The Elements

Chapter Say it

“I’m going to teach you the 3 most important rules in a battle.” Ash said circling and looking at me like a predator does with his pray.

“I think I already know them, but okay.” I said without moving from my spot, but I was watching all his moves.

“Oh, really? I’m the one who will decide that.” he said and lunged at me.

I quickly dodged out of his way and watched amused how he fell on the ground. “Rule number one: Never be the one who attacks first. Let them come to you.” I said with a smirk that vanished when he lunged at me again, this time succeeding in taking me down.

“Rule number 2: Don’t underestimate your opponent. Ever.” he was the smirking one now and I was glaring at him while trying to wiggle from under him.

How could I be so stupid? Of course he’s not an easy opponent. He has way more experience than me in combat, but no my sorry was had to find out the hard way.

I kept trying to wiggle myself out when an idea formed in my head. I grabbed his waist and with a sharp move I brought him down in my place with me on top of him. Once I wasn’t the one in disadvantage anymore, I didn’t hesitate to send different punches to his face, but he dodged them all with his fast reflexes. I was starting to get frustrated when he suddenly pushed both my shoulders with all his strength and sent me flying through the air and i hit the ground with a wince. I quickly got up and raised my guard back up.

“Not bad.......for a beginner. With this moves, it’s a miracle if you make it past the first combat round.” he said with a smirk which angered me to no end.

Okay, that’s it.

I felt my blood booking in my veins and with a growl I ran towards him and threw a fake punch to his face. He fell in my trip and covered his face, leaving his stomach in the open and I quickly kicked him with all my strength. He gasped and flied in the nearby tree. I didn’t let him to recover and threw another punch to his face, smirking when I heard a crack. I was about to throw the second punched when he grabbed and pulled me in the tree head first. I had a sense of déja vu when I started to see black spots, but I refused to lose consciousness this time and instead I suddenly turned around when he had his back at me and kicked him in his left temple. He fell to the ground and stopped moving.

“Rule number 3: Don’t turn your back to your opponent. Ever.” I said and walked up to him.

He was barely able to keep his eyes open, but he still had it in him to smirk at him. “You got me this time, I must admit. Nice moves, S. I wasn’t expecting you to be able to even land a punch on me, so I am more than surprised with this outcome. But good job. Keep working like this and you’ll beat the shit out of them all.”

I smiled proudly at him. “Thank you very much.”

“OH, ROCKS. DAMN IT GIRL! I can’t believe that you beat Ash. You really are awesome.” Haz said while helping Ash to stand up.

“Nor do I. But please tell me where did you learn those moves? How did you know to land those punches or kicks because those weren’t a newbies product. No newbie can kick like that. Not that bad ass side kick.” Ash said and popped his nose back to its space making me cringe at the image.

“That is for me to know and for you to never find out. And that” I said and pointed at his nose “was very disturbing.” I made a face and walked back inside to take a well deserved shower.

I walked back to my room and scrunched my nose when I smelt how bad I smell of sweat. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower. When the warm water hit my back, I realized how sore my muscles really were. I stayed in the shower until my fingers became prune and only then I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself into a fluffy tower.

Like Ash said, the once empty walk-in closet was now full with my old clothes from home. I started to fell uncomfortable again when I thought of home. That place isn’t my home anymore and I won’t ever see it again. I have to accept the idea and move on, but the thought was still making me feel sad. Even if it wasn’t at the normal intensity, but it still was.

I shook my head to stop the depressing thoughts and I decided to wear a pair of grey shorts with a loose white t-shirt. With every move I make, I fell my muscles hurting and after long and agonizing 10 minutes I managed to get myself dressed. I debated if I should go down and eat something or stay here and sleep.

Hmmm. I’ll go to bed because I don’t think I can make it to the kitchen.

With that been said I climbed in my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep.


“SHADOW! WAKE UP! TODAY WE’RE HAVING A MOVIE MARATHONE!!!” someone yelled and jumped on my bed and on the other things that where in it, including myself.

When he saw that I wasn’t going to move, I heard him walking to the bedroom door. I sighed in relief thinking that he will let me sleep, but I was very wrong. I hear the sound of his rapid footsteps and he jumped on top of me.

All the air rushed out of my lungs and I was grasping my pillow for my dear life.

“I said you need to wake up!!!” and after every word he would jump on me.

Somehow, I was still alive and breathing and I managed to whisper a breathless “Stop.”

“Okay. I want you down in 10 minutes or I’ll jump on you again.” Hazel pointed 2 fingers to his eyes and then at me before he walked out of the room.

I groaned and hide my face into the pillow. “Why I can’t sleep without someone jumping, poking or biting me?? Why? Stupid Hazel.” I yelled angrily and raised my head when I heard a deep chuckle.

Ash was standing in the door way with his red nose and a bruise on his temple.

“He usually isn’t like this, but I think he’s happy that he has someone else except me to hang out with.” he said and his voice was rough like he just woke up.

“He’s crazy. That’s for sure.” I said and walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

After 10 minutes I was as fresh as a daisy and I walked downstairs to see what movies we’re going to watch at the marathon.

I sighed. I hope that I won’t be bite or poked this time.

