The Elements

Chapter Finally, a smart one

“What? You have the same element as me?” I asked full of disbelief.

“Yes. Do I have to spell it for you to understand?” Ash said with an attitude.

“Cut that attitude! Can you blame her? In 3 days her whole life turned upside down. Calm the fuck down a little!” Hazel said surprising me.

“Whatever.” Ash said and rolled his eyes.

What’s his problem? Is he bipolar or something? This guy is too much for me.

“Haz, let him be. I don’t care about his attitude. Now, can you please gave me a towel because I’m freezing here.” I said as I started to tremble.

“You don’t need a towel. Just stay still.” doc said and turned to face me.

I raised one eyebrow as he moved his hand from left to right in my direction and suddenly, I was all dried.

“What the actually fuck was that now?” I sighed tiredly. I wanted answers and all I’m receiving more question. My head hurts from all this new things.

“That kiddo, was my power. I’m an elementar who can use the element fire. That’s how I did it.” he said and looked at me patiently, waiting for my reaction.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “But I thought that you were a snow element. I mean your name and hair....” I trailed off confused.

His eyes sparkled in excitement. “Finally, a smart one. Okay, I lied. My element it is snow, but I wanted to see if you can figure it out. In reality I used my magic to change your clothes and dry you.”

I sighed and seated myself on the floor. “Okay, so you can control an element and you have magic powers too?”

“Yes!” he yelled excited.

“S, all of us can control an element, some of us have magic powers too, and some of us have special powers like mind reading.” Haz enlighten me.

“Okay. Do I have magic powers or a special power? And we can do something else? Something I don’t know about.” I said a little irritated and cracked my knuckles.

He laughed at my irritated face. “We don’t know if you have any other power but we’ll find out. And we can fly and teleport between different dimensions. And stop doing that! It’s bad for your joints!”

“I can fly? That’s so awesome!” I yelled in excitement, completely ignore the joints comment.

Doc came and smacked my head. “Yes, you can and you should listen to him. We may be super healthy, but this can still weaken your joints.”

“Okay.” I said with a pout as I rubbed the spot where he hit me.

“Oh, oh, oh, OH!! Shadow you need to show us your jewel!” Haz said and his eyes twinkle.

“My jewel?”

“By jewel he means your mark. Everyone has one. It has the form of your element and it was used to identify what element a person has, but we don’t do that anymore. Only in some schools kids have to keep their marks on show or when the royals give a decretal which is quiet rare. The mark is usually placed on the forehead between the eyes, but it can also appear on another part of the body. It depends on each person and the ones who don’t have their marks on their foreheads are stronger then the ones who do.” Ash said with a glare thrown in Haz’s direction, most likely for his choice of words.

“Hell yeah! Of course I want to see mine!” I said excited.

“First you need to let it show, S.” Haz said amused.

I snorted. “I would if I’d know how, you genius!” I said and glared at him.

“Stop glaring is bad for your eyes, and to let it show you have to think about your inner Elementar.”

“Okay. I’ll try.” I closed my eyes, so I could concentrate better, because those idiots weren’t helping me by staring at me.

I opened my eyes when I heard them gasping.

“What? What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” I said starting to panic a little.

Doc shook his head no and pointed at the mirror, which was behind me. I turned around and gasped. On the left side on my face, next to my temple, was a silvery-white lighting bolt. The color was gorgeous and it looks almost neon. The lightning bolt had its usual sharpness since it’s a destructive element, but it looked so delicate and elegant at the same time. I’m a little afraid that I will rub it off when I wash my face because it looks so good, and unreal.

“It’s so beautiful.” I said whispered as I stared at it in the mirror. It looks good on me, like it was suppose to be there.

Haz came next to me and started to jump up and down like a fangirl on level 9999. “S, pwease, let me touch it!!!” he said and pulled out the puppy eyes card.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm. “Okay, but if you destroy it, I’ll kill you.”

