The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 70

‘All afternoon, she’s just been on her laptop, searching about generational curses,’ I tell Geneva on the phone, as I pace on the balcony of Aisling’s penthouse.

I’ve just arrived in Rich Oaks and was immediately hit with Aisling’s tears and endless questions.

‘She’s not believing us?’ Geneva’s OK sounds shock OK.

‘No, she’s convinced there’s a curse,’ I admit.

‘What’s happening with her?’ Geneva sounds concerned.

‘I’ve said everything I could to her,’ I reply, frustration building inside me.

‘Don’t push her. She won’t understand. Where did she go?’ she asks.

‘She stepped out to the pharmacy for some painkillers,’ I say, the image of Aisling looking pale and dehydrated burned into my mind.

‘She’s still not well?’ Geneva presses.

‘Did you see her on the video call this afternoon? She looked so pale,’ I remind her.

‘Yeah, she did.’

‘She’s planning to see a psychic to confirm the curse,’ I say, in disbelief

‘Let her. We can’t stop her,’ Geneva says, resigned. ‘And she mentioned something about you.’

‘What did she say?’ I ask, apprehension creeping in.

‘She brought up your adoption, suggesting it’s because of the curse,’ I explain, my voice shaky.

‘Aisling said that?’

‘Yes,’ I confirm, feeling the weight of her words.

‘So she thinks our family is cursed because of my story?’ Geneva sounds disheartened.

‘Exactly,’ I reply. ‘You should talk to her.’

‘When should I do it? Wait for her return?’

‘That’s probably best,’ I suggest, hoping it might help.

‘Have you spoken to Malcolm about this?’ Geneva’s tone turns stern.

‘Not yet,’ I admit, feeling my nerves.

‘Elena!’ Geneva’s exasperation is evident.

‘I’m not sure what he’ll do,’ I say, feeling small and helpless.

‘What’s scaring you?’ She asks determined to peel back the layers of my fear.

‘Everything,’ I admit, feeling the panic rise. ‘Malcolm might tell Aisling to leave the marriage. That’s not what we want!’

‘But isn’t that Aisling’s plan already?’ she points out, her tone sharp, cutting through my thoughts.

I sigh, ‘Aisling might reconsider, but Malcolm could escalate things. It could get really ugly, Geneva.’

‘So what if it does?’ she challenges me, not backing down.

‘Accusing his daughter of being under a fertility curse is no small thing. Malcolm won’t let it slide,’ I explain, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

‘He shouldn’t let it slide,’ Geneva agrees, her voice strong. ‘You need to call him, Elena. Or should I?’

‘No, no. I’ll do it,’ I say quickly, the idea of Geneva intervening making me even more anxious.

‘You have until tomorrow morning at seven,’ she warns me. ‘Call him or I will.’

‘I need to think it over,’ I say, trying to buy some time.

‘I spoke with Anne,’ Geneva suddenly drops another bombshell.

‘You did what?’ My heart races in shock.

‘I called her. I told you I would,’ she says, unapologetically resolute.

‘Geneva, but…’ I stutter, my mind racing to catch up with her actions.

‘I told you I wasn’t going to stay silent,’ she insists, cutting through my attempts to explain. ‘You said to wait, but this mess blew up just yesterday.’

‘Elena, this is absurd. How can you expect me to stay calm about such nonsense?’ she demands, her anger vibrating through the phone.

‘I wanted to sort things out first, to focus on Aisling. She’s saying she doesn’t want to be married anymore,’ I try to explain, my voice laced with desperation.

‘And she’s right,’ Geneva fires back. ‘I’ve already spoken to her, and frankly, it felt good to say my piece.’

‘Geneva, this isn’t something we can just negotiate,’ I warn her, my voice taut with worry.

‘We’re both a little crazy, aren’t we?’ she laughs, but there’s an edge to it.

‘We need to figure this out. Just please, hold off for a bit,’ I plead, my voice quivering.

‘This whole situation is sickening, Elena. It’s completely insane,’ Geneva vents, her frustration palpable.

‘I know, I’m asking you, just a bit more patience,’ I beg, feeling the situation slipping away from me.

‘I guess I can try,’ she finally says, her voice softening.

‘You’ve already called her. Now everything’s going to erupt into chaos, and I wasn’t ready for it,’ I say it, feeling really scared. Thinking about what’s going to happen, especially the mess that might come from Geneva’s call, makes me shiver.

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