“S! You arrived just in time! We’re watching Spiderman! All movies that were ever made about him! Now sit down, eat, and watch my favorite hero doing his job!!” A very excited Hazel said and pushed me on the sofa next to Ash.

“I’ll stay just because you have food. Sorry, but I’m in team Batman. I not a huge fan of Spiderman.” I said and started to dig into the waffles in front of me.

“You shouldn’t have said that.” Ash said with a sigh.

Haz gasped. “I will make you change your mind! After all this movies you’ll love him as much as I do! Just wait and you’ll see.”

I decided to stay silent and leave him alone in his bubble of excitement. He will never stop me from loving Batman. EVER.

“I swear on my mark Hazel, if you don’t put me down right NOW, I’m going to kill you with my bare hands!!” I said trying not to stop myself from vomiting.

We watched all 5 Spiderman movies and at the very end of them all he asked me was if I changed my mind. Of course I said no and he decided to torture me until I’ll say that I love Spiderman. So, here I am, all wrapped in a blanked and I don’t even know how he did it, but he tied me upside down, by the luster with a freaking blanked! I didn’t even know that someone can do that! But he just did it!

“Not gonna happen, S. Say the words and you’re free.” he said in a serious tone and crossed his arms.

“Never. Now let me down.”

“NO. Say it, S! SAY IT!” he yelled and walked closer to me.

“NEVER!! BATMAN FOREVER!” I yelled back at him.

“Then I hope you can sleep upside down because I’m not gonna free you until you say it.”

“Pwease!!” I said and pulled out the puppy eyes card.

“HA! It won’t work! Not when we’re talking about Spiderman!”

It looks like I have to play dirty. Very well, he asked for it. Time to pull the big guys out.

I kept my puppy eyes, but I added a pout and my eyes begin to water. The crying always makes guys freak out.

“Pwease. I don’t like it in here. I’m scared and my head hurts Haz.” I said as tears started to fall on the floor, which it was very weird because they were streaming down my forehand instead of my face, but whatever.

Hazel’s eyes widen and he started to shake his head. “No, no, no, no, no. Please don’t cry! Just stop and say the words and you’ll be free!” he tried to make me say it, but I’m too stubborn to give in.

“PWEASE!!! PWETTY PWEASE LET MY DOWN!!” I yelled starting to sob.

Now he has his hands in his hair pulling slightly at it with a conflicted look on his face.

“What are you two doing? And what’s with that crying I heard from upstairs? Is ev-” Ash said and stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the living room and saw us.

Hazel looked more scared than ever and I took this as a chance to be free.

“Ash, he-e tied me up and he won’t let me go, a-and I’m scared when I’m upside down. Help me, pwease.” I said still crying.

He looked at me with questioning eyes before he turned to Hazel. “Free her. NOW.” he growled at him and when Hazel heard the growl, he ran and started to untie me.

“I can’t believe it didn’t work.” he mumbled under his breath.

“I told you I won’t say it. And you ar-AUCH!” I winced when he let me fall on the floor face first.

“Did you said something? I couldn’t hear you.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I growled at him while getting up. “I’m going to kill you little mother-”

“LANGUAGE!” Ash yelled when I was about to compliment Hazel.

“The only mother” “BEEP” Ash yelled blocking out Hazel “here is you, little lady! How can you say that Spiderman is a superhero just because he was lucky!! It wasn’t luck when the spider bite him! It was fate!” Hazel said his eyes glazing.

I scoffed at him. “Fate my ass! It was pure luck! Now shut up! My head hurts!” I said and grabbed my head with my hands.

“Yes, it hurts beca-”

“ENOUGH!” Ash screamed and silenced both of us. “Hazel, go and start your daily training. Shadow, go to sleep because tomorrow I will kill you at practice!”

Me and Hazel were still glaring at each other but stopped when Ash screamed “NOW!”

I walked back into my room mumbling and cursing under my breath.

Stupid Hazel. Stupid movie. Stupid Spiderman. Stupid blanket. Stupid luster.

Instead of going to sleep, I decided to talk a little with Arnold.

“Hey, Arnold! How was your day? Mine could’ve been better. The best thing that happened to me today, was that I ate as much food as I wanted, but I thought that I will vomit everything. Thank God, that it didn’t happened because I would’ve been very hungry right now. So anyway how was your day?” I rambled while staring out of my window and seating next to Arnold.

“Come on, Arn! I don’t think it was that bad. Oh, look at the stars! They shine so bright and they’re so beautiful! And free, but too bad that they’re already dead. How can something dead be so beautiful?” I said and actually thought about it.

Maybe because the most beautiful things don’t last forever? If that’s true, how long my happiness will last? How long this beautiful moments with my friends will last?

I sighed and turned around. “I’m going to sleep Arn. See you tomorrow!” I said and kissed one of his many leafs.

Now, that he is a mini tree, he looks cuter than before. His once long branches are now shorter than my hand and his leafs, which some of them were bigger than my hand, are now shorter than my palm. He was towering over me, but now we switched the roles. The only thing that stayed the same was that he still is my best friend.

Sometimes I wonder, how it feels to have a normal best friend? With legs and arms instead of branches, and hair instead of leafs. All I could do is to hope that one day, I’ll make a normal best friend. Until then, I’ll wait patiently.

With that last thought, I climbed in my bed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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