The Elven Princess

Chapter 4 ~We’re Sisters For Real

Aaron’s POV ~

I followed the girl out…just in time to see her drag Amy out the back door by the hair of her head. Gavin and I ran to the door.. not sure if stopping it was the plan or watching Amy get her ass kicked! I’m going with the latter…

The girl hasn’t touched her yet..well..other than slamming Amy to the ground. She says “You think to tell Mandy that Alpha Steele was banishing her for spilling water on some numbnutz councilman! You think to make her believe she was getting fired.. knowing she is the only source of income for her mom and those kids? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Now.. I am dumbfounded as fuck! How did we get from ‘was Amy in here and a nod’ to knowing everything that was said? My reverie was broken by Amy yelling “It was her fault! She shouldn’t have gone anywhere near Aaron’s table.” I snapped “Never refer to me by my given name without Alpha in front of it! You dare disrespect me?”

The girl.. damnit! Why didn’t I get her name? She snarls at Amy “I warned you twice, Amy! I told you last time.. if you made her cry again, I would kill you.. Remember that? Well, today’s your lucky day! I won’t kill you..but you’re going to wish you were dead!”

Laughing sarcastically “What are you going to do, Shaelin? Wiggle your little elf ears and turn me to stone?” Ah! Elf! That explains a lot.

Shaelin laughs “I don’t need magic to beat your ass!” And she punched her! Not a catfight where one girl punches the other with the heel of their palm..a full on.. shoulder weighted swing from waist height..with a perfect little fist. Right in the mouth!

Stepping in, Shaelin threw a series of three punches and leaned away.. giving Amy fair chance. She shifted into her wolf! And before I could motivate myself…she lunged.. only to be caught by Shaelin and fall to the ground unconscious. “What the hell just happened?”

Shaelin.. not taking her eyes from Amy.. true warrior!… says “That? That was a stupid bitch thinking she could one-up an Elf by shifting! Otherwise known as, a pressure point coma. She’s down for a good twenty minimum!”

Gavin whistles “Holy Fuck! Handy Dandy little thing to know, right there! Would you teach me?” She looked up grinning and started to say “Surrreee” when our eyes met! This little Elf is my mate! Wait! Why didn’t I know? Holy shit! I have a mate! And she’s beautiful. Why didn’t we know?

Shaelin speaks softly “An Elf only knows when the eyes meet.. scent and touch come after.” I grin at her and ask “Will you accept me?” She grins across her whole face “Accept you? Hellz yeah! I was just fantasizing about you earlier! Well.. not, specifically.. but about finding my mate! Will you accept me?”

I smile again “Absolutely!” And Gavin picked Amy up.. walking back with us to the office. Mandy asks “Should I cancel the ambulance?” Shaelin laughs..”Yes! I want her to wake up with the headache that comes from stupidity!”

She’s funny, this mate of mine! I can’t wait to hear her story! How’d she end up here, I wonder. Not complaining! Not a bit! Just curious! Gavin links 🐺 Luna, huh? I like her! 🐺 Me too, bro!

Mandy sets the video to play and we watch the whole thing! It happened exactly like Shaelin said! I walked back out to Jeffrey “It happened exactly as we were told. Amy was the cause of it all! Good night, gentleman! I will call you when we will want to see the portal.”

Ernie and Everly walk in and ask why there’s a wolf on the sofa. Shaelin replies “That’s Amy! I warned her!” Everly shakes her head “What did you do?” Shaelin laughs and asks “Why is it always me who does it? She shifted.. and charged me.. and I convinced her to take a little nap.”

Ernie busted out laughing “Convinced her, did ya? Maybe a little PPC convincing?” She laughed and said “Should have never shown me, right!?”

He notices me for the first time “Hey, little bro! What brings you here?” I hug him responding “Getting a free dinner and A show! And meeting my mate.. which is why I saved the best for last!” He looked confused.. so I explained everything and reached my arm out for Shaelin to step into, as I finished up.

Ernie said “Oh, Little Bro! You’re in for a fun ride with this one! Never a dull moment. Always in trouble. Sticking her nose where it don’t belong! Do you see my hair? Look at all the gray I have now!? She did this to me!!” She laughed… looking at Ernie “You are such a liar! Every gray hair on your head is from old age.. and I will have you know.. I haven’t caused any mayhem for two weeks!” We all enjoyed a laugh at her expense… since I just witnessed her method of managing her unruly staff!

Everly grabbed her in a huge hug and squealed “We’re gonna be sisters for real!!”

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