The Elven Princess

Chapter 28 ~ There are Consequences

We spent the morning going over our plan. Grandma and I had prepared a speech, while Aaron and Grandpa arranged for warriors to be with us.

Word came in an hour ago that the last assassin this side of the portal had been arrested trying to get back to DullenDirk. He should be in the cells by now. Charles was given a meal and dry clothes once he was locked down.. he and Shane had been talking all morning according to the cameras.

We arrived at the portal just before noon.. knowing it was the busiest time of day for the Kingdom.. and most of the people would be out and about. We both stood in front of it, and I summoned a solar flare.. I formed a ball between my hands and started tearing chunks off.. hurling it at the portal. The reverberation could be felt throughout our entire bodies and soon enough.. a crowd was gathering at the portal.. many of them looked shocked that it even existed. That was surprising.

Grandma and I threw up a shield on our side, as she put the megaphone up to her face “As you can all see.. the reports of my death has been greatly exaggerated! I am very much alive! You have been lied to DullenDirk! Your false king has fed you lies and betrayals for over two decades! And now he is declaring war against a species who nearly wiped the elves out two centuries ago! He would have you believe you are ready to vanquish earth’s realm! It is not possible! While Alfheim has remained stagnate for two hundred years.. earth has progressed.. moved forward. You stand no chance! My name is Nimue Branson nee’ SpringLake. Only MY bloodline are the true monarchy! THAT is NOT Callan Greenleaf!”

She hands me the megaphone “Many of you know my face! As you can see.. quite clearly.. I was not ripped apart by wolves! The assassins being sent to this realm are to kill ME! My own father has ordered my assassination. The reason for that is simple… he wants his oldest son ensconced on the throne! What he doesn’t realize is the throne is not HIS to pass down!” And just as I said that.. the man himself charged the portal. He slammed into it and bounced off. “What the hell? How are you doing that!?” He yelled for his warriors to attack.. but they pulled up short when they saw all our warriors step up behind me.

I grinned at Callan “Just so you know.. a new Corellan has been chosen. Didn’t see that coming, did you? He is already in possession of the proof you murdered my mother. YOU murdered the Queen! And.. you have tried to murder me! By your own order! And by the assassins you are sending to this realm! Light Elves! Hear me Now! Throw down your arms! DO NOT participate any further in this doomed venture and I will spare your lives! Persist and you WILL perish!”

Grandma and I stepped away from the portal and dropped the shield, as we loaded back into the vehicles. The warriors started setting up camp in direct sight of the portal.. intimidation tactic.. Aaron wanted them to see an army.. en force… a visual fear for the Elves to think about.

I raced inside to the conference room.. demanding all lights to be off, I opened a mirror portal directly in Callan’s office. He was pacing.. while Hildy and Galbhor were seated. She was fretting her fingers and looked worried. Galbhor asked, sarcastically “What brilliant plan do you have now, Father? She successfully outed your lies..and we are losing the support of the people, rapidly! You need to speak to the Corellan! What did she mean by there being a new one?! Who!?”

Callan screamed “Stop your yammering! I can’t think!” And Galbhor sneers “Apparently, that has been the issue all along! Your inability to think ahead! Luckily, I don’t have that problem! Tonight.. we take down the portal. In a week or so, we will reopen it.. in a different place. We will send a hundred elves through. We do that once every couple days.. move the portal.. send elves through.. all with a specified rendezvous point.. to all meet two days before we attack!”

“The wolves will think we have given up! That could work! Excellent Gal! Good thinking!” Callan remarked, as he walked out the door. Galbhor looks at Hildegard and said “I am going to have to him killed before he fucks all our plans up! You realize that, don’t you?” She shrugs and tells him.. “as long as he doesn’t get in our way! I Will be blood Queen!”

As soon as they left the office, I closed the portal and looked at Aaron “Deceit and deception are rampant! Callan has an agenda.. Hildy has a different agenda.. and Goddess only knows what Galbhor’s agenda is! It’s more corrupt than I realized!”

He pulled me into his lap, whispering “None of this is your fault! Power corrupts, absolutely! That is what happened to Callan. He got a taste of power and got greedy! That will be his downfall! The same applies to Galbhor. Although, he is more cunning.. and more corrupt than his father ever dreamed of!”

Our head warrior linked us 🐺 Alpha? Luna? We have a problem!” Aaron links back 🐺 Expound! 🐺 “There are about a hundred and fifty Elves on their knees in front of us.. and more are coming through the portal”

We run for the vehicles with my grandparents.. reaching the portal in less than ten minutes. The entire clearing was now filled with Elves. All on their knees with their hands locked behind their heads. The universal position of surrender.

I stepped to the front of the line and yelled “Explain!” An elderly woman spoke “Your majesty, if I may?” I nodded.. telling her to speak “We can not follow King Callan, any longer. He has threatened all of us with execution if we believe what you told us. The truth is..we do believe it! Every word! We request asylum. I look helplessly at Aaron and he smiles “Asylum is granted. We must tell you the portal will be moved soon.. if there are any others.. they must move through quickly!”

The elderly woman said “My son and his family are coming through.. if someone can tell him, he will spread the word.” I nodded and asked Evan to meet the next ones out through the portal.

We rushed back to the pack and had everyone available setting tents for a temporary campground. We definitely weren’t ready to become a refugee camp. Proof positive.. for each and every action, there are consequences!

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