exactly what he seems.

"I promise she wasn't always like this. She used to be really sweet, and kind. High School changes people and not for the better usually.” Toni sighed. I guess he felt he needed to explain why he ever dated her.

"I can't picture it." I tapped my chin, and he just laughed.

"I know it's such a crazy thought now."

I've come to notice some more small things about Toni here lately. Like the way his eyes wrinkle at the sides when he smiles real big. He also had an adorable dimple on his right cheek. These little things only add to the flutter in my chest.

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