The Elven Princess

Chapter 6 ~That is so Sweet

We talked into the wee hours of the morning… finally laying down together around five. I had to laugh at him lying on my bed! He hung off in every direction! He chuckled and said “Just snuggle with me.. We will laugh tomorrow!”

I awoke to a knocking at my door.. what in the world!? I figured I was pretty safe..all things considered.. Assassins seldom knock.. right!? Opening the door, Gavin and another guy stood there… grinning like possums eating poop.. and I’m half awake.. so cue Grumpy Cat.. “What the fuck are you doing here at the asscrack of dawn? Who’s this? Come in! I’ll make breakfast!”

Gavin laughs “This is Gamma Evan.. and it’s nine.. not the asscrack! I brought Aaron some clothes.. It’s never cool when the Alpha does the walk of shame!”

I sneer “First off.. you know what assume did!? Made an ass out of u and me? Secondly.. no way in hell am I calling this yayhoo Gamma Evan! Thirdly..and last but not least, there IS no shame in talking all night!”

By this time, fresh coffee is brewing and I have sausage frying for gravy.. eggs were scrambled, ready for the skillet and bacon on the griddle.. and mixing biscuit dough. I tell Gavin “Take the clothes upstairs.. second door on the right. If he’s not awake.. do not wake him. If he is, let him know there’s towels in the cubby in the en-suite!”

I cut the biscuits and popped them in the oven. I mixed pancakes up and started those while the gravy simmered. After six pancakes were done, I poured the eggs in the hot skillet. Then, I pulled the biscuits out..tossing them in a bread basket. Poured the gravy in a boat.. and dished up the eggs in a bowl.. plating the pancakes and bacon.

By the time I had the table set..and food on the table, Aaron was walking in and straight to me. He hugged me close… our bodies tingling from little shocks..he whispered “I woke this morning to the most beautiful scent of honeysuckle and vanilla! Now! Now I know you are mine.. for eternity..” I smiled “You smell like leather and fresh coffee!”

We sat and plated our food. Aaron says “I see you’ve met Evan” and I grin “Oh yeah! Sure! Gamma Evan and I go way back!” Evan sputters… looking like a deer in headlights “No! No, we don’t! I mean, I saw you last night.. but I didn’t talk. This is the first time I have talked. I don’t go way anywhere!” I cracked up.

Aaron shrugs and chuckles “Yeah! He does that! Catch him off guard, and he stutters and rambles.. And You, my love.. caught him off guard!” I just smile and respond.. “Well, now I know, Evan.. You realize that I’m going to do that frequently..” and he groans.

Gavin had been busy eating.. thank Goddess I made a Lot! He asks Aaron “Councilman Jeffrey called twice this morning. Second time, he demanded you call him back, at noon! Aaron scoots back a little and, in that deep voice..which I have realized it’s his dominance exertion voice “He demanded? HE demanded I call him, by noon? I will be in my office, by noon. But I won’t be calling him! Nobody demands shit from me!” Then, in a sweet, calm voice he asks me “Baby, will you move in with me? The full moon is a week from tomorrow and I would like to hold your Luna ceremony!”

Holy crap on a cracker! I’m a Luna! I am a Luna! Who’d a thunk it!? He’s watching me..and I know he’s making fun of me processing.. but it’s how I deal.. “Okay” not sure of what else I should say.. They all laughed and Evan said “That’s it? Just ‘Okay’?” I nod and smirk “Well.. yeah. I mean, it’s going to happen, anyway.. So, Okay!”

I call Ernie and Everly to come help me pack. I’m going to miss my house.. but Aaron said we’ll keep it for when we want an overnight getaway. I tell him when the assassins come again, and find me gone, they’ll probably destroy it.. so he suggests he add the town to the patrol roster! Great! A whole bunch of patrol guards pissed at me for extending their route!

We had my stuff packed in no time..and loaded into Gavin’s and Aaron’s trucks. I let him know I needed to pick up my Jeep from the restaurant..and he said Evan can drive it. Artemis doesn’t want me out of his sight.

That is so sweet!

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