“I’ll take the risk. At least I’d die happy.” he said and started to trace the contour of my mark.

“Kiddo! Do you remember what Mr. Grumpy told you about the mark position, right?” doc said and flashed a sheepish smile at Ash when he received a glare from the mentioned grumpy guy .

My eyes widen in realization. “Oh my, shit. This means that I’m powerful?”

“Yes, S! That’s so awesome! My friend is one strong motherfucker!” Haz said and hugged me.

I swear, he is happier than me. I’m still shocked and worried at the same time.

“This means that we have to enroll you in the academy as soon as possible. Now, let’s go at the third floor where we can write you on the entry list.” Ash said and took mine and Haz’s wrist dragging us to the exit.

“Bye doc! Thanks for helping me!” I yelled and waved my free hand at doc.

He chuckled and waved back. “Bye kiddo! Good luck for what’s next! You’ll need it.”

I was about to ask him what he meant, but Ash closed the lab door. He keep dragging us until we arrived in the elevator.

“Can you tell me what this academy is?” I asked when none of them informed me.

Ash was the one who explained me. “The Elementar Academy for the gifted Elementars, is actually a kind of a school where you learn how to use your element without killing someone or even yourself. Just the most strong and talented elementars are accepted there.”

“And do you think I’ll be admitted there?”

“Yes, because the mark is a sign that you are strong, but you’ll have to take an exam in order to see in which category you fit.”

I was confused. “What do you mean? We are not separated by our elements?”

“No, Potterhead. You see, in order to protect this world, we are grouped in teams from A to Z. This exam will show in which team you fit or if you are a strategy elementar. Those one can’t threw a punch to save their lifes.” he said and shook his head.

“So the strongest one is team A?” I was, for some reasons, very curious.

He thought a little before he answered. “Yes and no. They are the strongest from the ordinary Elementars, but the best and the strongest is Team Alpha or how people call them The Elements.”

I was fascinated by this Team Alpha. “And how many elementars are in Team Alpha?”

He looked at me with amusement in his eyes. “Curious, aren’t we?”

I gave him a sheepish smile.

“Unfortunately, Team Alpha doesn’t exist anymore. They were the strongest Elementar that have existed for the past centuries and they were very close to winning the war, but all the members died 7 years ago. Since then, no one was considered powerful enough to be part of that team. That’s why the academy held this test every semester. They think that maybe new talents will appear and Team Alpha will become a thing again.” he said and looked thoughtful.

I hesitate for a second. “D-do you think I could be enrolled in Team Alpha?” I asked in a small voice.

Both of them stared at me, but each one for a different reason. Hazel stared at me in disbelief, but Ash stared like my question wasn’t crazy at all.

“To be honest, I think you can. I mean, first you made the lights flicker before accepting your power, and that really is something, your element is a rare and strong one, and now your mark. I think you have a chance.” Ash said and I could see the honesty in his deep green eyes.

“But first we need to find out about your parents. They must be some important persons and powerful because there’s no way you could’ve inhered this power from some ordinary Elementars.” he continued.

I looked at him in confusion. “My parents? I don’t think they’re Elementars. I mean, yeah, they are pretty smart since they work at the hospital as doctors, but their physical strength is nonexistent.”

Ash and Hazel shared a look.

“You tell her or I tell her?” Ash asked Haz.

“You tell her! Last time when I tried to tell her something like that she hit my jewels. And I really like my jewels, thank you.” Haz said with a serious face.

Ash rolled his eyes and turned to me. “They aren’t your real parents. You need to have Elementar parents to be born as one, S. You can’t be turned into one, you’re either born one from Elementar parents or you’re not, but that’s not your case.” he said softly.

Did you ever felt like your whole world goes down in burning flames? Did you ever felt like the ground disappeared from under your feet and you’re just there, kind of floating?

My parents aren’t really my parents?

They lied to me my whole life? Why?

How they found me?

