The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 75


Exiting Elsa’s guest room, I’m on my phone, wrapping up a conversation. ‘That sounds great, Adam. Thanks for your help… Yes, I’ll call you tomorrow. This is a temporary number… bye.’

After ending the call, I find Elsa in the kitchen, diligently slicing fruit. Staying at her place has been like a balm to my wounded soul. Elsa’s been nothing short of amazing

The aromatic mix of strawberries, kiwi, and pineapples calls to me, making my stomach growl audibly. Elsa’s eyes dance with mischief as she glances over. ‘Hungry, are we?’

“I’m starving,’ I reply, feeling a deep hunger gnawing at me.

Elsa looks up, one eyebrow arched. ‘Why are you always so hungry lately?’

‘Blame it on the hormones,’ I laugh, reaching for a slice of kiwi.

‘ I guess.” Elsa’s eyes sparkle with curiosity. ‘Speaking of which, who was that on the phone?’

‘Oh, just Adam,’ I reply cool, easing into a kitchen chair.

‘Who’s Adam?’ She pauses, tilting her head.

I can’t help but grin. ‘He was my first kiss back in Rutland.’ The memory of that innocent kiss still sends a flutter through my stomach.

‘He what?’ Elsa’s eyes widen in surprise.

I lean back, laughing. ‘Yes, he gave me my first kiss. It’s true. It was such a fleeting moment.’

‘Why’s he calling you now? Heard you might be single soon?’ Elsa’s tone is playful but probing.

‘Chuckling, I grab another strawberry. ‘He’s helping me scout a location for my café in Rutland.’

Elsa’s interest doesn’t wane. ‘Is he married?’


‘And is he… attractive?’

I smile, a warm feeling spreading through me. ‘Yeah, he is…still quite the sight.’

‘The thought of Adam, and the possibilities he represents, offers a rare moment of lightness amidst the chaos of my life.

‘Date him,’ Elsa says, her gaze intense and serious.

I’m taken aback. ‘What?’

‘Now’s your chance. Date him,’ she urges. “Adam might be just the change you need.’

‘But I’m still legally married,’ I protest, the reality of my situation weighing on me.

‘Do you want to move on from Duke?’ Elsa’s voice softens.

I look at Elsa, her face expectant, clearly awaiting my reaction. ‘Yes, I would love to,’ I admit, the thought both liberating and scary.

‘Then see Adam,’ she encourages.

I’m momentarily stunned by Elsa’s straightforwardness. Sure, Adam was a great guy, but dating him? That thought had never crossed my mind.

‘I’m not sure,’ I hesitate, unsure about jumping into something new.

‘Dating Adam might be good for you,’ Elsa says, eyes sparkling with mischief, ‘Might help you put Duke behind.’

I shake my head.

Elsa’s eyes are alight with excitement. ‘It’ll be fun. Invite him here, find any reason.’

I shake my head, still unsure. ‘I don’t think I should…’

She tilts her head, her playful demeanor not letting up. ‘I could reach out to Adam for you.’

I laugh, trying to brush off her insistence, but I can tell she’s serious. ‘Elsa, seriously? Why are you so invested in this?’

‘You’ll thank me later,’ she says confidently. ‘You’ve got a whole life ahead. You need to start living it.’

Right then, the phone rings. Elsa goes to answer it, leaving me with my whirlwind of thoughts. She comes back with a smirk. ‘It’s Duke.’

My heart skips a beat. ‘Really?’

She laughs. ‘No, it’s Jordan.’

I quickly take the phone. ‘Hello, Jordan…’

‘Hey, Aisling. Listen, I need to postpone our meeting to next week,’ Jordan says.

‘Why?’ I ask, a sense of disappointment creeping in.

‘I talked to Duke. He’s meeting Dad on Friday to discuss everything.’

‘What’s he hoping to achieve with that?’ I wonder aloud.

‘Your guess is as good as mine,’ Jordan replies.

After hanging up, I return to the kitchen, feeling a storm of emotions. ‘Duke’s meeting with Dad on Friday.’

‘For what?’ Elsa asks, concern etched on her face. ‘What could Duke possibly want now?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe to change his mind?’ I speculate, crossing my arms protectively over my chest.

“He must be up to something.”

‘I need to call my mum,’ I decide, feeling the need to brace myself for whatever Duke’s meeting with my father might bring.

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