The Educator

Chapter 39: 39

I sigh. My hands are in my hair as my elbows rest on the vanity. I look down at the floor. Elliot and I have only been married for two weeks and so much has been happening. This is one of those times when I wish that time would stop, let me take a breath and just let me absorb everything and everyone who has come my way. Let me enjoy what I thought was a good moment. Let me enjoy the first few parts of being married.

Elliot places his palms on my shoulder, "Eli, this is not the life I intended for us, needless to say, not the honeymoon I planned. I will make it up to you after everything" he tells me. He places a soft kiss on my head and leaves.

"Yeah, me too" I whisper to myself

The next day, our laundry came in early and I start packing our things. Elliot started helping me by collating all gadgets and its respective chargers. He gathers all bath products and places them in the small hand carry. Our clothes are laid out on the bed. "Alright, Alex. We need the car ready to pick us at the airport to the condo. Our plane lands at ten in the evening. I need security to be set and finished by six o'clock later tonight. I don't want my wife to worry" he speaks over the phone.

I leave one of the luggage open for our used clothes once we start preparing for our flight. We're set to leave the hotel no later than two o'clock in the afternoon. It's already eleven and once I finish, I take a quick shower and Elliot follows right after. I wear a simple black dress and a denim jacket with a matching black body bag. I brush my hair and Elliot emerges from the bathroom. He dries himself as I apply my make-up. I try my best not to look at him whilst naked, although it wouldn't be such a bad idea at this point. Elliot wears a paint of black jeans and a plain white button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He finishes with a pair of black leather shoes. He runs his fingers through his hair quickly and says, "You ready?"

I take one last look in my mirror and pack up my kit. We check our luggage and call a service to get our things. Once we get to the lobby, we check out and ride the car to the airport. We arrive at airport at around one thirty in the afternoon. We have plenty of time to spend at the lounge as we wait for our flight. Elliot and I arrive at Changi airport at ten in the evening exactly. A black BMW series seven is waiting for us at the pick-up bay. Once our things were placed at the backseat, we drive home. We stop by a grand building, fully lit with only ten floors. Each floor corresponds to a certain owner and can only access that specific level with an identification key. Elliot and I stop of the top most floor. The elevator doors open to the view of Singapore. The unit was two-storey. Furniture was already placed but it lacked something, which is the reason why I added to my cart on Crate and Barrel. I walk with Elliot to the rooms to the second floor. We place our luggage in the other rooms. I lay on the bed still in my flight clothes. Elliot sets down electronics bag on the wooden table in front of the bed and under the hanging flat screen. "Take a rest before you shower" he tells me.

I sigh, "Yes, sir!" I roll over to my side and stretch out. Elliot starts setting up his laptop, pulls out all of our phones and tablets and starts trinkling with them. "What are you doing?" I ask him as I sit up

"Giving the phones access to the Wi-Fi" he tells me. Once Elliot was done, he takes off his clothes and walks to a small hallway which I failed to notice when we entered the room. Mt eyebrows meet in the middle again. I stand and follow him. The small hallway on the side of the bedroom door leads to the bathroom. The bathroom is naked, unfinished but finished. Elliot takes a shower and I walk over to the vanity. We each have our own mirrors and sinks..

"We can go shopping tomorrow for the things we still need for the house. Like more pillows, fill-up your vanity with whatever you use on your face, we can get a dog or something for the house too" My eyes widen, "A dog? Really?" I smile at him

He laughs, "Sure. But we'll get him or her last. After we finish shopping" he tells me.

"Thanks, Elliot" I smile at him

"Anything for you" he says. Elliot is covered in suds and I suddenly have the urge to take off my clothes and join him. I walk over to him under the shower. He smiles down at me and starts covering me with suds as well.

"Mmmmm" I close my eyes and turn my back to him. We rest under the shower, he places his head on my shoulder and we start to sway slowly.

"Eli?" he calls out my name. I let out a soft moan and he says, "I will do everything to protect you, you know that right?" I let out a soft moan again and nod. We share a very intimate moment in the shower, letting our troubles be carried by the water.0000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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