Who and where are my real ones?

Why they left me?

My head was full of questions, but my thoughts were interrupt by the bing of the elevator, signaling us that we arrived at floor number 3.

Ash sighed. “I know this is a big information for you to sink in, but try not to overthink everything. There is and there was a war taking place when you were born. They could have done this to protect you. We’ll find out what happened, okay?” he said softly while we exited the elevator.

I nodded my head, hearing his words, but not actually understanding and processing them

“Okay. Now, Hazel take her and go and take a seat over there while I complete the enroll paper.” he said and walked to the reception desk.

Haz pushed me slowly to the sofa when he saw that I wasn’t going to move from my spot.

“Come on, S. Calm down, take a seat and relax. How Ash said, we’ll find out what happened, okay?” he said and pushed me to seat down.

“Okay, but-”

“No buts or ifs. It doesn’t matter what we find out! You still are a badass, strong motherfucker with an awesome mark. I think they had a good reason when they did it and stop overthinking. I can hear the wheels in your head moving and it’s annoying. Stop it.” he said and punched me playful in the shoulder.

I chuckled at his silliness. “You know you act very childish for your age. How old are you by the way. Oh, and what’s your full name?” I asked suddenly very curious.

He laughed. “I’m not childish.” he said and pouted “And I’m 19 years old. My name is Hazel Earthquake nice to meet you, ma lady.” he made a reverence.

I giggled. “Nice to meet you too. Even your name has a connection with your element.” I said when I realized that.

“Yes, because that’s how it is in our world. Our names are connected with our element and people can tell only by our name what element we have.”

“But how did your parents know what element you have? They had to know your element before they named you.”

“When an Elementar is born, a clairvoyant is present to see what the baby’s element is.”

Another supernatural being to be added on my ’THEY EXIST” list.

I wanted to ask what other creatures exist, but Ash came to us and told us, or more likely order us to leave. He looked angry for some reason.

“Ash, why are you angry?” I asked after the elevator doors closed.

He started to glare at the poor doors. “The exam is in 1 month.”

I looked at him confused. “So you are angry because.....”

“Because I don’t have enough time to prepare you! That’s why!” he yelled at me.

For some reason I got angry too. “So what?! It’s not like you are the one taking the exam! And stop yelling at me like I’m some 5 years old good for nothing kid!” I yelled back at him.

Hazel was glancing between me and Ash, while this idiot was glaring at me and I could see his nostrils moving fast because of his anger.

“No, I’m not the one who will take the test, but I’m the one who will train you! And I don’t want people to believe that I’m a shity trainer when you die in there!” he said in a calm tone. A too calm tone if you ask me.

It kind of hurt that he doesn’t believe in me, and he saw it because his face soften and he opened his mouth to probably console me, but I stopped him before he could.

“S, I didn’t-”

“Keep it.” I said in a dead tone and walked out of the elevator when it stopped at the first floor.

To walk outside you have to pass the reception desk, where my not-so-dear-friend Tiffany was standing.

She smirked and studied my face. “I don’t see any mark on your face. Do they finally realized that you don’t deserve one?” She couldn’t see my mark because he was on my right, while my mark was on the left.

I smirked and turned my head to shown her my mark. “Sorry bitch, I can’t hear you because of all this hating.” I said and walked out of the building, leaving a pale Tiffany behind.

I leaned against the car while I waited for Haz and the idiot to arrive. Finally, after 4 minutes and 48 seconds they arrived.

Yes, I counted.

Ash unlocked his car and I hopped in the backseat because I didn’t want to see his face right now. When they saw where I was staying, Ash sighed and Hazel chuckled then groaned when Ash smacked him on the back of his head. Hazel tried to make conversation and he asked me about my test, but stopped shortly when he saw that I was giving him just yes and no answers.

In our way home, I promised myself something.

I’ll show you all ,what I can really do. Just wait and all you motherfuckers will see.

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