The Elements

Chapter Twin Unicorns

“Excuse me. Pardon. Excuse me. Excuse me. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!” I yelled at the tall guy blocking my way.

He jumped in surprise and left immediately.

Finally, me and Sparky arrived in the ballroom and we were searching for Ash and Hazel with no results until now.

“God, I now that I’m not very tall but still.” I said still annoyed by that guy.

Sparky scoffed. “If you are complaining what can I say?”

I gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry Sparks. LOOK! I can see Hazel over there!” I said excited and grabbed her hand.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad at them but I want them to meet Sparky, so tonight I’ll try to behave.

The 2 idiotic liars were in the middle of the ballroom talking and drinking something. No, let me rephrase. Hazel was talking and Ash was drinking and looking like he wants to be anywhere except here.

When Hazel saw me his face light up like a Christmas tree. “SHADOW!” he screamed and ran to me, pulling me into a bear hug. “I’m so so so so so soooo sorry! I wanted to tell you, but Mr. Grumpy wouldn’t let me!” he whined and pulled away.

I chuckled. “Okay Haz. I forgive you. Now, I want to present you my best friend Sparky!” I said and pulled her in front of me.

She was looking like a terrified deer. “Hi.”

I face palmed myself while Hazel cooed. “Awwww! She is so cute!”

“Who is she?” Ash said walking and stopping in front of Sparky.

I rolled my eyes. “How I already said, she is my best friend, Sparky.”

He studied her with his cold green eyes. Sparky stared right back at him.

I looked between them and then I looked at Hazel and he was already looking at me.

‘I totally ship them.’ he mouthed to me.

‘I ship them too. Let’s make them a thing.’ I mouthed back with a smirk.

He smirked back and nodded. “Ash, isn’t she the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?”

Ash turned his head abruptly to Haz like he just realized that he was there. “Whatever.” he said and sip from his red cup.

I rolled my eyes and Hazel cursed under his breath.

“Sparky, that’s Ash for you. And this ball full of excitement and happiness is Hazel.” I said gesturing to each of them.

“Awww! I like how you described me! And you both look drop dead gorgeous girls.” he said and put his hands on his hips to look sassy.

I laughed and Sparky blushed a little. “Thank you, and you both look drop dead gorgeous too. You rock boy.” I said snapping my fingers.

I wasn’t lying when I said he was looking good. He wears a black tux with a dark green bow with light green leafs on it. The tux hugs his tall and muscular body just perfect. Ash was wearing a black tux too, but he rolled up his sleeves. He has a yellow tie around his neck. He looked good in that tux too. To put it short, both of them we’ll have the girls on their knees all the night.

Haz smiled with pride and arranged his tux. “Thank you, S. And I know that by you both, you actually mean me, but this will be our secret.”

I laughed along with Sparky while Ash flipped him off.

“You are the most narcissist person I know Hazel, and I know lots of people but none reaches your level.” Ash said glaring at him.

“I’m not narcissist. I just love myself. You know, me myself and I.” Haz said with a smirk.

“Wow. I must recognized that I thought that you were maybe exaggerating when you said that they are always bickering, but now I see how damn right you are.” Sparky said making me chuckle.

“Good evening my dear new and old students of this wonderful academy.” Raven, the crazy principal said to gain our attention.

Everyone stopped what were they doing and turned around to look at him. He was standing on a stage holding a microphone.

“I want to start my speech by congratulating the new students. You kids made a wonderful job this year, at this exam. I knew that this year something great will happen at this exam, but you passed my expectation so much in a good way.” he said and looked at the crowed with the same crazy look in his eyes. When his gaze landed on me, a shiver ran down my spine.

“And I know for sure that the new teams will be the best we had in centuries! And with your help my dear kids, we’ll finally be able to stop the tyranny of the darks and we’ll take back what’s ours!”

Okay, he is completely insane and trust me, you would agree with me if you could see the dement look he has. His eyes were almost cruel and wild.

“But you have a long way until there. Now, I want to announce that when you touched at the exam The Door of The Ancestors, your DNA was taken in order to find out who your real parents are, because we all know that you can’t have humans parents. Anyway, the results will be send to you tomorrow in your rooms in a sealed folder. Until then, enjoy your night and try to know your team mates a little better. Oh, and every team has a different table and I’m sure you’ll figure out which one is whos. Thank you for choosing our academy.” he finished his speech and everyone clapped awkwardly.

“He’s nuts I swear.” I said and turned around to look at Sparky.

She had the same wtf look on her face. “He clearly is.” she agreed with me.

Hazel shrugged. “You get use to it.”

“The hell you are.” Ash scoffed and he looked angry, but why?

“Now, now! Let’s go to our table!!” Hazel shouted and dragged me, Sparky and Ash with him to a big round table with a sign on it that said Team Alpha in cursive letters.

At the table were already 4 guys and I recognized 2 of them as Lincoln and Sky. The others two looked familiar and they look identical.

“Oh my gosh! You two are twins!” Hazel shouted and pointed between the 2 identical guys.

The one on the left chuckled and the one on the right rolled his eyes.

“No genius, we are fucking unicorns.” the one on the right said rudely.

The other one smacked him on the back of the head. “Stop being rude and mean. I’m sorry for him. Our mother dropped him on the stairs when he was little.” he said and smiled.

I couldn’t help but laugh and took a seat next to Lincoln to my dislike. Thank God Sparky was on my left.

“Now that we all are here I’ll tell who is who. I’m River and this idiot is Flame my unicorn twin” I laughed at that and Flame glared at me “the guy next to him is Sky” he waved at us with a smile “the next one is Lincoln and he doesn’t talks much” Lincoln glared but said nothing “this cutie should be Shadow” I smiled at him and said ‘Hi’ to everyone “and the other cutie should be Spark” she smiled and waved “the grumpy guy I think it’s Ash” he glared and nodded his head “and the very friendly guy should be Hazel.”

“Yup. In all my sexy glory.” Hazel said and winked.

So it looks like we have 1 narcissist Hazel, 1 friendly River, 1 sweet and shy Sky, 1 grumpy Ash, 1 rude Flame, 1 I-can’t-choose-a-word-to-describe-him Lincoln, 1 feisty Sparky and 1 sarcastic me. Nice team.

When I saw that no one said nothing I was starting to feel awkward but I’m very anti social so I stayed silent too.

“Okay....I hope you know that you can talk and say things. I mean, we have to get to know each other. Look I’ll start. My full name is River Fall of Moonlight. I’m in year 4 and my element is water. And I’m in this team since year 2. I’m very friendly and calm even in critical situations. I like swimming and hanging out at the beach. I hope we’ll get along just fine.” he finished with a smile and looked at Flame waiting for him to start.

“What? Oh, no no. I won’t do it.” Flame said shaking his head.

“Yes, you will. Stop being anti social or I’ll put that video with you singing a whole Britney Spears song on Youtube.”

Flame groaned. “Fine. I’m Flame Flamest of Moonlight and I’m year 4. My element is fire like you already figured out and if you haven’t then you’re stupid. I’m this team since year 2. I’m rude and I get angry very fast so don’t get on my nerves or I’ll punch you in the face. I like running, basketball and box. And I don’t care if we’ll get along fine. Happy?” he asked turning to his brother.

“Very. Next one is Sky.”

Sky blushed a little. “My name is Sky Rivera and I’m year 1. My element is startshooter and I’m in this team since yesterday. I’m very shy and I like reading and writing.” he said softly almost whispered.

I heard Hazel cooing and I swear this kid is so sweet that I’m internal melting.

Sky blushed when he heard Hazel and slumped in his seat. “Next one, please.” he whispered.

I looked at Hazel to see him biting his fist to stop himself from cooing again.

“Let’s finish already. I’m Lincoln Blanche, year 1, element is snow, I’m in this team since yesterday and as you can see I’m not a people person. That’s all.” he said and crossed his arms.

“Wow, I’m more then sure that you’ll die forever alone but that’s not my business.” I said without even realizing.

Everyone started to laugh and Lincoln just glared at me. Yup, even Flame and Ash laughed.

“I like this kid. I finally found someone with smart come backs.” Flame said pointing at me.

“Thanks.” I said with a proud smirk. “I’m Shadow Renoir and this is my first year here. My element is lightning bolt and if the lights starts to flicker is because I’m angry. I’m in this team since yesterday. I’m very sarcastic and I also get angry very fast and I’m a little kinda violent when someone gets on my nerves. I like martial arts, karate the most, running, reading, listening to music, and drawing.” I finished with a smile.

“Okay, my turn. My name is Spark Shiro, but you can call me Sparky. I’m also in year 1 and I’m here since yesterday. My element is fire and I tend to set things on fire when I’m angry. I’m sarcastic and if you mess with my friends I’ll kill you with a toothbrush. Yes, I know how to kill a person with a toothbrush. I like martial arts, karate the most too, listening to music, drawing, watching anime, and reading, especially manga. And no, anime are not cartoons!” Sparky finished rolling her eyes.

“Come on, Ash. It’s your turn. I now you want.” Hazel was poking his arm to make him talk.

“FINE! Just stop! I’m Ashton Lightning of Celest and I’m year 3. I’m in this team since last year and I don’t see the point in this all presenting yourself thing. My element is lightning bolt too. I’m not a very friendly person, and some people can call me rude and mean but who cares. I finished.”

“Yass! I know you will do it. Now, now. Hi! My name is Hazel Green of Earthquake and I’m year 3. I’m here, in this great team with you all beautiful people” we all rolled our eyes at him “since last year. My element is earth and I love it. I like running, football, cooking and watching TV. One last thing. SPIDERMAN IS THE BEST. SCREW YOU BATMAN.” he yelled and jumped from his seat pointing at me.

I gasped and jumped from my seat too. “How dare you! Spiderman became Spiderman because he was lucky! Batman doesn’t have any superpowers but still is a super hero! Take that loser!”

“La la la la la la la!!! I can’t her you!!” he has him fingers in his ears trying to block me.

“Aha! You don’t want to hear me because you know that I’m right! TEAM BATMAN!!!” I yelled punching my chest.

“NOOO! Guys! Who is better? Spiderman or Batman?” he asked looking at the guys around the table.

“Raise your hand for Batman.” I said and Sparky, Flame, and Lincoln raised their hands.

“Now for Spiderman.” Hazel said and River and Sky raised their hands.

Hazel looked at Ash with puppy eyes. “Who you like the most?”

Ash shrugged. “I’m more of a Superman fan.”

I started to laugh when I saw Hazel’s face. He looked sad, hurt, betrayed.

“How dare you! I thought you are my brother!” he said hurt.

“Nope. Try cousins.” Ash said and we all started to laugh.

Things look fine for a moment. Let’s hope they’ll stay like this.

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